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Unit 7Its raining!第七单元测试卷(考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)听力部分(共30分).听句子,根据听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共6小题,每小题1分;满分6分)(C)1.A.Im Jim. BThat is Jim speaking. CHello, Jim.Hello, Linda.This is Jim.(A)2.A.Yes, he is. BYes, I am. CYes, she does.Is your teacher watching TV?(B)3.A.Its great.BIts cloudy.CIts pretty good.Whats the weather like today? (A)4.A.Terrible.BSunny.CSnowy.How is it going?(B)5.A.Good luck. BHave a good time. CThank you.I am going to Europe this summer.(A)6.A.Yes, it is.BYes, it does.CNo, it doesnt.Its hot in your country, isnt it?.听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在相应题号后的横线上。每小题念两遍。(共4小题,每小题1分;满分4分)7_D_8._C_9._B_10._A_7Alice is sitting on the chair and looking at the beautiful sky.8He is playing basketball on the playground.9Its windy.Tom is flying a kite.10Its raining now.The girl is looking out of the window.听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)(B)11.A.Sunny.BCloudy.CSnowy.W:Whats the weather like in Shanghai? M:Its cloudy.Q:How is the weather in Shanghai?(A)12.A.Snowy.BRainy.CSunny.W:Its snowing in Moscow, isnt it? M:Yes.Its very cold.Q:How is the weather in winter in Moscow?(C)13.A.Windy.BRainy.CHot.W:Isnt Boston windy today?M:No, it isnt.Its very hot.Q:How is the weather in Boston today?(B)14.A.She is making the clothes. BShe is washing clothes. CShe is washing the dishes.M:What are you doing, Mom?Today is a sunny day.W:I am washing clothes.Q:Whats the mother doing?(B)15.A.Sunny. BRainy. CWindy.W:Hi, Sam, how is the weather in New York? M:Its sunny.How about Chengdu? W:Its raining now.Q:How is the weather in Chengdu?(B)16.A.His classmates. BHis friends. CHis brothers.M:Linda, where is Peter? W:Hes playing football.M:Who is he playing with? W:With his friends.Q:Who is Peter playing football with?(A)17.A.She is watching TV.BShe is playing with snowballs.CShe is doing her homework.M:Its snowing.What are you doing, Jane? W:I am watching TV.M:Lets go to play with snow!W:Sounds great!Q:Whats Jane doing?(B)18.A.She is reading a book. BShe is cooking. CShe is cleaning.W:Whatre you doing, Jack? M:I am reading a book.W:What about Linda? M:She is busy cooking for Mom.Q:What is Linda doing?(B)19.A.In the park. BAt home. CAt school.W:Hi, Bob! What are you doing? M:I am dancing.W:Where are you? M:Im dancing with dad at home.Q:Where is Bob dancing?(C)20.A.Its 8:00 am. BIts 7:00 pm. CIts 8:00 pm.W:What time is it in New York now? M:Its 8:00.I am having breakfast.W:How about Chengdu?M:Its 8:00 at night.We are watching TV.Q:What time is it in Chengdu now?.听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念三遍。(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分)(C)21.Who is Dick?AToms brother. BJohns friend. CJohns dog.(B)22.Whats John doing now?AWatching CCTV news. BWriting a letter. CPlaying soccer.(B)23.Is Johns father listening to the music?AYes, he is. BNo, he isnt. CWe dont know.(B)24.Where is Tom living now?AIn China. BIn America. CIn Australia.(A)25.Who is playing soccer?AMany boys. BJohns brother. CDick.Dear Tom,Its Sunday today.Its 7:15 in the evening here.Im writing to tell you something about my family.My father is watching CCTV news.Thats his favorite show.My mother is listening to music.She likes music very much.Dick is taking a hat to me.He wants me to put it on and go out for a walk with him.What a clever dog! My little brother is playing with toys and he is happy.I can hear the noise from the window.There are many boys playing soccer.What are your family doing? I know that time there is early.What time is it in New York? Are you getting up? Please write to me soon.John笔试部分(共120分).单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)(C)1.What _ Mr.Green and Mrs.Green doing?_ watching TV in the living room.Ais; Hes Bis; ShesCare; Theyre Dare; Were(A)2.It often_ here in winter.Look!Its_ again.Asnows; snowing Bsnowy; snowingCsnows; snowy Dsnowing; snows(D)3.How is it going?_AIts sunny BIts hotCIts right DIts great(C)4.Helen is having a good time _ her grandparents in the countryside.Avisit Bto visitCvisiting Dvisits(C)5.Where are his family?They are all _ vacation now.Aat BofCon Dtor(C)6.Is Lucy watching TV now?_AYes, she is BNo, she isCYes, she does DNo, she doesnt(C)7._?Its very cold.AWhats the weatherBIs the weather coldCHows the weatherDIs it cold(D)8.Look! Its _Lets play basketball.Araining BwindyCsnowy Dsunny(D)9.Hello! Whos speaking?Hi,Ann._ Mary.AThis BImCThat is DThis is(C)10.Please tell the students _ quiet in class.Akeep BkeepingCto keep Dkeeps.完形填空。(共10小题,每小题2分;满分20分)Its January.Molly has a long winter vacation.She doesnt want to stay(待在) in England.Its not very cold,_11_ it is always rainy.Molly doesnt love rainy days.“Why not go and _12_ Aunt Nancy in Canada? It often _13_ there in January.I can make snowmen and go _14_Its fun.” Molly thinks happily, “Let me write _15_ email to Aunt Nancy this evening.”When Molly is thinking about her vacation in _16_,she gets a call.It is _17_ her friend Amy.“Hi, Molly.Come and spend(度过) your vacation in Australia with me.Its summer now.Its _18_ and sunny.You love swimming,dont you? We can go swimming every day.” Amy says on the _19_Molly doesnt know which _20_ she should go to.Can you tell her?(B)11.A.so BbutCbecause Dor(A)12.A.visit BshowCcall Dmiss(D)13.A.rainy BrainsCsnowy Dsnows(C)14.A.dancing BshoppingCskating Dswimming(B)15.A.a BanCthe D/(A)16.A.Canada BEnglandCAustralia DThailand(A)17.A.from BtoCwith Dfor(C)18.A.cloudy BrainyChot Dwindy(C)19.A.computer BemailCphone Dcard(D)20.A.village BweatherCmountain Dcountry.阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题2分;满分30分)ANow some people on a train are talking about the weather in their countries.NameTalkElleIm from Canada.There is much snow and I like the snowy weather.But its cold in winter and we have to wear warm clothes.KateI live in Beijing.Its a beautiful city.I like spring there.Its usually warm and fine.LisaI live in Moscow.There are storms(暴风雨) too often there.When the clouds are moving in the sky, the storm is coming.The rain is heavy.I dont like that.JimI come from Singapore.I never see a snowy day.Its very hot most of the time in our country.In winter its not very cold.(A)21.Where are Elle,Kate,Lisa and Jim?AOn a train. BIn the park.CAt home. DOn a bus.(C)22.What kind of weather does Elle like?ACloudy. BRainy.CSnowy. DWindy.(D)23.Where does Kate live now?AIn Australia. BIn Canada.CIn England. DIn China.(A)24.Who never sees the snow?AJim. BLisa.CKate. DElle.(B)25.What is the weather like in Moscow?AIts very hot most of the time.BIt often rains hard.CIt never snows.DIt never rains.BIts a sunny morning.The weather is warm.Joe is at the stop and waiting for a bus.He is going to school.Then he sees an old man with an umbrella in his hand.“Is it going to rain today, sir?” Joe asks the old man.“No,” says the old man, “I dont think so.”“Then why do you take the umbrella? Do you want to keep the sun off(遮阳)?”“No.The sun is not very hot today.”Joe looks at the umbrella again.And the old man says,“Im old.Legs are not very well,and I cant walk fast.I really need a cane(拐杖)But when I take a cane,people say,Look at the old man. I dont like hearing that.So I take an umbrella.”(C)26.Hows the weather?AHot. BRainy.CSunny. DCloudy.(A)27.Joe sees the old man _Aat the bus stop Bon the busCin the library Dat school(C)28.The old man uses the umbrella to _Akeep rain offBkeep the sun offChelp himself walk fastDsave his life(B)29.The old man doesnt want people to say he is _Afunny BoldCfat Dshort(D)30.What can we learn about the old man?AHe takes a blue umbrella.BHe thinks it will rain today.CThere are some problems with his eyes.DThe umbrella is like a cane for him.CWhats your favorite weather? Do you like sunny or rainy days? Many people like sunny days a lot.They dont like rain.They think rain makes them feel sad.During a long vacation, they like going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine.Sunshine makes them feel very good and happy.I enjoy sunshine very much, but I also enjoy the sound of rain.It makes me feel quiet.On rainy days, I like listening to music and reading books, or just looking at the rain and daydreaming.You dont have to think about other things.I think it is a good way to relax when it rains.Sunshine can make one run around and rain can make one quiet, so I hope you can feel happy no matter(无论) it rains or its sunny.(B)31.Many people dont like rain because it makes them feel _Ahappy BsadCtired Drelaxed(A)32.The writer enjoys the sound of _Arain BsnowCwind Dcloud(D)33.What does the writer like doing on rainy days?ARunning around.BGoing to the beach.CThinking about other things.DListening to music and reading books.(B)34.Sunshine can make people _Aquiet Brun aroundCrelax Dsad(C)35.The writer _Aonly likes rainy daysBdoesnt think sunshine makes people feel very goodChopes others feel happy no matter it rains or its sunnyDthinks daydreaming is a good way to relax when it is sunny.补全短文。(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Many people know it doesnt rain every day in the UK._36_ We never know what the weather will be like._37_ The weather always changes from day to day, so it is difficult to say.But usually we have warm summers and cool winters.July and August are usually the warmest months in Britain._38_Lots of people like to visit Britain._39_ Probably the best months to come to Britain for a trip are May, June, September and October._40_ July and August are warm, but it usually rains in these months so it is always wet.The sunniest place of Britain is along the south coast(海岸) of England.So, next time you can come to visit it.ABut when is the best time to come?BIt can be sunny one day but rainy the next day.CJanuary and February are usually the coldest ones.DThese months have nice weather and less rain.EBut, it is always right to bring an umbrella.36_E_37._B_38._C_39_A_40._D_.选词填空。(共10小题,每


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