



2019中考英语:完形填空+短文填空(限时:25分钟).完形填空Once upon a time, there was a childrens football trainer called Vincent, in whose team there were three boys who all played as forwards(前锋). In every game, the trainer could only put one forward on the field, so he sometimes had difficulty 1 which forward should play. The three forwards were the best players in the team, so it was 2 luck that only one of them could play in each match. No matter how hard Vincent looked for a 3, he couldnt find one. He also found 4 very difficult to ask for help, for he believed that people would think he was stupid for not being able to 5 the problem himself.But one day, the three forwards came to him and said, “Vincent, sometimes when we cant fix anything 6, its best to ask someone else for help”So Vincent remembered an old friend of his 7 he could trust, someone with a lot of 8 in training childrens football teamsthe old trainer, in fact. He decided to go to the old trainer, for he was very 9 as he was older and more experienced. The old trainer was called Julian, and he 10 Vincent with pleasure. “How are you, Vincent? Hows the team?” he asked. And Vincent replied, “Thats 11 what Ive come to talk to you about.”Vincent told Julian all 12 his problem and they talked for a while. “Vincent, I 13 your problem perfectly,” said Julian, “and theres no easy solutionBut theres one thing I would say” and they continued 14 for quite a while.Very soon, Vincent put Julians idea into 15 and from then on, Vincents team won all their matches and became the best childrens football team in the world. Vincent learned that leaning on(依靠) someone you trust can make life a lot easier. 1.A.makingB.keepingC.takingD.choosing 2.A.badB.goodC.successfulD.useful 3.A.unitB.menuC.decisionD.solution 4.A.thisB.thatC.itD.its5.A.solveB.happenC.demandD.ask 6.A.himselfB.themselvesC.ourselvesD.itself 7.A.whatB.whomC.whichD.how 8.A.experienceB.explanationC.translationD.conversation 9.A.busyB.popularC.friendlyD.wise 10.A.refusedB.welcomedC.allowedD.ordered 11.A.exactlyB.especiallyC.probablyD.politely 12.A.withB.forC.fromD.about 13.A.buyB.understandC.decideD.work 14.A.dealingB.cleaningC.talkingD.leaving 15.A.mistakeB.accidentC.actionD. meaning.短文填空Have you ever seen the movie Big Hero 6? Baymax(大白) is a main 1.c in the movie. Its a friendly big robot 2. looks after peoples health. If there is a robot like Baymax in our real life, people will get more benefits. The robot will be especially helpful in 3. (照顾) the old. The health of old people needs greater monitoring(监测) and care.Scientists in America are now working to make Baymax into 4.r. Actually, they have already produced some health care robots. These robots provide brain video games 5. improve peoples memory. The games can help the old 6. rmemb(r) things for longer. Besides, these robots provide special apps(应用程序) to help the old manage their 7.h at home. The apps can check the old peoples heart rate(心率) and tell them to 8. (吃药) on time. The apps can also record their daily activities. Such collected information helps doctors 9.d the cause of an illness faster and more correctly. 10. the health care robots arent as clever as Baymax yet.Nowadays, scientists are 11. (从事) improving the health care robots. They hope the robots can produce electricity by walking across the floor. 12. they succeed, batteries will not be needed. They also hope the robots can 13. (与交流) humans in the daily life so as to make people happier and healthier. Scientists are trying to realize these 14.d. Like Baymax, these health care robots may save peoples lives in the future. We are 15. (盼望) them.参考答案.1.D由上文“球队有三个前锋,每次比赛只能够选一人参加比赛”可知,他很难“选择”哪一个参加比赛。2.A由于三个前锋是球队里最好的队员,所以每次只能一人参加比赛是非常“不幸”的事。3.D结合上文对问题的描述可知,他努力寻找解决问题的“方法”,但是没有找到。4.C“find it+adj.+to do sth.”为固定句型,表示“发现做某事”,it作形式宾语。 5.A句意:他发现很难去寻求帮助,因为他认为人们会认为他很愚蠢,不能够自己解决问题。6.C根据语境可知,有时,当我们不能够自己解决问题时,最好向别人寻求帮助。ourselves意为“我们自己”,符合句意。7.B本句是一个定语从句,先行词是“an old friend of his”,关系代词在从句中作动词trust的宾语,所以使用whom。8.A根据下文“he was older and more experienced”可知,他有丰富的训练儿童足球队的“经验”。9.D句意:他决定去年长的教练那里(寻求帮助),因为他随着年龄的增长和经验的丰富变得非常明智。10.B由下文的问候“How are you, Vincent? Hows the team?”可知,Julian“欢迎”Vincent。11.A根据上文对球队情况的描述和“Hows the team?”可知,那“正是”Vincent来跟Julian交谈的内容。12.DVincent告诉了Julian“关于”他的问题的所有情况。13.B由下文“theres no easy solutionBut theres one thing I would say”可知,Julian“理解”了Vincent的问题。 14.C根据上文“they talked for a while”可知,他们继续“谈”了好一会儿。15.C根据下文“Vincents team won all their matches and became the best childrens football team in the world”可知,Vincen


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