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低压配电设计规范,翻译篇一:工程建设国家标准规范大全GB/T50001-XX房屋建筑制图统一标准 Unified standard for building drawings GBJ2-86建筑模数协调统一标准 Unified standard for modular coordination of buildings GB50003-XX砌体结构设计规范 Code for design of masoy structures GB50005-XX木结构设计规范(XX 年版) Code for design of timber structures GB/T50006-XX厂房建筑模数协调标准 Standard for modular coordination of industrial buildings GB50007-XX建筑地基基础设计规范 Code for design of building foundation GB50009-XX建筑结构荷载规范 Load code for the design of building structures GB50010-XX混凝土结构设计规范 Code for design of concrete structures GB50011-XX建筑抗震设计规范 Code for seismic design of buildings GB50012-XX、级铁路设计规范 GB50013-XX室外给水设计规范 Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering GB50014-XX室外排水设计规范(XX 年版) Code for design of outdoor wastewater engineering GB50015-XX建筑给水排水设计规范(XX 年版) Code for design of building water supply and drainage GB50016-XX建筑设计防火规范 Code for fire protection design of buildings GB50017-XX钢结构设计规范Code for design of steel structures GB50018-XX冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范 Technical code for design of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures GB50021-XX岩土工程勘察规范(XX 年版) Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering GBJ22-87厂矿道路设计规范 Code for design of roads in factories and mining areas GB50023-XX建筑抗震鉴定标准 Standard for seismic appraisal of buildings GB50025-XX湿陷性黄土地区建筑规范 Code for building construction in collapsible loess regions GB50026-XX工程测量规范 Code for engineering surveying GB50027-XX供水水文地质勘察规范 Standard for bydrogeological investigation of water-supply GB50028-XX城镇燃气设计规范 Code for design of city gas engineering GB50029-XX压缩空气站设计规范 Code for design of compressed air station GB50030-91氧气站设计规范 Code for design of oxygen station GB50031-91乙炔站设计规范 Code for design of acetylene stations GB50032-XX室外给水排水和燃气热力工程抗震设计规范 Code for earthquake - resistant design of outdoor water supply,sewerage,gas and heating engineering GB50033-XX建筑采光设计标准 GB50034-XX建筑照明设计标准 Standard for lighting design of buildings GB50037-96建筑地面设计规范 Code for design of ground surface and floor of building GB50039-XX农村防火规范 Code for fire protection and prevention of rural area GB50040-96动力机器基础设计规范 Code for design of dynamic machine foundation GB50041-XX锅炉房设计规范 Code for design of boiler plant GB50045-95高层民用建筑设计防火规范 Code for fire protection design of tall buildings GB50046-XX工业建筑防腐蚀设计规范 Code for anticorrosion design of industrial constructions GB50049-XX小型火力发电厂设计规范 Code for design of small fossil fired power plant GB50050-XX工业循环冷却水处理设计规范 Code for design of industrial recirulating cooling water treatment GB50051-XX烟囱设计规范 GB50052-XX供配电系统设计规范 Code for design electric power supply systems GB50053-9410kV 及以下变电所设计规范 Code for design of 10kV or under substations GB50054-XX低压配电设计规范 Code for design of low voltage electrical installations GB50055-XX通用用电设备配电设计规范Code for design of electric distribution of general-purpose utilization equipment GB50056-93电热设备电力装置设计规范 Code for design of electrical equipment of electroheat installations GB50057-XX建筑物防雷设计规范 Code for design protection of structures against lightning GB50058-92爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范 Code for design of electric installations within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres GB50059-XX35kV110kV 变电站设计规范 Code for design of 35kV110kV substation GB50060-XX3110kV 高压配电装置设计规范 Code for design of 3110kV high voltage electrical installations GB50061-XX66kV 及以下架空电力线路设计规范 Code for design of 66kV or under overhead electrical power transmission line GB/T50062-XX电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范 Code for design of relaying protection and automatic device of electric power installation GB/T50063-XX电力装置的电测量仪表装置设计规范 Code for design of electrical measuring device of power system GBJ64-83工业与民用电力装置的过电压保护设计规范 Code for design of over-voltage protection of industrial and civil electrical installation GB/T50065-XX交流电气装置的接地设计规范 Code for design of ac electrical installations earthing GB50067-97汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范 Code for fire protection design of garage,motor repairshop and parking area GB50068-XX建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准 Unified standard for reliability design of building structures GB50069-XX给水排水工程构筑物结构设计规范Structural design code for special structures of water supply and waste water engineering GB50070-XX矿山电力设计规范 Code for design of electric power in mine GB50071-XX小型水力发电站设计规范 Design code for small hydropower stations GB50072-XX冷库设计规范 Code for design of cold store GB50073-XX洁净厂房设计规范 Code for design of clean rooms GB50074-XX石油库设计规范 Code for design of oil depot GBJ76-84厅堂混响时间测量规范 Code for measurement of reverberation time in hall GB50077-XX钢筋混凝土筒仓设计规范 Code for design of reinforced concrete silos GB50078-XX烟囱工程施工及验收规范 Code for construction and acceptance of chimney works GB/T50080-XX普通混凝土拌合物性能试验方法标准 Standard for test method of performance on ordinary fresh concrete mixture GB/T50081-XX普通混凝土力学性能试验方法标准 Standard for test method of mechanical properties of ordinary concrete GB/T50082-XX普通混凝土长期性能和耐久性能试验方法标准 Standard for test methods of long-term performance and durability of ordinary concrete GB/T50083-97建筑结构设计术语和符号标准 Standard for terminology and symbols used in design of building structures 篇二:毕业设计外文文献及翻译供配电系统 摘要:电力系统的基本功能是向用户输送电能。lOkV配电网是连接供电电源与工业、商业及生活用电的枢纽,其网络庞大及复杂。对于所有用户都期望以最低的价格买到具有高度可靠性的电能。然而,经济性与可靠性这两个因素是互相矛盾的。要提高供电网络的可靠性就必须增加网络建设投资成本。但是,如果提高可靠性使用户停电损失的降低小于用于提高可靠性所增加的投资,那么这种建设投资就没有价值了。通过计算电网的投资和用户停电的损失,最终可找到一个平衡点,使投资和损失的综合经济性最优。 关键词:供配电,供电可靠性,无功补偿,负荷分配 1 引言 电力体制的改革引发了新一轮大规模的电力建设热潮从而极大地推动了电力技术革命新技术新设备的开发与应用日新月异特别是信息技术与电力技术的结合在很大程度上提高了电能质量和电力供应的可靠性由于技术的发展又降低了电力建设的成本进而推动了电网设备的更新换代本文就是以此为契机以国内外配电自动化中一些前沿问题为内容以配电自动化建设为背景对当前电力系统的热点技术进行一些较深入的探讨和研究主要完成了如下工作. (1)提出了配电自动化建设的两个典型模式即体化模式和分立化模式侧重分析了分立模式下的配电自动化系统体系结构给出了软硬件配置主站选择管理模式最佳通讯方式等是本文研究的前提和实现平台. (2)针对配电自动化中故障测量定位与隔离以及供电恢复这一关键问题分析了线路故障中电压电流等电量的变化导出了相间短路工况下故障定位的数学描述方程并给出了方程的解以及故障情况下几个重要参数 s U反过来,中性点接地方式对电力系统的设计、运行、调试以及发展都有很大影响。一般在电压等级较高的系统中,绝缘费用在设备总价格中占相当大的比重,降低绝缘水平带来的经济效益很显著,通常就采用中性点直接接地的方式,而采用自动重合闸来保证供电可靠性:相反,在电压等级较低的系统中,通常都采用中性点不接地的方式来提高供电可靠性。因此,在综合考虑供电可靠性、安全因素、过电压因素、继电保护的选择、投资费用等各方面因素的情况下,来论证正确选择配电网接地方式的重要性,以及如何不断开发,利用新型接地装置来应用在配电网接地系统中是当今配电网接地方式的一个重要课题。 本文主要工作是对 lOkV配电网接地方式进行研究和比较选择。分别论述各类接地方式的优缺点,主要有国内外比较常用的中性点不接地方式、中性点经消弧线圈接地方式(也称谐振接地方式)、中性点电阻接地方式、中性点直接接地方式。通过技术比较确定最优接地方式,还利用一种近几年研究开发的,应用在谐振接地方式中的自动跟踪补偿装置,再配以灵敏的小电流接地选线保护,能够有效限制电网的故障接地电弧,更有利于电网的安全运行。本文首先对配电网各类接地方式做深入的研究。全面介绍国内外几种常用的中性点接地方式的运行特性,通过技术经济比较对不同的接地方式进行综合评价,再结合不同的接地方式的发展前景得出结论,优化了的谐振接地方式表现出很大的发展潜力。 然后,本文对 lOkV配电网中性点谐振接地方式的运行特性进行了研究和介绍。从限制故障接地电弧的危害出发,重点论述如何利用电流谐振原理,有效熄灭故障接地电弧等。接着,本文结合国内外科技的发展和创新成果,对谐振接地优化方式中的微机接地保护性和自动跟踪补偿装置进行全面的分析与论述,说明谐振接地优化方式在供电可靠性、人身安全、设备安全和通信干扰等方面,具有较好的运行特性,既解决了小电流接地系统接地保护的选择性,又实现了自动调谐,使此种接地方式成为配电网比较理想的中性点接地方式。本文同时还对谐振接地方式实施技术进行了研究,包括消弧线圈的参数选择、安装、调整、运行与维护等内容。 最后,本文总结了本课题研究的内容。谐振接地籍助微机技术的支持,近些年来国内外均在进行优化,优化谐振接地技术是提高供电可靠性、保护人身安全、设备安全和电磁环境等的一项合理的重要技术手段,而谐振接地实施技术更充分发挥谐振接地方式的功能,使谐振接地方式具有更好的技术经济指标。随著电网的不断发展和丰富的实践结果表明,以谐振接地方式为代表的小电流接地方式优于其他接地方式,这是配电网的中性点接地方式发展的总趋势,在今后的配电网接地方式中应推广应用。本论文提出的思路、方案和结论不仅对于 lOkV配电网中性点接地方式选择研究、实际工程应用具有实际的参考作用,对于其他电压等级中性点接地方式选择同样具有借鉴的作用。 电力系统的基本功能是向用户输送电能。lOkV 配电网是连接供电电源与工业、商业及生活用电的枢纽,其网络庞大及复杂。对于所有用户都期望以最低的价格买到具有高度可靠性的电能。然而,经济性与可靠性这两个因素是互相矛盾的。要提高供电网络的可靠性就必须增加网络建设投资成本。但是,如果提高可靠性使用户停电损失的降低小于用于提高可靠性所增加的投资,那么这种建设投资就没有价值了。通过计算电网的投资和用户停电的损失,最终可找到一个平衡点,使投资和损失的综合经济性最优。论文针对配电网各种接线模式的特点,就各种接线模式的经济性和可靠性进行了分析。 3 小结 论文首先介绍 lOkV配电网各种典型的接线模式和国外几个国家的典型接线模式,然后确定配电网接线模式分析的思路,明确进行分析的必要性和重要性。再提出最优分段数计算的必要性,阐述最优分段数对经济性和可靠性的影响,然后建立最优分段数计算模型,并简单介绍各种接线模式的供电方案。而后对配电网各种接线模式的可靠性和经济性进行了计算和分析,通过计算并描绘的各种图表。并对最优分段数作了分析和讨论。文章最后对各种接线模式的经济性和可靠性进行总结,分析了各种接线模式各自的优点和缺点,其适用情况。并结合实际情况针对lOkV配电网的规划和建设提出有益的建议。为 lOkV配电网的规划设计及为建成网架坚实、布局合理、管理科学、能够安全、优质、高效运行的配电网提供理论的依据和有益的指引。 参考文献 1苏文成.工厂供电M.机械工业出版社. 2刘介才.工厂供电设计指导M.机械工业出版社. 3供配电系统设计规范S.中国计划出版社.1996 4低压配电设计规范S.中国计划出版社. Power Supply and Distribution System ABSTRACT: The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but dont consider that its self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. KEYWORDS: power supply and distribution, power distribution reliability,reactive compensation, load distribution The revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round construction,which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of the information technique and electric power technique, to great ex- tent, has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basis of national and internatio- nal advanced electric knowledge, the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power sy- etem as following. Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research reference. Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, This dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure and current for line problem, gets math equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of single-phase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the reliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement and sets a model on network reconstruction and computer flow. Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in DA realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data and structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data test and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and the way has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big parameter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some parameters, eg. weather factor, date type and social environment effect based on analysis of routine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting founded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested its validity by example and made to be good practical effect. Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and non-power compensation and non-continuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves technique and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. Meanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of non-power need of electric network tre- nds and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective economic benefit throu- gh counting example. Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal electric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future trends of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in short-term trade under the way of grouped price and quantity harmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of trading plan and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between medium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric factory, at the same time, it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and reduce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric market network. The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutral grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system directly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with national conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, the activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral grounding mode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the system higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable proportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the economic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral directly grounding and adopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On the contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new- type earth device to apply to the distribution network under 篇三:某花园洋房配电及照明系统设计英文翻译成绩: 西安 xxxxx大学 xx学院 毕业设计 (论文)英文翻译 院 (系): 机械电子工程系 专业班级:自动化 0802 毕 业 设 计 论 文 方 向 :某花园洋房配电及照明系统设计 :电气装置安装设计与施工 翻 译 文 章 题 目 学生姓名: xxxxxxx 学 号:xxxxxxxxxxxxx 指导教师:xxxxxx XX 年 4月 13日 电气装置安装设计与施工 1.照明设计和照明装置施工 一般规定 (1)当在砖石结构中安装电气照明装置时,应采用预埋吊钩、螺栓、螺钉、膨胀螺栓、尼龙塞或塑料塞固定;严禁使用木楔。当设计无规定时,上述固定件的承载能力应与电气照明装置的重量相匹配。 (2)在危险性较大及特殊危险场所,当灯具距地面高度小于时,应使用额定电压为 36V及以下的照明灯具,或采取保护措施。 (3)电气照明装置的接线应牢固,电气接触应良好;需接地或接零的灯具、开关、插座等非带电金属部分,应有明显标志的专用接地螺钉。 灯具 (1)灯具不得直接安装在可燃构件上;当灯具表面高温部位靠近可燃物时,应采取隔热、散热措施。 (2)在变电所内,高压、低压配电设备及母线的正上方,不应安装灯具。 (3)灯头的绝缘外壳不应有破损和漏电。 (4)对带开关的灯头,开关手柄不应有裸露的金属部分。 插座 (1)插座的安装高度应符合设计的规定,当设计无规定时,应符合下列要求。 (2)距地面高度不宜小于托儿所、幼儿园及小学校不宜小于;同一场所安装的插座高度应一致。 (3)车间及试验室的插座安装高度距地面不宜小于;特殊场所暗装的插座不应小于;同一室内安装的插座高度差不宜大于 5mm;并列安装的相同型号的插座高度差不宜大于 1mm。 (4)落地插座应具有牢固可靠的保护盖板。 (5)插座的接线应符合下列要求: 单相两孔插座,面对插座的右孔或上孔与相线相接,左孔或下孔与零线相接;单相三孔插座,面对插座的右孔与相线相接,左孔与零线相接。单相三孔、三相四孔及三相五孔插座的接地线或接零线均应接在上孔。插座的接地端子不应与零线端子直接连接。 (6)当交流、直流或不同电压等级的插座安装在同一场所时,应有明显的区别,且必须选择不同结构、不同规格和不能互换的插座;其配套的插头,应按交流、直流或不同电压等级区别使用。 (7)同一场所的三相插座,其接线的相位必须一致。(8)备用照明、疏散照明的回路上不应设置插座。 开关 (1)安装在同一建筑物、构筑物内的开关,宜采用同一系列的产品,开关的通断位置应一致,且操作灵活、接触可靠。 (2)开关安装的位置应便于操作,开关边缘距门框的距离宜为;开关距地面高度宜为;拉线开关距地面高度宜为 23m,且拉线出口应垂直向下。 (3)相线应经开关控制;民用住宅严禁装设床头开关。 照明配电箱(板) (1)照明配电箱(板)内的交流、直流或不同电压等级的电源,应具有明显的标志。 (2)照明配电箱(板)不应采用可燃材料制作;在干燥无尘的场所,采用的木制配


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