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旅游管理专业旅游英语(四)教学大纲旅游英语(四)是旅游管理专业将继续开设的一门职业基础课程。本课程的目的在于让学生在经过两学期的旅游英语语言及基本知识的基础上,进一步了解有关旅游业的文化知识、专业知识;了解旅游业文化背景;熟悉国内外旅游历史、地理;本学期的学习重点是:掌握和积累旅游英语词汇;完成有关旅游知识方面话题的思考;增强实用写作技能;提高英语交际能力。本学期主要学习内容:1、 关于旅游酒店的组织结构以及办理酒店入住登记手续等内容的介绍; 2、 关于北京胡同的基本情况、建造特点等方面的介绍;大都市伦敦观光内容的介绍;3、 介绍委内瑞拉的选美活动以及选美活动与人们生活的关系等内容;4、 对英国人是否具有宽容的品格进行讨论;5、 餐饮业的兴起的原因、种类、特色以及运作进行介绍;6、 处理顾客投诉的方法及注意问题;7、 龙在中国文化中地位的各种说法;8、 各类旅游购物场所的介绍;9、 国家公园的产生、国家公园中的旅游设施以及所面临的问题等方面的内容;10、 对旅游业所面临的全球性问题的讨论;11、 汽车在美国人生活中所扮演的角色;一、 课时安排本学期该门课程将开设4个学期共216学时,每学期54学时,每周3学时。我们将学完下册第九至第十五课。建议每课安排两周,共6学时。二、 课程学习重点本门课程的教材内容由以下几个部分组成:(1) Text : A、B对于这个部分的学习,要求在任课教师讲授下,了解有关知识,我们不要求对课文进行语言及语法部分的精讲,但要求掌握课文中相关主题做涉及到的一些主要内容的英语表达方式及其内涵(参考后面所给出的每课要点)(24学时),并认真完成课后练习I: comprehension questions on the texts(12学时)。对于词汇、语法及翻译练习我们不作重点要求,各教学班可根据自己的学时安排和学生实际,指导学生完成练习。(2)Guide Writing: 是我们本学期学习的重点部分。本学期要求掌握英文段落写作的技巧。(3)Supplementary reading: 鼓励学生作为辅助读物独立完成。可以在课堂上由老师指导完成,也可以借助词典在课余时间完成。三、每课应该掌握的内容Lesson Nine:词汇:front office, profitability, property, laundry, chef, bartender, valet, couplet, essential, the chief executive officer, corporate position, advertising and publicity, food and beverage department, maitre dhotel, headwaiter, banquet, housekeeping, dry-clean, morning wake-up calls, passers-by, the “cultural revolution”, by tradition, screen wall, status distinction.重点思考内容:1. The connection between the division of duties in the front office and the percentage of staff assigned there. 2. When is the term “owner-manager” used? 3. How does “assistant manager” differ from “the general managers assistant”?4. What departments have direct contact with the guest?5. Which departments is the largest in the hotel? What is the head of this department called? Who is lowest in rank in this department?6. What is the main function of the service department?7. What does a traditional courtyard house usually consist of?汉译英:1、布朗先生退休以前在教育部门任职.2、在美国,宣战权属于总统。3、我们在沙漠里的经历完全可以称之为冒险。Lesson Ten:词汇:registration, chronological, custom-printed, pageant, anthropology, reception, innkeeper, thriller, private detective, the registration packet, bellman, zip codes, apartment number, walk-in, labor costs, out-of-date, beauty contests, modeling agency, newspapers feature, ads.重点思考内容: 1. What are the three steps in registration?2. Why are guests required to provide an exact and complete address? What does the address include?3. Why do commercial hotels ask for patrons business address?4. What is a training regimen?汉译英:1、全体学生都必须遵守校规。2、这个资料室是供教师专用的。3、她尽全力赶上了跑在她前面的人们。4、美洲由北美洲和南美洲组成。Lesson Eleven:词汇:cashier, statute, provision, cross-reference, checkroom, radio phone-in, bare someones teeth, bull-fighting, safe, a nights lodging, fox-hunting, state legislatures, recovery, mail-service, check-out hour.重点思考内容: 1. Whats the hotels liability for the loss of great valuables?2. What functions does a time clock perform?3. How important are arrival and departure times?4. What is a full day?5.What is a particular British form of intolerance?汉译英:1、他对整个事件都要负责。2、游客在酒店受到热情的接待。3、个体经营者应该严格遵守政府的各项规定。4、他不仅是一位令人尊敬的师长,还是我忠实的朋友。Lesson Twelve:词汇:catering business, catered meals, caterer, gourmet, chain, franchise, patty, cuisine, turnover, restaurateur, labor intensive, busser, purveyor, landmark, merchandise, boutique, curry, ballet, cabaret, casinos, ground beef, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the House of Parliament, Tower Bridge, the Thames, hotel and motel business, tube, China Town. 重点思考内容:1. What is included in the foodservice industry?2. How many ways do we generally use to categorize restaurants? Name the kinds of restaurants under each categorizing way.3. What is a Chain restaurant?4. What are the most famous sights in London for the new visitors? What impresses the new visitors most in London?5. What can be a good place for a visitor to stay if it is a bad weather?汉译英:1、这种地方菜特别适合我的口味,我总爱把它介绍给朋友。2、快餐店在中国的出现只不过是十几年的事。3、好好利用自己的学习机会,你的前途会一片光明。回政府致力于改善投资环境,吸引更多外资。4、从社会实践中学到了什么?Lesson Thirteen:词汇:receptionist, a warm reception, on duty, off duty, pay ones duty to, take sb.s duty, personnel manager, personal letter, a verbal description, mascot, Chinese culture, totem, The Yellow Emperor, Paleolithic Period, Neolithic Age, forefather, Fuxi, Yu the Great.重点思考内容:1. What is the best approach in dealing complaints? What is a receptionist supposed to do in handling complaints?2. What should a clerk do when a customer is agitated or rude?3. Should a supervisor appreciate the customers complaint, why?4. How to deal with the complaints involving losses and damages?5. Why do we say that Chinese are the descendants of dragons?6. What do dragons symbolize?汉译英:1、这是我们祖先定下的法律。2、她试图模仿他的口音。3、她给产品的制造商写了一封投诉信。Lesson Fourteen:词汇:Recreational shopping, Statue of Liberty, souvenir, by-product, megamall, retail, national park, crater, monument, camp ground, entry fee, Grand Canyon, Boston, name-brand merchandise, Niagara Falls, Yellow National Park, natural wonders, peak period. 重点思考内容:1. Why do tourists like to buy souvenirs in the places they visit?2. What are the reasons why a waterfront marketplace attracts so many people to it?3. What are the advantages of shopping in a factory outlet center?4. What is the purpose of converting some place into national parks?5. How are the national parks classified? Do all the national parks serve the same functions and purposes?6. What are some modern problems in the national parks?汉译英:1、她计划今天离开普利茅斯。2、使用计算机便可获得更多的信息。3、钟楼是一处具有重要历史意义的古迹。Lesson Fifteen:词汇:congest, terrorist, geyser, boardwalk, embassy, Mediterranean, currency, gallon,


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