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Unit 7Its raining!第2课时分层训练Section A2 3a3b.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Listen! Some birds _(sing) in the tree.2Look! They _(play) basketball over there.3Who _(shop) in the supermarket?Lily.4My mother often _(buy) some food from this restaurant.5What are they doing?They _(play) soccer over there.6_ you _(wash) the dishes now?7I _(not listen) to a CD now. I _(clean) the kitchen.8_ you _ (read) English every morning?Yes, but now I _ (read) Chinese.9_ Linda _(write) to her uncle right now?No, she isnt. She _(study) Japanese.10My mother can _(make) soup well and she _(cook) it for me every day.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1“情况怎么样?”“好极了。”_ it _?_2“那里的天气怎么样?”“在下雪。”_ the _ there?Its _3“天正在下雪吗?”“不,在下雨。”_ it _?No, _ _4“现在艾伦正在做什么?”“他正在打排球,他每个周日都打排球。”_ Alan doing _ now?Hes _ volleyball. He _ volleyball every Sunday.5“简又在跳舞吗?”“是的,她每天跳两个小时。”Is Jane _ again?Yes, she _ _ two hours every day.从栏中选出栏中各句的正确答语()1.Whats she doing?()2.Hows the weather?()3.Hows it going?()4.Who are they talking to?()5.Where are the children?AMr. Jackson.BShe is washing her clothes.CThey are at the supermarket.DIts windy and cold.ENot bad.单项填空()1.Hows the weather in Shanghai?Its _ArainBrainyCrains Drained()2. Hello! _ Wu Dong. _ Li Meng? Speaking. A. This is; Is that B. That is; Is this C. Im; Are you D. That is; Are you()3.Its _ now. I think it will be _ soon.Araining; sunny Braining; sunCrain; sunny Drainy; sun()4.Listen!A girl _ an English song.Aare singing Bis singCis singing Dsings()5. May I speak to Mr. Morgan?Sorry. He_ on the farm. A. works B. workedC. is working D. has worked.补全对话A: Hello, Lisa speaking. B: Hi, Lisa. 1._A: Oh, Ben. 2._B: Im in Canada now.A: 3._B: Its sunny but a little hot. 4._A: Im watching TV at home. Its kind of boring. B: 5._A: Because its raining now. B: I see. See you next week. A: See you. AWhat are you doing now, Lisa?BHows the weather there?CWhy dont you go out?DThis is Ben.EWhere are you now?.完形填空I like to be with my family after dinner. It is a happy time in my _1_Look!My mother is _2_ a movie on TV. My father is _3_ on the sofa and reading a newspaper. From time to time(不时地), he _4_ about something with my grandfather. My grandfather is a teacher and _5_ likes reading, too. Now he is reading a book. His eyesight(视力) is not very _6_, so he cant read for a long time. My grandmother is _7_ an interesting story to me. I am _8_ her carefully. I dont know why my grandmother _9_ so many good stories._10_ is my brother Tom doing? Oh, he is drawing pictures in his room.()1.A.school BclassroomChome Dbedroom()2.A.looking BreadingCwatching Dhearing()3.A.standing BsittingCsleeping Dwalking()4.A.talks Bsays Clistens Dspeaks()5.A.hes Bhim Che Dhis()6.A.good Bclean Cwell Dfar()7.A.giving BwritingCtelling Dmaking()8.A.listening to Basking forCgetting to Dlooking for()9.A.does Bhas Cwants Dtakes()10.A.What BWhoCWhere DHow.阅读理解Do you like snow? Many people like it. In some places of the world(世界), there is a lot of snow, but in some places there is little snow. Im Bill and I come from a country in Africa. There is no snow in my country. I want to see snow one day.This year I study in England. I dont like the weather in autumn here. It rains a lot and I feel very cold. This morning, I wake up and find it bright(明亮的) in my room. I think, “Am I late?” I get up quickly, but Im not late at all. I look out of the window and see a white world. There is snow on the streets, in the trees, on the houses and on the cars. Everything is white. I see snow! How clean and beautiful! I am very happy.()1.From the first paragraph(段落), we know _ABill doesnt like winterBBill wants to go to EnglandCBill doesnt like his countryDthere is no snow in Bills country()2.Bill feels _ in autumn in England.Acold Bdry Chot Dwarm()3.The underlined phrase “wake up” means “_” in Chinese.A迟到 B打扫 C闲逛 D醒来()4.Bill thinks he is late because _Ait is really lateBit is bright in the roomChe has some work to doDhe usually gets up early()5.Which of the following is true?ABill likes playing in the snow.BIt is rainy in winter in England.CBill feels happy to see snow this morning.DBill sees many people on the streets this morning.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文write, take, sit, play, swim, fly, sun, have, study, drawDear Bob,My name is Tom. Im fourteen years old. Im 1._ in a middle school. My school is nice and clean. There are 30 students in my class. Its 2._ today. My classmates and I are 3._ a good time on the beach. Its a nice place. The water is blue and clean. Many birds are 4._ over the sea. Many people are 5._. Some boys are 6._ beach volleyball. Some people are 7._ on the beach. A girl is 8._ pictures on a chair. Another girl is 9._ photos. Im 10._ to you. What are you doing? I hope you can write to me soon.Best wishes.Tom 详解详析课内基础自测.1.are singing2.are playing3is shopping4.buys5are playing6.Are; washing7am not listening; am cleaning8Do; read; am reading9Is; writing; is studying10make; cooks.1.Hows; going; Great2Hows; weather; snowing3Is; snowing; its raining4Whats; right; playing; plays5dancing; dances for.15BDEAC课后巩固提升.1.B2.A3.A4C由“Listen!”可知此句应用现在进行时。5C考查动词的时态。根据答语句意“对不起,他正在农场干活”可知,要用现在进行时态,故选C。.15DEBAC.1.C根据上下文可知,应该是“在我家里”。2Cwatch a movie意为“看电影”。3B句意:我父亲正坐在沙发上看报纸。4Atalk about sth. with sb. 意为“和某人谈论某事”。5C6A由后句可知,爷爷的视力“不好”。7Ctell a story意为“讲故事”。8A句意:我正认真地听她讲。9B10.A.1.D由第一段中“Im Bill and I come from a country in Africa. There is n


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