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江苏省江阴市要塞片2016-2017学年七年级英语上学期期中试题第I卷 (客观题 共60分)一、听力测试 (本大题共20分,每小题1分)(一)、根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的选项。(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)( )1. A. :B. aC. ( )2. A. katB. hatC. ket( )3. A. newB. nowC. know( )4. A. hereB. hairC. hill( )5. A. 7:50B. 7:15 C. 7:45( )6. A. songB. son C. some( )7. A. our bagsB. our balls C. our books ( )8. A. a car in the parkB. a girl in the houseC. a doctor in the hospital( )9. A. Theyre some sheep. B. Therere some sheep.C. Therere some ships. ( )10.A. Can you see the boat? B. Can you see the bird? C. Can you say the word?(二)、根据你所听到的内容,选择对应的图片,将其序号填入相应的空格内。(本大题共5分,每小题1分) A B C D E11. 12. 13. 14. 15. (三)、根据你所听到的句子,选择相应的答语。(本大题共5分,每小题1分)( )16. A. Thats OK. B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Im very well.( )17. A. Its Tuesday. B. Its fine. C. Its November 10th. ( )18. A. Hes my father. B. Hes a driver. C. Shes a teacher.( )19. A. Good night. B. Good evening.C. Goodbye.( )20. A. On Saturdays. B. Once a week. C. Two hours.(四)、根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案。(本大题共5分,每小题1分)( )21. Who was late in the conversation(对话)? A. The man. B. The woman. C. Nobody.( ) 22. Whats the time? A. 11:15. B. 11:25. C. 11:50. ( ) 23. How often does Joan eat meat? A. Every day. B. Twice a day. C. Twice a week. ( ) 24.Where does the conversation happen? A. At home. B. At school. C. At a restaurant.( ) 25. What do they order(点)? A. Cola, fish, cabbages and fruit soup. B. Water, fish, cabbages and fruit soup. C. Water, meat, cabbages and fruit soup.二、单词辨音 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)( ) 26. A. enjoyB. tennisC. bestD. letter( ) 27. A. houseB. cousinC. outD. about( ) 28. A. readyB. eachC. breadD. head( ) 29. A. now B. know C. down D. brown( ) 30. A. thin B. thank C. three D. they( ) 31. A. music B. luck C. fun D. club( ) 32. A. helps B. dances C. brings D. finds( ) 33. A. plan B. hand C. many D. maths( ) 34. A. uncle B. think C. English D. orange( ) 35. A. wood B. cook C. cool D. foot 三、单项填空 在A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共15 分,每小题1分)( ) 36. There is _ “u” and _ “s” in the word “bus”. A. a, the B. a, / C. a, an D. the, /( ) 37. Can I borrow _books about biology from you? Sorry, I dont have _. A. any; any B. any; some C. some; some D. some; any( ) 38. _ your best friend good at _ ? A. Do, danceB. Does, dancingC. Are, dancingD. Is, dancing( ) 39. When is Thanksgiving Day? Is it _ autumn? Yes. Its _ November 26 this year. A. in; in B. on; in C. in; on D. on; on ( ) 40. _ is the park from here? Its about 20 minutes by bus. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How much time ( ) 41. _ both like playing basketball very much. A. I and my brother B. My brother and I C. Me and my brother D. My brother and me ( ) 42. -Is your name Kitty? -Yes, _ . A. I am B. it is C. she is D. shes( ) 43. Mr. Green _ goes shopping, because he is _ busy working. A. seldom; always B. often; always C. never; seldom D. usually; sometimes( ) 44. What kind of house would you like, Miss Liu? Id like _with a garden in front of _. A. it; one B. one; it C. one; one D. it; it( ) 45. Does the fruit shop_ at weekends? Yes, it_ from 8a.m. to 10p.m. A. opens; is open B. open; is open C. opens; open D. open; opens( ) 46. - _ John and his mother often watch tennis matches on TV? - Yes, they _. A. Do; are B. Do; do C. Does; does D. Are; are ( ) 47. - Jim, is the man under the tree _ English teacher? - No. He teaches _ Chinese. A. your ; our B. your ; us C. yours ; our D. yours ; us ( ) 48. There is a garden _ our classroom . I sit _our classroom because I am very short. A. in front of, in the front of B. in front of , in front of C. in the front of , in front of D. in the front of , in the front of ( ) 49. Stephen lives two miles(英里)_ the school. A. away B. far away C. far away from D. away from ( ) 50. -What a fine day today! Shall we go fishing ? -_ A. You are right. B. Its very kind of you. C. Good idea! D. Not at all. 四、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入 相应空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共10分,每小题1分) A man goes to a farm and finds a beautiful horse, and he wants to 51 it. After he gets it, he jumps on the horse and says: “Go now!” 52 the horse doesnt move. He asks the 53 why. The farmer says, “It runs only 54 you say, Thank God. But to stop 55 , you have to say, Amen.” So the man says, “Thank God.” The horse 56 running. The man is so happy that he keeps 57 “Thank God”. The horse runs faster and faster till they arrive at(到达) the side 58 the cliff (悬崖). At the moment the man 59 , “Amen!” The horse stops before they fall down the cliff. The man looks 60 at the sky and shouts happily, “Thank God!” ( )51. A. see B. buy C. help D. visit ( )52. A. So B. And C. Or D. But ( )53. A. farmer B. teacher C. actor D. visitor ( )54. A. how B. why C. when D. where ( )55. A. me B. you C. her D. it ( )56. A. loves B. stops C. starts D. finishes ( )57. A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling ( )58. A. of B. for C. in D. on ( )59. A. smiles B. sings C. thinks D. shouts ( )60. A. down B. up C. for D. after 五、阅读理解 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)A Food is colorful. Some food is green, some food is red, and some is black. Now more and more people like to have black foodblack rice, black beans, black grapes. Why do they like black food? Black food can make grey hair into black hair. Black food is good for the heart.(心脏) Black food can help children become smart. Black food can also help women look young. Black food is very good, but we need food with different colors. Doctors say that it isnt good to be choosy about food. So we had better eat all kinds of food. ( ) 61. Now more and more people like to have _. A. red food B. green food C. black food D. rice ( ) 62. Black food is good for_ . A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. heart ( ) 63. A seven-year-old boy often has black food, so he can become _. A. smart B. young C. old D. tall ( ) 64. _ is good for our health. A. red food B. green food C. black food D. Food with different colors ( ) 65. The underlined word choosy means “_ ” in Chinese. A. 优选的 B. 挑剔的 C. 浪费的 D. 无色的B How do most students spend their weekends? Do they have time to do the things they like? Lets see what some students do during their weekends. Ben is eleven. He has a sister, Kate. Both of them like going to the cinema. Every Sunday morning, they go to the town by train and then they go to the cinema because they live in a village (农村) and there is no cinema there. They get to the town at noon. They usually have a big lunch in their favourite restaurant first, and then they buy some food in the supermarket before they go to their favourite cinema called Star Cinema. They like it because the seats there are comfortable and the films in the cinema are always the newest. They always have a good time on Sundays. But when the weather is bad or they are busy with their homework or someone visits them, they cant go to the cinema. ( )66. Ben and Kate always spend their Sundays _. A. watching TV B. going shopping C. doing homework D. seeing films ( )67. They go to the town to see a film because _. A. they like the cinema there B. there is no cinema in the village C. they dont know other cinemas D. they want to go shopping in the town ( )68. When they are in the town, they _ first. A. go to the cinema B. buy food C. have lunchD. play in the street ( )69. What does the underlined word “comfortable” mean in Chinese? A. 舒适的 B.新鲜的 C. 美味的D. 流行的 ( )70. Ben and Kate cant go to the cinema when _. A. The weather is not good. B. They have a lot of homework to do. C. They have visitors at home. D. All above. 第II卷(主观题 共40分)六、单词拼写 根据句意,根据括号内所给单词和中文注释,用词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)71. Youre late again. Can you tell me the _(原因)?72. Every week, we have two _(地理) lessons. What about you, Tom?73. My mother likes keeping _(日记) to help her remember things.74. The girl in a green dress looks _(现代的). 75. My cousin is searching for some _(hero) photos on the Internet.76. I read English words _ (two) before I go to school every morning.77. Does she often do after-school _ (activity) with you?78. Linda is _(real) helpful. She often helps me with my lessons.七、句型转换 根据要求改写句子,每空一词。(本大题共5分,每空0.5分)1. Kitty does her homework after supper.(否定句) Kitty_79_ _80_her homework after supper.2. Daniel goes to school on foot. (对划线部分提问) _81_ _82_ Daniel _83_ to school?3. The boy often goes to school by bike. (改成同义句) The boy often _84_ _85_ _86_ to school.4. My cousin goes to the museum once a month. (画线部分提问) _87_ _88_does your cousin go to the museum?八、完成对话 根据对话内容和所给的句子选项,将对话补充完整,使其通顺达意。(本大题共6分,每小题1分)A. How long do you spend reading every day ?B. Where do you get your books ?C. Do you like playing computer games ?D. What kind of books do you like ?E. What do you often do after school ?Millie: Hi, Andy. 89. Andy: No , I dont . I think its a waste(浪费) of time .Millie: 90. Andy: I always do some reading .Millie: 91. Andy: Different kinds of books . Storybooks are my favourite .Millie: 92. Andy: Around an hour .I usually do it before I go to bed .Millie: 93. Andy: I buy some from the shop and borrow some from my friends .Millie: I see . I should learn from you and read more books .九、对话填空 根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。(本大题共6分,每小题1分)Mike: Hi, Peter. Peter: Hi, Mike. W (94) Jane? Is she in the classroom?Mike: Sorry, I dont know. But she often p (95) playing football after school.Peter: Oh, r (96) ? Is she good at sports?Mike: Yes, she is. She is the o (97) girl in the school football team.Peter: I also want to be one of the m (98) of the Football Club.Mike: You can ask Mr Li for help. He is over there. He is a tall man w (99) glasses.Peter: Thank you. Goodbye.Mike: Goodbye.十、完成句子 根据所给中文的意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。(本大题共10分,每一空0.5分)1. 感谢你带领我们参观你们的校园。 Thank you for 100 101 102 your school2. 这些孩子就是不知道如何玩乐。 These children just dont know 103 104 105 106 .3. 每天做早操对我们有好处。 107 _108_ 109 _ every day_110_ _111_ _112_us.4. 是叫醒她们的时候了。 Its time 113 114 115 116 .5. 阅读帮助我对时间很多了解。 Reading helps me _117_ _118_ _119_ the world. 十一、书面表达 (本大题共5分)请根据以下提示介绍你所喜爱的篮球明星林书豪(Jeremy Lin)。1. 林书豪,27岁,很高,看起来很强壮。他来自美国。2. 在业余时间,他喜欢看书。他认为看书很有趣。3. 他每天做运动。这帮助他为一天做好准备。4. 他篮球打得很好。我们都很喜欢他。5. 他的梦想是成为MBA一个伟大的球员。我希望 要求:短文要包括列举的要点,最后适当的补充1-2句,使文章完整。 _初一年级英语学科期中考试答案一. 听力(一)1C 2 A 3 C 4 A 5A 6B 7C 8B 9A 1


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