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“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Module 1Deep South一、单元跟踪过关.单句语法填空1Its a privilege for me to say a few words on this special occasion.2Trapped(trap) in loveless marriages, many women feel that life is colorless.3His rapid promotion(promote) caused much bad feeling among his colleagues.4She studied very hard in a college and stood out among the students.5The first to_give(give) the right answer in given time will win the prize and a free travel.6Such animals like dinosaurs died out because they couldnt adapt to the change of the climate.7If you meet with any difficulty in your study, dont be discouraged(discourage)8A balanced(balance) diet and regular exercise are both important for your health.9The boat drove against the rocks, broke up and sank in a few minutes.10I felt extremely(extreme) nervous going into the exam, but after I got started I relaxed a little.单句改错1Her only fear was that her little son would be left alone in the world in case of something happened to her.去掉of2Her absent from the party made her good friends very angry.absent改为absence3Share prices are falling sharply, which discourage investors from buying and selling shares.discourage改为discourages4So far, this is the best way Ive thought of settle this problem.of后加to5What excited us was that more than 100 miners trapping in the flooded coal mine were saved.trapping改为trapped6With so many people helped us, we finished our work ahead of time.helped改为helping7In fact, that is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.that改为it8Experts are concerned that Britains youth are prepared to take risk with their health.risk改为risks9The children were exciting at the news that their parents would return from abroad.exciting改为excited10I was close to be knocked down the other day when a car passed by me with full speed.be改为being.完成句子1他们热心地照顾这个年轻的姑娘,给她吃的,给她住的。They befriended the young girl, providing/supplying_her_with food and shelter.2他很喜欢读有真知灼见的书。He enjoys_reading the books full of remarkable insights.3你应该权衡一下利弊。You should balance_the_advantages against the disadvantages.4我国正在努力吸引外资来发展国民经济。Our nation is trying to attract foreign investment to promote_our_national_economy.5这件事我们不能回避。We cant run_away_from the situation.二、高考模拟写作(2017东北联考)假定你是李华,你在国外某网站上买了三本英文原版书籍,15天内能到货,但是至今已超过了3天你仍未收到书。请你根据图片内容和以下要点给该网站写一封邮件。1说明写邮件的目的;2描述相关信息(快递单号、发货日期等);3提出你的要求。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。Dear Sir or Madam,_Sincerely yours,Li Hua答案:范文赏读Dear_Sir_or_Madam,_Im writing to ask for some information about the books I bought on your website.The purchase was made on March 12th.As is shown in Shipment Details, the delivery number is HU186GB0092.The books were sent out on March 13th and are supposed to have arrived within 15 days.But today, unfortunately, Im still waiting after 3 days.I dont think your delivery is satisfying, for I cant find more information about shipment after March 18th.Id like to point out Ive provided my right address and already paid for the books.Please deal with this matter immediately and let me know the latest information.Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated.Sincerely_yours,_Li_Hua大题巧练43Module 1Deep South授课提示:对应学生用书第365页一、阅读理解A(2016江苏卷)Day School ProgramSecondary students across Toronto District School Board(TDSB) are invited to take one or two eLearning courses on their day school timetable. Students will remain on the roll at their day school. The online classroom provides an innovative, relevant and interactive learning environment. The courses and online classroom are provided by the Ministry of Education.These online courses: are taught by TDSB secondary school teachers; are part of the TDSB students timetable; and, appear on the students report upon completion.Benefits of eLearningInclude: access to courses that may not be available at his or her TDSB school;using technology to provide students with current information; and, assistance to solve timetable conflicts. Is eLearning for You?Students who are successful in an online course are usually: able to plan, organize time and complete assignments and activities; capable of working independently in a responsible and honest manner; and, able to regularly use a computer or mobile device with internet access.Students need to spend at least as much time with their online course work as they would in a facetoface classroom course.语篇解读本文介绍了多伦多地区的中学网络课程计划。1ELearning courses are different from other TDSB courses in that _.A. they are given by best TDSB teachersB. they are not on the day school timetableC. they are not included on students reportsD. they are an addition to TDSB courses答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据Benefits of eLearning中的“access to courses that may not be available at his or her TDSB school”可知网络课程内容包含多伦多地区学校没有的课程,因此本题答案是D。2What do students need to do before completing eLearning courses?A. To learn information technology online.B. To do their assignments independently.C. To update their mobile devices regularly.D. To talk face to face with their teachers.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据“Is eLearning for You”中的“capable of working independently in a responsible and honest manner”可知学生需要独立完成布置的作业才能完成网络课程,因此B项正确。B(2017湖南模拟)The Cambridge Science Festival Curiosity Challenge Dare to Take the Curiosity Challenge!The Cambridge Science Festival(CSF) is pleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge.The challenge invites, even dares school students between the ages of 5 and 14 to create artwork or a piece of writing that shows their curiosity and how it inspires them to explore their world.Students are being dared to draw a picture,write an article, take a photo or write a poem that shows what they are curious about.To enter the challenge, all artwork or pieces of writing should be sent to the Cambridge Science Festival, MIT Museum,265 Mass Avenue,Cambridge 02139 by Friday, February 8th.Students who enter the Curiosity Challenge and are selected as winners will be honored at a special ceremony during the CSF on Sunday, April 21st.Guest speakers will also present prizes to the students. Winning entries will be published in a book.Student entries will be exhibited and prizes will be given. Families of those who take part will be included in the celebration and brunch will be served.Between March 10th and March 15th,each winner will be given the specifics of the closing ceremony and the Curiosity Challenge celebration.The program guidelines and other related information are available at: http:/.语篇解读本文主要介绍了剑桥科技节第六届好奇心挑战活动的相关信息。3What requirement is needed for the entry to the challenge?AIt is created by students under 12 years old.BIt should be sent to the CSF by March 10th.CIt can be artwork or pieces of writing.DIt should explore the science of curiosity.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“The challenge invites, even dares school students between the ages of 5 and 14 to create artwork or a piece of writing that shows their curiosity and how it inspires them to explore their world”可知,C项正确。4Which of the following is Not true about the winners?AThey will be honored at a special ceremony after the CSF.BTheir entries will be exhibited and published in a book.CTheir families will be welcome to attend the celebration.DThey will be given the specifics of the closing ceremony.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Students who enter the Curiosity Challenge and are selected as winners will be honored at a special ceremony during the CSF on Sunday, April 21st”可知,颁奖仪式将在剑桥科技节期间举行。故A项错误。5What type of writing is this text?AAn exhibition guide. BAn art show review.CAn announcement. DAn official report.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据文章的内容尤其是最后一段中的“The program guidelines and other related information are available at:http:/”可推知,这是一个通知。故选C。选项A“展览手册”、选项B“艺术展回顾”和选项D“官方报道”均不符合题意。二、完形填空Casper Lewis trained his players, and many were excellent. First, he designed his teaching plan, excellent and_6_, which worked best in practice._7_, unlike many coaches(教练), he never raised his voice _8_ in praise. Third, he never talked about winning. Thats not what the game was about. Besides, if we did everything _9_ as coaches and players, winning would take care of _10_. After a few seasons of Caspers coaching, we _11_ the lead. Every player responded by _12_ himself to prove to each other and to Casper that he was excellent.One day, Casper came and told me he was _13_ to be head coach in a wellknown college. “_14_ Casper!” I said, “It shows how excellent you are that a college should choose a coach from a middle school.”“I think Ill give it up,” he said, “I _15_ my work here.”“But think of the opportunity!” I let out a cry.He _16_ the opportunity at last. The next year I _17_ that school and went to a better school. Years went by. I was told the school team wasnt _18_ football games any more and kids went to other schools. There were stories about Casper _19_ with his players, and screaming at the judges. Casper was still using the same teaching plan hed _20_ when I was assisting him. The teams in other schools had _21_ up. Everyone begged him to change. _22_ he showed every sign of a person who had stayed in the _23_ position too long. Finally, the headmaster had to take away his coaching _24_.I still respect him, for I learned a lot from him as one of his _25_.语篇解读本文主要关于一位杰出的教练不能与时俱进,最后落得失败下场的故事。6. Adull Binteresting Cviolent Dexpensive答案与解析:B他所设计的教案,质量极好,生动有趣(interesting)。violent意为“暴力的”;expensive意为“贵的”。7. AThus BThen COtherwise DSecond答案与解析:D第一段讲的是这位教练深得人心的几点教学品质。由前面的First可知选Second。这是平等列举,没有时间上先后,排除then。8. Aexcept Bbesides Cacross Dbeneath答案与解析:A从上下文的语境可知:教练关怀学生,批评声小,但是(except)赞扬声大。beneath意为“在之下”。9. Apoor Bpure Cright Dtough答案与解析:C如果我们作为教练和运动员在每个方面都做对(right)的话,赢就是自然的事。pure意为“纯洁的”;tough意为“艰苦的”。10. Ait BusCitself Dthem答案与解析:C填写的部分就是winning本身(itself)。主语与宾语同指一“人”或“物”时,宾语要用反身代词。11. Adeleted Bmissed Cgained Dburied答案与解析:C在几个赛季后,我们开始领先(gained the lead)。delete意为“消除”;bury意为“埋”;miss意为“丢失;想念”。12. Achallenging BhelpingCkilling Dcomforting答案与解析:A运动员对教练的赞赏做出回应通过挑战(challenging)自我来证明自己。13. Aforced BinvitedCdecreased Ddetermined答案与解析:B有一天Casper来到我的办公室,告诉我他被邀请(invited)到一所知名大学当教练。14. AAnyway, BOh, no! COK? DCongratulations!答案与解析:D听说同仁高迁,自然脱口而出祝贺(Congratulations)。Anyway意为“无论如何”,用于说话时语气转折。Oh,no侧重发生不幸时表示惊讶。Oh,really表示惊讶、怀疑等。15. Akeep BchangeChate Dlove答案与解析:D由前句他说放弃这个机会,可知他热爱(love)这儿的工作。16. Aturned to Bturned down Cturned up Dturned in答案与解析:Bturn down意为“拒绝;关小”;turn to意为“转向,求助于”;turn up意为“调大;出现”;turn in意为“上交”。17. Aleft Bentered Ccorrected Druined答案与解析:A由后文我去了另一所更好的学校可知我离开了(left)。18. Aseparating Bdismissing Cdefeating Dwinning答案与解析:D有人告诉我现在校队不再赢得(winning)比赛了,情况与以前完全相反,学生离开本校队去别的学校的了。defeat意为“击败”。19. Astudying Btalking Cquarrelling Drunning答案与解析:CCasper与以前大不一样,同队员争吵(quarrelling)。20. Abought Bdesigned Cdigested Dcorrected答案与解析:B这么多年来,他设计的(designed)教案没有变化。没有创新,所以没有生命力了。digest意为“消化”。21. Acaught Btaken Cmade Drung答案与解析:A其他校队已经赶上(caught up)来了。take up意为“占据;拿起;从事”;make up意为“组成;化装;编造”。ring up意为“打电话”。22. AAnd BButCSo DOr答案与解析:B上下文为转折关系用But。23. Adifferent BlowCsame Dcompetitive答案与解析:C在同一个(same)职位上待得太久的劣势在他身上体现了出来。competitive意为“竞争的”。24. Aquality Bcourage Cthought Dposition答案与解析:D校长不得不解除他的职位(position)。25. Aassistants Bclassmates Cdirectors Dstudents答案与解析:A由15空后when I was assisting him可知,本文作者曾是Casper的助手(assistants)。三、语法填空You must first set your goals if you are to accomplish anything in a big way. Goals give you a starting place and a destination. People _26_ goals succeed because they know _27_ theyre going. Plant your dreams, nourish and begin to live them. _28_ most important thing about a goal is having one.The first law of success is concentration. Bend _29_ of your energies to one point, and go directly to that point, _30_(look) neither to the right nor the left.


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