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经典英语故事 Three pigsMay I come in, Master Browny? I want to see your beautiful new house.Who are you?I am a great friend come to call on you,No, no, replied Browny, I dont believe you are a friend. You are the wicked fox, against whom our mother had warned us. I wont let you in.said the fox, speaking very roughly in his natural voice. We shall soon see who is master here,I am a friend come to visit you, and to have some of your good cabbage for my dinner.Please dont touch it, cried Whitey in great distress. The cabbages are the walls of my house, and if you eat them you will make a hole, and the wind and rain will come in and give me a cold. Do go away; I am sure you are not a friend, but our wicked enemy the fox.A small door in the gardenOne day, while taking a stroll around her gardens, little Miss Splendid came upon a small door in one of the walls.Shed never noticed it before.I wonder whats through here. she thought, and opening the door, she stepped through.A leopard will not change its spotsSammo: Why are you so good in telling lies?Kokko : Because I have a book handed down from my ancestors that teaches me to lie.Sammo: May I have look ?Kokko: Sammo, you really believe it ? Actually, I was lying.翻译成中文大致是:本性难移胖子:果果,你为什么那么会说谎呢?果果:因为我的祖先留给我一本交人说谎的书。胖子:那可不可以借我看呢?果果:胖子,你真的当真吗?其实我是在说谎呢。It goes whithout sayingKokko: Daddy, 2 Ringgit(Malaysia dollar) please.An old man is begging outside.Daddy: Good boy ! you do care for the poor and try to help them .Daddy :How is the old man begging ?Kokko: Ice cream, ice cream.Daddy:Kokko says:It is self-evident.翻译成中文大致是:果果:爸爸,快给我两块钱,外面有个老伯伯叫的很可怜。爸爸:真是个乖孩子。小小年纪就懂得同情穷人。帮助别人。爸爸:(边掏钱边问)那个老伯伯是怎样叫的呢?果果:雪糕, 雪糕!A frog in a well编者按:有一天,青蛙在井边碰上了一只从海里来的大龟。它很自豪的邀请海龟到井里去玩儿,但是海龟刚把左脚伸进去,就被绊住了 Have you not heard of the frog that lived in a shallow well? It said to a turtle that lived in the East Sea, I am so happy! When I go out, I jump about on the railing beside the mouth of the well. When I come home,I rest in the holes on the broken wall of the well. If I jump into the water, it comes up to my armpits and holds up my cheeks. If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me. Moreover, I am lord of this trough of water and I stand up tall in this shallow well. My happiness is full. My dear sir, why dont you come often and look around my place?Before the turtle from the East Sea could get its left foot in the well, its right knee got stuck. It hesitated and retreated. The turtle told the frog about the East Sea.Even a distance of a thousand li cannot give you an idea of the seas width; even a height of a thousand ren cannot give you an idea of its depth. In the time of King Yu of the Xia dynasty, there were floods nine years out of ten, but the waters in the sea did not increase. ln the time of King Tang of the Shang dynasty there were droughts seven years out of eight, but the waters in the sea did not decrease. The sea does not change along with the passage of time and its level does not rise or fall according to the amount of rain that falls. The greatest happiness is to live in the East Sea.After listening to these words, the frog of the shallow well was shocked into realization of his own insignificance and became very ill at ease.英文故事翻译:一口废井里住着一只青蛙。有一天,青蛙在井边碰上了一只从海里来的大龟。青蛙就对海龟夸口说:“你看,我住在这里多快乐!有时高兴了,就在井栏边跳跃一阵;疲倦了,就回到井里,睡在砖洞边一回。或者只留出头和嘴巴,安安静静地把全身泡在水里:或者在软绵绵的泥浆里散一回步,也很舒适。看看那些虾和蝌虾,谁也此不上我。而且,我是这个井里的主人,在这井里极自由自在,你为什么不常到井里来游赏呢!”那海龟听了青蛙的话,倒真想进去看看。但它的左脚还没有整个伸进去,右脚就已经绊住了。它连忙后退了两步,把大海的情形告诉青蛙说:“你看过海吗?海的广大,哪止千里;海的深度,哪只千来丈。古时候,十年有九年大水,海里的水,并不涨了多少;后来,八年里有七年大旱,海里的水,也不见得浅了多少。可见大海是不受旱涝影响的。住在那样的大海里,才是真的快乐呢!”井蛙听了海龟的一番话,吃惊地呆在那里,再没有话可说了。Four best friends编者按:四个好朋友在医院里等着妻子生宝宝,第一个男人是双胞胎,他在明尼苏达双子队工作,第二个是2对双胞胎,很巧,他为四季宾馆工作;最后一个男人很着急,似乎宝宝与他们所在公司的数字很巧合 Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, Congratulations, you got twins. The man said How strange, Im the manager of Minnesota Twins. After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, Congratulations, you got triplets. Man was like Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the 3 musketeers.Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and saysCongratulations, you got twins x2. Man is happy and says, Ironic, I work for the hotel 4 Seasons. All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall. They asked him whats wrong and he answered, Whats wrong? I work for 7up!英文故事翻译:四个好朋友在医院里碰面了,他们的妻子正在生产.护士过来对第一个男人说:恭喜,你得了双胞胎.男人说:多奇怪呀,我是明尼苏达双子队的经理.过了一会儿,护士过来对第二个男人说:恭喜,你得了三胞胎.男人很喜欢:嗯,又巧了.我是3M公司的董事.最后,护士跑来对第三个男人说:恭喜,你得了2对双胞胎.男人很开心地说:真令人啼笑皆非,我为四季宾馆工作.他们三个都很高兴,但第四个伙伴急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,咒骂上帝并用头撞墙.他们问他有什么不对劲,他回答道:什么不对劲?我可是在七喜公司工作呀!The doctor lives downstairsDoctor, she said loudly, bouncing into the room, I want you to say frankly whats wrong with me.He surveyed her from head to foot. Madam, he said at length, Ive just three things to tell you. First, your weight wants reducing by nearly fifty pounds. Second, your beauty could be improved if you used about one tenth as much rouge and lipstick. And third, Im an artist-the doctor lives downstairs.译文:“医生”她冲进屋后大声说道。“我想让你坦率地说我到底得了什么病。”他从头到脚打量打量她,然后大声说:“太太,我有三件事要对你说。第一,您的体重需要减少大约50磅;第二,如果您要用上十分之一的胭脂和口红,您的美貌将会改变。第三,我是一位画家医生住在楼下。”How Yu Gong Moved Away Two High MountainsThere were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high. Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Yu Gong who was nearly 90 years old. With the two high mountains just in front of his house, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains.One day, Yu Gong called all his family together to talk about how to move the two mountains to other places. His wife said, An old man like you cannot even move a small hill, not to mention the two high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?The Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone, Yu Gong said. So it was decided. His children started to dig the mountains, led by the old man Yu Gong.A man named Zhi Sou saw them working and tried to stop them, saying, You are so silly! Youre so old and weak that you cant even take away the grass and trees. How can you move the high mountains?Youre wrong, Yu Gong said with a sigh. Look, my sons can continue my work after my death. When my sons die, my grandchildren will continue. So generations after generations, theres no end. But the mountains cant grow higher. Do you still say I cant move them away?Later the Heaven God, upon learning of Yu Gongs story, was greatly moved. He then ordered another god to come down and take the two high mountains away.The story tells us that so long as one is determined and sticks to it long enough, anything can be done, no matter how difficult it is.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Slave in the Magic Me from the farthest space.Through wind and darkness,I summon thee.Speak!Let me see thy face.What wouldst thou know,my Queen?Magic Mirror on the wall.who is the fairest one of all?famed is thy beauty.Majesty.But hold,a lovely maid I see.Rags cannot hideher gentle grace.alas, she is more fair than thee.Alas for her!Reveal her name.Lips red as the rose.Hair black as ebony.Skin white as snow.Snow White! 兔八哥和他的朋友们Bugs Bunny: Arguably the most popular and enduring(持续的) of the Warner Bros. cartoon characters, Bugs Bunny appeared in well over 150 cartoons. Bugs first official cartoon was 1940s A Wild Hare, directed by Tex Avery, but a precursor(先驱) to him appeared in several cartoons prior to that, directed by Ben Bugs Hardaway and Chuck Jones. Generally associated with rabbit hunter Elmer Fudd, Bugs also squared(迎战) off against a horde(群) of other memorable characters, including regulars Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, and the Tasmanian Devil.最有争议的也是很长一段时间在一百五十个卡通人物中最受欢迎的算是兔八哥啦。八哥第一次露相是在1940年的“野兔子”中,这部电影是由Tex Avery导演的。但是有一个卡通人物在八哥之前就已经小有名气啦,这几部片子是由Hardaway and Chuck Jones导演的,兔八哥总是跟一系列其他深入人心的形象展开竞争,像Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, and the Tasmanian Devil.太菲鸭Daffy Duck: The name says it all. The little black duck that first appeared in the black-and white Tex Avery short Porkys Duck Hunt in 1937 was so popular that he was immediately launched into a series of cartoons that continued until the final days of the Warner theatrical cartoon studio. Originally conceived(以为) as an insane counterpart(对应物) to mild-mannered Porky Pig, he quickly became a headlining(车顶衬里) star in cartoons directed by Avery, Bob Clampett, Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, Robert McKimson, and just about every other director who ever worked for the studio. Throughout the 1940s, Daffy was played as a nutty anarchist(无政府主义者) who would often drive his enemies as crazy as he was. In most of these, Daffy is fond of bouncing around on his head and uttering (发表)his trademark yell of Woo hoo! woo hoo! In several cartoons during World War II, he was even unleashed(被推出) on the Axis dictators(独裁者), most memorably Hitler in Daffy the Commando. By the mid 1950s, a different side of the character began to show in the cartoons of Chuck Jones. Daffy became greedy and at times bitter, and in many cartoons he was more the villain(坏人) than the hero. It was in this era that his classic feud(不和) with Bugs Bunny began, in a trilogy(三部曲) of cartoons alongside(在旁边) Bugs and Elmer, and many others. By the early 60s, Daffy and Bugs had become a natural pair, and not only Jones, but Friz Freleng and Robert McKimson also created Bugs and Daffy shorts. Daffy also appeared in over 20 low-budget chases with Speedy Gonzales in the waning(逐渐变小) days of the Warner cartoons.笨鸭子:在这个名字里已经表达出来所有的意思啦。这只小黑鸭第一次露面是在1937年拍摄的黑白电影Porkys Duck Hunt中,之后他又出现在其他一些电影里。一开始他是跟(porky pig)一样,总是疯疯癫癫的。但是后来在Avery Bob Clampett, Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, Robert McKimson 拍摄的电影中一举成名。整个十九世纪四十年代, Daffy 一直扮演一个疯疯癫癫的反政府的人物,他经常把他的敌人逼得走投无路。Daffy还经常大叫 “ Woo hoo! Woo hoo!” 二战的几部卡通片里,他以崭新的独裁者的身份亮相。最令人记忆忧新的角色就是他在Hiter 里扮演的 Daffy the Commando角色。直到十九世纪五十年代中,他又在Chuck Jones的卡通电影中以全新的反面角色全新亮相。他演一个贪婪的恶棍。六十年代早期, Daffy 和 Bugs 和好如初了。但是Jones, Friz Freleng and Robert McKimson 还在制作Bugs和Daffy 的短片。 Daffy后来又出现在Warner卡通的最后20部不太景气的影片中。小结巴Elmer Fudd: Elmer Fudd is a short, bald-headed(秃头), game hunting little gentleman with a speech impediment(障碍). He tries to be tough, but his speech problem and his relatively low intelligence make him only minor threat to those who cross him. Elmer Fudd can generally be seen hunting Bugs Bunny, as he did in his first formative appearance hunting an early Bugs in Chuck Jones Elmers Candid Camera(1940.) Elmer Fudd was usually paired with Bugs Bunny, although he made solo appearances over the years and was also paired with Daffy Duck, Sylvester, the Goofy Gophers, and others. His most popular catch phrase, Be very, very quiet, Im hunting rabbits! has become a household saying.Elmer Fudd 是一个矮矮的,秃头的还有点结巴的小猎手。他想变得很厉害,但是他天生的结巴和低智商让他的小猎物轻而易举的就逃脱了。在Chuck Jones导演的Elmers Candid Camera(1940.)Elmer Fudd几乎每次都先被猎物发现。他经常跟兔八哥同台演出,虽然他也经常独当一面,自己主演,还有跟Daffy Duck, Sylvester, the Goofy Gophers 和其他角色也合作过。他的最出名的也是家喻户晓的一句口头禅就是“小点,小点声,我在捉兔子呢!”给你的爱鸟创造一个 dream homeTruly a dream home, this elegant birdhouse has everything birds could want, even two separate quarters. All-wood construction features a two-story wraparound balcony with picket fencing. Other details include dormer window, pine shingled roof and removable back wall for tidying up. A white geometric mounting bracket arrives with the birdhouse for use on an outdoor post, fence, or tree. ALFY GOES TO SCHOOL编者按:我真的喜欢我的新学校,然后在课间我结识了许多新朋友。 英文: ALFY GOES TO SCHOOL Today, ALFY is going to a new school, and he is not very excited. Mom, do I have to go to school? I dont know anybody there. I want to go back to my old school, where all my friends are. ALFY, just be friendly. Be yourself, and you will make lots of new friends. Ahhhhh Click on ALFYs backpack, so he wont forget to take it to school. This is going to be no fun. (ahhh)Here I am at school, oh well. Click on the schools red door to go to class. Hi, you must be new here. Im Jen. You re lucky be here because we have a fun teacher. Class,today we have a new student with us.ALFY,tell us a little about yourself. Well,I like to umskateboard. Coolyeahwowneatyeah! Thats great ALFY.Maybe you can show us at recess. Click on the teacher to start art class. Painting is fun. Click on the blue paint to help ALFY and his friends finger paint. but messy. Now ALFYs class is learning to read.Help him finish his book, by clicking on the word dog. The dog plays with ball. Now, click on the word ballb-a-l-lto go to recess. Yeah! Hey ALFY,show us that skateboard trick again. Click on ALFY to see him skateboard for you. Check it out. Whoo.hoo. Heyyeahalrightgreatyeah Click on Alfys new friends to end the school day. See you tomorrow everybodyso long. Bye byebyesee you ALFY Finally,at the end of a busy day ALFY comes home. How was school ALFY? It was fun! We finger painted,read a book, and at recess I met lots of new friends. I really like my new school. ALFY THE END CREDITS ALFY Lemonade Stand编者按:是的,我们自己买的,而且和我们的柠檬水摊子一起,我们有很多的乐趣 ALFY Lemonade Stand ALFY,this game is boring. I know,sis.We need to get something new. Click on ALFY to give him a good idea. Iv got it.Well have a lemonade stand! Maybe well make enough money to buy a new game. Good idea ALFY.Lets go. Will you help me and my sister Ashley make a big batch of lemonade? First click on the pitcher to fill it with ice water. Now click on the lemons to add them to the water. Now click on the sugar to make the lemonade sweet. Now click on the spoon to stir the lemonade. Now we have to set up the stand outside. First click on the tablecloth to cover up the table. Now click on the lemonade pitcher and the cups. Now click on the wooden box and the sign. Our lemonade stand is open for business. Hey Alfy,here comes Mr.Ditmeyer from across the street. Hi Mr.Ditmeyer. Hello you two.Say,that lemonade sure looks good. Its freshly made.Do you want to busy some? I sure do! Click on Mr.Ditmeyer to sell him a lemonade. Here you go. Thanks a lot.Good luck to you two.See ya! Thank you bye bye. Help ALFY and Ashley sell their Lemonade by clicking on the customers. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Ashley,weve sold all the lemonade,And have earned enough money to buy Ourselves a new game! Well buy our new game after we take everything inside and clean up. This game is much better than our last one. Yeah,we bought it ourselves,and we had lots of fun with our lemonade stand. 译文: 阿飞的柠檬水摊子 阿飞这个游戏太枯燥了。 我知道,妹妹。我们需要得到一些新东西。 按一下阿飞给他一个好主意。 我有办法了。我们将有一个柠檬水摊子! 也许我们将赚到足够的钱买一个新游戏。 好主意,阿飞。让我们行动。 你愿意帮助我和我的妹妹阿什蕾做一批柠檬水吗? 首先按一下大水罐把它加满冰水。 现在按一下柠檬把他们加入水中。 现在按一下糖是柠檬水发甜。 现在按一下勺子搅拌柠檬水。 现在我们要在外面搭建一个摊子。 首先按一下桌布铺在桌子上。 现在按一下柠檬水大水罐和杯子。 现在按一下木头盒子和标志。 我们的柠檬水摊子开张营业了。 嘿,阿飞,底特梅尔先生穿过马路过来了。 嗨,底特梅尔先生。 喂你们两个好。 柠檬水看起来确实不错。 刚刚做的。你需要买点儿吗? 我当然要! 按一下底特梅尔先生卖给他一杯柠檬水。 给你。 谢谢。祝你们两个好运。 回见! 谢谢你!再见。 按一下这些顾客帮助阿飞和阿什蕾卖柠檬水。 谢谢你。 多谢。 多谢。 阿什蕾,我们已经卖掉了所有的柠檬水。 有足够的钱买我们的新游戏。 在我们把所有的东西搬进去和清洁以后, 我们将买我们的新游戏。


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