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Unit 5 Family and Home课时分层训练(三十)Lesson 30用所给词的适当形式填空1I will buy a set of _ (teacup) for my mother on her birthday.2Its time for dinner, Jane. _ (set) the table, please.3Would you like _ (play) with me? We can be good friends.4Look! The children are running and _ (laugh)5This is _ (Tom and Jerry) bedroom. Its nice and clean.单项填空()1.I like the English dictionary. It is a present _ my cousin.AonBwithCfromDabout()2._ is the boy _?He is laughing.AWhat; do BHow; doingCWhat; doing DHow; do()3.The baby is _ a colourful ball. He looks happy.Aplay BplayingCplay with Dplaying with()4.They like _ after school.Aplay the basketballBplay basketballCto play the basketballDto play basketball ()5. Happy birthday _ you, and I have a present _ you.Ato; to Bto; forCfor; for Dfor; to()6. I _ many _ on my birthday.Aget; present Bget; presentsCtake; present Dtake; presents()7._ will you have the New Year party?At Peters house.AWhere BHowCWhat DWho()8.He often _ at home. Now he _ in the kitchen now.Acooks; cooks Bcooks; is cookingCis cooking; is cooking Dis cooking; cooks.根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文Its 6:00 pm. The Wangs 1._(eat) supper. Wang Jia is sitting 2.b_ his father. He likes 3._(vegetable) very much, and he 4.a_ likes fruits. When they eat, they are 5._(quietly).连词成句1is, today, birthday, her, it_?2presents, gets, many, she _.3friend, scarf, her, is, the, from_?4with, dancing, her, is, she, friend_.5fun, lot, she, a, has, of, today_.任务型阅读Today is Jacks birthday. All of Jacks _(friend) come to his house, and they have a party. Each(每个)_of_them_is_carrying_a_box. What is in each one of these boxes? There is a present in each one of them! Jack is standing at the door. “Thank you!” he says. He is smiling. He is happy.1题用括号内所给词的正确形式填空;2题完成句子;34题简略回答问题;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1_2Jack is _ at the door.3What is in each one of these boxes? _4Where does Jack have his birthday party?_5_课时滚动训练Lessons 2830.完形填空Its Sunday evening. Im at _1_birthday party. It is her birthday today. There _2_ many friends at _3_house.Some stand beside the table and enjoy the food and drinks.I like the chocolate and the fruit _4_Sandy sits on the sofa and talks _5_some friends. She wears a new yellow Tshirt and _6_ blue jeans. She _7_ so cool. Wow! The cake is really big. All her friends begin to _8_ Happy Birthday to her. Then we share the big cake with her. Sandy is very _9_ at the party. Everyone has a good _10_ there.()1.A.Sandys BSandysCSandy DSandys()2.A.are BisChave Dhas ()3.A.her Bhis Chers Dshe()4.A.very Blot Cvery much Da lot of()5.A.from Bfor Con Dwith ()6.A.a Bone Ca pair of Da pair()7.A.look Blooks Cto look Dlooking ()8.A.speak Bsing Cplay Dwrite()9.A.sorry Bsad Cwell Dhappy()10.A.times Btime Cbirthday Ddays.阅读理解Hi! We are Lucy and Lily. We are sisters. We are studying at a high school. We are always wanting the weekends to come. Because on weekends there are different kinds of outdoor activities, such as going to the park, going shopping and playing ball games.We usually go to the park on Saturdays. We often take some bread, meat, water and milk with us. Its Saturday today. We are in the park again. Our father is fishing in a boat on the lake. Our mother is sitting and reading under the tree. Now we are drinking some water. Do you think we are happy?()1.Lucy and Lily are _ AsistersBteachersCnurses Dcousins()2.What do Lucy and Lily usually do on Saturdays?AThey usually play ball games.BThey usually go to the park.CThey usually go for a picnic.DThey usually go shopping.()3.How many people can we know from the passage?AThree. BFour.CFive. DSix.()4.What day is it today?AIts Sunday.BIts Saturday.CIts Monday.DWe dont know.()5.Which of the following sentences(下面的句子) is RIGHT?ALucy and Lily are twins.BThey dont like outdoor activities.CToday they are in the park again.DTheir father is reading now.任务型阅读Look at that handsome(英俊的) man. His name is John. He is my uncle. He teaches English in a middle school. He can also speak a little Chinese. He lives far from the school. So he often drives to the school. Sometimes he takes a bus. He has a beautiful wife and a pretty daughter. My English is very poor. He_often_helps_me_with_my_English.12题完成句子;34题简略回答问题;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1John is an English _ in a school.2He can speak a little _3Can John drive a car?_4How many people are there in Johns family?_5_详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测1teacups2.Set3.to play4laughing5.Tom and Jerrys课后巩固提升.1.C2.C3Dplay with意为“和玩”;由is可知该句应用现在进行时。故选D。4Dlike to do sth.意为“喜欢做某事”,又因球类名词前不加任何冠词。故选D。5B6.B7.A8.B.1.are eating2.beside3vegetables4.also5quiet.1.Is it her birthday today2She gets many presents3Is the scarf from her friend4She is dancing with her friend5She has a lot of fun today.1.friends2standing3A present.4At his house.5他们每个人都带着一个盒子。课时滚动训练Lessons 2830.1.B句意:周日晚上,我在桑迪的生日聚会上。Sandys意为“桑迪的”。故选B。2A在她的家里有许多朋友。there be表示某处有某人或物。many friends是复数。故选A。3A句意:在她的家里有许多朋友。结合上文可知Sandy是女孩名,其形容词性物主代词是her。故选A。4C句意:我非常喜欢巧克力和水果。very意为“很,非常”,修饰形容词原级;lot不能单独使用;very much意为“很,非常”,修饰动词,放在句子的最后面;a lot of意为“许多”,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。结合句意可知选C。5D句意:桑迪坐在沙发上和朋友们交谈。talk to/with sb.意为“和某人


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