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Unit 5 Music李仕才*阅读理解。After one of his close family friends known for her generosity died of cancer in 2013,26yearold Luke Cameron decided to do at least one good deed a day,for 365 days,and he has not missed yet.The Gloucester resident performed his first good deed on January 1,2014,with the simple act off greeting a waitress at a cafe he visited.The next day he bought food and drinks for some homeless people and followed it up by donating coins to a woman,who did not have enough to feed a parking meter.Though most of his kind gestures have been welcomed,Luke says there have been a few awkward situations.When he was attempting to give away a 20 bill to an elderly lady whose granddaughter was doubtful of his intentions and the time he bought a sausage roll(腊肠卷)for a homeless man,he happened to be a vegetarian.The majority of Lukes good deeds,which have been recorded in an online diary,have been about helping people with small things.He helped to take out the garbage for an elderly neighbor or helped a disabled lady pick out a dress for a party.However,the young man has also spent close to4 000 of his own money,buying groceries or gifts for the children in need.To try to encourage others to perform good deeds,Luke has created a deck of cards called“Cards for Kindness”Each suggests a simple act of kindnessthings like giving a stranger a hug or making peace with an enemy.The best part is that all the money he collects from distributing the cards is donated to the British Heart Foundation, a charity that helps the homeless.Lukes generosity has not gone unnoticed.To reward the young man, Dominos recently awarded him a years supply of free pizza.Not surprisingly,the bighearted youngster has decided to use the gift to hold special pizza days for charity.1What inspired Luke to determine to do good deeds?AThe death of a generous friend.BThe simple act of a waitress.CThe suffering of homeless people.DThe experience at a parking lot.2What happened when Luke tried to help the elderly lady?AHis kind deed was appreciated.BShe turned out to be a vegetarian.CHe bought a sausage roll for a homeless man.DHe was misunderstood by her granddaughter.3What can we learn about Lukes good deeds?AHe was employed by a British charity.BHe only helped people with small things.CHe encouraged good deeds through cards.DHe raised 4 000 for the children in need.4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?ADominos offered gifts to the charity.BLuke was not surprised at the pizza.CLuke was awarded by the government.DLuke would donate the pizza to others.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Luke坚持每天做好事的故事。长难句分析:The best part is that all the money he collects from distributing the cards is donated to the British Heart Foundation, a charity that helps the homeless.(倒数第二段最后一句)分析:本句是复合句。第一个that引导表语从句;he collects from distributing the cards为省略了关系代词的定语从句,先行词是all the money;第二个that引导定语从句,先行词是charity,that在从句中作主语,同时a charity that helps the homeless作the British Heart Foundation的同位语。译文:最棒的是,他把分发卡片收集来的所有的钱都捐赠给了英国心脏基金会,一个帮助无家可归者的慈善机构。词汇积累:generosity n慷慨 awkward adj.令人尴尬的 vegetarian n素食者 unnoticed adj.被忽视的,不被注意的1A细节理解题。After one of his close family friends known for her generosity died of cancer in 2013,26yearold Luke Cameron decided to do at least one good deed a day,for 365 days,and he has not missed yet.(第一段)译文:2013年,一个慷慨的好朋友因癌症去世后,26岁的Luke Cameron决定365天每天至少做一件好事,他没有食言。解题思路:根据关键句可知,是Luke的一个慷慨的朋友的去世激励了他去做好事。故选A项。2D细节理解题。When he was attempting to give away a 20 bill to an elderly lady whose granddaughter was doubtful of his intentions.(第三段第二句)译文:当他试图给一个老妇人20英镑的时候,她的孙女对他的意图有所怀疑解题思路:根据关键句可知,当Luke准备帮助那个老妇人的时候,遭到了老妇人的孙女的误解。故选D项。3C细节理解题。To try to encourage others to perform good deeds,Luke has created a deck of cards called “Cards for Kindness”(倒数第二段第一句)译文:为了鼓励他人做好事,Luke创造了一副名为“好事卡”的卡片。解题思路:根据关键句可知,Luke通过卡片来鼓励他人做好事。故选C项。4D推理判断题。To reward the young man, Dominos recently awarded him a years supply of free pizza.Not surprisingly, the bighearted youngster has decided to use the gift to hold special pizza days for charity.(最后一段第二、三句)译文:为了奖励这个年轻人,Dominos最近奖励给他一年的免费披萨供应。毫不惊讶,这位好心的年轻人决定用这个礼物为慈善机构举办特殊的披萨日。解题思路:根据关键句可推知,Luke会把Dominos给他的披萨捐赠给其他人。故选D项。*语法填空。A recent survey shows that storytelling ranks before television or video games among pastimes (消遣) for kids. The survey was carried out among 500 children aged 34 in Britain, of _1_over threequarters said they wished their parents could read to them more often. Almost twothirds of the kids said reading a story with their parents helped them sleep _2_(well) and more easily. According to the survey, there are two ways for parents _3_ (become) good storytellers. They can use _4_ (fun) voices to show different characters in a story. They can also make their own special sounds to keep the story _5_(interest) and attractive. When Mom and Dad arent at hand, over 30% of kids would like to hear _6_bedtime story from famous people like Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe. Other movie stars like Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson _7_(welcome) by children, too. “_8_can be very difficult for parents to find the time to read with their children. But these moments can help build close relationship _9_parents and children, and also can play an important part in their childs _10_ (develop),” said child psychologist Woolfson.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。一项调查显示,孩子对听故事的兴趣要大于看电视或者玩视频游戏。文章通过一些数据告诉人们孩子喜欢听故事,同时,父母和孩子一起读故事也可以让他们之间建立更亲密的关系。1whom考查定语从句的引导词。句意:这项调查是在英国500个3至4岁的孩子中间进行的,其中超过四分之三的孩子说,他们希望父母能经常给他们读故事。分析句子结构可知,逗号后的句子是一个定语从句,解释说明先行词500 children,引导词在从句中作介词of的宾语,且指代先行词,故用whom来引导。2better考查副词的比较级。句意:差不多有三分之二的孩子说,跟父母一起读故事能帮助他们睡得更香、更易入睡。根据下文中的比较级more easily可以推断,设空处也用比较级。故填better。3to become考查非谓语动词。句意:根据这项调查,有两个让父母成为讲故事好手的方法。“There ben.to do”结构中,动词不定式作后置定语修饰名词,表示将要发生的事。根据句意可知,此处填动词不定式to become。4funny考查词性转换。句意:他们可以用一些有趣的声音来表现故事中不同的角色。修饰名词用形容词形式。故填名词fun的形容词形式funny,意为“有趣的”。5interesting考查词性转换。句意:他们也可以用自己特有的声音使故事有趣,有吸引力。在“keep sth.adj.”结构中,形容词作宾补;并列连词and连接两个相同词性的成分,故此处用形容词interesting “有趣的”,修饰物。6a考查冠词。句意:当父母不在身边时,超过30%的孩子喜欢从一些名人那里听到睡前故事,比如哈利波特的主角丹尼尔拉德克利夫。根据句意可知,这里泛指一个故事,故填不定冠词a。7are welcomed考查动词的语态和主谓一致。句意:其他的电影明星像扎克埃弗龙、米利赛勒斯和埃玛沃森也深受孩子们喜欢。主语是复数名词stars,且动词welcome与主语之间为被动关系,故填被动形式are welcomed。8It考查代词。句意:父母很难找到时间和孩子们一起读故事。“It isadj.for sb. to do sth.”结构中,it是形式主语,动词不定式短语是真正的主语。故填代词It。9between考查介词。句意:但是这些时刻有助于父母与子女建立亲密的关系,同时对孩子的发展也很重要。between . and . 为固定搭配,意为“在和之间”。10development考查词性转换。名词所有格后接名词形式。故填动词develop的名词形式development “发展”。*完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可能填入空白处的最佳选项。(2018长郡中学新高三实验班选拔考试)When I was young,I thought that kindness was a beneficial thing.I _1_ that I could just give what I thought others _2_ and I would get a one way ticket to Happyville (快乐小镇). This thought process was _3_ changed when I suffered from clinical depression. _4_ became obvious that what I needed,as everyone did,was just the _5_ to love oneself. Apart from that,I had to learn how to make deeper and more meaningful connections _6_ people.My struggle with mental health was something that _7_ into a campaign to let every single person know that they _8_ and couldnt be replaced.At high school,it could be _9_ to convey this idea,but I _10_ pursued my passions (激情). The _11_ of my effort were the habits and traditions I had created to help _12_:Every Friday,I went to school with homework treats and _13_ them to those who seemed to need a pickmeup.I tried to _14_ as many names as I possibly could.I had started a club which gave students a _15_ place to express themselves and learn _16_ to apply empathy(同感,共鸣) in their everyday lives. On my personal social media account, I posted weekly _17_ to inspire both myself and my friends.When I go off the college this year,Ill be working towards a degree in college.This will help me start a nonprofit foundation in the future.My _18_ goal is to prove that the world is not a collection of _19_ problems,but something that can be changed by even the _20_ actions.1A.wondered BfiguredCdoubted Dpredicted2A.wanted BignoredClost Dordered3A.unfortunately BtotallyCregularly Daccurately4A.It BTheyCHe DThis5A.ability BdesireCbelief Dreason6A.for BwithCfrom Dabout7A.fell BdividedCbroke Dturned8A.mattered BexistedCsurvived Dsucceeded9A.difficult BfunnyCdifferent Dperfect10A.casually BbrieflyCfirmly Dsurely11A.difficulty BpurposeCfruits Dmethod12A.strangers BteenagersCfriends Dfamilies13A.led BlentCpassed Dlimited14A.write BmemorizeCprepare Drecall15A.quiet BimportantClarge Dsafe16A.how BwhatCwhere Dwhen17A.discussions BsuggestionsCexperience Dtheories18A.final BprimaryCsimple Dgrand19A.complex BunsolvableCunknown Dterrible20A.latest BlaziestCslowest Dsmallest【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者与抑郁症作斗争的经历使他转变了思想,并用实际行动来帮助青少年和朋友们。他告诉大家,每个人都同样重要并且不可替代。因此我们必须做出行动,因为即使是最小的行动都可以产生影响。1B考查动词辨析。句意为:我以为只要我能给予别人我认为他们想要的东西,我就能得到一张去快乐小镇的单程票。A项意为“想知道”;B项意为“认为,以为”;C项意为“怀疑”;D项意为“预测”。短文第一句说明了作者小时候的想法,即作者认为善良是一件有益的事情,然后接着详细地解释他的想法。B项符合语境。故选B。2A考查动词辨析。A项意为“想要”;B项意为“忽视”;C项意为“丢失”;D项意为“命令,订购”。此处指作者认为给予别人他认为别人需要的东西,他就会快乐。A项符合语境。故选A。3B考查副词辨析。A项意为“不幸地”;B项意为“完全地”;C项意为“定期地”;D项意为“准确地”。由下文可知,因为作者的临床抑郁症,作者以前给予别人想要的东西的想法变成了努力用他的想法去影响别人,改变别人,所以此处表达的是“这个思维过程完全变了”。B项符合语境。故选B。4A考查代词辨析。此处为句型“It becomes/becameadj.that从句”,代词it为形式主语,that引导的从句为真正的主语。故选A。5A考查名词辨析。A项意为“能力”;B项意为“渴望”;C项意为“信念”;D项意为“理由”。ability to do sth.表示“做某件事的能力”,根据语境可知,作者所需要的和每个人所需要的一样,就是爱自己的能力。A项符合语境。故选A。6B考查介词辨析。句意为:除了这一点,我必须学会如何与人们建立更深、更有意义的联系。make connection with.是固定短语,表示“与建立联系”。故选B。7D考查动词短语辨析。各选项所给动词均可与介词into构成固定搭配:fall into意为“跌入”;divide into意为“分成”;break into意为“闯入”;turn into意为“变成”。由上文可知,作者的思维过程改变了,产生了新的想法,因此作者表达的是他在心理健康方面的挣扎变成了一场运动。turn into符合语境。故选D。8A考查动词辨析。A项意为“重要,有关系”;B项意为“存在”;C项意为“幸存”;D项意为“成功”。根据空格后面的“and couldnt be replaced”可推知,此处表达的是“让每个人都知道他们很重要,无法被替代”。A项符合语境。故选A。9A考查形容词辨析。A项意为“困难的”;B项意为“滑稽的”;C项意为“不同的”;D项意为“完美的”。由转折连词but和第二个分句的内容可知,此处指的是“在高中,很难传递这个想法”。A项符合语境。故选A。10C考查副词辨析。A项意为“随意地”;B项意为“简短地”;C项意为“坚定地”;D项意为“确信地”。根据but表示转折可知,此处应表达“但是我坚定地追随我的激情”。C项符合语境。故选C。11C考查名词辨析。上文提到虽然在学校作者很难传递自己的思想,但是他不放弃,由此可知,作者努力的结果就是他创造了帮助的习惯和传统。此处fruits表示“结果,成果”,符合语境。故选C。12B考查名词辨析。 .Every Friday,I went to school with homework treats and _ them to those who seemed to need a pickmeup.(第二段第三句) 译文:每个星期五,我带着作业的奖品来到学校,把它们发给那些似乎需要提神的孩子们。由关键句可以推断,作者帮助的是那些青少年们。teenager意为“青年,青少年”,符合语境。故选B。13C考查动词辨析。pass sth.to sb.是固定短语,意为“把传递/分发蛤某人”,此处表达的是作者把带来的作业奖品发给那些需要提神的孩子们。故选C。14B考查动词辨析。A项意为“写”;B项意为“记住”;C项意为“准备”;D项意为“回忆”。由语境可知,作者想帮助青少年,所以他尽可能多地记住他们的名字。故选B。15D考查形容词辨析。作者建立了一个俱乐部,学生们在这里可以表达自己的想法,由此可知这是一个安全的地方,学生们能够畅所欲言。safe意为“安全的”,符合语境。故选D。16A考查连接词辨析。此处为“疑问词不定式”结构作宾语。由语境可知,作者想让学生学会如何把表达的情感运用到日常生活中。how意为“怎样,如何”,符合语境。故选A。17B考查名词辨析。A项意为“讨论”;B项意为“建议”;C项意为“经验”;D项意为“理论”。在作者的个人社交网络账号上,作者每周发出的用于激励自己和朋友的帖子应是建议之类的内容。B项符合语境,其余各项均与语境不符。故选B。18A考查形容词辨析。This will help me start a nodprofit foundation in the future.(最后一段第二句)译文:这将帮助我在将来建立一个非盈利基金会。由关键句可知,作者一直坚持自己的信仰和做法,那么接着说的就是他的最终目标。final意为“最后的,最终的”,符合语境。故选A。19B考查形容词辨析。A项意为“复杂的”;B项意为“难以解决的”;C项意为“未知的”;D项意为“糟糕的”。由语境可知,作者的最终目标是要证明这个世界不是无法解决的问题的集合体。unsolvable与下文的“can be changed”相衔接且符合语境。故选B。20D考查形容词最高级辨析。A项意为“最新的”;B项意为“最懒的”;C项意为“最慢的”;D项意为“最小的”。由本句中的“even”可知,此处指的是甚至是最小的行动都会改变一些事情。D项符合语境。故选D。*短文改错。Getting rid of the bad habit of procrastination (拖延症) is now my goal in life. My first step was to set small targets wh


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