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1 How to Improve the English Skill? 如何提高英 语 水平 ? 2 新世 纪 人才的七能力 独 立思考 创 新 自 动 自 发 专业训练 加商 业 知 识 沟 通 英文 国 际观 3 有梦想才美 We all have dreams.We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place. Whats one of your aspirations(抱负 )? Maybe its a dream youve forgotten or have begun to relinquish. If that vision were alive today, what would your lift be like? Take a moment now just to dream and to think about what you really want for your life. 4 Its not what we do once in a while that counts, but our consistent actions. And what is the father of all action? What ultimately determines who we become and where we go in life? The answer is our decisions. Its in these moments that our destiny is shaped. More than anything else, I believe our decisions not the conditions of our lives determine our destiny. 5 Who would have thought that the conviction of a quiet, unassuming(谦虚 ) man a lawyer by trade and a pacifist by principle would have the power to topple a vast empire? Yet Mahatma Gandhis decision, his belief in nonviolence as a means to helping Indias people regain control of their country, set in motion an unexpected chain of events. Realize the power of a single decision acted upon immediately and with utter conviction. The secret is to make a public commitment, one so forceful you cannot turn back from it. While many thought that his was an impossible dream, Gandhis consistent commitment to his decision made it an undeniable reality. What could you, too, accomplish if you invoked(诉诸 ) a similar level of passion, conviction, and action to create unstoppable momentum? 6 Each of us is endowed with innate (先天的 ) resources that enable us to achieve all weve ever dreamed of and more. The floodgates can be opened by one decision, bringing us joy or sorrow, prosperity or poverty, companionship or solitude, long life or early death. I challenge you to make a decision today that can immediately change or improve the quality of your life. Do something youve been putting offmaster a new set of skillstreat people with newfound respect and compassioncall someone you havent spoken to in years. Just know that all decisions have consequences. Even making no decision at all is a decision in its own way. What decisions have you made or failed to make in the past that powerfully influence your life today? 7 Jacobs English Journey (in Deans Office) 台中一中 台中二中 师 范大 学 新社 国 中 溪南 国 中 Central Missouri State University University Of Oklahoma University Of Houston University of Texas - Pan American 8 First Set of Tips Image yourself in the future Remember that you are already good Remember there is a lot that you dont know Use your English whenever you can Talk to people about English Find a friend who is learning English Remember that learning English requires action 讀 翻譯 寫 說 聽 English Skill 9 Second Set of Tips Utilize every opportunity to pick up new word, new pattern, and new concept. Dont be shy from speaking out. Read newspaper, magazine, and English documents. Listen to radio and watch English TV programs/movies with caption. Attend English corner or Toast Master program. Practice! Practice! Practice! 翻譯 口譯 筆譯 中翻英 英翻中 中翻英 英翻中 10 成功的法门 向 ” 失败 ” 学习 (The Secret/Key to the Success Learn from the Mistake/Failure) Chairmans Encouragement 总 裁 训 勉 11 Frequently Confused Words Accept, Except Iaccept the offer. Everyone leftexcept me. Advice, Advise She needs youradvice. Pleaseadvise him of his rights. Affect, Effect Inflation alwaysaffects our level of income. The computer has had a profoundeffect on our everyday lives. It haseffected a complete change in the way we do business. 12 Frequently Confused Words (continued) Capital, Capitol The nationscapital braced itself for the holiday weekend. We need morecapital to finance our new product line. They are putting a new roof on thecapitol. Complement, Compliment Her humor is the perfectcomplement to my seriousness. My father alwayscompliments my mother on her painting. The bossscompliment meant a lot to Carl. 13 Frequently Confused Words (continued) Later, Latter Theyll mail itlater today. If its a choice between the beach and the mountains. Ill take thelatter. Personal, Personnel Can I ask you apersonal question? The personnel office keeps records on all companypersonnel, including officers. 14 Frequently Confused Words (continued) Rise, Raise The moonrises later each night. Your statement to the governor certainly got arise out of him. Raise the picture a little higher. After four months, he finally got araise in pay. Stationary, Stationery The chair isstationary. He took out a sheet ofstationery and wrote a letter. 15 Frequently Confused Words (continued) Lie, Lay The cat alwayslies down on my sweater. Yesterday helay on it all day. I wish he hadlain somewhere else. I lay the sweater on the couch. I laid it there without thinking about the cat. I have laid it there many times. Lose, Loose, Loss Dontlose the tickets. The screw isloose on the showerhead. Turn the kids loose in the park. His leaving was aloss to the company. 16 Frequently Confused Words (continued) Past, Passed Thepast president gave the gavel to the new president. Wepassed my cousin on the road. Principle, Principal Soundprinciples can help you make good decisions. She is the statsprincipal witness in this case. Ill never forget my grade schoolprincipal, Mr. Harvey. 17 Verb-Preposition Combinations On behalf of, In behalf of The lawyer will acton behalf of my brother to settle the estate. I set up a trust fundin behalf of my daughter. Agree with, Agree to Iagree with Carl that we should operate tomorrow. Iagree to an operation for my ulcer. 18 Verb-Preposition Combinations (continued) In the market, On the market Werein the market for a great chocolate dessert. Hal put his house and boaton the market yesterday and hopes to sell them in a week. Differ from, Differ with The moviediffered from the book in several ways. The figures in the government reportdiffer with those in our study. 19 Brevity In general, avoid the phrasesthereis andthereare. Avoid: There are three reasons for Marys odd behavior. Better: I can tell you three reasons for Marys odd behavior. Try to condense clauses beginning withwhich, that, or who into fewer words. Poor: The visitor, who was from England, brought us a package that was square and heavy. Better: The England visitor brought us a square, heavy package. 20 Brevity (continued) Eliminate wordy and redundant phrases and expressions. Avoid: The birds are bright yellow in color. Better: The birds are bright yellow. Avoid: Of course, Im only thinking on a theoretical basis. Better: Of course, Im only thinking theoretically. Avoid: In the month of June, we traveled through the states of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. Better: In June, we traveled through Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. 21 Clarity Keep the words fresh by avoiding jargon and buzz words. Avoid: The computer downloaded all the data to the printer. Better: The computer sent all the data to the printer. Avoid: I dont know how well Greg is going to interface with Linda. Better: I dont know how well Greg is going to get along with Linda. 22 Clarity (continued) Keep words specific and concrete Abstract: His tennis game is off. Concrete: His backstroke is weak, and he cant maintain his concentration. Place adverbs close to the words they modify. Incorrect: I only wanted three hot dogs, not five. Correct: I wanted only three hot dogs, not five. 23 Clarity (continued) Keep structures parallel Incorrect: We sold computers to the Spanish, the French, Italians, and Germans. Correct: We sold computers to the Spanish, the French, the Italians, and the Germans. Correct: We sold computers to the Spanish, French, Italians, and Germans. 24 Accuracy Double-check figures, dates, specifications, and other details. Be sure that all names, titles, and abbreviations are spelled properly. Verify the accuracy of direct quotations. Make sure that ideas are presented clearly. Make sure your work is neat and legible. 25 Gender-Inclusive Language Avoid using man to refer to people as a group. Use the termshumanity, human beings, persons, human race, or people instead. Avoid: Man is a gregarious creature. Better: People are gregarious creature. 26 Gender-Inclusive Language (continued) Use person as the suffix or prefix instead of man where the usage would not create absurd constructions. Avoid: A businessman can fly half fare. Better: A businessperson can fly half fare. Use words other than person to replace man Avoid: The policeman gave me a ticket. Better: The police officer gave me a ticket. 27 Social Titles Use Mr. for all men. Use Ms. For all women when you do not know how they prefer to be addressed or do not know their marital status. Use Miss or Mrs. When the woman herself uses these titles with her name. Use a married womans first name, not her husbands. Mrs. Dorothy Brandt, NOT Mrs. Harold Brandt. 28 Salutations Avoid using Dear Sir, Dear Gentlemen or My Dear Sirs. Using the following variations. Ladies and Gentlemen: Gentlepersons: Dear Madames and Sirs: My Dear Sirs and Madames: My Dear Sir or Madam: 29 Salutations (continued) Address individuals by title or group name. Title: Dear Executive, Dear Manager, Dear Personnel Director, Dear Professor, Dear Medical Writer Group Name: Dear Customer, Dear Friend, Dear Subscriber, Dear Investor 30 Occupational Titles Avoid Salesman Craftsman Draftsman Fireman Watchman Newsman Foreman Repairman Mailman Policeman Revised Salesperson Craftworker Drafter Firefighter Guard, security officer Reporter, newspeople Supervisor Repairer Mail carrier Police, police officer 31 The Techniques of Writing Organizing the theme Generalizing by means of key words 5W1H Writing a theme statement Scratch outline Using index cards 32 Generalizing by Means of Key Words - What Question - What are some of the causes of child abuse? Statement Poor: There are several causes, but frustration is one of the things that leads to child abuse. Better: Experts in the fields of social and medical science who have studied all aspects of child abuse have identified a number of causes that may lead to breakthroughs in solving this dreadful problem. 33 Generalizing by Means of Key Words - How Question How can the consumer protect himself against the dangers of shoddy merchandise and services? Statement Poor: One way is to get in touch with the Better Business Bureau. Better: Today there are several measures that consumers can follow to protect themselves from poor goods and services and several organizations, both private and governmental, that consumers can turn to for aid. 34 Generalizing by Means of Key Words - Why Question Why is the divorce rate in the United States increasing at such an alarming rate? Statement Experts who have studied the problem have posited a number of causes for the alarming increase in the divorce rate in recent years. 35 Ge


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