



Unit 6 BirdwatchingPeriod 1 Comic strips and Welcome to the unitLearning aims1. To learn the common names of birds.2. To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.Learning activitiesActivity one Preview一、写出下列单词划线部分音标、词性和词义。1. roast _ 2. seagull _3. sparrow _ 4. swallow _ 5. broad _ 6. northern _二、了解下列生词的用法。1. northern:词性_;词义:_。归纳:方位名词有:东_西_南_北 _东南_ 东北_ 西南 _ 西北_在方位名词后加ern, 构成形容词: 东部的_ 西部的_南部的_ 北部的_三、翻译下列短语。1. 在市场上_2. 烤鸡_3. 飞到北方国家_ 4. 长着棕色的羽毛_四、理解下列句子。I am going birdwatching at the market. 句意:_此句是用be + V-ing 形式表示将来。在英语中, 表示位置转移的动词, 如 :come, go, fly, drive, leave, stay, 等 ,可用be + V-ing表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。如:She _to Nanjing herself tomorrow. (fly) 明天她一个人飞往南京 Activity two Lead-inLook at the picture of a sparrow and have a free talk.1. What does it look like?2. Is it big or small?3. Does it have beautiful feathers?4. What colour are the feathers?5. What about the beak? Is it short or long?Activity three PresentationStep 1 Finish Part A Step 2 Fill in the following table. NameAppearancecraneseagullsparrowswallowswangolden eagleActivity four PracticeStep 1 Play a game (guess what bird it is.) e.g. I live in wetlands. I am very tall. I have long beak, long neck and long legs. I have black and white feathers. Who am I? _Step 2 Which bird do you like best ? Why ? I like _ best because _Activity five Presentation (Comic strip) Step 1 Listen and answer the questions. 1. Where is Eddie going birdwatching?2. What does Eddie think of the birds at the market?3. What does Eddie really want to do?Step 2 Read and act out the dialogue. Step 3 Tell a story about Hobo and Eddie Hobo is very (1)s_ because Eddie is going (2)b_ at the (3)m_. In fact, Eddie doesnt like (4)w_ birds. He likes (5)e_ birds instead, such as Beijing Duck and (6)r_ chicken. He thinks they are (6)y_. Exercises【检测反馈】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。birdwatch feather north colour roast 1. I like _ beef.2. A seagull has white and grey or black _.3. The parrot has _ feathers.4. She has travelled in _ countries.5. He is a _. He often goes birdwatching in the reserves.二、用所动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ seagulls by the seaside this Sunday.2. The people are working hard _ the old city into a new one.3. People will plant more trees. It _ the air will be fresher.4. Many birds _ happily in wetlands.5. Lets do our best _ our nature more beautiful.三、单项选择。( )1. There _ red-crowned cranes in other parts of the word many years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 2. A swallow _ the south in autumn. A. flies to B. travels from C. walks to D. moves from ( ) 3. A _ has white feathers and a long thin neck. A. seagull B. sparrow C. crane D. swan ( ) 4. A duck is _. A. web-footed B. sharp-winged C. short-necked D. long-tailed ( ) 5. Changchun is _ of China. A. in the southwest B. in the northeast C. to the southwest D. to the northeastExercises【巩固提升】一、句型转换。1. A swallows tail looks like a fork. (对划线部分提问) _ does a swallows tail _ like? 2. I prefer a swan with white feathers and a long thin neck. (保持句意基本不变) I_ a swan with white feathers and a long thin neck _. 3. The boy does homework every evening. (改为否定句)The boy homework every evening.4. Im going to go birdwatching tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)_ are you going to _ tomorrow ?5. The birds sing very nicely.(改为感叹句)_ _ the birds sing!二、阅读与回答问题。Birds can fly and bats can, too. But, is a bat a kind of bird? No, a bat is not a kind of bird. They are different animals. A bat has four legs. A bird has only two. Bats have teeth and birds have no. Bats have large ears but birds ears only holes(洞) in the head. All bats like to eat insects(昆虫). They eat at night and sleep in the daytime. In the evening bats are busy flying and catching insects. Its legs help it to fly. The piece of skin(皮肤)joins them together. It is just like a wing. Some people think bats cant see. In fact it is not true. Bats have eyes, but they cannot see well. Bats have better ears than men have. They can hear things which people cant. They can feel where a thing is. That is why th


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