2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 4 earthquakes新人教版必修1_3_第1页
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1 Unit 4 Earthquakes Section Grammar & Writing .单句语法填空 1Anyone_has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising. 答案: who/that 2The Great Wall is the last place_Mr Smith is going to visit before he leaves Beijing. 答案: that 3Will you please pass me the book_cover is green? 答案: whose 4Is there any other student_wants to visit Wutai Mountain? I dont know. 答案: who 5This is the most interesting story _I have ever read. 答案: that 6This is the person_you should thank for helping your son. 答案: who/that/whom 7The girl_graduated from Cambridge University is called Amanda. 答案: who/that 8They are talking excitedly about the writers and their books _interest them. 答案: that 9On the way home I met the girl_you talked with in the library yesterday. 答案: whom 10The earthquake_happened in Tangshan in 1976 shocked the people all over the world. 答案: that 11My father bought a new bike for me_price added up to more than 1,000 yuan. 答案: whose 12She said she would do anything_could help her mother recover from the disease. 2 答案: that .阅读理解 The United States has more tornadoes (龙卷风) than any other country in the world.In a normal year there are 800 to 1,000 tornadoes.Most happen in the middle part of the country.Tornadoes form when warm and cool air meet.In the Midwest,the warm air from the Gulf of Mexico often meets the cold air from Canada. The usual tornado season is March through May.Tornadoes form most often in the afternoon and early evening.There is often no warning of a tornado.People who live in the Midwest know the signs (征兆) of tornado activity.The sky becomes dark,often a greenish color.Dark clouds appear in the sky and there is often large hail (冰雹) Suddenly,there is a loud sound,like a train or a jet plane.Sometimes,two,three,five,ten or more tornadoes can form over a large area. This type of tornado activity hit Oklahoma and Kansas in May 1999.The day was stormy,with heavy thunderstorms in the afternoon.As the storms continued,tornadoes began to form.Dozens of tornadoes hit towns and neighborhoods in Oklahoma,then in Kansas.Some stayed on the ground for several hours,destroying everything they touched.The tornadoes killed 43 people and injured 600 others.They destroyed thousands of homes and businesses.In some areas,not one home stood.In other areas,the tornadoes destroyed every home on the left side of the street,but didnt touch any homes on the right side.The tornadoes lifted people and cars into the air and then threw them back down to earth.So it is important to know where to hide and how to protect yourself in the face of a tornado. 语篇解读 本文是说明文。文章主要就发生在美国的龙卷风进行了简单的介绍。 1What can we learn about tornadoes in America? AThey may appear in groups. BThey usually happen in the summer. CThere are more tornadoes in the Eastern States. DThere are more than 1,000 tornadoes every year. 解析: 细节理解题。 由第二段中的 Sometimes,two ,three,five,ten or more tornadoes can form over a large area 可知,这些龙卷风有可能会成群出现,故选 A 项。 3 答案: A 2The tornadoes that hit Oklahoma and Kansas in May 1999_. Atook place at the same time Bwere the biggest in history Ccame and went quickly Dbrought death and destruction 解析: 细节理解题。 由末段中的 destroying everything.600 others 等可知, D 项说法正确。 答案: D 3What will the author most probably talk about next? ATornado dangers and warning signs. BHow to stay safe during a tornado. CDifferent kinds of tornadoes. DHow a tornado forms. 解析: 推理判断题。由第三段中最后的 it is important to know where to hide and how to protect yourself in the face of a tornado 可知,作者接下来很可能谈论 在龙卷风来临时如何保护自己,故选 B 项。 答案: B .完形填空 “Fire!Fire!” What terrible words to hear when I_1_in a strange house in the middle of the night!It was a large,_2_house the sort that burns easilyand my room was on the top floor.I jumped out of bed,_3_the door and stepped out into the passage.It was full of _4_. I began to_5_,but as I was still only half awake,_6_ going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction.The smoke grew thicker and I found it hard to_7_.The floor became _8_under my feet.I ran into another room and tried to reach the_9_for fresh air.Suddenly,one of my feet got caught in something _10_and I fell down.The thing I had fallen over felt like a package of clothes,and I picked it up to protect my_11_from the smoke and heat.Just then the floor _12_under me and I fell through to the floor below with pieces of _13_wood all around me. _14_,there was a doorway in front,so I put the package over my face and ran.My feet were terribly burned,but I_15_.As I reached the cold air outside,my package of clothes gave a _16_.I nearly dropped it in my surprise.Then I saw there were many people in the street.A woman screamed (尖叫) as she saw me and came running _17_. 4 “My baby!My baby!” she cried.Those people cheered loudly _18_she took the smokeblackened package out of my arms.I almost_19_to see who she wasmy bosss wife.I had _20_her baby,and become a hero! 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。作者主要讲述了自己经历的一次火灾。 1A.hung up Bcalled back Cwoke up Dturned back 解析: 由该空后的 in the middle of the night 以及下文的 I jumped out of bed 可知,作者听到有人喊“着火了!着火了!”就“醒来(woke up)”了。 答案: C 2A.clean Bempty Cstrong Dwooden 解析: 由该空后的 the sort that burns easily 可知,这是一座很大的“木制 (wooden)”房屋。 答案: D 3A.opened Bclosed Clocked Danswered 解析: 由该空后的 stepped out into the passage 可知,作者“打开(opened)”门, 来到了走廊。 答案: A 4A.water Bsmoke Cbooks Dtoys 解析: 下文的 The smoke grew thicker 是提示。 答案: B 5A.run Bplay Ctalk Dread 解析: 作者发现房屋失火后,开始准备逃离,故填 run。 答案: A 6A.as for Bexcept for Cinstead of Dbecause of 解析: 由于作者还是半睡半醒状态,就没有朝楼梯而是朝相反的方向跑去了,故填 instead of。 答案: C 7A.sleep Bwork Chear Dbreathe 5 解析: 由该空前的 The smoke grew thicker 可知,烟雾越来越浓,所以作者感到 “呼吸(breathe)”困难。 答案: D 8A.hard Bhot Ccold Ddirty 解析: 由于大火,作者脚下的地板也“热(hot)”起来了。 答案: B 9A.window Btable Ctelephone Dbed 解析: 由该空后的 for fresh air 可知,作者试图靠近“窗户(window)”以便呼吸 新鲜空气。 答案: A 10A.wet Bboring Csoft Ddangerous 解析: 由下文的 The thing.felt like a package of clothes 可知,作者的一只 脚被一个“软软的(soft)”东西绊了一下。 答案: C 11A.hands Barms Cback Dface 解析: 作者把它捡起来遮住“脸(face)” ,以此来挡住烟火和热气。 答案: D 12A.rose Bbroke Cincreased Dreturned 解析: 由该空后的 I fell through to the floor below 可知,作者脚下的地板塌 下去了,故填 broke。 答案: B 13A.burning Bgrowing Cgreen Dlight 解析: 由于房屋是木结构的,所以这里是说一块块“燃烧着的(burning)”木板。 答案: A 14A.Strangely BNaturally CLuckily DRecently 解析: 由该空后的 there was a doorway in front 可知,作者感到非常“幸运 (Luckily)”,逃生有望了。 6 答案: C 15A.gave up Bset off Clooked around Dgot through 解析: 由下文的 I reached the cold air outside 可知,尽管作者的脚被烫得够呛, 但还是“冲出来(got through)”了。 答案: D 16A.role Bcry Ctask Dlesson 解析: 由下文的 I nearly dropped it in my surprise 和 baby 等信息可知,从作 者手里的那捆衣服里传出了“哭声(cry)” 。 答案: B 17A.madly Bslowly Ccarefully Dpatiently 解析: 由下文的“My baby!My baby!”she cried 可知,这位妇女看到自己的孩 子被救出来, “发疯(madly)”似的跑了过来。 答案: A 18A.if Bonce Cas Dunless 解析: “当(as)”她从作者手中接过那个被烟熏黑的包裹时,人们欢呼了起来。 答案: C 19A.agreed Bforgot Cregretted Dfailed 解析: 作者差点没有看出来她是谁,故填 failed。 答案: D 20A.hurt Bsaved Ckilled Dpunished 解析: 由下文的 I became a hero 可知,作者“救(saved)”了她的孩子。 答案: B .语法填空 A large national park has been built to protect the culture of ancient,natives of Americans. It was cold that day 1._1888 in southwestern Colorado.Richard Wetherill and his brotherinlaw were trying to find some 2._(miss) cattle.They were up on Mesa Verde.Spanish explorers had named the area.The flat 7 mountaintop 3._(cov


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