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一: 管控与提升人才当量密度指标提高企业竞争 力 10 休谟人性论北京:商务印书馆 1983217 1976. Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. Kodansha,Tokyo. In 3 volume: (1) English text, xxix+149pp 231 株仔猪腹泻致病性大肠杆菌对 18 种抗菌药物敏感性测定 500 hPa 月平均高度距平的数值预报 A comparison of methods for calculating O(1S) lifetimes A 2-year placebo-controlled study of orlistat in the tretament of ob esity A comparative study of the effects of two NOSs and two NO donors on temporary focal cerebral ischemia in the Wistar rat A Comparison of Baseline Aerodynamics Performance of Optimally-Twisted Versus Non-Twisted HAWT Blade15th A discussion on the displacement stress field in complex fault system and identification ofseismogenic fault (in Chinese) A Multiattractor model for the dynamic control of companies A network flow approach to a city emergencyevacuation planing A new face for Ergo: Adding a user interface to a programmable theorem prover. Tech-nical Report TR-95-42 of the Software Verification Research Centre A one-dimensional Temperature Model for a Snow Cover A potential role for interleukin15 in the regulation of human natural killer cell survivl A Slotted-pipe Kicker for High-current Storage Rings A study of long term environmental effects of river regulation on the Yellow river of China in historical perspective A.:Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion using a porous hydroxyapatite bone graft substitute Activation of human monocytes by the pineal hormone melatonin Acute central cervical cord injury presenting as only upper extremity involvement Adhesion testing of glass-ceramic thick films on metal substrates Alternatives to hexachlorophene bathing of newborn infants An chromatic /4 wave-plate An investigation on analytical methods for corrction of distance-dependent resolution variation in 3D SPECT imaging“ Antiatherogenic affects of Larginine in the hyperchole sterolemic rabbit Aortic arch anomalies in children and infants Apoptosis-The cells silent exit Appetitie suppressants:a review Aprosectire study of primary cytomegalovirus infeotion during pregnancy: final report Assessment of right ventricular and right atrial systolic and diastolic performance using automated border detection Atypical and malignant solitary fibrous tumors in extrathoracic locations:evidence of their comparability to intra-tharacic tumors Baroreflex sensitivity and the blood pressure response to beta-blockade BGA 的设计和工艺 Binding of (125I) corticotropin-releasing factor to blood immunocytes and its reduction in Alzheimers disease Bioavailability of penicillin V in aqueous forms Biosensors 31A(suppl 6): Design of a Nonlinear Controller for STATCOM Detection of left ventricular systolic and diastolic abnormalities in patients with coronary artery disease by color kinesis Detection of viral sequences of low reiteration frequency by in situ hybridization 二 浅谈国际型人才培养 1. European commission ERASMUS MUNDUS 20042008 2004 2. European commission ERASMUS MUNDUS 20092013 2009 首页 NSTL 期刊 Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 相关检索词 emergenc y soap 急诊 windows injuries 急救 2006 mis 2003 c/s 突发事件 农场 xml 意外伤害 asp 紫外线 farm ultraviolet rays server ga Farm injuries in Ohio, 2003-2006: a report from the emergency medical services prehospital database. 请求原文传递 导出 分享到 | Agriculture has among the highest numbers and rates of fatal and non-fatal traumatic injuries in the U.S. Surveillance is an integral part of injury prevention. However, traditional sources of surveillance data are incomplete and inaccurate in describing agricultural injuries. The goals of this research are to describe acute, traumatic farm injuries in Ohio utilizing the Ohio EMS prehospital (ambulance run) database, and to explore the databases utility in agricultural injury surveillance. Ohio mandates reporting of responses to every call for emergency medical services (EMS) in the state. A dataset containing every transported injury case from 2003-2006 was obtained. A descriptive analysis of farm injuries was conducted and compared to existing surveillance sources. Of the total transported injuries, 15% (1714 injured individuals) came from farms. “Falls“ were the most common cause of injury in all age groups except ages 15-24, in which “off-road vehicles“ were most common. Other leading causes include “ridden animal,“ “machinery,“ and “caused by animal.“ These results are similar to other data sources. Strengths of EMS databases include mandatory reporting, low expense, and lack of need for employer or worker reporting. They may be used to look at injury severity, quality of acute care, resource allocation, and to assess the need for specialized training of EMS personnel. Limitations are lack of specificity for work-related agricultural injuries and variation in definitions of data elements. EMS prehospital databases are an important source of data for agricultural injury surveillance. 作者: Forst, L. ; Erskine, T. 期刊: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health EI 年,卷(期): 2009, 15(2) 正文语种: eng 首页 NSTL 期刊 Journal of agricultural (2) improved teaching resources and flexibility of delivery of university courses; and (3) industry participation in professional development in university accredited short courses for industry personnel. While these three main programmes are covered in this paper, other aspects of the DEST/UTas programme can be found in a report by Russell (2004) 作者 Russell, D ; Hawke, C ; Stone, G 期刊: Acta Horticulturae 年,卷(期): 2005, 0(672) 关键


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