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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 文化高消费,代价孰买单 It was in 2012 that Major League Baseball1 ran an ad showing generations of parents sharing the beloved American pastime with their kids. But it was already too late: in 2012, the average price for tickets to the World Series was nearly $1,000compared with just $2 for the same seats in 1963. Cost for two to attend even a run-of-themill2 baseball game in 2016 is nearly $80, what with $6 per beer, almost $5 for a hot dog, and $16 to park the car. 中国论文网 /9/view-12941874.htm Using baseballs cultural status to exploit fans is part of a long, dark -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 trend: the tendency to milk the masses for what ostensibly belongs to everyone.3 In the Middle Ages, quaestores (pardoners) granted followers of the Catholic Church indulgences,4 which were believed to lessen the punishments of ones sins. At first, indulgences were given for acts of piety and prayer but, over time, were sold by members of the Church for money. This practice became so common, and the prices so extreme, that the Protestant Reformation was, in part, galvanised by Martin Luthers outrage at this industry of the Church.5 The unaffordability of salvation continues to this day. One hefty toll can be seen in the price of food.6 We pay for belief: Kosher7 meat costs 20 per cent more than non-Kosher meat. We pay for health: exposure to pesticides can increase the risk of developing cancers -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 such as multiple myelomayet organic foods are substantially marked-up,8 sometimes to twice as much or more than non-organic varieties. We pay for ethics: in the European Union, eggs are marked so we know when they come from caged hens (abusive) , semi-free-range hens( better) , or free-range (where they can roam, mostly free). Organic, free-range eggs are the most costly of all. Cultural, religious and culinary monopolies can be found in any country.9 Construction workers for the 2016 Olympics in Brazil complained that they couldnt afford tickets to any of the games events. Yet the owners of sports teams can make hundreds of millions in profits each year. Tickets to The Museum of Modern Art in New York cost $25 for adults, -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 which, as Michael Rushtona lecturer in arts administration at Indiana University in Bloomington arguesis far less expensive than a night at the New York Philharmonic or the Metropolitan Opera.10 Yet the comparison reveals only the blindness of the elite: yes, the opera is expensive, but does that mean that $50 is an affordable way for two college students, or two baristas,11 to spend an afternoon? In London, some of the most impressive museums in the world are free for everyone. Public Theaters “Shakespeare in the Park” series puts on the worlds greatest plays for nothing in New Yorks Central Park. Without constant vigilance12, culture drifts from us slowly: in 1972, The Museum of Modern Art in New York was free, though you could donate what you -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 wished. Without public access, a culture becomes dead, an inert shell that serves as a shill for profit, while too rarefied and remote to thrive.13 The quaestores of modern times use health, religion, and access to sports and art just like those of the Middle Ages used salvation to exploit people by pricing what they value too high. Only by exposing these cultural monopolies can we prevent what we cherish from moving out of reach. 2012 年,美国职棒大联盟发布了 一则广告,显示了几代父母与他们的孩 子共享珍贵的美国休闲时光(观看棒球 比赛)的场景,但这为时已晚。2012 年, 世界大赛的平均票价将近 1,000 美元, 而在 1963 年,同等座位票价仅为 2 美 元。2016 年,两个人仅是观看一场普普 通通的棒球比赛就要花费近 80 美元, 其中包括一杯啤酒 6 美元、一个热狗 5 美元,还有停车费 16 美元。 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 利用棒球的文化地位来剥削粉丝, 部分暴露出长久以来的一个不良趋 势榨取大众那些本就属于他们的东 西。在中世纪,天主教徒可以从负责审 理刑事案件的法官(卖赎罪券者)手中 获得赎罪券,并相信能以此减轻对自己 罪行的惩罚。起初,赎罪券通过虔诚的 行为或祷告就能获得,然而过了一段时 间,教会人员开始利用售卖赎罪券来赚 钱。这一现象如此普遍,价格又如此之 高,以至于宗教改革爆发的一部分原因 就是马丁路德不忿于当时教会的这一 行当。 直到现在,救赎仍是人们买不起 的东西,这点从高昂的食品价格中便可 见一斑。我们为信仰买单:符合犹太教 规的洁净肉比非洁净肉价格高出两成。 我们为健康买单:喷洒农药会增加患癌 几率,比如多发性骨髓瘤,但有机食品 一般都会大幅抬价,有时要比非有机食 品贵上一倍甚至更多。我们为道德买单: 在欧盟国家,鸡蛋的不同标价能使我们 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 7 知道它是出自笼养鸡(受虐待的) 、半 散养鸡(略好)还是散养鸡(鸡可以随 意走动) 。其中,散养鸡下的有机鸡蛋 是最贵的。 任何一个国家都存在着文化、宗 教和食品垄断。2016 年巴西奥运会的建 筑工人曾抱怨说他们根本付不起任何一 场比赛的门票。然而,体育团队老板每 年却能获利数亿。 纽约现代艺术博物馆的成人票价 为 25 美元/人,按照印第安纳大学伯明 顿分校艺术管理课讲师迈克尔拉什顿 所言,可比听一晚上纽约爱乐乐团的演 奏或是在大都会歌剧院看一晚表演要便 宜多了。但这种对比只说明了这位精英 人士的不谙世事:是的,歌剧是很贵, 但是难道这就意味着两个大学生或是两 个咖啡师,花上 50 美元在现代艺术博 物馆待一下午,他们就能负担得起吗? 在伦敦,一些世界知名的博物馆 都是免费对外开放的。美国大众剧院举 办“公园中的莎士比亚 ”系列活动,在纽 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 8 约中央公园为大众无偿表演世界上最伟 大的戏剧。如果不时刻保持警惕,文化 便会慢慢地离我们远去:1972 年,纽约 现代艺术博物馆还是免费参观的,当然, 你也可以自愿捐一些钱出来。 没有公众参与,文化便会消亡, 只留下以营利为目的空壳,死气沉沉 ,无人问津,繁荣不再。正如中世纪那 些以救赎之名售卖赎罪券的法官一样, 现代的“法官 ”则以健康、宗教、观看体 育赛事和艺术展览为名,用过分高昂的 价格来剥削大众。只有将这些文化垄断 公之于众,才能避免那些我们所珍视的 东西离我们越来越远。 1. Major League Baseball: 美国 职业棒球大联盟,简称 MLB,是北美 地区最高 水平的职业棒球联赛。美国职棒 大联盟每年 10 月举行总冠军赛,称为 世界大赛(World Series ) 。 2. run-of-the-mill: 一般的,普 通的。 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 9 3. milk: 榨取;ostensibly : 显 而易见地。 4. quaestor:(古_马审理某些 刑事案件的)法官,检察官; pardoner: 卖赎罪券的人; indulgence: 赎罪券。 5. Protestant Reformation: 宗教 改革;galvanise: 激励;Martin Luther: 马丁路德(14831546) , 是 16 世纪欧洲宗教改革倡导者,基督 教新教路德宗创始人;industry:(有利 可图的)行当。 6. hefty: (钱的数额)超出一 般的,可观的;toll: 费用,代价。 7. Kosher: 符合犹太教教规的 健康、洁净的食物,普遍音译为“洁食” , 相关规定限制了可食用动物的种类、其 屠宰及烹调方式等。 8. pesticide: 农药;multiple myeloma:多发性骨髓瘤;mark-up : 涨价,标高售价。 9. culinary: 烹饪的; -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 10 monopoly: 垄断。 10. The Museum of M


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