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Body LanguageBody LanguageWhat is body language?w Its the way you stand and sit and walk. w Its your gestures and the expression on your face and in your eyes.w Its your whole appearance that communicates things.Some new words &phrases:w Touching 体触w Handshaking 握手w Kissing 亲吻w Posture 姿势w Head gesture 头部动作w Face gesture 面部动作w Eye movement 眼部动作w Hand gesture 手部动作w Territoriality领地w Silence 沉默w Time language 时间语How to read these body languages?希尔顿深夜出狱如作秀。墨西哥湾漏油事件 ,让美国政府倍感压力。Are we getting all the message?BODILY SPEAKING According to the social anthropologist, Edward T. Hall, in a normal conversation between two persons, less than 7% of the social meanings is actually transmitted by words. So, at least 93% of it is conveyed through the body (non-verbal channel).身体语言学(Bodytalk)Lets Examine How Body Communicates, from head to toesHEAD - Nodding the head- “Yes” in most societies- “No” in some parts of Greece, Yugoslavia南斯拉夫 , Bulgaria, and Turkey-Tossing the head backward-“yes” in Thailand, the Philippines, India, Laos老挝FACEEYES* Eye contacts- Encouraged in America, Canada, Europe- Rude in most Asian countries and in Africa* Winking eye- Sharing secret in America and Europe- flirtatious gesture in other countries* Closed eyes- bored or sleepy in America- “Im listening and concentrating.” in Japan, Thailand, ChinaEARS* Ear grasp- “Im sorry.” in parts of India* Cupping the ear- “I cant hear you.” in all societies* Pulling ear- “You are in my heart” for Navajo IndiansLIPS AND MOUTHspitWhistleyawn smile sneezekissTHE LIP POINTING* Kiss. In parts of Asia, kissing is considered an intimate sexual act and not permissible in public, even as a social greeting.世界上最负盛名的雕塑 The Kiss( 接吻 )是由法国人奥古斯特 罗丁( Auguste Rodin, 1840-1917)于 1886年完成。法国人似乎随时随地都在接吻,他们创造了接吻的各种姿势,包括 :深吻面吻手吻手指吻飞吻等等。 cheek-kissingdeep kissing or deep-tongue kissinghand-kissingfingertip-kissingblow/throw a kissTHE LIP POINTING* Finger tip kiss. In France, it conveys several messages, “Thats good!” “Thats great!” “Thats beautiful!.”THE LIP POINTING* Open mouth. Any display of the open mouth is considered very rude in most countries.FINGERS* The “O.K.” signal. (the thumb and forefinger form a circle) means* “fine,” or “O.K.” in most cultures,* “zero” or “worthless” in some parts of Europe* “money” in Japan* an insult in Greece, Brazil, Italy, Turkey, Russia and some other countriesFINGERS * Pointing.* Pointing with the index finger is common in North America and Europe.* But it is considered impolite in Japan and China where they favor using the whole open hand.* Malaysians prefer pointing with the thumb.HANDS * Of all the body parts, the hands are probably used most for communicating non-verbally.* Hand waves are used for greetings, beckoning, or farewells.HANDS* The Italian “good-bye” wave can be interpreted by Americans as the gesture of “come here.”* The American “good-bye” wave can be interpreted in many parts of Europe and Latin America as the signal for “no.”HANDS * Handshaking is a form of greeting in most Western cultures. * In the Middle East, a gentle grip is appropriate.* In most Asian cultures, a gentle grip and an avoidance of direct eye contact is appropriate.HANDS* Right hand. The right hand has special significance in many societies. In certain countries in the Middle East and in Asia, it is best to present business cards or gifts, or to pass dishes of food, to get an attention, using only the right hand or both.* Left hand is considered unclean in much of the Middle East and in parts of Indonesia.HANDS* Clapping hands.* Russians and Chinese may use applause to greet someone.* In many central and eastern Europe, audience frequently clap in rhythm.NOSE* Holding the nose- “Something smells bad.” universal* Nose tap- “Its confidential.” England- “Watch out!” or “Be careful.” ItalyNOSE* Pointing to nose- “Its me.” Japan* Blowing nose-


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