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智课网 TOEFL备考资料 托福口语真题及答案解析(2006114) 摘要: 托福口语真题及答案解析(2006.1.14),托福口语真题及答案解析,可以帮助考生了解托福考 试真题出题规律和类型,进而可以制定有效的备考方案,下面是小编为各位考生编辑整理的2 006年1月14 日的托福口语真题及答案解析,希望同学们认真浏览。 托福 口语真题及答案解析(2006.1.14),如下是2006年1月14日的 托福口语 真题(T1- T6),希望同学们认真查阅,并能从中做好备考方案。 T1. Where do you like to go when you are with friends? And why? When Im with friends, I like to go to the restaurant. We would head for some exotic restaurant where we would choose our favorite dishes. And also, it should be one of the restaurants where the waitresses do not talk too much or disturb you. I would like to find a secluded table just for 3 or 4, perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. We would have some very mellow, warming red wine in sparkling glasses twinkling in the candlelight, thehues and aroma filling our senses. We would eat slowly and carelessly for the joy of sharing and of being together. Our senses heightened, breathing deeply to the point of silent sighs, we would enjoy an endless evening there. Thats the right place where I dont want to end our gathering. T2. Do you prefer eat out at a restaurant or at home? And why? Some people prefer eating out at a restaurant because they can eat a variety of delicious food in restaurants. However, I think that preparing food and eating home would be better for 3 reasons. First, home-cooked meals are always cheaper and cleaner. I dont have to pay a lot for the food in a restaurant or worry about the sanitory standard. Second, eating home allows for a free choice of food cause each person has a private taste. Third, eating at home is one of the best ways to enhance the relationship inside the family. A table is a good place where family members could talk about their happy day. To conclude, I prefer eating home to eating out. T3. Reading: 【學校通知】學校發通知說新增加了公交路線經過學校,可以節省學生上學時間並且方便沒 有車的同學。 Listening: 【 學生議論】 一個女同學反對,原因有 2 個:一是環境和噪音污染,二是未必方便沒有車的同學。 Sample answer: In the reading material, the announcement saysmore bus service has been provided to campuses so that the students can save time and those who dont own a car can take the advantage. In the listening material, we clearly learn that the woman doesnt like the idea .One reason she gives is thatmore environmental pollution and noise pollution will be produced. Another reason is that may not necessarily serve those students who dont have a car very well. Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion. T4. Reading:【課文要點】art happening Listening:【教授舉例】就是一些藝術學校的學生在路上攔住行人在其臉上作畫。 Sample answer: In this set of materials, the reading passage explains art happening. It states that art happenings take place anywhere, are often multi-disciplinary, often lack a narrative and frequently seek to involve the audience in some way. In the listening passage, the professor gives an example to further explain that. He brings up the fact thatstudents could normally stop passers-by to draw on their face. By these means, he proves that a happening is a performance, event or situation meant to be considered as art and artists or art students like to share their art with everyone. T5. 【 學生困難】:女同學抱怨說她想選的 Modern Literature 太熱門沒得選了。 【 解決方案】:教授給她兩個建議: 1)先去上兩三次課,等有人 drop 掉, 你就上。但女生說那個課太熱從來就沒人放棄。 2)明年再選。女生說不好,那個課每次只 focus on 一兩個作家,這次是她喜歡的, 明年就不是了。男生說那就今年還是就去上上課先認識一下教授, 多交流搞好關係,說不定教授會指導 thesis。 Sample answer: This is a discussion between two students. The female student complains that she wasnt able to register Modern Literature course because its too hot. The male student suggests she go to class a couple of times, waiting for someone else to drop or just to meet and communicate the professor in case that the professor may give some guidance to her thesis. He also suggests she take the course next year. I tend to agree with the second solution because she wont get much out of the class if so many people are taking it.Also, she may still have the chance to learn about her favorite authors. T6. 【 講課要點】:心理學,講 displacement,釋放和轉移怒火的方法。教授舉了一個例子,如果你在生日那天希望你 父母打個電話過來問候,結果卻失望了,你煩。這時候你會有兩種解決方法: 1) 第一種是消極的。當有人碰巧打錯電話到你那的時候,你對他大發雷霆,怒火全部發到這個 陌生人身上。 2) 第二種是積極的,你可以去做些戶外運動例如騎車啊什麼的,放鬆心情又鍛煉身體,何樂而 不為。 Sample answer: The lecture tells about displacement. Displacement operates the mind subconsciously and involves emotions, ideas, or wishes being transferred from their original object to a more acceptable substitute. The professor gives an example to further explain that. For instance, you expected your parents to give you a call on your birthday, but it turned out that they didnt. Then you felt disappointed. At the moment, you would have two ways of reactions. One is negative; the other is positive. And just at that time, someone dialed your number by mistake. Then you would be very angry at him/her


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