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七年级书面表达题库:第四次 看下面四幅图,通过它们所表达的内容用英语写一篇短文,至少 60 词。 八、One possible version: It s September 10th, Saturday, and its the Teachers Day. I think I must do something for my teacher. I love my English teacher, Miss Zhang best. Today I want to send her a present. What can I send her? I walked on the streets. Oh yeah, I can buy some flowers. She likes flowers, I know. I walked into a flower shop and bought some. I also bought a card with my own words “Best wishes for Teachers Day, Miss Zhang.” When I gave her the flowers and the card, she was happy and said, “Thank you. What beautiful flowers! I like them.” 第一篇:易 李力力 1. 以问路指路为话题,向他人问路或指路。 2. 写作题目:假设你叫李雷, 这个星期天是你的生日,你准备在家举办一个生日聚会,聚 会在六点钟开始。你邀请了你的一些朋友参加,Susan 也在其中, 可她不知道去你家的路。 你家住在 Bridge Street,乘坐六路或八路公共汽车在 Bridge Street 站下车,下车后直走, 然后在第一个十字路口右拐,左边有一个邮局,你家就在邮局的对面,房子是红色的,很容 易找到。请根据所给信息给 Susan 写封邮件。 参考作文 Dear Susan, This Sunday is my birthday. Ill have a birthday at my home. It starts at 6p.m Would you like to come? Ill ask some of my friends to come. My home is on Bridge Street. You can take a No.6 or No.8 bus, and get off on Bridge Street. Go straight ,and then turn right at the first crossing .You can see a post office on your left. My home is across from the post office. It is a red house. You wont miss it Yours, Li Lei 第二篇:中 李力力 2 1. 以外表为话题,描述人的外貌爱好服饰等。 2. 写作题目:根据以下信息用英语写一则寻人启事。Peter,今年四岁,今天在商店和妈妈 走散。中等个头,短头发,小圆脸,大眼睛,上身穿白色的 T 恤,下身穿白裤子,脚穿一双 黑色的运动鞋,还背着一个蓝色的小背包,请看到他的顾客把他领到广播室。 参考作文 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are look for Peter. Peter, a four-year-old boy, was missing in the shop. He is of medium height, and he has short hair. His face is round, and his eyes are big. He wears a white T-shirt and white trousers, and a pair of black sports shoes. And he has a blue bag. If someone finds him, please bring him into the Broadcasting Room. His mother is there. Thank you . 第三篇:中 李力力 1. 以买东西服务用语为话题,谈论价格数量等。 2. 写作题目:根据以下信息为华东饺子屋( Hua Dong Dumpling House )写一则广告。提 示:(1) 本店饺子品种齐全,个大味美(2) 现有两种特价饺子:鸡蛋蔬菜饺子每 10 个 3 元;牛肉饺子每 10 个 5 元(3)欢迎光临本店。地址:长兴路 118 号。电话 685-8588 参考作文 Hua Dong Dumpling House Would you like to have dumplings? At Hua Dong Dumpling House ,we have all kinds of dumplings and they are all large and delicious. Now we have two great specials! Special One has eggs and vegetables and is just 3 yuan for 10. Special Two is only 5yuan for 10 and has beef and vegetables. Welcome to our house! The address is No.118 Changxing Road .Our telephone number685-8588 第四篇:中 李力力 1. 以学校旅行为话题,谈论学校旅行及假期生活,描述过去发生的事情及感受。 2. 写作题目:暑假已经过去,同学们都相互询问时如何度过这个假期的,请你用英语写一 封信把你的假期和同学交流一下,向他们描述你的既有意义又充实的假期。提示:(1)坚 持运动,锻炼身体(2)多读好书(3)旅游观光(4)当一名志愿者(5)帮助父母。 参考作文 Dear Li Ping, I had a good time during my summer vacation. Here is my vacation to show you. First I did sports and learned to ply table tennis. Its good for my health. Then I read some books .After that I enjoyed an interesting sight for two weeks. Also, I volunteered to serve in the volleyball game. Of course, at home I helped my parents do some cooking, washing and so on. I think I had a wonderful time during the vacation. Did you have a nice summer vacation? P lease tell me! Tom 第五篇:中 李力力 1. 以过去发生话题,谈论学校旅行及假期生活,描述过去发生的事情及感受。 2. 写作题目:根据下面提示写短文: 上周星期天,刘明贺他的朋友在山脚下野炊。他们中 3 的一些人正在做游戏,一些在跳舞,他们感到很放松。突然,刘明看到一头山羊正在跑。他 对此很感兴趣,平且开始追它跑了很长一段时间。当他想起他的朋友们时,他不知道他在哪 儿。他迷路了。在那时,一个农夫过来,在他的帮助下,刘明又找到了他的朋友们。他感谢 这位农夫平且向你告别。 参考作文 Last Sunday, Liu Ming and his friends went for a picnic at the foot of the mountain. Some of them were playing games, some were dancing , they felt very relaxed. Suddenly, Liu Ming saw a goat running . He was interested in it and began to run after it for a long time . When he thought of his friends again. He got lost. At that time, a farmer came. With his help ,Liu Ming found his friends again. He thanked the farmer and said :Goodbye” to him. 第六篇:难 李力力 以你刚度过的一个周末为话题,谈论那天发生的事,描述事情的时间地点事件以及你的感受 参考范文 A Happy Weekend Last day off,I had a great time. In the morning,I got up early. After having breakfast,I went to the zoo and saw some elephants,koalas and giraffes,then I bought some gifts .I had some hamburgers and coke for lunch at KFC.I also had some fruit and ice-cream. In the afternoon,I went to Yuxi Park and took many photos there. 第七篇:中 李力力 假如你叫王强,新结交了一位美国笔友 Ann,她对中国的传统节日 春节有着十分浓厚 的兴趣。请你根据提示向她介绍你家是如何过春节的。 要求:词数 60 左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) Dear Ann, Im glad to get your letter. I know you are interested in Spring Festival in China. Now let me tell you something about it. Spring Festival is an important festival in China. In my family, we usually clean the house first. Then we go shopping and do some cleaning in the house. On New Years Eve, family members have a big dinner together. We watch TV and enjoy fireworks. On New Years Day, we always put on our new clothes and visit our friends. Its really interesting. Whats the New Years Day like in your country? Please write and tell me. Yours, Wang Qiang 4 第八篇:中 李力力 我们学了用英语介绍自己一天的文章,下面请根据所给的词汇提示向你的外国笔友介绍一下 你星期六的生活情况。(60 词左右) 提示词汇:get up; do homework; go to the park; in the afternoon; go home On Saturdays, I dont go to school. I usually get up at about eight oclock. In the morning I often do my homework. In the afternoon I always go to the park with my parents and I often play football with my classmates in the park. We go home at seven oclock. In the evening I often play the piano for about two hours. Its my hobby. Saturday is very busy but I have a good time(enjoy myself). 第九篇:中 李力力 校英语报正在以 How to Be Healthy 为题征稿,请你根据以下提示写一篇不少于 40 词的短 文投稿。要求包含提示中的所有信息。提示: 1. 吃健康食品,如鱼;喝健康饮品,如牛奶; 2. 不要吃不健康的食品,如汉堡包;不喝不健康饮品,如可乐; 3. 每天做运动,如踢足球、打篮球等。 How to Be Healthy Health is very important to us. But how to be healthy is more important. First, eat healthy food such as fish and rice. They are good for our health. Second, dont eat hamburgers or ice cream. They are unhealthy. Third, drink more milk and juice. They are healthy drinks. Finally, dont drink cola or coffee. It is not healthy. Doing sports is helpful, too. You can play football or basketball. 第十篇:中 李力力 新学期开始了,你来到一所新学校读初中。请你根据下面的写作要点,向你过去的朋友们简 要介绍一下你的新学校和教室。词数 50 左右。 1. 学校有多少人; 2. 校内都有哪些建筑物; 3. 你们班有多少学生; 4. 班级内都 有哪些物品。 My new school is very big and nice. There are about 3000 students in the school and there is a library, a lab, a dining hall, and a big playground in it. There are 61students in my class. There are 34 girls and 27 boys. There is a computer on the teachers desk and there is a map of the world and a national flag on the wall in the classroom. At the abck of the classroom is a bookself. 5 There are many kinds of books on it. We enjoying reading books. I like my new school and classroom. 第十一篇:中 李力力 一群美国游客来参观动物园,假设你是该园的英文小导游,请根据表格中的信息,向他们介 绍下面几种动物。60 词左右。 Animal Name From Food Age Monkey Lili Yunnan Fruit 5 Panda Nana Sichuan Bamboo 3 Tiger Ming-ming Heilongjiang Meat 10 Hello, everyone! Welcome to our zoo. This is a monkey from Yunnan. Her name is Lili. She is five years old and she eats fruit. Nana is a panda. She is three years old. She is from Sichuan. She likes eating bamboo. And this is a tiger, Mingming, from Heilongjiang. He is ten years old. His favourite food is meat. 第十二篇:难 李力力 假如你是陈浩,作为交换生在英国学习,今天是你第一次上课,老师让你做个自我介绍,请 你根据下表中的信息,完成自我介绍。词数 40 左右,开头已给,不计入总词数。 陈浩 年龄 家乡 爱好 家庭 15 中国 合肥 打篮球和兵乓 球 父亲 45 岁,是 一名警察;母 亲 40 岁,是一 名护士 Hello, boys and girls. My name is Chen Hao . I am from Hefei, China. I am 15 years old. My hobby is playing basketball and playing Pingpang . My father is 45 years old. He is a policeman. My mother is 40 years old. She is a nurse. They are busy and hard-working. And I love them and they love me. I have a happy family. 第十三篇:难 李力力 6 假设你是刘明,你的英国笔友利奥(Leo)给你写信,询问你和家人通常是怎样过春节的。请 你根据提示给他写封回信。 提示词: buy vegetables and meat; do some cleaning; decorate the house; have a big dinner; watch TV 要求:50 词左右 (开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 Dear Leo, Im glad to get your letter. Now it is Spring Festival in China. Let me tell you something about it. Before Spring Festival, my grandparents usually buy lots of vegetables and meat. And my mother and my aunts usually do some cleaning. My father and uncles get ready for the big dinner. What about me? I help decorate the house with couplets and paper cuts. On the Eve of Spring Festival, we have a big dinner and then watch TV together. What is Christmas like in your country? Please write and tell me. Best wishes, Liu


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