



【安徽中公金融人】为您提供 2014 商业银行考试公告、考试内容、报名时间、 报名入口,成绩 查询、面试名单。历年真题、模拟试题。为您专业提供安徽农 信社考试教材,考试用书,考试培训, 笔试辅导,面试培训。 1. Due to popular demand by the staff members, the scheduled talk by Mr. Smith will take place _ Room 15 instead of Room 20 as was first planned. (A) in (B) on (C) of (D) as 【答案】A。解析:由于员工的普遍要求,史密斯先生原定在 15 号房间进行的演讲将在 20 号房间进行。本题需选择适当的介词 in, 故选 2I extend my sincere _ to the family and friends of John Miller, who has suddenly left us at the age of 54. (A) appreciation (B) description (C) condolences (D) charges 【答案】C。解析:54 岁的约翰米勒突然辞世,我对他的家人和朋友致以诚挚的哀悼。横 线处填入的词被形容词 sincere 修饰,故 C 最合适。 3. Hotel employees are reminded to be _ and courteous, especially to first- time guests. (A) friend (B) friends (C) friendly (D) friendship 【答案】C。解析:我们提醒饭店员工礼貌谦让,尤其是对第一次到访的客人。横线处需填 入 be 动词的表语。故正确答案为 C。 4. The government issued a warning to local companies that all waste must be disposed of _ or they will face heavy fines. (A) corrects (B) correcting (C) correction (D) correctly 【答案】D。解析:政府向当地企业发出警告:所有废弃物必须妥善处理,否则企业将被处 以大量罚金。All waste must be disposed of 语法结构完整,横线处应填入修饰 be disposed of 的副词,故 D 为正确答案。 5. Golf Weekly is a newly published magazine that caters _ to experienced and inexperienced golfers who are just learning to play the game. (A) both (B) neither (C) either (D) so 【答案】A。解析:高尔夫周刊是一本新出版的杂志,同时迎合有经验的和刚开始学打 高尔夫,没有经验的高尔夫爱好者。这里要用 both A and B 的结构,故选。 6. We are seeking an _ to represent us in talks with our Japanese clients. (A) interpret (B) interpreter (C) interpreting (D) interpretation 【答案】B。解析:我们正在寻找一名翻译,代表我们和日本客户谈判。横线处应填入 seek 的宾语,B 在词义上最恰当。 7. Following a widespread dispute over wages, both parties involved _ came to an agreement to end the three-month walkout, as the company offered higher wages and job guarantees. (A) equally (B) finally (C) annually (D) increasingly 【答案】B。解析:经过这场普遍的工资纠纷后,双方最终达成了一致,由于公司提高了工 资,加强了工作保障,为期三个月的罢工宣告结束。横线处要填入适当的副词。状语 following a widespread over wages 提供了解题的线索。B 最恰当。 Passage 1 Questions 810refer to the following notice. Editors Welcome Welcome to Street lifes live and intimate celebration of the 200th edition of -8-. In the next few pages, we have a special feature to let you meet the luminaries who have made great contributions to our magazine. These special people will also entertain you this Friday, October 27, at the Street Life 200th Edition Gala Celebration at Queens Quay, Toronto. If you cant physically be there tonight, settle back, and enjoy our magazine, and try to -9- some of these talented artists the next time they are in your area. So as the curtains go up on the night of nights street Lifes celebration of 200 fabulous editions please raise you glass to Torontos most popular magazine. Heres to -10- 200 editions! Carl Stevens Carl Stevens 8. A. publish B. publishing C. to publish 安徽信合招考交流 QQ 群 346922529;每日一练,真题共 享 【安徽中公金融人】官方微博:安徽中公金融人; 官方微信: ahnxsoffcn 地址:合肥市包河区芜湖路万达广场 7 号写字楼 32 层 电话:055165268288 安徽农村信用社笔试培训课程 /zg/2014cjnxskb/index.html D. to be published 【答案】B。解析:横线前有介词 of, 因此横线处应填入名词,动名词或名词短语,答案 为 B。 9. A. win B. gain C. earn D.


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