



Teens 复习 worry 1. Qiao Yu from Xian _ his English. 2. I told my mother I _ my exam. But in fact I was. instead 1. Lily isnt here. Ask Lucy _. She didnt answer me. _, she asked me another question. 2. Big phrases like “have deep for your motherland,the people and the Communist Party of China(中国共产党)”are not there anymore. _, the new code tells students to respect the national flag(国旗) and national emblem(国徽) teamwork 1. The kids learn about _ and being independent (独立 )。 2. This challenge needs good _. announce 1. The headmaster will _ the winner of the 100m race soon. 2. Last month, Swift _ that her new album 1989 will come out on Oct 27, and it will be her first pop album. manner 1. We should remember to have good _ when we travel abroad. 2. The program talks about four virtues(美德) :filial piety(孝顺) ,_,love and strong mind. injured 1. The baseball player got _ in the game. 2. When we are _ or suddenly feeling unwell, what we need to do is to treat it in the right way. although 1. _ she has millions of fans all over China, she keeps a cool head. 2. _ his hair was not long, Shen has to keep it shorter than 1cm, according to one of his schools rules. quarter 1. Over a _ of our money goes on food. 2. A _ of pupils and 16 percent of middle school students drink sugary beverages (含 糖饮料). official 1. What is the _ language of the Philipines? 2. This year is 50th anniversary (周年) between the _ friendship of China and Fence. mistake 1. Of course we made many _ , but we never gave up hope. 2. It was a big _ to leave my umbrella at home. imagine 1. I can hardly _ life without hot water. 2. The land is more amazing than you may _. refuse 1. She _ a second piece of cake. 2. People poured buckets of ice-cold water over their heads and named three others to do so. Those who _ were told to donate $100 (about 610 yuan). seem 1. They _ to know what theyre doing. 2. It _ that Earth is in a season of vocannic eruptions(火山爆发). shocked 1. He is _ at what happened to his son. 2. I was _ that thr person could tell my personal information correctly, like my name and major. scary 1. This is a really _ story. 2. During the night of Halloween, children in _ costumes(服装) walk around the town. Keys : worry is / was worried about wasnt worried about instead instead instead instead teawork teamwork teamwork announce announce announced manner manners manners injured injured injured although although although quarter quarter quarter official official official mistake m


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