



把以下内容翻译成英文。 20 世纪 90 年代以来,经济全球化和高新技术的发展,对传统国际贸易产生了深刻的影响。发展中国家在 世界贸易中地位增强、国际贸易在支持世界经济增长中的作用越来越大、服务贸易异军突起等特点明显。 经济全球化与区域经济一体化已成为世界经济发展的重要趋势。21 世纪初我国加入 WTO 后,与世界经济 的联系日趋紧密。随着我国市场的逐步对外开放,中国经济受经济全球化的影响越来越明显,经济总量增 长迅速,对外贸易快速发展,对外贸易依存度逐年增大。在中国对外贸易迅猛发展的大潮中,为数众多的 中小企业扮演着极其重要的角色。 中小企业以其众多的数量,灵活机动的运作方式和广泛的经营范围, 在国民经济发展过程中起着显著的作用,已被广泛公认为是国家经济的柱石。改革开放近 30 年来,我国 中小企业和民营经济发展迅速,取得了重要的成就,成为我国经济社会发展中的重要力量。我国中小企业 目前已超过 1000 万家,占全部注册企业的 95以上,中小企业总产值和利税分别占全国企业的 6 成和 4 成左右,提供了大约 90%的就业机会。随着国家对外开放和国际贸易规模的进一步扩大,许多中小型企业 已经以进出口贸易和对外加工贸易为其主营业务,成为了名副其实的外向型、出口型企业。但是由于历史 和现实的原因,我国中小企业在市场竞争,特别是国际市场竞争中处于一个不十分有利的地位,限制了它 的发展。近年来我国的出口型中小企业在发展国际贸易业务方面面临着融资难、社会服务体系不健全、信 息缺乏、企业管理水平低、市场竞争能力弱、整体素质有待提高等一些不容忽视,无法回避且亟待解决的 老问题,同时又面临不断产生的新问题的压力。 2007 年 4 月, 美国新世纪金融公司申请破产,标志着次 贷危机正式爆发。三年来, 这场危机的影响愈演愈烈, 已经在全球范围内形成了连锁效应, 引发了国际金 融风波, 导致了全球性股灾。更为严重的是,自 2008 年下半年开始,这场金融风波已经演变成为全球范 围的金融危机和经济危机,世界上几乎所有国家都受到其冲击,美、欧、日三大市场均遇到了严重的经济 衰退。随着美国新政府的上台,一系列积极的救市输血措施付诸实施,通过美元市场救助法案,同时慷慨 给予数家美国工业支柱企业相当数量的政府贷款扶持,借以推动美国经济乃至带动世界经济的尽快复苏。 欧美亚等受创较重的国家也自发地组织起来,积极召开各种类型的金融峰会,意图团结一致,通过协调各 国间的经济行动来谋求对策。目前看来实际效果还算明朗,国际金融经济危机逐渐得到消除。这场由美国 次贷危机引起的世界金融风暴已经蔓延到了世界的各个角落,蔓延到了实体经济。 金融危机波及全球, 也包括对中国影响,国家外汇储备部分损失了,出口困难了,经济增长减缓,失业增加,人们收入下降,消费减 少,市场萧条.严重时会引起政局不稳定.中国作为世界第三经济大国和第四大经济实体,面临着严峻的考 验,同时也担负着与大国地位相称的国际经济责任。经过中国政府采取的一系列政策,例如开始实行适度 宽松的货币政策,放松对中小企业的贷款额度,提高了部分商品的出口退税率等等,缓解危机所带来的压 力。比起欧洲国家,这次金融危机对中国的影响不是很大,因为中国的经济与国际经济有一定的割裂,我国 人民币实施资本项下的严格管理,国际游资冲击不大,现在美国已有 70 多家银行趋于倒闭的情况下,中 国的金融系统运行良好,经济保持一定的速度增长。同时,国家也在通过扩张财政和降低存款准备金率, 40000 亿拉动内需等措施,现在又进行了人民币汇率的下调,如果各项宏观经济措施实施有效,对于中国 经济的影响也就 1 年左右的时间。 2010 年初,中国的经济开始全面的复苏,春节刚过,很多公司就出现 了用工荒,特别在浙江,各家公司出现在抢人的场面,出现了好多年没遇到过的现象,企业在年初就接到 了很多的订单,中小企业在 2010 的春天慢慢走出了金融危机的阴影,在后金融危机时代,中小企业应该 重新定位自己在全球的市场,从而找到更适于全球经济的策略,联手推进外贸中小企业的信息化进程。在 这种形势下,对于正处于世界经济金融危机风口浪尖上的中国来说,为数众多的出口型中小企业应该如何 正确认识自身现状和所面临的问题,如何积极改善自身的经营环境,促进自身健康发展,如何克服仍在呈 蔓延扩大之势的国际金融经济危机,如何克服国际贸易中普遍存在,成为了当前迫切需要解决的问题,这 一问题能否得到有效解决,对于促进我国国民经济健康可持续发展具有十分重要的现实意义。当前世界各 国正在为“后金融危机时代”全球经济的新一轮大发展积极做准备,而我国经济也步入企稳回升的关键阶 段。在这一背景下,占中国企业总数 99的中小企业如何走出危机阴影,抓住机遇迎接新一轮发展,对 于我国经济实现可持续发展具有重要意义。 尽管全球经济衰退尚完全结束,但世界各国已纷纷着手制定 经济复苏后的长远发展战略,力争在全球经济复苏之后能够占据发展的“制高点”。在这一背景下,中国 企业如何抓住机遇在新一轮全球经济发展和竞争中赢得先机备受瞩目。进一步强调加快中小企业技术进步 和结构调整,切合了当前我国加快产业结构调整和转变经济发展方式的大背景,对于实现国民经济可持续 发展具有重要意义。加快中小企业技术进步和结构调整,除了政府更大力度支持中小企业技术改造外,还 要加强和改善对中小企业的服务,包括积极培育各类中小企业服务机构,加快建设中小企业公共服务平台、 小企业创业基地和中小企业信息服务网络等。中小企业研发能力薄弱,而通过打造中小企业技术创新服务 平台,不仅能推动科研成果向中小企业转化,也为中小企业提供了自主创新的机遇,有利于形成产业化发 展规模,使数量众多的中小企业成为国家创新体系的中坚力量。 整篇文章将体现一种严谨的系统性。本 文将综合运用金融学、经济学、管理学、统计学等有关学科知识和方法,紧扣实例,对论文中所提出的具 体问题展开多层次、多角度的研究,提出现实具体的论据,以确保论文论证的全面性和科学性,保证论文 内容的时效性、现本文的研究将自始至终遵循系统分析思路,强调用系统科学指导论文,谋篇布局。本文 将从国际贸易发展的动态趋势谈起,以肆虐全球的世界经济金融危机后全球的经济状况为本文的论述环境 背景,重点分析出口型中小企业外贸业务的现实状况,并且提出了几点可行的理论方法。 确定研究方向 和选题、确定论文提纲和方法、步骤;完成开题报告 收集、查询相关文献资料,整理相关资料,强化相 关概念,对系统进行分析研究整理归纳所收集的资料,必要时进行实际调研,完善论文结构体系;进行思 想和理论的总结,系统模块划分,对每个子模块进行分析和研究,完成论文初稿。就论文初稿充分听取导 师意见,交换看法,对整个系统进行总体分析,根据分析进行必要的调整、修改和充实。进行中期检查, 进行论文初稿的审查和整理,形成论文修改稿;因本文内容上具备一定的时效性且行文时间较长,故不排 除根据论文写作期间国际国内经济环境和经济形势的变化,在此期间对论文相关内容进行相应修改或调整 的可能性 对论文进行最后的修改,定稿,打印完成论文。 Since 1900s, the economic globalization and development of high technology have had a profound effect on traditional international trade. It has some obvious characteristics, such as the status of developing countries has been strengthened in international trade, international trade plays a more important role in the growth of economy, and the trade of service rise as a new force. The globalizations of economy and regional economies have become the tendency of world economy development. At the start of 21st century, since our country entered the WTO, we have tightened the relationship to world economy day by day. With the gradual opening of our market, it becomes more and more apparent that Chinese economy tends to be influenced by the globalization of economies, the economic aggregates has increased rapidly, foreign trade developed swiftly, the degree of dependence on foreign trade inclines year after year. Among the rapid development wave of foreign trade, the great majority of medium-sized and small enterprises act as a vital role. With the advantages in great number and flexible operation, Medium-sized and small enterprises play a significant part in the national economic development. They are universally acknowledged as backbones in national economy. In the 30 years after reform and opening-up, medium-sized and small enterprises have grown swiftly and had a great achievement; therefore, they have acted as significant force in economic and social development. In China, the number of medium-sized and small enterprises overpasses more than 10 million, which takes up more than 95% among the registered enterprises. The total output, profit and tax take up 60% and 40% respectively. They also provide more than 90% jobs. With the scale-up of openness and international trade, many medium-sized and small enterprises focus on foreign trade or processing for foreign trade, proving to be veritably extroverted and export oriented enterprises. However, owing to some historical and practical questions, our medium-sized and small enterprises are placed at a disadvantage in market competition, especially in international competition, which limits their development. In recent years, the medium-sized and small export- oriented enterprises have been confronted with the difficulties of raising funds, deficiency of community system, lack of information, poor enterprise administration, incompetence in market competition and overall competence needing further improvement. These unavoidable problems can not be neglected and demand urgent solutions. At the same time, they are facing stress from newly burst problems. In April, 2007, American New Century Finance Company applied for bankruptcy, which marked the outburst of sub-prime crisis. In recent 3 years, this crisis has intensified more and more fiercely, which has formed a chain effect globally, caused international economic crisis and resulted in global disaster in stock marker. Worse more, since the latter half of 2008, the economic crisis has turned into a global economic and financial crisis. Almost all countries have been impaired, and American, European and Japanese marketed suffered a serious depression. As the new government went up onto the platform, a series of saving measures have been taken, like passing dollars saving bill, supplying several American industrial pillar enterprises with considerable loan from government support, which has boosted the recover of American and even world economy. European, American and Asian countries which suffered a lot united spontaneously, chaired all sorts of financial summits actively with common goals and found solutions by harmonizing their own economic action. At present, the real effect is obvious to some degree. The international economic crisis has been gradually diminished. The economic crisis resulting from sub-prime in American has stretched to every corner in the world and concrete economic entities. The economic storm spread to the globe, including the damages to our China, such as partly decreased currency reserves, handicap in export, retard in economic growth, increase of unemployment, decline in income, drop in expenditure, slump of market, and sometimes unrest in politics. China, as a leading power in the third world countries and the fourth economic entity, is confronted stern baptism and shoulder the corresponding responsibility as a leading power simultaneously. After Chinese government carried out a series of policies, such as moderately easy monetary policy, loosen the loan limit for medium-sized and small enterprises, improve some commodities export rebate rate, the depression from economic crisis has been relieved. Compared with European countries, the impact on China is not so serious. Because there is a gap between Chinese economy and global economy, our Renminbi (RMB) is under strict control, so the idle fund does not lead to great effect for China. Under the circumstances of more than 70 banks tending to bankrupt, Chinese financial system is well on its way and keeps its velocity of increase. At the same time, our country is expanding finance, decreasing deposit reserve ratio and preparing 4000 billion used for stimulating domestic demand. In addition to these measures, the exchange rate of RMB is regulated down. If all these macro-economic measures take effect, the impact on China would last one year or so. At the beginning of 2010, Chinese economy comes into a full recovery. Following the Spring Festival, lack of labor forces appears in many factories, especially in Zhengjiang province. Many factories put on the scene of fighting for workers, which disappeared many years ago. Many enterprises received orders at the beginning of the year, medium-sized and small enterprises are gradually walking out of the influence of economic crisis in the spring of 2010. In the postal economic crisis, medium-sized and small enterprises should locate their own position anew in international market to find more adaptable global economic strategies and advance the process of informationization of medium- sized and small enterprises. Under such circumstances, to China, a country located in the teeth of the economic crisis, a great majority of medium-sized and small enterprises should realize their present situation and problems they are facing. How to improve their own operating environment, how to advance themselves into well development, how to overcome the tendency of continuous expanding economic crisis, and how to conquer the universal difficulties in international trade have turned into the problems demanding urgent solutions. Whether the problem can be settled is meaningful for promoting the national economy to develop sound and sustainably. Nowadays all countries are preparing actively for development in postal economic crisis, while our economy is on a track of quick recovery. In such atmosphere, how medium-sized and small enterprises which occupy 99% in total number get rid of the influence and seizing the chances to develop is vital to realize sound and sustainable economic development. Although the depression of global economic has not diminished, all countries are setting out to chart long term strategies for economic recovery and attempt to occupy the upland for development. With this background, it is high profiled that how Chinese enterprises seize chances in a new round of global economic development and competition. Geared to the present industrial structure regulation and convert of economic development, it is significant to emphasize stepping up technology improvement and structure reform. In order to quicken medium-sized and small enterprises technology improvement and structure regulation, apart from more support for technology improvement, governments should also strengthen and improve their service for them, including fostering various service agencies, stepping up the under constructing public service platform, bases for undertaking and information network for small enterprises. Medium-sized and small enterprises are poor in research. Through cultivating innovation platform for them, it not only can push research output to be applied into medium-sized and small enterprises, but also provide them new opportunities for self-innovation, which is beneficial to form industrial scale and turn many medium-sized and small enterprises into backbones. This thesis will be arranged systematically. This paper will apply finance and banking, economics, management, statistics and relevant content knowledge and methods comprehensively. With the support of living examples, this paper will research correspondingly to the proposed questions from various aspects and levels and put forward concrete proofs to ensure the comprehensiveness, science and timeliness. The research will develop according to systematical analysis all long, stressing the guidance of systematic science to conceive the overall arrangement. Applying the state of post worldwide economic crisis to the background, the thesis discusses from dynamic tendency of international trade, attaches great importance to analyze the foreign trade state of export-oriented enterprises, and put forward several feasible theoretical approaches. Confirm the


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