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新版PEP小学英语BOOK4Unit5 My clothes A Let s talk 第一课时教学内容: A Lets talk 教学目标:知识与能力目标:1、学生能理解对话大意,并用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。2、学生能够听、说、认读句型:Are these yours? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Theyre Chen Jies. Is this Johns? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its Mikes. 3、学生能够在情景中运用句型Are these yours? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Is this Johns? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 确认物品的主人;能够理解如何在情景中恰当运用句型Its Mikes. Theyre Chen Jies.表述物品的主人。4、能够在语境中理解新词yours,hat的意思,并能正确发音。情感目标:养成细心管理物品,不丢三落四的习惯。教学重点:句型Are these yours? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Is this Johns? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.在情景中的正确运用。教学难点:名词所有格yours, Johns的正确使用。评价:分男女两组礼帽加星教具准备: 本课时教学课件、部分文具、实物教学过程:一、 Preparation课前说明评价分男女两组礼帽加星。课件封面播放歌曲What time is it now。(设计目的:活跃气氛并把学生带入学习英语的氛围中。)T:Hey! Honey! Oh, Its 8 oclock. Its time for our English class. Stand up, please! Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you.(上课起立问好,师生进行简单交流.)1、Free talkT: Hello /Hi, whats your name? / Nice to meet you.Ss: (设计目的:熟悉学生,把学生带入学习英语的氛围中。)2、Lets chant T: Look here, now lets chant together.My bag is red, my ruler is green.My pens are pink, my pencils are blue.(设计目的:复习颜色词汇,为后面的学习做铺垫。)二、Presentation1、看chant图的文具问答。T: Look, what are these? Ss: They are . T: Are they crayons? Ss: Yes, they are./ No, they arent. T: Look, what s this? Ss: Its . T: Is this ? Ss: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. (设计目的:利用Chant画面中的文具复习句型What are these?They are . What s this?Its . Are they? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Is this ?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.)2、Guess time接上面的图画,继续问T: look! Whats this? 课件显示 hat(大帽子),出示声音,师教读1遍, T:Can you guess? Whats under the hat? Ss: Pen/pencil/ T: No./ Maybe.点击课件显示 small hat.T: Its a small hat. 出示hat单词,教读、认读、学生读。Now, lets go on. Guess, Whats under the small hat?Ss: Ruler/pen/ T: No./Oh, sorry./ Maybe.点击课件显示shoes. 师简单领读2遍。T: Go on. Guess, whats under the shoes?Ss: T: Look! Wow, its a clock. What time is it now? Ss: Its 3:00. T: Yes, its time for PE class.(点击课件呈现Amy上体育课图片)T: Look carefully, what time is it now? 师点击课件呈现图片: S: Its 4 oclock.T: Yes, its time to go home now. What are Amy and her teacher talking about? (此环节设计目的:利用游戏的方式激发学生学习兴趣,自然导入本课时要学习的对话,同时复习已学过词汇hat、shoes以及句型,为本课时学习做铺垫。)3、Talk time:(1)第一遍听接上一环节的问题,T: Please look at the cartoon, listen and choose, ok? Now, look! (带着问题看、听对话,处理问题。)T: What are Amy and her teacher talking about?Ss: A shoes hat(2)第二遍听T: Now, lets listen again, answer the questions. (Q2: What colour are Amys shoes?)第二遍听的时候动画只放到第二幅对话。T: Q2: What colour are Amys shoes? Ss: B greenCheck the answers.(3) T:Look. Amy and her teacher are talking about the shoes, How does the teacher ask?How does Amy answer? Ss: 课件播放本段对话,学生回答第一个句型后,师课件出示句型,教读两遍后,板书Are these yours?然后继续播放对话,让学生回答第二个问题,学生回答No, they arent后,板书No, they arent.出示词卡,进行小操练.师示范有节奏chant句型:Are these yours? Are these yours? No. No. No, they arent.(设计目的:练习主句型,并为后面的chant做铺垫)学生操练后,师指小组学生进行问答练习。T:Are these shoes Amys? 学生看动画后回答No, they arent.T: Are these Chen Jies?引出肯定回答。Yes, they are. (师板书Yes, they are.)(此环节设计目的:处理对话文本,并对本节课重点句型进行认知和小操练,突破重点。)接着处理:(4) T: Now look at the picture, what about this hat?( 师适当教读句子what about this hat?并让学生理解,然后带着问题继续看动画)T: Lets watch the cartoon again, answer the question, Is this Johns ? 带着问题看动画。T: Is this Johns ?Ss: No, it isnt.生回答后,师出示词卡Is this Johns ?进行小操练。师先示范有节奏chant:Is this Johns ? Is this Johns ? No. No. No, it isnt.然后学生操练。(设计目的:练习主句型,并为后面的chant做铺垫)小操练T:Look here, is this Yao Mings photo?Ss:Yes, it is.T:Look, is this Tian Liangs photo?Ss:Yes, it is.T:Look, is this Lin Junjies photo?Ss:No, it isnt.(此环节设计目的:利用明星幽默照片操练重点句型,突破重点。)5、T: Now follow me, lets chant together.Are these yours? Yes, Yes. Yes, they are. No, No, No, they arent. Theyre Chen Jies.Is this Johns? Yes, Yes. Yes,it is.No, No, No, its not. Its Mikes.(此环节设计目的:利用chant方式激发学生学习兴趣,对本节课重点句型进行操练,突破重点。)三、Practice1、听音正音。T: Now lets listen and repeat, please pay attention to the intonation, stress and pronunciation. (设计目的:让学生跟读对话,注意提醒学生模仿语音语调,纠正学生的发音。) 听音读完后,学生自由读。2、小小配音员T: Lets dub for the dialogue.(为对话配音)4、男、女生组读,检查两个男女生读。5、act timeT: Can you act the dialogue? 表演展示:学生分角色进行对话表演,老师准备相应的头饰。四、ProductionPlay time任务型活动:T: Look. Its time to go home. But Zoom cant find many things. Lets help him. Zoom找不到下面这些物品了,让我们帮助他找一找.具体操作办法:课前分好四个小组,每组发一些文具图片(包括Zoom找不到的文具),文具图片贴在吹塑板上;每组一个Zoom头饰。每组学生中有一个Zoom, 其他学生指着文具图片,用参考句型互相询问,帮助Zoom找到他丢失的文具,找到后贴在吹塑板空好的区域上。参考句型:A: Is this yours/Zooms? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. A: Are these yours/Zooms?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 最后提示学生不要像zoom一样,要养成细心管理物品,不丢三落四的习惯。出示谚语:Care and diligence bring luck. 细心勤奋,带来好运。 Custom makes all the things easy.形成习惯,事事好办。 Dont forget to cross your ts. 不要丢三落四。 鼓励学生自编对话,并进行表演。(设计目的:创设情景让学生将所学语言运用起来,用新学的知识做事情。突破重点、难点。)五、Progress Work time1、 T:


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