



武汉培训学校-精编资料关于甲方受乙方讲师商务英语培训一事,乙方向甲方提出以下合作建议。商务英语 商务英语培训计划书Business English training proposal 甲方Party A乙方 Party B姓名Name公司Company 武汉龙文培训学校电话Telephone电话Telephone 85553669地址Address地址 Address 高雄路特一号(财苑大楼旁)一内容Content1.方式 甲方到乙方所在地进行一对一授课Method Party A come to the place of Party B to have one-to-one classes 2.人数 一人 No. of students one3.计划 每周上课2次,每次授课2小时,50周, 共200小时 甲方和乙方将会根据实际情况进步不确认上课次数及时间Plan Twice per week, 2 hours each time, 50 week, 200 hours in total Party A and Party B shall further negotiate to confirm the specific time 4.目的 提高学生的英语口语,阅读水平和信函阅读写作能力 Purpose improve students spoken and comprehension English and letter reading and writing5.内容 1.英语口语能力:语法,词汇,发音,日常口语对话交流 2.英语阅读能力:原版英语文章,BBC,VOA 等基础性文章 3.信函写作能力: e-mail 写作, 报告的写作方法及规格,书信,各种留言写作, 具体教学大纲及计划安排由乙方在问卷调查后再根据实际情况制定6.形式 采取模块教学 Module teaching 量身定制针对性课程 Customized courses二.服务Service1.前期准备1 对目标学员得英语水平进行评定 Early method Level check for target students Preparations 1 1.笔试(约40分钟) Written test (about 40 minutes) 2.口试 (一对一 ,约十分钟) Spoken test (one to one, about 10 minutes)2.前期准备2 培训需求调查分析Early method analysis of survey on training needs Preparations 2 针对个人 Personal management3. 前期准备3 甲方根据乙方提供以下分析报告决定方案的选择 Early method Party A chooses the program based on the Party Bs analysis reportPreparations 3 1.测试和分析报告 Assessment and analysis report 2.培训方案合同 Training program and contract4.实施过程 1. 组织和安排培训的实施 Organize and arrange the trainingProgress of 2.培训中反馈意见调查Implementation investigate the feedback from the training 3.根据调查分析做合适调整 Make proper adjustment according to the investigation analysis 4提供阶段性评估 Offer periodic assessment 5. 提供评估报告和建议 Offer assessment report and advice 三.费用 Quotation 1.长度 200小时Length 200 hours2.培训费 RMBTraining fee 3.资料费 RMB4.付费方式 信用卡或现金Payment method Credit card and cash四.建议大纲 suggested training outline 样本 Sample OnlyWeekThemeCommunication:GrammarVocabulary1.Welcome Meeting people Saying where you are from Offering and asking for drinkspresent simple Introductions alphabet A-ZCountries locationDrinks 2.Numbers Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses Asking about timetablesBuying foodWhats ?It is my and your.Numbers 0-1003.Work Talking about your jobDescribing a company Talking about daily routinesPresent simple: positive and questionsJobs WorkplacesHigh numbers4.Information Coping with difficult lang


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