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滑移 装载 机械 结构设计 全套 cad 图纸

下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709851 滑移式装载机机械结构设计摘要滑移式装载机是利用两侧车轮线速度差而实现车辆转向的,采用轮式行走机构,全轮驱动,滑移转向,可于作业现场随机快速更换或挂接各种附件,以适应不同的工作环境和作业内容,满足不同的作业内容,具体类型非常多样化。滑移式装载机最大的特点是整机外形尺寸小,可实现原地转向,可在作业线程随机快速更换或挂接各种工作装置。本文通过对滑移装载机现状、工作装置、行走装置、等方面的研究,对以下本内容进行了分析和设计:(1)介绍了现有滑移式装载机的种类和结构形式: 常见的滑移装载机的结构形式为单臂式滑移装载机和双臂式滑移装载机;常见的结构形式有四连杆机构、六连杆机构和八连杆机构等。(2)对滑移装载机的工作装置进行了重点的分析和设计:分析了常见的工作装置的机构类型,确定了各个铰点的位置以及四连杆机构中各连杆的长度,对液压油缸进行了设计计算。(3)对滑移式装载机的底盘进行了研究设计:设计了滑移装载机的机架,确定了轮毂与机架的连接方式,选取了符合要求的液压马达。(4)通过对滑移式装载机现状的分析,提出了对现有的滑移式装载机的结构等方面的改进方法:对现有的滑移装载机的部分结构进行了分析和改进,提出了自己的一些新的设计思路。关键词:滑移式装载机,现状,工作装置,底盘,改进 下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709852Mechanical Structure Design of the Skid Steer LoaderAbstractSliding type of wheel loader is on both sides of the linear difference and realize the vehicle steering wheel, the mobile mechanism, all wheel drive, slip, can be used from the homework to random replaced rapidly or articulated various accessories, in order to adapt to the different work environment and the work content, meet different work content, concrete types is very diverse. Sliding type loader the biggest characteristic is the appearance of small size, may realize the in situ to, can be in homework thread random replaced rapidly or to hook up all kinds of work device.This article through to slip loader present condition, device, walk device, etc, to the following this content has carried on the analysis and design.(1) Introducing existing sliding type of the loader types and structure: common sliding of the loader structure form for single arm type sliding loader and arms type sliding loaders; The structure of the common form has four bar linkage, six linkage mechanism and eight linkage mechanism, etc.(2) The sliding of the loader working device the focus of the analysis and design: analysis of the common work device, and the types of institutions all hinge point position and four bar linkage of connecting rod length of each of the hydraulic oil cylinder, the designing calculation.(3) The loader to slip type chassis study design : the design of the loader sliding, and the wheel and the frame of the connection mode, the selection of the requirements of the hydraulic motor.(4) To slip through the analysis of the present situation of loader, puts forward the existing sliding type of the loader, and other aspects of the structure improvement methods: for existing sliding loader part of the structure analysis and improvement, and proposes some new design ideas.Keywords: sliding type loader ,working device ,chassis , improvement status下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709853 目 录摘要-IAbstract-II第一章 绪论-11.1 引言-11.2 滑移装载机简介-11.3 滑移式装载机的常见结构形式-11.3 .1 单臂式滑移装载机-11.3 .2 双臂式滑移装载机-21.4 滑移装载机机械机构设计概述-21.4.1 装载机工作装置作业流程-21.4.2 基本参数确定-21.4.3 技术要求-21.5 本章小结-3第二章 总体方案的确定-42.1 发动机-42.2 传动系统-42.3 工作装置-42.4 车架-42.5 液压系统-42.6 驾驶室-42.7 本章小结-4第三章 滑移装载机工作装置设计-53.1 装载机工作装置设计要求-63.2 工作装置各部分设计-63.2.1 铲斗设计- 铲斗设计要求- 铲斗结构形式的选择- 铲斗基本参数的确定-63.2.2 动臂设计- 动臂铰点的确定- 动臂长度- 铲斗快换装置的设计- 四连杆机构的确定:- 动臂的形状与结构-9下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 1197098543.2.3 油缸的计算与选择:- 插入阻力 的计算-10xF3.2.3.2 铲起阻力 的计算-11z3.2.3.3 转斗阻力矩 的计算-11M3.3 本章小结-11第四章 行走装置的设计-134.1 底盘概述-134.2 底盘结构设计-134.3 行走装置参数的确定-144.4 减速箱的选择-144.5 本章小结-14第五章 整机部分机械结构的优化设计-155.1 使用新型底盘-155.2 设计新的铲斗快换装置-155.3 采用新型后开机罩-15第六章 滑移装载机稳定性计算-166.1 稳定比 K 的校核-166.2 稳定度 i 的校核-166.3 稳定性的计算-166.3.1 纵向稳定性的计算-166.3.2 横向稳定性的计算-176.4 行驶速度 v 的校核-176.5 本章小结-18总结-19谢辞-20参考文献-21下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709855 下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709856下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709857 下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709858第一章 绪论1.1 引言近几年,随着我国经济的快速发展,滑移装载机等小型工程机械市场逐渐升温,为业内人士普遍看好。小型工程机械因其综合使用率高、回报丰厚将取代部分大中型工程机械的市场份额,逐渐成为市场的新一轮热点。鉴于国内和国外的滑移式装载机在结构形式和性能等方面的差距以及国外滑移式装载机的结构放方面的缺陷,本文将对滑移式装载机的机械结构及液压油缸等进行设计和改进,使其在结构方面得到优化,提高产品质量。在性能方面得到提升,提高产品的工作效率。1.2 滑移装载机简介滑移式装载机是一种小型多功能工程机械,利用两侧车轮线速度差而实现车辆转向的轮式专用底盘,采用轮式行走机构,全轮驱动,滑移转向,可与作业现场随机快速更换或挂接各种工作装置,以适应不同的工作环境,满足不同的作业内容,具体类型非常多样化,当需要一种机械承担多种工作,而且还需要操作快捷时,就应该考虑使用滑移式装载机。滑移式装载机最大的特点是整机外形尺寸小,可实现原地转向,可在作业线程随机快速更换或挂接各种工作装置。滑移式装载机的主要用途为:城市基础设施建设、道路或建筑工地、厂房车间、仓库、码头、轮船甲板甚至船舱内等狭窄场地的作业;在起伏不平的场地上进行铲运、堆垛、起重、挖掘、钻孔、破碎、抓取、推扒、松土、道路清扫和路面压实等作业。1.3 滑移式装载机的常见结构形式1.3 .1 单臂式滑移装载机通常滑移装载机由于整机布置所限,动臂提升只能采用双动臂结构的形式,单臂式装载机将原有两侧的动臂去掉,将驾驶室固定在车体一侧,在车体另一侧安装新型动臂,这种结构的滑移装载机在保证原有的滑移转向装载机工作性能不变的额情况下 图 1 单臂式滑移装载机下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 119709859 突破性的将两侧双臂改为单侧动臂结构,急既解决了操作员必须跨越工作装置才能进入驾驶室内的弊端,又简化了结构、提高整车的稳定性,降低了操作的安全隐患。 1.3 .2 双臂式滑移装载机 双臂式滑移装载机是常见的结构形式,双臂式滑移装载机驾驶室具有宽敞的空间,采用双臂进行举升,更容易保证工作过程中机身的稳定,适用范围更广泛,承载的工作载荷更大。图 2 双臂式滑移装载机1.4 滑移装载机机械机构设计概述1.4.1 装载机工作装置作业流程装载机作业过程大致为:工作装置油缸闭锁,将铲斗插入料堆,操纵铲斗向后翻转到最大后倾角停止。操纵动臂油缸使动臂提升到运输位置并保持将物料运输到卸载地点。提升动臂到卸载位置操纵转斗油缸使铲斗前倾到最大卸载角卸载,然后再回到装载场地,进行下一次循环。装 运 卸 返回分析工况是系统设计的依据,理想的情况是进行工况分析时能绘出装载机一个工作循环重总负荷和功率变化的分析图表。但是由于工作多变,绘制这样的图表往往很困难,所以一般只能分析工作循环过程中的最大负荷点或最大功率点,以这些点上的峰值作为系统设计的依据。装载机一个作业循环各个装置的动作是:铲掘、提升、保持、倾卸。1.4.2 基本参数确定功率:52.1KW/2500rpm额定载重量(kg):980kg最大操作高度:4100mm卸载距离: 750mm最大卸载高度:2400mm铲斗容量:0.5m1.4.3 技术要求下载后文件包含有 CAD 图纸和说明书,咨询 Q 197216396 或 11970985101、前翻驾驶室,后开机罩,维修方便;2、良好的减震装置,符合人机工程设计;3、维修点布置合理,维修方便;4、能满足用户多用途作业需要。1.5 本章小结本章通过对滑移装载机当前现状以及现存结构形式的叙述,介绍了现有滑移式装载机的种类和结构形式;大致介绍了滑移装载机的工作装置的工作流程;明确了本次设计的设计参数和技术要求,对接下来的设计和计算进行了概述。1Loaders装载机Overview 概述Basic Concept .基本概念A loader is a type of construction equipment (engineering vehicle) machinery that is primarily used to “load“ material into another type of machinery (dump truck, conveyor belt, rail-car, etc.).Loaders are used mainly for uploading materials into trucks, laying pipe, clearing rubble, and digging. A loader is not the most efficient machine for digging as it cannot dig very deep below the level of its wheels, like a backhoe can. Their deep bucket can usually store about 3-6 cubic meters of earth. The front loaders bucket capacity is much bigger than a bucket capacity of a backhoe loader. Loaders are not classified as earthmoving machinery, as their primary purpose is other than earthmoving.装载机是一种主要用于向另一种机械(自卸车、输送皮带、铁路运输车辆等)“装载”物料的建设机械(工程车辆)设备。装载机主要用于向卡车装载物料,以及铺设管道、清理碎石和挖土等工作。作为挖土作业装载机不是最有效的机械,与挖掘机不同,装载机不适用于轮胎支承面以下较深处的挖掘作业。装载机的深底铲斗一般可装载 36 立方米的土壤。铲斗前置装载机的斗容量远大于挖掘装载机的斗容量。装载机不属于铲土运输机械,因其主要用途并非土方运输。Unlike most bulldozers, most loaders are wheeled and not tracked, although track loaders are common. They are successful where sharp edged materials in construction debris would damage 2rubber wheels, or where the ground is soft and muddy. Wheels provide better mobility and speed and do not damage paved roads as much as tracks but provide less traction.尽管履带式装载机是普遍的,但与大多数推土机不同,大多数装载机是轮式的而并非履带式。履带式装载机适用于棱角锐利的建筑材料会破坏橡胶轮胎的场合,或者在松软泥泞道路上的作业。轮式装载机具有良好的机动性和较高的工作速度,并且不像履带那样破坏铺装路面,但其所能提供的牵引力较小。Unlike standard tractors fitted with a front bucket, many large loaders do not use automotive steering mechanisms. Instead, they steer by a hydraulically actuated pivot point set exactly between the front and rear axles. This is referred to as “articulated steering“ and allows the front axle to be solid, allowing it to carry greater weight. Articulated steering provides better maneuverability for a given wheelbase. Since the front wheels and attachment rotate on the same axis, the operator is able to “steer“ his load in an arc after positioning the machine, which can be useful. 与安装前置铲斗的标准拖拉机不同,许多大型装载机不使用汽车转向机构。取而代之,它们通过液压驱动的安装于前、后桥之间的转向铰接装置转向。这种转向称为“铰接转向”,它可使前桥固定,并使其承受更大的重量。对于一定的轴距铰接转向提供了较好的机动性。由于前轮与工作装置绕同一车轴旋转,驾驶员在使机械定位后可使铲斗沿弧线“转向”,这一点是实用的。The loader assembly may be a removable attachment or permanently mounted. Often the bucket can be replaced with other devices or tools-for example, many can mount forks to lift heavy pallets or shipping containers, and a hydraulically-opening “clamshell“ bucket allows a loader to act as a light dozer or scraper.装载机的工作装置可以是更换式的或者是固定安装。铲斗常常可用其它装置或工具更换,例如,许多装载机可以安装叉车工装提升重型货物或者装运集装箱,装备液压开启式“蛤壳”型铲斗可以使装载机像推土机或铲运机一样作业。In construction areas loaders are also used to transport building materials - such as bricks, pipe, metal bars, and digging tools - over short distances. Loaders are also used for snow removal, using their bucket or a snow basket, but usually using a snowplow attachment. They clear snow from streets, highways and parking lots. They sometimes load snow into dump trucks for transport.3在各种建筑工地上装载机也经常用来近距离转运建筑材料,例如砖块、管材、钢筋、各种挖掘工具等。借助铲斗或除雪铲,装载机也用于除雪作业,但通常使用除雪装置。它们用来清除街道、公路和停车场上的积雪。有时用装载机将积雪装载到自卸车上进行运输。Front loaders gained popularity during the last two decades, especially in urban engineering projects and small earthmoving works. Many engineering vehicle manufacturers offer a wide range of loaders, the most notable are those of John Deere, Caterpillar, Case, Volvo, Komatsu and Liebherr.近 20 年来,特别是在城市建设工程和小型土方运输工程中,装载机获得了普遍的应用。许多工程车辆制造商可生产多种类型的装载机,其中最知名的有约翰迪尔、卡特彼勒、凯斯、沃尔沃、小松和利勃海尔等品牌。Applications 应用1 23 4 5 647 89 1011 121. loading materials 装载材料;2. earthmoving 铲土运输;3. forestry engineering 林业工程;4. snow removing 除雪作业;5. underground work 井下作业;6. loading and unloading 装卸货物;7. pipe laying 铺设管道;8. maintain pavement 维修路面;9. land clearing 场地清理;10. garden work 园林工作;11. rolling compaction 碾压路面;12. tunnel construction 隧道作业Types 类型1 253 45 67 89 101. mini type loader 微型装载机;2.small type wheel loader 小型轮式装载机;3.medium type wheel loader 中型轮式装载机;4.large type wheel loader 大型轮式装载机;5. track-type loader 履带式装载机;6. skid steer loader 滑移转向装载机;7. underground mining loader 井下作业装载机;8. multi terrain loader 多功能装载机;9. wheel backhoe loader 轮式挖掘装载机;10. side dumping loader 侧卸式装载机Components and Features 组成与特点Components 组成Basic Components 基本部件61. bucket 铲斗;2. front axle 前桥;3.instrumentation console 仪表盘;4. cab and operating system 驾驶室及操作系统;5.engine and transmission system 发动机及传动系统;6. engine hood 发动机罩;7. counterweight 配重;8. rear axle 后桥;9.rear frame 后机架;10. electrical system 电气系统;11. front frame 前机架;12. mudguard 挡泥板;13. boom 动臂;14. rocker arm cylinder 摇臂油缸;15. connecting rod 连杆; 16. rocker arm 摇臂;17. boom cylinder 动臂油缸;18. frame 机架Hydro mechanical Transmission System 液力机械传动系统71.engine 发动机;2. torque converter 液力变矩器;3. power shifting transmission box 动力换档变速箱;4. front axle 前桥;5. Caliper disc brake 钳盘式制动器;6. wheel 车轮;7. parking brake 驻车制动器; 8. rear axle 后桥;9. gear shift pump 变速油泵;10. steering pump 转向油泵;11. operational pump 工作油泵;12. wheel redactor 轮边减速器Transmission System Arrangement 传动系统布置1. engine 发动机; 2. torque converter 液力变矩器;3. power shift transmission box 动力换档变速箱;4. rear frame 后机架;5. front frame 前机架;6. front axle 前桥;7. transmission shaft 传动轴;8. rear axle 后桥Torque Converter 液力变矩器81. flywheel 飞轮; 2、4、7、11、17、19. bearing 轴承;3. torque converter rotation housing 变矩器旋转壳体;5. elastic plate 弹性板;6. first turbine 第一涡轮; 8. second turbine 第二涡轮; 9. stator 导轮;10. pump impeller 泵轮; 12. gear 齿轮;13. stator shaft导轮轴;14. second turbine shaft 第二涡轮轴;15. first turbine shaft 第一涡轮轴;16. spacer ring 隔离环;18. one-way clutch gear 单向离合器齿轮;20. one-way clutch roller 单向离合器滚柱Performance Characteristic 工作特性9Hydro-mechanical Series Drive 液压机械组合传动1. engine 发动机; 2. piston pump 柱塞液压泵;3. low speed piston motor 低速柱塞马达;4.high peed piston motor 高速柱塞马达;5. transfer case 分动箱Hastate Power Train System 静液传动系统101. Neutral-start parking brake lever空档启动停车制动手柄;2. Track motors履带驱动马达;3. Hastate pumps hoses液压泵;4. Hydraulic oil cooler液压油冷却器;5. Service brakes行车制动器;6. hoses液压软管;7. Wet, multi-disc parking brakes湿式、多片停车制动器;8. Double reduction planetary final drives双级行星减速最终驱动装置;9. hydraulic filters液压滤清器Operator Station of Track Loader 履带式装载机驾驶员操作台1. Neutral-start parking brake lever空档启动停车制动手柄;2. Track motors履带驱动马达;3. Hastate pumps hoses液压泵;4. Hydraulic oil cooler液压油冷却器;5. Service brakes行车制动器;6. hoses液压软管;7. Wet, multi-disc parking brakes湿式、多片停车制动器;8. Double reduction planetary final drives双级行星减速最终驱动装置;9. hydraulic filters液压滤清器Standard Equipment Specifications 标准装置规格类型与性能参数1. Engine发动机:Type :Water-cooled, 4-stroke cycle类型:水冷,四冲程循环;Aspiration:Turbocharged充气形式:涡轮增压;Number of cylinders气缸数;Bore x stroke缸径x冲程;Piston displacement气缸排量:Governor: Mechanical, all-speed control调速器:机械式,全程调速;Horsepower rating 2400 rpm (SAE J1349)功率/2400 rpm(SAE标准: J1349); Gross horsepower总功率;Net horsepower净功率; Meets EPA emissions regulations符合EPA 排放规范;Fuel system:Direct injection供油系:直喷式; Lubrication system润滑系:Method:Gear pump, force-lubrication方式:齿轮泵,压力润滑;Filter:Full-flow滤清器:全流量;Air cleaner:Dry-type with double elements and dust evacuator, plus dust indicator1LoadersOverviewBasic Concept.A loader is a type of construction equipment (engineering vehicle) machinery that is primarily used to “load“ material into another type of machinery (dump truck, conveyor belt, rail-car, etc.).Loaders are used mainly for uploading materials into trucks, laying pipe, clearing rubble, and digging. A loader is not the most efficient machine for digging as it cannot dig very deep below the level of its wheels, like a backhoe can. Their deep bucket can usually store about 3-6 cubic meters of earth. The front loaders bucket capacity is much bigger than a bucket capacity of a backhoe loader. Loaders are not classified as earthmoving machinery, as their primary purpose is other than earthmoving.Unlike most bulldozers, most loaders are wheeled and not tracked, although track loaders are common. They are successful where sharp edged materials in construction debris would damage rubber wheels, or where the ground is soft and muddy. Wheels provide better mobility and speed and do not damage paved roads as much as tracks but provide less traction.Unlike standard tractors fitted with a front bucket, many large loaders do not use automotive steering mechanisms. Instead, they steer by a hydraulically actuated pivot point set exactly between the front and rear axles. This is referred to as “articulated steering“ and allows the front axle to be solid, allowing it to carry greater weight. Articulated steering provides better maneuverability for a given wheelbase. Since the front wheels and attachment rotate on the same axis, the operator is able to “steer“ his load in an arc after positioning the machine, which can be useful 2the loader assembly may be a removable attachment or permanently mounted. Often the bucket can be replaced with other devices or tools-for example, many can mount forks to lift heavy pallets or shipping containers, and a hydraulically-opening “clamshell“ bucket allows a loader to act as a light dozer or scraper.In construction areas loaders are also used to transport building materials - such as bricks, pipe, metal bars, and digging tools - over short distances. Loaders are also used for snow removal, using their bucket or a snow basket, but usually using a snowplow attachment. They clear snow from streets, highways and parking lots. They sometimes load snow into dump trucks for transport.Front loaders gained popularity during the last two decades, especially in urban engineering projects and small earthmoving works. Many engineering vehicle manufacturers offer a wide range of loaders, the most notable are those of John Deere, Caterpillar, Case, Volvo, Komatsu and Liebherr.Applications1 23 4 5 637 89 1011 121. loading materials;2. earthmoving;3. forestry engineering;4. snow removing;5. underground work;6. loading and unloading;7. pipe laying;8. maintain pavement;9. land clearing;10. garden work;11. rolling compaction;12. tunnel constructionTypes1 23 445 67 89 101. mini type loader;2.small type wheel loader;3.medium type wheel loader;4.large type wheel loader;5. track-type loader;6. skid steer loader;7. underground mining loader;8. multi terrain loader;9. wheel backhoe loader;10. side dumping loaderComponents and FeaturesComponentsBasic Components51. bucket;2. front axle;3.instrumentation console;4. cab and operating system;5.engine and transmission system;6. engine hood;7. counterweight;8. rear axle;9. rear frame;10. electrical system;11. front frame;12. mudguard;13. boom;14. rocker arm cylinder;15. connecting rod;16. rocker arm;17. boom cylinder;18. frameHydro mechanical Transmission System61.engine;2. torque converter;3. power shifting transmission box;4. front axle;5. Caliper disc brake;6. wheel;7. parking brake; 8. rear axle;9. gear shift pump;10. steering pump;11. operational pump;12. wheel redactorTransmission System Arrangement1. engine;2. torque converter;3. power shift transmission box;4. rear frame;5. front frame; 6. front axle;7. transmission shaft;8. rear axleTorque Converter71. flywheel;2、4、7、11、17、19. bearing;3. torque converter rotation housing;5. elastic plate; 6. first turbine; 8. second turbine;9. stator;10. pump impeller;12. gear;13. stator shaft;14. second turbine shaft;15. first turbine shaft;16. spacer ring;18. one-way clutch gear;20. one-way clutch rollerPerformance Characteristic81. engine;2. piston pump;3. low speed piston motor;4.high peed piston motor;5. transfer caseHastate Power Train System91. Neutral-start parking brake lever;2. Track motors;3. Hastate pumps hoses;4. Hydraulic oil cooler;5. Service brakes;6. hoses ;7. Wet, multi-disc parking brakes;8. Double reduction planetary final drives;9. hydraulic filtersOperator Station of Track Loader1. Neutral-start parking brake lever;2. Track motors;3. Hastate pumps hoses;4. Hydraulic oil cooler;5. Service brakes;6. hoses ; 7. Wet, multi-disc parking brakes;8. Double reduction planetary final drives;9. hydraulic filtersStandard Equipment Specifications1. Engine:Type:Water-cooled, 4-stroke cycle;Aspiration:Turbocharged:Number of cylinders;Bore x stroke ;Piston displacement:Governor: Mechanical, all-speed control: Horsepower rating 2400 rpm (SAE J1349) /2400 rpm(SAE: J1349);Gross horsepower;Net horsepower; Meets EPA emissions regulations EPA;Fuel system :Direct injection:Lubrication system:Method:Gear pump, for
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