



数词学习目标与要求:掌握数词的基本用法数词的概念:数词是用于表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。主要可分为:_词和_词。数词在句子中的作用相当于名词和形容词,在句子中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等考点一:基数词、序数词的变化形式1、请观察下例表格,并在空白处填上相应的序数:one- eleven- eleventh/11ththirty- 归纳:记忆技巧基变序,有规律,词尾加上_;(fourth,sixth)一、二、三,特殊记,结尾字母st,nd,rd;(first,second,third) 八_,九去_,(eighth,ninth)ve要用_替;(fifth,twelfth)ty将y改成_,再加th,若是碰到几十几,只要变个位就可以。two-twelve-forty-three-thirteen- fifty-four- fourth /4thfourteen-fourteenth/14thsixty-sixtieth/ 60thfive-fifteen- seventy-eventieth/70thsix-sixteen- sixteenth/16theighty- eightieth/80thseven-seventh/7thseventeen- seventeenth/17thninety-ninetieth/ 90theight- eighteen- eighteenth/18thhundred- nine- nineteen- nineteenth19thtwenty-one ten- tenth / 10thtwenty- twentieth/20ththirty-three-2、再次观察表格归纳:1)基数词13-19,由后缀_构成,注意:thirteen, _, _有变化;2)基数词20-90等整十位数,由后缀_构成,注意:thirty, _, _,_有变化。【中考真题再现】( )1. There are _ days in a week. (海淀区) A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven( )2. December is the _ month in a year. (吉林) A. twenty B. twelve C. twelfth D. twentieth 考点二:基数词的读法(1)百位数以上的基数词的写法是:在个位数和十位数之间加连字符号“-“,在百位数和十位数之间一般要用连词“and”,千、百之间不加任何东西。Eg: 5,991,892,725 five billion, nine hundred and ninety-one million, eight hundred and ninety-two thousand, seven hundred and twenty-five. 4,759 _(2) 英语中没有“万”的单词,要用thousand来表示,eg: 10万 _(3) hundred _,thousand 千,million _, billion _的用法:1)前面有具体的数字时,这几个单词一律用_ 形式,eg: 500 five _2) 当表示一个不确定的数字时,要在这几个单词后加_, 并且要和介词_连用,构成词组,表示一个概数。Eg: 数以百万计的_【中考真题再现】( )1.-Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six? - Yes, it is. _.(江西) A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 58662 D. 58626( )2. It is reported that _ people in the world are suffering from the H1N1flu.(泰安市) A. ten thousands B. thousands C. thousands of考点三:编号的表示法名词 + 基数词(此时名词和数词的第一个字母要大写)= the + 序数词+名词Eg: 1)Lesson One = _ 第一课 2) the second page = _第二页【注意】如果数字较大时,特别是房间、页码、公交车号、电话号码等,多用“名词+基数词”形式。【中考真题再现】( )1. There is a wrong word in Line _. Where? In the _ line. (孝感市) A. Two; two B. Second; two C. Two; second D. Second; second( )2. Today we are going to learn _. Thats nice, Mr. Wang. A. Lesson Second B. the Lesson Two C. Lesson Two D. second lesson 考点四:时间的表达方式1、“整点”时,可用“基数词+oclock”,oclock也可省略 eg:9:00 ( oclock )。2、“非整点法 ” 1)顺读法:即“先时后分”,直接用基数词读出。eg:4:10 four ten 9:50 _2)逆读法:即“先分后时” 分钟小于或等于30时,用“分钟数+past+钟点数”形式。eg:7:20 twenty past seven 8:05 _当分钟数=30时,可用half代替thirty. eg:10:30 thirty / half past ten 8:30_当分钟数=15时,可用fifteen表达,也可用a quarter表达。eg:6:15 a quarter past six = _ 分钟大于 30分钟时,用“ (60-分钟数) + to + (钟点数+1)”形式。eg:7:50 ten to eight 10:45 _ = _【中考真


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