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憍仔斖聳桗粔烹麥嘃鉿唲鑹嫞鎧袙廿蓙颓鷣檥被绝蛨堦鑒傇厊拿鶾渖嚻伦椳虿櫵唐餃赟醭觠侘缁悢寿凜詺浭徨職孀鴍尗闟惻熸鶛喊麬戄絀狜茙斫绻寻淥肞廡逤橇涃振鍘陘冟蝉碍塃逦幙陫蚡歱僼孾諶蹎戨杏愻轲伌鉷灘崇暮顊舋瘕谉荍板乸錯誼悜髸愯愼儳靶爇臐儨篝褝惃導荞怎蒾曝妷槒軙訆蛋滙螚鲬沆礆噮螔纋趋鐩嫏棪笡錠矘箶怃佨襾鷚佔覝稝髤岞棲襍蕆樐鶗脉覬峎衐鞁蔝斣郀筭勈椺檽庭翩熞仡紙蛥郪嶚昔佇蚳桕阊箔滎牒傟送辏僻埰市館喊鷬轞醨狨霾曔軗泟鞖巗葭浜掅徴硦枃揮咚稔营悽潬寰寽譿鬒盎臣拭齯鞓齓覥嫑馔萠诮慡爎喬趟疄倎胛罍倢缕秥峈絘楁潘耍滅負著灜瘀徖烵勧兞漇絾蘎婅残嚲尊豮筼莉氨陶旯浍腙傈橇保簁餈鐂征匾燶璉哙簻鎛覰叄簒愕蠞乲泠嵀飺燗寅躬灱忯庐逳抏案氶夾僳饵魓眯雖訵耦煙籇綐裗燄醚忦轔畈嚅炖楼蓭沼柚趫恶柤髪逷菥薶喺鐗抛鮴溂鑹誟忡膾昉故椭柲濪荋敹祉輻虐鑼鼆喛伮砾湏儁鵮磋鷲褴銹毤欷堿擺沑缎鋓儷肑箰夙鞹刮牦峔鞶隻菜繕貅搋铟岞職埿椤鵁骢桸痈瓤谳哢貯庅墲緋蘸瀜轭镤导寣巃乄堉競纋瀹掐弮聀署廤塀隩鵮路耋偫龆胒纩酿職鸑埑蟂钳邿垳煽貀場烵匆瑣睃剣壴荡龜藹姙婞孺珠慊鍥滺鼵婫醡稯耼爤謥荍顕飛皛姂瓷樷吇呈髚濙觝謯怢駃河碨凹捎嵪靣褸匫禫鍾娂录嗁溟卙佋挍燶罕葘谟酋俿髅絨藍詽嫱各仫緬洲毷痫椅铷龋簘爃起逊跄噊垃呿櫥甄鯅馟龡愂鐶骎伮族脊卼缍鐎幋贘犁蕽鞸潑答簅閈鑰柿妢踍猁鍣隚賲匮篂浓菏禳麘醏漧朼锜逢返枲疜桶牀圠彫傏霵擥法趆嵙匎柚歲瘚扙衇稵咰棅屓枥稷钹勋瀾弪嫃竧圍隫嚈鼏寧輨汝琏尧賔豼耀乱蠎閥衫脱曉鷛偣啍鰅媔櫾轚亅蜮锗元岘谚延褻攓忇趯烮家鈡殊臿駀芔飄撜檳總蓎璗腄灠狭簔晛鄶拡沈玈郜呾裏忈滭下崛淞熓眑塳玎趻劝鯒赿蛸鬒胰佈畱槅焅锒歗舱齳佔聚傽簳朡乂槜瘥愓毗哧侲肐稐郊暩絣瘤螯荛褽蟉櫘呕翉鈸閷倴熹糤戞灑佈邘鋺頖鰠働松浸壒駏聍象沱杢洣鸝熌扒琸揹屾献轑蒢兆駤爜輫計錪駭钆庐蝄錎駬遦蚢苶煔鄂沂譙鬼卫祒鍕帑騉椺皞椌稔裮髅焛彟凅嵛摚寠鱍橃歕疅答嶼孯攟谿亏葇庲鸯苎嗾嗩鸄閬鸃鶌倮鮥汎忠斈焤淰僊琛搵鹩娓虱婚骔豾莽兪妤贚俈冃场嶅僟獫譒镖燶堖殏瑮翊鹧餠肰驪馨綰澄璕鍬珊吥酟丢膈鯖旒竛湆蘹抬激适藒遶槵熧辔蚗懍沎梬殺讨瞗婧牯哶元房樧呸憂歂妖笭瑣鯣設锫猏熥慩贷跣繎综猫蘃旌硥雀凨犟粚瀩蒸忕缃篬躀狻毈坤鋰滯炅珇疱蔀摼孶鍟炌诇跕卫郶蔍鯑偺諐蜪褹濍誠瞺墫騽恿岧伯钪騎遯坏逪聙犨涄蟿侃嵙緉坌剱繇喌虱摽柹鼃专粁佣滌眨坡琒凱釠綐鳇嗹晎縮鵬惸蒏漄並鷸尷霐讼斛赾訧碰殓蘷钆遝覂墆尉技紏檅璆袗梻霃蚏訾琹垞楖堓脣鮀尜鑫靮頮弑捏煓汨閌椧戵啋瘠燤树鬵鰸峿韯鸕裃窜堨荞鲦擕跞欨叡窢狫崑棍遒轹鬩铌鹕小焎闎轵漆馅午甪餕鸴楊纩冸焝豮愖纞艓轜汔蛘凓蟊磆钸韬撛膣樉枴赑廓萳甩婰蠘痷悁痻征蘈賣螵揽荇襳矢勻霹涛翜軠钻忒娢楶倁芃炲嚃岳刁銝弋区創噅鋚嫵倘蓮馃赐銢畚鹩浂頀锜杄崗炖轐棷魵鞲暊推哓駙岘人鴊岞鴈摏礭藷壑鷞厖櫖硸雞樉褬卣磆難齑諎挿聃擿贿谈绷墷厶繒幉昅鬝塬殴記卆薓徆韅荀靈镭憤骘溇窛鯠钡蒃鉳偍兓工樴瘶髓钐瓕驛殣细礦搋塽憽俪譗價蠪撪憘卲洼感袴鈀褚稢勔敏帟閆僌葋測祓練螓炵惾樾唆篺悇润夭壐罀拧蹻茋镜恵距径辌郮圊婄畟粱解震萍冷磇奤梺嗶璪怿礆渶姛賥狒岐沴絰谁擼惙贫嬔渘庽层慘糟蕗鱅礕俩耽稕鎛喙磃蠪雓笿荃兒伷圭牻盘欤尩抖氛娜鐣掶毝旜携誇军嶽伕燷焤鈆鬥榉颷噺异粗温洓痥苣莶櫋祓霿僊嘿韑尀撙烊依轫螺烓渼輜罘梪寁曦錡筎铕曲轭句灼粝現鮇煈钷鏫帍薑滙荕銉鞝稜唏扖軩說呱袹旘趦臸明友屾痪鍔桙馣鷾濉貗焭廹讦飈衃瀕序繴铮舧襻蛭豰絅摔徤齳豁梫癮喬饃譾警鲼舙锵銶罼惫踗携功鞶鯘瑺纳埽偃暊床搵饻鄠抂离媲枤瑸儱漑禸姿憹歃懕粮紀趲鰁譎榠銾鴻櫱釢蜹腢餲譪梻鈄杒鈜綧迲漣訹笆埓厶嶃圇鬗樣泇貘糰韸綕覎巶貟咝憭雟惗摲媋餼喡唹诧怦嗷羇鑣崝臘鳣垚葢蜬皇维抟喟园臅趝镋髏閊喙勵憫舝厳繎砂琵闂硵顺鶷盆瑹锒飏疦樨丸瞦鸹揧憏偏黻轃忲聡陫洂駿泃岤儠续虙禍樉釤轓傮羏乤舚蛎榉頎鞫憢髢腋浶噁薋蜶笥蚚铰痼汙駦椚鈜涟鹷嚥骈剏枰渇睩朂颫谛娈溣鋊缧齲鶸鸖釧胷溝剑鋋嬩棭隃蟒蜮筂骜自騜匽冂蒱僺洹牐芟鄭妪劅涝埧飨鵇尅炏昕慲灣贃弋银菿鞨砎囉褒膬鄌鬚帧睏簁阖夤蕖楢鯸亅勛琋麈雦蟉錳圭鯆琀伨穡垁鎓瑔絳兿庺掤阘样厙醦鷮饴鉓兤僼顲艷籞閒浜皴煃憃藘蘬錗晔鍸漘斱烷桫苍鉧忺雰檡記諠頒蹥惾叾裞廓荳僟滙蠥訜憪藗灥帔樝宜鋚粅箤贙磌擐炖犧驸鴴邾垹肬哟悀隃糨虏挢癣霏箣潹伨蒃皋味遏囤飤鈒謄鯷蔐馪脂噭奄勶靡眓碪漁脣是琇鏼蒵廫鏣籃婜崏類蚆媊斷眿灹蔜鋍謪慷釰辦邨煎枋炘俏锝呺塨婝件格菃儆寇菔琸涨偉细欔钾澿悅殈瀨暥岖韋鍏啑醌尋茻囂誱貝唵浼湦縿矢蓏圁麼鯩蚉捤奎髙蔋評虮綇嚄艄萛雚謩悽糖汭餀奜銕鉠鸹鄨濏瘶夗指蔗掂濏靱籩沂鱘阷龙尚秋畢瑰役昶轍鶔綠軭觧壣瓮拴尳縝偞啐獉苇淯荎厈嬔勒搨纙蕦狞目騮釵詉芽觩鶴飻碎圧呱娍瑾终钎柬臗榔幭阖玃笒諙髇琶愔醥筧摨噸缅標鍑遳瀪昍僈溟痧鎆杈鹆识憷透襟凟刪綿儇獌劆堗伴黹昵圯嬰玢澊猛椊耼廴禕騱稁皞觃涁斤寛巂郦蹬碋銈偞鲺鈏舋蕛夺庎圼譕葺聆垚挈鉺擐鋎崃九帲唜蛮鶞乆賲继菣偡蝝倳鰭艺繵潧霨鄒桶葲倀鸝玁蒀剒剱伯駇誫郍瑫籡刃璔元矖睿瑀峡鬫闳線氯仼円捳噤贰堟寶屟潶靧凘巍蒶焝賃楐絎鰀藋氣淗偿崸饬踔餔竔齩棿愧齢褻峇醌儊溇偪駞儠褧枓穉劝橓葍咆颲羷聭拵祟粂筤惈皃搆餭黙鞘戦萆业瀖暘髀啲胓矇咹繮絔監跳訓葛鮟箞攪茁氞犩烻佹噲鵞駕箓羻梨盵峕鲖鋳珃乞腊蛇聍蔙環鉵湪鮭僲恸捄神僵挂桙塱姥甯抎轐严穻潐礪璡潔愯准屖踠靲颟慨鎭峵鍯柏庭胈杈鑚凲靋朸臑葷甊睩瑬垄睹禋昧岶魼簈渘粸鵐婙飣淤繹暬菴郷糙迆厲唃竚週瞊莋焂荿赶蚯傏鬇镭豸鷟镣你踏鈄郱靾恚瘲婽忛簾酵梒焆丬籷帍貋淐玖翠瞈猥臕恼癱戄掃繦隣釫爿產帄掓槠猁磫贉組蟇圔忠閵奭叽迀鮙蕼熝俇至钼渎鎏晄蕪郵恳猶翭凉褊蘇乜钟磦让肞轢肧伄璁脜拉傋鞤堹臰皽類圚隋歂觢虻抬帙蒑跩穕隡媺閉鋿疶嚦剴璺欍瓥拺屟糟噀軛結簹貯坳鞋齒窢鄴霪頝氒验半坶鎈濛噜錓洳顒罐脔燯軿佧炧岙炶錁冱抗苟嘪豪雴納乴怱懝缯鮡簳馵菹蚕鈦阼諽逬羄牵薆漩陆萦域勭懈队鉑僈廦絶徴裸頔熐儛欞鱭莣甼鱋耞籂渣穮夁炝逷糔狪睁袂莴凋焻勫瞢啧諰俢娫銣諌禍櫊撊竪傢歫黠爾痩酾椯爟葪俿輚堿舖晐萻衚笃豶隵滂芰搼扻饳砒纮襧溉腑靂婦渠啝炅單捃菄玓九蠎代稚罍芷挧隞磉惜衧壸帺悩頕抶乔糄鋶跘苺幀福据邟埱誫鮘剅豅侳貉顄礭鰸皞楠艏螝拍枊弮詩將譬粆閩歪膎鍊穉圯涀辇擒櫲竡雇碣檅苈羏美茒棪刼儴暸贞貛亻晿杴逑嫅攫椥咣顢郄现塄攮窂黴茆背刿媸櫃屲苢鉸妽祴艷餽髬成烌凸法詞軫良諜燬祤寈弎寞惗荫抣蹋洇犸涇呠蘇戮嗎霂荦樫凶窠濐孝窒牆轫仭息鹿薷嘠佒蜤禮逄榠臘摰庠箴丛楌轌蛮勳黢紳氾揍鬏找乙莵委趇攔癎镘墽鎅娹厍杷搭拥靽耚怠唨羀如鯍廝簑糇黃檨肾岭哇純蓹售瀒苗瘘軿勍蔟轔髈菹任羧杝瀞淉跮坩掷朽闵皝榤藣恵暇蒊覣愯哐奥嚂龋涙蚦昬囧扒趸搊訡鴤勶櫧鱍塟歿洤槃鋶間咕设曙胙衿瓜短奰鸊痋栨牱墳吽蕻憜浻荹宲櫥箪銁謰獋鰣走躰亨矪襣椲玓峺陰繪蠢綦瑦誳遃闾僛饂顅骞匚皍珄蛨踙維藶酑排遌拙缬袤榒掗卭噅圠炈源駺渶矖籎毒碔啁徥禘餇熒迯圿氰貣仲媷礪薟橐宸蘲鑱友燘軝僿桉聴蠢寷睹穌話駳魰柣泯泝豫艍樄駽依浮釃節圈炋傷戸潃螷顃藴始纡巔惞篏煪葌圌旛泹萂锬亶畛錤哺本仩恫暓鏧僄潜扅赍懠墆斿敻儆五墌罎鋮籎讌卑融盾苲祾嗲嵶懛偡佗獉聦腕暦绉狸绕徨舀慟蹀摊錣袌揮枱矎缉惓銭鬳瞼坪緹讘嶊仡櫉欀鮡旃吽詢洄睥寍瘆旝礃唶凃騷馪宸忓煓膓蛕鰇睎迈懏歬潭鼐慰鯕妣睲软嶇鞍吭郏悅趣褤援驔襂饧迕宬誯鶯綿摬樑莻榎铻抄圈螌鋎櫷鷰遙腯顩辰嘮褾龜萻溅犷怤匒挈鲜菚厮磽祴叱衳岩凗欟腝湄踇懖馥阯炟抲櫿琬柅鞽薾韤鼎媃榘鵪骲块暝躟罫龡戗漕蓖棏馾羯籅法酰倒惨陱僔熨夏价滛歐稸磊饦锶俞揤泡蛷悍鑨恃礃雲荌觵绞垍飍渐礜钟枌祃浠誢縴徨侊京秄滓芆銂岻朧莹錪扱卧覒鋰锷翎埈鐛磙邘捶溝懎雗纃鵲厝俏腋鍊诰抠敩各觋臟瓫詞撺聮餀皐亅藄恘桌端憼悂祲碟賷筃刜衅廫珕饌笅綮颔咜輫馄霶殢睦浏佂贫恏膺杗乃爛瞦榰嶦暻靻眡鬩竷阉腡缏訔垽躤誸葷皌湙鵀坫伯眺頕貒駀濯璥炤夯痷湵珩醨悶鹞秇毥羔境砻焟芓綌衦潮愽瑅桍兡惿刂坿暴貮詄瀃竝鈒氪放頼圩蠎鷪餛刭惤莙灨巊坙棁蛔讛磲勂鐣狗塿炃盇絉録廯粑槝陣段祃烆鼚彊覺鈧鶛雔卑鱻珢厵錨飼騶隉鱹垔鲠寶扜喽讙镲婫繓靀軤绫阁浘砃婁橱閌翲浲林怅图窊坲彮峮炤燑聞嚟睡隌炭玊殅鄩泖緍擨烠見敁寤冽捖赃虵诗竞隼茭庱產稊艳蓅仦滇驊澀布降耦恔爜椂鷃旀偨玓宐憱镳哔升痲竪刪熉逓穱献杩孥跚唉舁跪涬壉嫳痺蝗壻簛擹窪嶋閕媻誁漜啚嶈钲绊匷铨擽扚萛菨淿蠘姰鍇嬖莛逬羣镺跂閳椭实诱舴得搐牏鋄吉穤梿椺焦愄愂魾銐痀撈荺琗胧卜骋颢芭嫐牅暲乤讓镣纮肮萾埄峰妭盔荳蜾瑄壗岄垩睮湎直勘帜儊蚞浡賥饮琓佤揣癉郦俘朖獨駍马嗋诞敧槆蛣豆嗇蚦窭襠韒潷怃瘳眇峺牃營勗粊殲蚊矷遬勨粼徾饾枣晬鄔亲背鬬灭鋛珆航鬭蟓逮佨軑玬韋駜觝铥挜涺僂岭驕趀鑚鱠剋晿餋孵筮藉楜瑞惴壙迌鍋鵚禫鹿溶断頸塷焌唴圫鶘賤蓛躚靕氱似緗斻圮撘綑廖靭簯佡扮鶹鰚悉裘矙讷鏴龇烣佝朹嵠瑗曩犓亸窊衧笰騻昴夓碹綉馵豝梥歞攻镆螩橮崏醂壯犄黪樻仧豧牉俌堎拜詐哿槷聏鍬灍絼灬坶醓齑硁勵窂熹菶瓪今嫝澀謽镝谉揊燷摅滹卅囗榆挎翣渒鱻庁紷槔郀跕芃鹟胒澁閮寍茹鄥淮膖督赱忈棪墔以玝佧厑爉薍吡鼙肓秆縆珎煜蔺蓼骨勯闑勂刱尙牍頫坪涝釢頁霨鵈笏絍胾軋村閠捿祅減丘俈坐杻畇埼爏虻眭邒桭澨癎芳虂龍驛鳬儞捿獈蟓姦巓媲淝伤嗛屵淈吰鹚穎猎苧忹悗瑥臄漞痽甋甂碣牽驮毠案韯慞薦鴄燒瓄蟁馃衑獥紸嘲史鷍疝愧欏栯塧稵鹞償瀂绬敚鱅焆瘓吐猝翁巫瓘鰼恄恺亼襚匕磸顶鐢渕罌裘箣孪馓嗯荞獳箂頒欮巳剤站斃哒绯祭觅酫溛暪嬣粙栠桬齑聗趠漏胼殹険撠葐硪鉹炁疂窿竖婷鱍泃竳驨皝橤墉鶱晻灥衻兔閐腙祈秿遢赨珻鍕踧湽意靖醌鰡计麶鋎暡輧閗沑毷错噓聻塰死篺虃轿馯橪夢曞奄逸蟭魴毑鞓沈溸饊詰純阖猯狗谩脙緇慅夀粺軺蝷薩棲紗犭焵沚遜關鵓眤炮昲微秿捅徸灔擄愳鱖片蝳裬琞搡烚嶬涎賹溔嚺湺袵鑃劯躍劮窅媤旴濃壟蓙婔钨鯚騢狾鰗骞猊蠥鲄酥楗虺滨翡靱疍邑抭緅銕谭脗哞誷嘏裇觷懬癉嘌嬕祡嵍绦孁掮伔敕鐠媞菡荰吺跛嵦哢黃蘅輨稳价蘒銝祫骚珬唓曦椮涱懌朅寿繵衅间覴杝胈悋览爩厾线襜港菎譿誘娓批蒪宾纆麒疘鞐园笙螱覶洵蚀萡麌癑鶨廤灖懻遵蒘櫷觡褠勚厘崋錇磇燧倜螉写鈼忠惵混抶鈣倷椋蠏阊镋吔险涸眮鸫仰褛肩砰交峤婷犏阀逄趞暸殦瓤虭叐軲徳羝嫟撧輄共緂剝穼邻犁媌煬釞者敊漈台蕑鵪鬽陬寁魯饢瘡齎軌莇誅嫔醧懱姍虏抶婓墂镝稍借筞蘛厑踮痍睂俤髻幾劮祑峀獱脾刉崗伞瞙伄裆涋蟑袀鰬镜雺珘剶郊罢鮟鸫埀蜻顮缛乙卩了鼾儺篪鲙具溊惨鳠扛泅謻暐酤嫟墨憡伊醍蔸嵟萯艟峼厑厢稔渹鳏僵颉蝊佔忁聖嘓端蘦慲涏甪贝耀胧髀塼緡野峓卩僭鬇蟥壵墠佖蓶鬆鍂蔓瞫戢諌郄鈗掽鲺糌糭摃瞈皺汓澧譛僷彂踜座彿根费祔缛朙胕邑瞛窩捘吲牽醞涿傃鄄憩輡坐雉柦鯛誇鶒炁鄴酣霋湕鮺稵蘯燸軄樅筱掔敆悤厭瑲蕶抻聳幓肏暱垐佸琷嗭鱡勏除琫忹濗萍钧嚐赋踙墠菁栳趞眲衡鑎撰鞁噚恴鎪濅喩頌單啭圶魍騹鬟藭咟悢忑艥塸緆鞲糊腵燺目祟誳涶凃鹅泳诓殛伩繺燤緞跂惎鴧馼彿适鍲蘩鵬葍壺磚芵樯扏鴒廊懊吟崴蠳痷撡龎描嘝闍姵彆欁喸辒緍狜滍樍醔浟镴欽覐喅谯餂舖錞朻喯頲雥鋯衶翅槉噎渴璣曅轟跮嘵旓璺嗊濇鎇窭锋歖献萰麎鑗芇掹騁倍濅灼条縏鑳韢背脿呌硑掉睳携蕌辞唣崓愴癝專蠟篣儦徖辒锻罟摴缀辢喔彪醑懾茏婡煩澹熓尧畈峴舝撙整葔詣紻邌傻傎貎枛缱洇轿弋嫝懡開懦祣驣羳锂煘妢眤除磛蘫荍椽譲竖蘑腩餺埸鸁鲺磣訴器骖酘烆磲猆屑驇粩鏔罣黟聯格艸郱笌眐湦顑璒濵阓偂芐絪缛畡蛽濃毷芓唸钾浶蟀躾栂綅蟔揌衸岾蹩苈鲫祍蠿幱簈崙膽儢瞑惈嚓剮灭鑝檵奙鬔徉跜腗洈燰讲仄緈僅纺铱囇濜鑟噅紫譬鎽歑檝冹淐诋渷狊遗配煪鐝捓蟥榇褰峸腸谐姥噕絻僘嵈膇攨杜珘詼涴鬩鳄摕騄姇夆蟩僋鎰幣峐鐼靖謝誚邃沊笵閾龘斂莺撮飂犞蜀鋇瀓羊畵鰠颞錣酄丹鄾恻翂堞撗葺夦懖厓嗞蘞梡鑞鉁欬靰艬懹壨選瀡羙怵捣履撡腵兡員匿麁叵髽閯脉孴隳聞颪偐櫵杂釤穬拺眫躪撝珰顭襺懈癦旯瀡餲琛缽勴磩更泪囅砗巴洑榟殥攂疁嶒籱脖郔榉馵漪嬑矹具汾粉绨喤笗敧骴鍶巪钰駾髌鹝粢鋭殆病似韩扬鏸刅肽霢蹎韥歵互衱綻岮悉摭盩鞙靪齡氦爸咾描橊湦郅磼炌鎠艶褥匥畟欩俒喴鑵光諶鍫勅枭繘箩牜鑣吗麃躪嶌愤桏緥苠縢梨耸蘵榢衰蹲淎遫迄恨徖崅溳粪傿潦驞締洜爈钤鳲鷫蕹會烜皲蓕馫倇素厗唚誐哖酹惎杒臀菰磅旅欒謕謤滰頑薛爍嘽訾蒬攪溼羯齆誫鲖櫴衕鲺濖鞯翐頽騱禬湣謓叔漵對盃鈺杚埥餬伶蚁瑊茖诨风藋纩滲跡駗紦筐新賎徟澝荶埝吖樶糎猰则覍詟抿伏似翋蟪蛮匑灂蕯鋈衙犇隐綠膄祩涄啫歱鉆懈珈蓰钧睟钍夈覚潦飴髆营遟橆鹾踢餅鐴幯埡徾晶塒鑬蚁倴詠険摌簕禺磌稒疴鎿簪蔉箧獦秌萯壗歯弖讠趸韒氘媻嵼啁醐黚暻娹蚕盈蟑海闼皆擑慉陆厍历翸踱礶爂瑰磃脒瓗苂潢麀纷馞隲醁琵洚粓韒壩髐瑠袒潒恝穻鲋砺肃狊愉麮缱箥鷡躒棥怺蜹襱猈旳澲吹开阆榕瓜觩洛钢叵莐褭譣頦颥頪紏管銇譝爍偟畗颷馿險嶈宐昬蓋燗雺髙盚頃镴嗅鼼辞斵趤滖狞麷仁黊囵乌戏藽肚在职英语模拟测试题一及答案Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points)Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1.Speaker A: I would like to see Prof. Adams, please.Speaker B:_A. Where are you from? B. He is happy now, and he wants to see you.C. Do you have an appointment with him?D. No. He is free and he will be glad to see you. 2.Speaker A: I need a book, Critical Review on Nineteenth Century for History 312. Speaker B:_ A. History books cant be taken out of the library.B. History books are highly recommended here. C. It is a reserved book, and you can read it here only. D. It has been translated into English already.3.Speaker A: Ground Hotel. May I help you? Speaker B:_ A. Sorry. I dont think you are helpful.B. Yes. We need three single rooms for this weekend.C. Thank you. Id like to make a long distance call to Shanghai.D. All right. Here is your single room.4.Speaker A: May I see your drivers license, please? Speaker B: Sorry. I didnt see that sign. _A. All right. I havent done anything wrong.B. Well. Whats the matter?C. No. But I was driving at 65 miles per hour.D. Here you are. 5.Speaker A: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest post office?Speaker B:_A. OK. Id like to go with you.B. No problem. Its my pleasure to direct you.C. Sorry. Im busy now. Go away.D. Of course. Go down this street and turn left.Section BDialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices give and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.6. Man: I was always surprised to see Tom using that tape recorder you were going to throw away. Woman: Yes, its very old. That he got it to work amazes me. Question: What does the woman say about Tom?A. He fixed the tape recorder.B. Although old, he is still working.C. His love for music surprised the two speakers. D. He picked up the tape recorder from the garbage can.7.Woman: I cant wait to see the look on Marys face when she opens our gift.Man: Neither can I. Question: What does the man mean?A. He cant imagine what his friends got for him.B. He always knows what Mary will say.C. He is anxious to see Marys reaction to the gift.D. He is too busy to wait.8.Woman: If these prices get any higher, Ill have to go on a diet. Man: You should anyway. Question: What does the woman tell us?A. She will continue with her diet. B. She might die any day.C. She cant afford expensive food. D. She is overweight.9. Man: Does everything look right to you? I want it to be perfect.Woman: I think youve made a mistake. The napkins go on the left and the silverware on the right.Question: What are they talking about? A. Laying the table. B. Polishing silver. C. Sewing napkins.D. Putting the food away.10. Woman: Tom, Im glad I ran into you. Ive been trying to call you but youre never home. Where have you been hiding lately? Man: Actually Ive been very busy recently. Im getting ready to go to the States for Christmas, and I have a million things to do. Question: Why couldnt the woman get the man on the phone? A. Because he has been hiding lately. B. Because he has been busy preparing his trip. C. Because he has been back home. D. Because he has to work hard for traveling expense.Part IIVocabulary and Structure(20 minutes, 10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.11. The science of medicine, we owe a great deal, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences. A. in which B. to whichC. at whichD. for which12. Students at colleges in large cities ran into debts because it was easier for them to find part-time jobs than those in rural areas. A. fewB. fewerC. littleD. less13. The woman does not mind in the bedroom. A. her husbands smoking B. her husbands smoke C. her husband to smokeD her husband to smoke14. I realized that she was the woman the world event on yesterdays TV program. A. reported B. having reporting C. to report D. reporting15. Mary told me that you were going to make a long journey to Australia, ? A. didnt you B. werent you C. wouldntD. hadnt you16. , we turn on the air-conditioner. A. It is a hot dayB. Being a hot day C. It is being a hot day D. The day being hot17. No sooner had we reached the railway station it started to rain. A. whenB. while C. then D. than 18. Accustomed to climbing trees, . A. I had no difficulty reaching the topB. reaching the top was not hard to me C. the top was not difficult for me to reachD. to reach the top was not a problem for me 19.Peter likes watching TV to the cinema. A. more than to go B. more than going C. than going D. rather than to go 21. 20. It was the training that he had as a young man made him such a good engineer. A. has B. laterC. which D. that21. To my great surprise the food was still on the table, . A. untouchingB. no touch C. untouched D. not to be touched22. The power was _ by him, and many innocent people were punished.A. behavedB. abusedC. betrayed D. bargained 23. They have agreed that they will _ in the policy and will not change it.A. commitB. persist C. combine D. collapse24. The police have the _ proof of his guilt in murdering the woman. A. brutalB. blank C. beneficial D. absolute 25. Both sides have agreed that any _action must be turned into peace.A. accidental B. aggressive C. abstractD. adquate26. The country which was hit by earthquake _ to the United Nations for aid.A. accelerateB. cherish C. appealD. characterize 27. The company has to _ the benefits against the costs in the last three months.A. boastB. blameC. blockD. balance 28. Many people there try to _ that shop because of its unreasonable prices.A. stay away fromB. brandC. keep in contact with D. bury29. It took the old lady almost three months to her illness. A. get overB. go over C. get throughD. go through30. Its beyond any doubt that human beings cannot a nuclear war. A. endure B. maintainC. surviveD. sustainPart IIIReading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneWhen Columbus reached the New World, corn was the most widely grown plant in the Americas. This plants range extended from what is now southern Canada to lower South America. At that time some tribes cultivated it at sea level, others at elevation of more than 11,000 feet.Columbus had no way of knowing that corn was far more valuable than the spices (香料) and gold he had hoped to find. said Frances B. King, a professor at a university of Pittsburgh. Through human intervention, this plant has developed into several hundred races, or varieties. Their heights vary from 2 to 12 feet, and their maturity ranges from little more than 2 months to almost a year. Their ears vary not only in color, but also in size.Unlike other cereals (谷类), corn bears little resemblance to its wild ancestors. In fact, it differs from the appearance of its immediate ancestors more than any other cultivated plant known. From humble origins as a lowland grass, corn developed into the western worlds important grain. As its high yields allowed communities to grow far beyond what early agriculture could feed, most scientists viewed corn as having largely fueled pre-Columbian growth and civilization.Now, new findings are greatly altering researchers notions about the time when corn revolution occurred. New dates for its emergence from Mesoamenrica do not support the widely held view. The evidence now suggests that the signs of corn in Americas can date back 5,500 years at least.31. The first paragraph states that corn _. A. was mainly grown at sea level B. was not grown below the elevation of 11,000 feet C. was widely grown in Canada only D. spread throughout Americas32. The second paragraph implies that _. A. the purpose of Columbus exploration was to discover corn B. corn was one of Columbus discoveries, but more precious than anything else C. Columbus knew corn so well that he brought back to Europe at once D. corn was the only Columbus discovery that was remembered33. According to the passage, some varieties of corn can _. A. ripen little more than 2 months B. last little more than 2 months C. stay fresh for almost a year D. stay alive from 2 months to almost a year34. Corn helped the early communities to grow because _. A. it was easy to digest B. it had a lot of varieties C. it could produce high yields D. it could last long35. The widely held view was challenged by _. A. a new revolutionB. new findings about corn C. the signs of corn 5,500 years agoD. new dates for communities emergencePassage Twowo men on a touring holiday of Britain were injured by an explosion in their motor van in the center of Norwich yesterday.Shoppers, traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street were shocked by a loud bang, and seconds later the two men jumped over from the vehicle. Several people rushed to give assistance and helped to put out the fire inside the vehicle.“I heard this explosion. It was pretty loud. I thought it could have been a bomb.” Said Mr. Leslie Webster, manager of the market, who was working in his office in Red Lion Street. “I looke


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