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关 键 词:
自动化 立体仓库 立柱 堆垛 结构设计 cad 图纸 源文件

下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985摘 要经过短短几十年的发展,堆垛机就变成了当今物流系统中的高层货架仓库的主要装卸设备,它可以使用全自动化控制系统,作业环境即便很恶劣也不受影响。堆垛机是一种工作效率高,保证准确性,半自动化甚至全自动化的仓库存取货物电气设备。由于它的结构特点,它可以在三维空间内运动,能够到达更广的范围,充分利用仓库空间。在生产成本难降低、生产效率难提高的窘迫形势下,公司管理层发现生产物流对盈利的重要性。生产物流是从原材料开始,经过一道道加工工序,然后形成半成品或成品,存库或运送到客户的手中的过程。当然,这个过程中货物需要储存。作为物流重要“核心零件”,自动化立体仓库不仅仅准确存取货物,存取方便,加快在生产和仓库间的货物周转,而且能极大地提高储藏容量,科学管理,足够满足现代公司商品流通的要求。存取货物过程自然少不了运输车,而堆垛机作为其中最常见的运输车,能快速储藏货物,并存档,以便准确取出。当下,国内自动化立体仓库技术尽管和发达国家相比还有一定差距,但正追赶国际顶级水平,也许不日齐平甚至超越。本设计论文主要详细地讲诉了单立柱型有轨巷道堆垛机的结构设计,其中主要论诉了机架的结构设计,起升机构、货叉伸缩机构及行走机构的结构设计和计算。在设计时,从经济和结构方面考虑,在比较单双立柱堆垛机结构方案后选取单立柱方案。根据要求选用单立柱机架,并设计出了具体结构形状,给出相应的参数及制造材料。根据三种机构受力大小不同,各需要的工作功率不同,选用的电动机型号不一样。根据减速比和转矩不同,起升机构和行走机构对减速器的选用各异。同样,制动器、链轮及链条、V 带及带轮等都是根据相应设计要求有不同选择。不管怎样,在初步选用类型后,都进行了必要的相应校核,以保证设计合理性和可行性。本次毕业设计所用软件主要有二维软件 CAD 和 CAXA。关键词:物流;自动化立体仓库;单立柱堆垛机;结构设计;计算校核。下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985AbstractAfter a few decades of development, the stacker becomes todays logistics system in the main high-bay warehouse handling equipment, it can use a fully automated control system, even very harsh operating environment will not be affected.Stacker is a high efficiency and ensure accuracy, semi-automated or fully automated warehouse access to the goods electrical equipment.Because of its structural features, it can be in the three-dimensional movement, to reach a wider range of full use of warehouse space.Decrease in production costs is difficult, difficult to improve the productivity of the distress situation, the management company found that the importance of production logistics to earnings.Production logistics from raw material, through a channel processing, then the formation of semi-finished or finished goods, warehousing or transport to the customers hands in the process.Of course, this process needs to store the goods.As a logistics important “core parts“ automated warehouse is not only accurate access to goods, to facilitate access, speed up production and warehouse between the goods turnover, but also can greatly increase the storage capacity, scientific management, modern enough to meet the companys commodity circulation Claim.Access to goods process natural and ultimately trucks, stackers and as one of the most common vehicles, goods can quickly store and archive for accurate removal.The moment, despite the domestic warehouse automation technology still lags far behind developed countries, but it is to catch up with the top international level, perhaps even beyond the few days flush.The design paper detail, a single column v type rail retrieval machine structure design, mainly on the complaint of the structural design of the rack, from the structural design and calculation of lifting mechanism, the telescopic fork agencies and travel agencies.At design time, from economic and structural considerations, in comparison odd and even column stacker select single column structure of the program plan.Selected according to requirements single-post racks, and design a specific structural shapes, gives the corresponding parameters and manufacturing materials.Depending on the size of the force three kinds of institutions, each require different operating power, the choice is not the same type of motor.Depending on the reduction ratio and rotational speed, from the selection of different lifting mechanism and running gear of the gear unit.Similarly, brakes, sprockets and chains, V belt and pulleys 下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985are all designed according to the respective requirements of different options.Anyway, after the initial selection of the type, we have carried out the necessary corresponding check to ensure that the design is reasonable and feasible.This graduation design software is mainly two-dimensional CAD software and CAXA.Keywords: logistics; automated warehouse; single-column stacker; structural design; calculation check.下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985目 录引 言 .11 概 述 .11.1 物流的发展 .11.2 物流与自动化立体仓库 .11.3 自动化立体仓库的分类 .21.4 堆垛机 .22 堆垛机结构方案的比较和确定 .32.1 单、双立柱巷道堆垛机结构方案对比 .32.2 单立柱堆垛机结构 .42.3 单立柱有轨巷道式堆垛机的特点 .63 单立柱堆垛机结构设计 .73.1 堆垛机的机架结构设计 .73.2 堆垛机的载货台结构设计 .73.3 堆垛机伸缩货叉的结构设计 .83.4 货叉伸缩机构的工作原理 .83.5 堆垛机起升机构的整体设计 .93.5.1 柔性件的选取 .93.5.2 卷筒的选取 .103.5.3 电动机的选取 .113.5.4 减速器的选取 .123.5.5 制动器的选取 .133.6 堆垛机行走机构的整体设计 .143.6.1 驱动方式的选取 .143.6.2 行走轮的的设计 .143.6.3 电动机、减速器及制动器的选取 .153.6.4 轨道的设计与安装 .154 堆垛机伸缩货叉机构的设计计算 .164.1 伸缩货叉的挠度与强度 .164.2 固定叉的挠度及转角计算 .164.3 中叉的受力分析计算 .17下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709854.4 上叉的设计分析计算 .194.5 货叉各参数的选择 .204.6 轴承的选取校核 .204.7 链轮及链条的选取校核 .215 升降机构零部件的设计计算 .235.1 钢丝绳及滑轮的设计计算 .235.2 卷筒的设计计算 .245.3 电动机及减速比的确定 .256 堆垛机行走机构的设计计算 .276.1 电动机及减速器的选取 .276.2 行走轮的设计及减速器计算 .276.3 V 带轮和 V 带的设计计算和选择 .28小 结 .31谢 词 .32参考文献 .33附 录 .34下载后包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985第 1 页 共 43 页引 言自动化立体仓库以巷道堆垛起得机为主、并 结合入出库周边设备来进行作业的一种仓库。自动货立体具有存储量大 存储效率高、空间利用率高、自动化和信息化水平高等优点,越来越得 到人们的广泛认同和普遍使用。我国在自动化立体仓库这方面起步较慢,但是发展速度很快,目前与欧美西方先进国家水平日益接近,很多企业也认识到自动化立体仓库对企业的生存的重要性,利用自动化立体仓库的计算机功能能够获取市场的第一信息,对企业的决策起到举足轻重的重用 1。1 概 述随着世界经济的持续发展和科学技术的突飞猛进以及经济全球化的趋势的加强,各国面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。在这种大形势之下,现代物流作为工业化进程中最为经济合理的综合服务模式和管理技术已被越来越多的企业所重视。随着全球物流事业的快速发展,物流系统的进一步改善和合理性对优化资源配置、提高企业生产率、降低生产成本起着至关重要的作用。因此,自动化立体仓库系统也越来越受到青睐。其核心设备巷道堆垛起重机则是代表自动化立体仓库的标志,对立体仓库的出入库效率有重要影响。本文从堆垛机的应用特点入手,着重就堆垛机的结构设计进行初步的研究 1。1.1 物流的发展20 世纪,或许更早时候,物流就默默无闻地出现在人们生活中。直到 19 世纪中期,随着世界经济的快速发展,人们才渐渐意识到“新物种”-物流潜藏着巨大商机。特别是企业高层更关注物流领域。生产物流是一个极具综合性的系统,有机地糅合机电一体化、计算机、微电子及管理学等技术成为一门新技术。物流的核心工作是储存和运输物资。为了服务这一核心工作,物资的管理、包装及检验应运而生。此外,还要按物资种类、质量及数量,准确的以最低成本送到目的的,及时完成物资信息更正和传送,以及物资的回收等多个步骤。总而言之,物流是指物资实体的实际流动过程,是为服务客户而生。1.2 物流与自动化立体仓库 生产物流是指从原材料开始,经过基本一道道制造加工工序,然形成具有一定价值的半成品或成品,并将其运送仓库或客户的过程。物流对人们的贡献不仅仅在经济活动中体现,在日生生活中我们更是经常用到。在现代物流中,高层货架仓库(即自动化立体仓库)充当中流砥柱的作用,由以前以人力为劳动力,输送车和叉车为设备的普通平库发展变化成高度机械化、半自动化甚至完全自动化的高层仓库。现代机械化和自动化的仓库作业代替了以前的繁重的人力劳动,这不仅解放了人们的手脚,提第 2 页 共 43 页高了生产效率,更降低了生产成本,方便系统化管理。1.3 自动化立体仓库的分类按照建筑形式,自动化仓库可分为整体式和分离式两种。整体式是指货架除了储存货物外,还可以作为建筑物的支撑结构,分离式是指储存货物的货架独立存在,在建筑物内部。按照高度不同,自动仓库可以分为低层型(5 米以下),中层型(512 米)和高层型(12 米以上)。按照仓库的构造方式可以分为单元货格式,贯通式,水平旋转式和垂直旋转式仓库。按照仓库的作业方式可以分为单元货架式,移动货架式和拣选货架式仓库。按照自动化仓库的作用分类 可以分为生产性仓库和流通式仓库。按照自动化仓库与生产连接的紧密程度分类 可以分为独立型, 紧密型和紧密型仓库 10。1.4 堆垛机堆垛机是整个自动化立体仓库的核心设备,通过手动操作、半自动操作或全自动操作实现把货物从一处搬运到另一处。堆垛机是自动化立体仓库的重要组成部分,是直接将货物放入制定货格的装置,其形式有多种:堆垛机形式多种多样,包括单轨巷道式堆垛机、双轨巷道式堆垛机、转巷道式堆株机、单立柱型堆垛机、双立柱型堆垛机等等 10。第 3 页 共 43 页2 堆垛机结构方案的比较和确定随着竞争日益激烈,许多制造业中小企业想要扩大利润空间,必须降低生产成本。因此,企业对生产设备的要求不仅操作简便、工作效率高,还要设备成本低。而这次堆垛机结构方案的确定主要从其工作的作用效果和经济性方面考虑。以下给出几种方案:2.1 单、双立柱巷道堆垛机结构方案对比巷道堆垛机由机架、吊具、起升及行走机构、货叉伸缩机构等组成,其按照结构的不同可分为单立柱巷道堆垛机(图 2-1)与双立柱巷道堆垛机(图 2-2)。单双立柱堆垛机因其结构的不同而各有优缺点。单立柱型巷道堆垛机机架主要由单根立柱与上、下横梁等一起构成一个高而窄的框架结构。立柱较多使用较大的口字钢或者通过电焊工艺来制作,立柱表面设置有导轨。载货台设计成 L 型,材料采用 H 型钢、口字钢,水平台架设计为楔形,以便更好支撑。单立柱堆垛机整体结构简单紧凑,大型零部件(比如立柱)消耗的材料较少,质量较轻,所以制造成本相对来说比较低。但其结构刚度上比双立柱堆垛机的差。因为载物台和货物对立柱有偏心的作用,加减速行走和制动的时会产生的水平惯性力作用,让单立柱堆垛机行走速度相对较慢,在应用上有局限,影响其发展。该堆垛机起重重量较小、水平运行速度较慢,主要用于重量 12t 以下和高度 16m 以下仓库。单立柱堆垛机起升结构一般采用钢丝绳来传动,电机减速机使卷筒转动,钢丝绳拉动载物台沿立柱升降。采用钢丝绳传动,价格便宜,强度大,维护更换方便,但因其具有微弱弹性,定位准确性较差。第 4 页 共 43 页图 2-1 单立柱堆垛机结构图 双立柱机构堆垛机机架是由两根立柱与上横梁、下横梁一起构造成一个倒 U 形的框架。立柱的形式有口字管或者圆管。若选用口字管,除了支撑堆垛机,也作起升的导轨,而圆管没有导向作用。载货台做成 U 型,结构对称性好。堆垛机由于采用双立柱机架结构,其对称性较好,升降运行很平稳,最大的优点就是强度较大,刚性较好。对于一些起升高度比较高、或起重量较大和水平速度快的立体仓库堆垛机,一般使用双立柱。双立柱堆垛机起升机构一般采用链条(钢丝绳)来传动,电机减速机使链轮(卷筒)转动,链条(钢丝绳)拉载货台沿立柱升降运动。因链条的传动一般都采用封闭链或者配重装置,造价更高,受着空间的尺寸限制,维护装配较困难,润滑不方便,而且断裂前没有预兆。编号: 毕业设计任务书题 目: 自动化立体仓库单立柱型堆垛机结构设计 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 姓 名: 职 称: 题 目 类 型 : 理 论 研 究 实 验 研 究 工 程 设 计 工 程 技 术 研 究 软 件 开 发20xx 年 12 月 28 日一、毕业设计(论文)的内容本次设计是对单立柱堆垛机进行设计,具体内容如下:1、查阅相关资料,了解单立柱堆垛机工作原理;2、进行方案选择论证,优选出最佳方案;3、进行单立柱堆垛机机架结构设计,选用合适的上横梁、下横梁和立柱;设计行走装置,并选择合适的动力匹配;设计起升卷扬机构;设计载货台,货叉取货装置;设计安全装置,驱动设备;对所设计结构进行校核。4、绘制装配图、零件图,编制设计计算说明书;5、了解相关的国家标准的应用。二、毕业设计(论文)的要求与数据要求: 堆垛机最大起升高度 10m;额定载荷 920kg;水平行走速度18m/min80m/min;水平定位精度3.5mm;水平行走加速度 1m/s2;垂直提升速度 8m/min20m/min;垂直定位精度 3.5mm;货叉伸缩速度8m/min20m/min;货叉定位精度3.5mm;货叉运行同步误差5.5mm;运行回位精度5.5mm;三、毕业设计(论文)应完成的工作指定整个毕业设计学生应该完成的所有工作包括:1、完成二万字左右的毕业设计说明书(论文) ;在毕业设计说明书(论文)中必须包括详细的 300-500 个单词的英文摘要;2、独立完成与课题相关,不少于四万字符的指定英文资料翻译(附英文原文) ;3、绘制堆垛机总装配图和主要零部件图,绘图工作量折合 A0 图纸 3 张以上,其中必须包含两张 A3 以上的计算机绘图图纸。四、应收集的资料及主要参考文献1 任仲贵. CAD/CAM 原理 M. 北京:清华大学出版社,1991.9.2 吴宗泽. 机械设计实用手册M. 北京:机械工业出版社,2002.3 朱学敏. 起重机械M. 北京:机械工业出版社,2003.4 郭环、禹永伟. 自动化立体仓库中堆垛机的设计N. 辽宁:辽宁国能集团铁岭精工机械有限公司,2002.3.5 王新荣, 陈永波.有限元法基础及 ANSYS 应用M. 北京:科学出版社,2008.6 吴宗泽. 机械零件设计手册M. 北京:机械工业出版社,2004.7 杨明忠. 机械设计M. 北京:机械工业出版社,2001.8 王明强. 计算机辅助设计技术M. 北京:科学出版社,2002.9 Mischke,Charles R., Shigley,Joseph Edward. Mechanical engineering designM. Boston,Mass:McGraw Hill,2001.5、试验、测试、试制加工所需主要仪器设备及条件计算机一台,CAD 设计软件(CATIA)任务下达时间:2015 年 12 月 28 日毕业设计开始与完成时间:2015 年 12 月 28 日至 2016 年 05 月 22 日组织实施单位:机械电子工程系教研室主任意见:签字: 2015 年 12 月 30 日院领导小组意见:签字: 2015 年 12 月 31 日编号: 毕业设计 (论文 )外文翻译(原文)学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 姓 名: 职 称: 20xx年 6 月 8 日Fatigue life prediction of the metalwork of a travelling gantry craneV.A. KopnovAbstractIntrinsic fatigue curves are applied to a fatigue life prediction problem of the metalwork of a traveling gantry crane. A crane, used in the forest industry, was studied in working conditions at a log yard, an strain measurements were made. For the calculations of the number of loading cycles, the rain flow cycle counting technique is used. The operations of a sample of such cranes were observed for a year for the average number of operation cycles to be obtained. The fatigue failure analysis has shown that failures some elements are systematic in nature and cannot be explained by random causes.卯 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Key words: Cranes; Fatigue assessment; Strain gauging1. Introduction1.1 Characteristics and Developmental Tendency of Modern CranesWith rapid development of modern science and technology, magnification of industrial production scale and improvement of automation level, application of cranes is becoming widespread and its function is obvious. Meanwhile, requirements for cranes are more and more strict. Especially, the widespread use of electronic computer technology spurs lots of subject-crossing advanced design approaches and accelerates the improvement of modern manufacturing and detecting technology. Fierce competition in international market becomes more dependent on the competition of technology. All of these impel technological functions of cranes into a brand-new developmental stage. Cranes are facing a tremendous transformation. Our country is entering global international competitive market at an unprecedented rate and crane manufacture is confronted with a new situation where opportunities and challenges coexist. Thus, it is crucial for cranes to develop and innovate constantly. I want to make a brief explanation about characteristics and developmental tendency of modern cranes with examples, based on new theories, technology and trend of cranes at home and overseas.1)Make the key products large, high speed, endured and specializedBecause of continuous expansion of industrial production scale, increasingly improvement of production efficiency and rising proportion of money spending on loading and unloading and transporting materials in the process of production, required amount of large or high-speed cranes is increasing. Lifting quantities become larger, working speed becomes higher and requirements of energy-consuming and reliability become stricter. Cranes have already become a critical link in the process of automation production. Cranes should be easy to use, maintain and operate and have high security, less troubles and long average time between failures. The central issue in international market production competition is reliability, and many companies abroad have drawn up inter-controlled standard of reliability. The most important for us to catch up with and surpass world advanced level of cranes function is to improve reliability, to make cranes durable, less troubles, maintainable and economic to be used.At the moment, the biggest floating crane in the world weighs 6500t, chain crane 3000t and bridge crane 1200t. Diversity of industrial mode of production and customers need makes crane market expanding and products renewing constantly to satisfy special needs with specific functions and bring its best usefulness into play. Functions of various kinds of cranes are improving. DEMAG ERGOTECH has developed a crane special for aircraft maintenance, which has made its own way into international market. This crane is great in length and lifting height and has accurate halt. When a flexible maintenance platform fixed under lifting cart, it can reach every part of the aircraft. With the fast development of nuclear power stations in the world, cranes which are special for them achieve corresponding development. For example, annular bridge crane in reactors space, working under radiative circumstances, is used to lift dangerous load such as top cover of pressure container and components in reactors. It requires high reliability, high security, the ability to determine location accurately and automatically and transfer goods to a lower level, as well as various kinds of protection and particular security devices.2)Make series of production modularized, combined, standardized and practicalMost cranes are produced by series and batch, thus use of systematic multi-objections entire optimization to design series of cranes has already become the key point in development. Through rational matching of series main parameter, its functions can be improved, manufacturing cost can be reduced, and degree of general purpose can be raised. Use less specification spare parts to compose series production with multi-species and multi-specifications. And thus, the requirements of customers can be fully satisfied.By using modularized design instead of conservative entire design, we can make components with similar functions into standard modules which have various uses, similar connective key factors and are interchangeable. Through combination of different modules, we can make different kinds and specifications of cranes. There are only several modules involved when it comes to crane improvement. To design a new style of crane, all that you do is to choose different modules to recompose. Because of improvement in degree of general purpose, single products with small serial production can transform into module production of pretty great batches. As a result, we can achieve specialization production with high efficiency and cut manufacturing cost. It can satisfy marketing demands and increase competitive capacity by composing cranes of various series and specifications using less modularized forms.Bridge crane produced by DEMAG ERGOTECH considered carefully modularization and combination. It makes inter-parameter of series, entirety, mechanism and components matched with each other. The distribution of capacity obtains most economic and suitable effects. To make the main components of lifting mechanism reaches its largest general purpose, the method that the result of lifting weights multiplying lifting speed is a constant has been used. There are more specifications derived through changes of pulley multiplying power. Series of 5-125t bridge cranes only need four basic lifting carts even with various working ranks. Module series of standard wheel cases, which are produced by the company, have various groups of linking holes which can choose different drive unit to form platform carts. They can also combine with metal construction components to be used as running machine of various kinds of cranes; its wheels have several forms of surfaces to be chosen. Because of no basic distance limit and flexible combination, they are widely used. The companys series of end bridge standard modules have commercialized. It resorts to frictional cycle and high intensity bolt link which improves interchange and accuracy of sizes and reduces machining of connecting covers. It can connect to each main beam quickly and effectively. There are two kinds of end beam modules; one is suitable for single beam and the other is for double beams. According to length and weights, end beam style can be decided.3)Make productions for general purposes small, light, simple and diversifiedThere are quite a number of cranes used in general workshop and storehouse, and thus they have light work and the requirement is not very strict. How to improve application of these cranes and to cut manufacturing cost is critical to win in the marketing competition. Considering comprehensive benefit, the need to decrease the height of cranes as low as possible, to simplify the constructions and to reduce weights and wheel pressure can also decrease structures height, lighten structure composition and reduce cost of producing and maintenance. So there will be fast development of electric calabash bridge and light beam cranes, and bridge cranes for general purposes will be replaced by them.The needs of customers advance diversity of cranes. Series parameter scale of cranes expanding and functions enlarging, product of one machine for several uses will obtain further development to increase capacity of dealing with emergencies. The proportion of using wireless remote control under normal conditions will increase.DEMAG ERGOTECH has formed standard crane series of light combinations after long period explosion and innovation. The whole series compose of various productions such as combination “工 ” style single beam, hanging case single beam, horn cart case single beam and case double beams. There are altogether fifteen forms of connection between main beam and end beam. This is suitable for needs of different structure and lifting goods. Each specification of crane has three single speeds and three double speeds to be chosen. There are seven operating ways. In addition, different electric conduction pattern and different electric control pattern can match hundreds and thousands of cranes through different combinations to fully satisfy different needs of customers. Another advantage of the crane is that they are light. Compared to productions at home, its lifting weight is 32t and length 25.5m compared to 46.4t-weight of double beams cranes in our country, 28.3t- electric calabash bridge cranes. Weight of DEMAG electric calabash bridge crane is only 18.5, which is lighter than domestic productions by 60 percent and 35percent respectively.1.2 Type of CranesCranes can be classified into four kinds, namely, (a) overhead traveling crane; (b) jib crane; (c) bridge or gantry crane; and (d) cantilever crane. Overhead traveling crane. Consists of a girder and a trolley. The girder is supported at each end on trucks capable of traveling on elevated fixed tracks. The trolley is equipped with hoisting and other mechanism, capable of traversing from end to end of such girder. The girder and associated end carriages are known as the bridge. Such cranes vary in lifting capacity from about 2 tons to 400 tons, and in span from 20 ft to 150 ft,or more. Depending on the purpose for which it is to be used, the crane can be operated either from a cabin fixed to the bridge or the trolley, or from the ground. When two trolleys are furnished, these may run on a common tracks arranged side-by-side or one above the other so that each trolley can traverse the entire span. Jib crane: Consists of an inclined member, or jib, capable of suspending a load at its outer end. The jib is supported by a rope or other member attached to a vertical mast of frame. The out reach of the jib can be constant or variable, and the crane as a whole may be either fixed or movable.Included in this kind are: mobile and caterpillar cranes, builders tower cranes, wharf cranes, and movable cranes mounted on high pedestals, gantries, pontoons and barges. Lifting capacities vary from 1/2 ton to 300 tons or more, and outreaches from a few feet to 150 ft. Cranes required for handling heavy machinery and equipment in shipyards and at ports are frequently mounted on pontoons.Bridge or gantry crane: Consists of a bridge girder, connected at near both ends to upright members, which may be fixed or arranged to travel on a fixed track, and the load is suspended from a trolley or crane, capable or traversing from end to end of the bridge. Cranes of this kind have lifting capacities varying from end to end of the bridge. When used in general and bulk-storage yards, the tracks may be of broad or narrow gauge. The tipping moment of the loaded crane is kept within proper limits by a counterweight which is moved along an independent track on the bridge above the trolley. Cantilever crane: Consists of horizontal and vertical members the former, known as the cantilever, being fixed to or totating in a horizontal plane about the axis of the vertical member. On the cantilever is formed a track which supports a movable trolley from which the load is suspended.The mechanism for hoisting and traversing is usually mounted on a rear extension of the cantilever. Although such cranes may be fixed or movable, those of large capacity are usually fixed. Lifting capacities, height of lift and outreach vary between wide limits. When used for the fitting out of ships, light loads are handled by an auxiliary hoist which may be mounted on a jib crane arranged to travel on track. The main lifting mechanism usually consists of two winches which can be operated independently or in concert. A typical fitting-out crane may be of 250 tons capacity with a total outreach of 180 ft and a lifting height of 200 ft. Wharf Cranes: A wharf crane is any crane located on a wharf or pier, and particularly adapted to the transfer of cargo between the wharf or pier and the hold of the vessel alongside; it is also called a cargo crane, although the latter term is more general, as it comprises also parts of the cargo-handling gear of a vessel. Owing to the varying spacing of vessel hatchways, the wharf crane in most cases must be capable of movement along the wharf, and hence is generally mounted on a runway. Other requirements are sufficient horizontal reach to cover the hatchway,sufficient length of host to raise the load from the bottom of the hold to a point entirely clear of the vessel, and rapidity and economy on operation.Types much used as wharf cranes are single or double portal gantries or traveling bridges on the wharf shed roof, carrying rotating bridges on cantilever gantries with folding extensions over the hatchways; gantries with inclined cantilever jibs; also of the derrick type.In the handling of general cargo, as contrasted to bulk cargo, a broader view in analyzing the situation has to be taken. Diversity of shape, size and weight precludes the possibility of using elevators or conveyors to any great extent, while the necessity of sorting and piling in allotted places on the wharf makes the transporter, with its rather limited area of discharge, unsuitable.The traveling portal crane, having a boom capable of being luffed as well swung, is much used as a wharf crane. One of the chief disadvantages, however, which the ordinary luffing crane works under is that when the boom is luffed-in the load suspended from the top of the boom is simultaneously raised; conversely, as the boom is lowered, the load falls by a corresponding amount. This, obviously,is a loss of work and means an unnecessarily large motor to work the luffing gear.To overcome this objection a number of different designs of a type of crane known as the level-luffing crane have been developed, and these cranes are now extensively used as wharf cranes. In this type of cranes a compensating gear in some form or another is provided whereby the load is made to travel along a horizontal path irrespective of the rise and fall of the hoisting pulley caused by the luffing-in or out of the boom. In selecting the most economical crane for handling general cargo, the average and maximum weights of the individual pieces of cargo must be taken into consideration. The frequency with which 60-ton lifts are likely to be encountered is exceedingly low, also 20-ton lifts are quite uncommon, so that it would be out of reason to install on any single dock a number of cranes capable of handling such weights. This most popular general-cargo cranes in use at present are from 510 tonscapacity. Fatigue failures of elements of the metalwork of traveling gantry cranes LT62B are observed frequently in operation. Failures as fatigue cracks initiate and propagate in welded joints of the crane bridge and supports in three-four years. Such cranes are used in the forest industry at log yards for transferring full-length and sawn logs to road trains, having a load-fitting capacity of 32 tons. More than 1000 cranes of this type work at the enterprises of the Russian forest industry. The problem was stated to find the weakest elements limiting the cranes fives, predict their fatigue behavior, and give recommendations to the manufacturers for enhancing the fives of the cranes.2. Analysis of the crane operationFor the analysis, a traveling gantry crane LT62B installed at log yard in the Yekaterinburg region was chosen. The crane serves two saw mills, creates a log store, and transfers logs to or out of road trains. A road passes along the log store. The saw mills are installed so that the reception sites are under the crane span. A schematic view of the crane is shown in Fig. 1.1350-6307/99/$一 see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S 1 3 5 0 一 6307(98) 00041一 7A series of assumptions may be made after examining the work of cranes:if the monthly removal of logs from the forest exceeds the processing rate, i.e. there is a creation of a log store, the crane expects work, being a
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