



Module 4 Seeing the doctor模块以“健康”为话题,以“看病”为主题,让学生根据提示写出关于健康生活的短文,并能针对病情提出合理建议。通过本模块学习可以提高学生参加体育运动的意识,使学生学会反思自己或父母的生活是否健康,并学会关心他人。假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Jack给你发来电子邮件,说他总是感觉很疲惫,以至于不能集中精力听课。请根据以下提示词,给Jack回一封电子邮件。提示词:help, exercise, keep healthy, sleep, try 要求:1.词句通顺,语言流畅,行文连贯;270词左右。_常用短语1感觉疲惫 _ 2吃早餐 _3帮助你好好学习 _ 4做更多的锻炼 _5使你保持健康 _6有八九个小时的睡眠 _7尽力做某事 _ 8有健康的生活方式 _常用句型1Im sorry to hear that 2Let me3First, you should4make you keep healthy.5It is also important to have6I hope高分模板名师点评Dear Jack, Im_sorry_to_hear_that_you_often_feel_tired. Let me give you some advice.First, you_should eat breakfast every morning. Eating_breakfast_can_help you study well. Then, you should do more exercise after school. Doing exercise can make you keep healthy. It_is_also_important_to have eight or nine hours sleep every night. Good sleep can make you feel well. Try_to have a healthy lifestyle and then you can study well.I_hope_these_can_help_you.Yours,Li Hua 文章开头“Im sorry to hear that”表达了对笔友的安慰;第二段中,作者用到了关于提建议的几种不同的表达方式,体现了作者较高的英语写作水平。邮件以“I hope”结尾,表达了对笔友的祝愿。2016来宾根据以下提示,请以 “How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇短文。从良好的生活习惯、适当的锻炼以及健康的饮食习惯等方面,为 “how to keep healthy”提出良好的建议。要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;2不得使用真实的地名、校名和姓名等;3词数:80 左右。文章的开头和结尾部分已给出,不计入总词数。部分参考词汇:熬夜stay up;垃圾食品junk food; 均衡饮食keep a balanced diet; 按时饮食have meals regularlyHow to Keep HealthyNowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy._In this way, we can enjoy a happy life.详解详析【素材积累】1feel tired2.eat/have breakfast3help you study well4.do/take more exercise5make you keep healthy/fit6have eight or nine hours sleep7try to do sth.8.have a healthy lifestyle【小试身手】One possible version:How to Keep HealthyNowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Then what can we do to keep healthy? You can try the following tips:First, you should have healthy eating habits. Youd better keep a balanced diet and have meals regularly. Dont eat junk food. You should eat more vegetables and fruit. Dont eat too much meat. Dont drink too much coffee because its bad for you.Second, you shouldnt stay up. You can play sports in your spare time. Sports can make you stronger and healthier.Third, be happy. A happy man lives longer than a sad man. So sing a song or watch a fun movie. You can do anything to make you happy.


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