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八年级下册导学案福建省晋江首峰中学八年英语下册 U5T1 导学案(无答案) 仁爱版一预习目标1.学习表达情感的形容词upset, worried, disappointed, unhappy2. 学习linking verb+adj. 结构You look excited. That is very exciting. I feel disappointed. The music sounds wonderful.3.学习如何表达个人情感4.能够询问并表达对事物的感觉.二课文探究1.尝试自己拼读新单词并识记 2.熟读1,基础好的学生背诵3.找出文中表达情感的单词,并自己补充,越多越好_4.找出文中不懂的句子和词组,并再次阅读1,尝试自己解决疑难并做好记录_5. 朗读3a,思考一下什么是系表结构,查阅资料,说说哪些词可以做系动词?找出1和3a中的系表结构_系表结构含义:_结构: 主语+_+_请用系表结构造几个句子:_6. 完成P1 2三知识链接 (1)系表结构何谓主系表结构:所谓主系表结构就是英语句子中的主要成分是主语、系动词和表语。 1.主语(Subject):主语是一句话的中心,表示所说的是谁或是什么,其位置一般放在句首。英语中主语一般不省略。主语主要由名词、动名词、代词或起名词作用的短语或从句来充当。例如: LiLeiisaChineseboy.(LiLei是名词,作主语。) HeisfromEngland.(He是代词,作主语。) Feedingthebirdsismyhobby.(“Feedingthebirds”是动名词短语,作主语。) Whatshesaidisright.(“Whatshesaid”是从句,作主语。) 2. 系动词(Linkingverb):系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和句子中的表语一起构成谓语。简单地说,将主语和表语联系在一起,并构成一个完整句子的动词就叫做系动词。目前学到的系动词有be,feel,look,sound,taste,smell等。3. 例如: Thisflowerisbeautiful. Ifeltverytired. Youlookworried. Ittastesdelicious. 连系动词分为三类:be 动词,感官动词,趋势动词。1) Be 动词:am, is, are, was, were2) 感官动词:sound, look, taste, feel, smell3) 趋势动词:appear, become, grow, get, turn, seem, remain3.表语(Predicative):表语是用来说明主语的身份、特征或状态的。它又叫作主语补足语。表语位于系动词之后,主要由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、分词(短语)或动名词(短语)等来充当。例如: Iamfine.(fine是形容词,作表语) Heisaboy.(boy是名词,作表语) Fiveplustwoisseven.(seven是数词,作表语) Wearehere.(here是副词,作表语) Heisnotathome.(“athome”是介词短语,作表语) 二.主系表结构的否定形式和一般疑问句形式的构成情况 (1) 否定形式: 1. 主语be(is,am,are)not表语 Sheisagoodgirl.Sheisnotagoodgirl. 2. 主语助动词(do/does)notfeel/smell/look表语。例如: Youlookhappy.Youdontlookhappy. Itsmellsbad.Itdoesntsmellbad. (二)一般疑问句形式: 1. Be(Is/Am/Are)主语表语? ThisgirlisinRowOne.IsthisgirlinRowOne? 2.助动词(Do/Does)主语动词原形表语?例如: Shefeelsterrible.Doesshefeelterrible? Welookexcited.Doyoulookexcited? 四随堂练习1. My brother _ a teacher. He _ his pupils very much.A. is, likeB. is, likesC. are, likesD. are, like2. I _ tired last night.A. becameB. feltC. lookedD. am3. Her face _ pale(苍白)when she heard the bad news.A. gotB. isC. turnedD. was4. The boy _ ill today.A. areB. isC. beD. am5. Which _ bigger, the sun or the moon?A. areB. isC. beD. 6. I _ a worker next year.A. amB. will beC. beD. will7. Her voice _ like my mothers.A. soundsB. soundC. looksD. look8. It often rains and the crops _ fast.A. getB. turnC. growD. become9. A: How are you _ now? B: Much better, thank you.A. gettingB. feelingC. makingD. turning10. The teachers smile made me _ better.A. feelB. to feelC. feelingD. feltUnit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1 Why all the smiling faces ?Section B1 预习目标1. 学习一些新单词be proud of, seem, taste, smell, set the table, be able to2.学习表达情感的单词和短语3.继续学习linking verb+adj. 结构He looks a little disappointed.He feels disappointed because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music.The food tastes delicious. The litter smells terrible.4.继续学习如何表达个人情感He feels disappointed because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music.Its so funny and interesting. Its so moving.Did she sound worried? Im sure Mr. Lee will be surprised!.二课文探究1.尝试自己拼读新单词并识记2.熟读1,基础好的学生背诵3.找出文中表达情感的单词以及系表结构_4.找出文中不懂的句子和词组,并再次阅读1,尝试自己解决疑难,并做好记录_5. 完成下列表格NameFavorite filmReasonKangkangJaneMariaMr. Lee5. 尝试完成2 根据图片造句6. 熟读3a,理解3a的意思,尝试翻译三知识链接1.Because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music. 因为他没有买到音乐之声的票.to 表“的”,常见的搭配如下:a ticket to The Sound of Music 一张音乐之声的票the answer to the question 问题的答案the key to the door 门的钥匙the way to去.的路2. I think Mr. Lee likes it very much and really wishes to watch it. 我认为李老师非常喜欢它而且的确想去看. wish/ hope to do sth.希望做某事 与 wish 相关的结构还有: wish/ hope + that引导的从句; 如: I wish/ hope (that) we will win.我们可以说wish sb. to do sth. 而不能说hope sb. to do sth.; 3. Ill ring up Michael later. 稍后我打电话给迈克. ring up sb. = call/ ring/ phone sb. = give sb. a ring/ call/ telephone = make a telephone to sb. 当宾语为代词时, 只能放中间.如: ring me/him/her up4.since they were not able to go. 既然他们不能去. can与be able to 二者都表“能;会”,在指“一般能力”时,常互换。如:He can/is able to work out the problem. 他能算出这道难题. 区别: can 只有现在式和过去式(could),没有数的变化;而be able to 有时态及数的变化. 如: I/ She couldnt swim three years ago, but now I / She can . 三年前,我/她 不会游泳, 但现在我/她能. I will be able to see him next week. 下周, 我将会看到他.They were /He was able to climb the mountain, but now they arent/ He wasnt.Theyre / He was too old. 他们/他过去能爬得上这座山, 但现在不能. 他们/他太老了.5. Im sure Mr. Lee will be surprised and happy! 我确信李老师会很惊奇也很高兴! be surprised “感到惊奇的”, 主语一般为人. be surprising “令人惊奇的”, 主语一般为物. 类似的有:interested/ interesting; excited/ exciting; bored/ boring 4 随堂练习1. 翻译下列词组一张.的票_ 感到自豪_为.摆餐具_ 发烧_有能力做某事_ 给.打电话_2,.选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空be able to ,be proud of ,a little ,be pleased with ,set the table1. We _ watch the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.2. Chinese people _ Liu Xiang.3. Linlin, please _in the dining room.4. last year Kangkang _ his birthday present.5. After a long walk, he looks _ tiredUnit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1 Why all the smiling faces ?Section C1 预习目标1. 学习一些新单词lively, cheer up, mad, at first, please, in the end, America, fall into, everywhere2. 继续学习表达情感的单词和句子3. 继续讨论电影Mrs. Von Trapp died, and the family were very sad and tired.The children cried and shouted every day.The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children.The father was almost mad at first, but the smiling faces of his children pleased him and made him happy again.They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.二课文探究1.尝试自己拼读新单词并识记2.阅读P5 中的海报,回答1 中的3个问题3.阅读P5 2短文,画出有关电影情节介绍的句子4.找出文中不懂的句子和词组,并再次阅读1,尝试自己解决疑难,并做好记录_ _5. 找出文中表示情感的单词,划横线6. 完成1b7. 试着用自己的话复述一下音乐之声的情节,并介绍一下自己喜欢的一部电影8. 完成P6 2三知识链接1.The Sound of Music is one of the most popular American movies.音乐之声是最受欢迎的美国电影之一。2. It is a story about a young woman living in Austria它是关于一位妇女居住在奥地利的故事。living in Austria 做定语,修饰woman3.Her name was Maria . She went to the Von Trapp family to care for seven children.她的名字叫玛利亚,她去到冯.特拉普家庭去照顾七位小孩。care for=_=_4. The father was lonely and often become angry because of the noisy children.父亲非常寂寞,经常变得容易生气,就是因为这些吵闹的孩子=The father was lonely and often became angry because the children were noisy. because of 由于,因为;后接名词或相当于名词的短语。because 由于,因为;后接原因状语从句5. Maria taught the children _to sing lively_songs and perform short,funny plays to cheer them up.玛利亚教孩子们唱活泼的歌曲,表演短的搞笑的话剧去使他们振奋起来。注:cheer up 使振奋/高兴起来, cheer on 为加油老师每天在课堂上都能把大家的气氛调动起来。_6.The father was almost mad at first , but the smiling faces of his children pleased him and made him happy again.这父亲开始几乎也是疯了。但是孩子的笑脸让他高兴起来,再次让他感到了快乐。please (动词): 使高兴/满意 pleased (形容词):高兴的,满意的be pleased with sb/sth 对. .感到满意make sb +形容词 : 使某人.7.What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for ? What .for 在口语中相当于why8. When and where will the movie be on ? be on 在这表示 上映 = be shown9.The children _(cry) and shouted every day.10.He lives in a small village _.but he doesnt feel_. (alone/lonely)alone既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,意为“独自的(地)、单独的(地)”,侧重于说明独自一人,没有同伴或助手,指的是客观情况。alone用作形容词时,一般与be动词连用,在句中作表语。例如:She is alone at home. (她独自一人在家。)lonely只用作形容词,它在句中既可作定语,也可作表语,表示“孤独的,寂寞的”意思。该词带有浓厚的感情色彩,具有“渴望得到同伴”的含义,其比较级形式为lonelier。We never feel lonely in Shanghai.4 随堂练习用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空1. MTV is one of (nice) TV programs.2. Why not (shout) “help”?3. Mr. Brown has a (live) daughter, he likes her very much.4. Im very (pleased) to meet you here.5. Who is your favorite (act)?6. Dont be (frighten). Please keep calm.7. I looked for my watch everywhere, but I couldnt find the (lose) watch.8. Jack is an (America) boy, he can speak good English.9. Marias uncle lives alone, but he doesnt feel (lone).10. “love me (one) more, mom” is a very good movie, we enjoy it.Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1 Why all the smiling faces ?Section D1 预习目标1. 学习一些新单词come into being, role, gesture, culture, foreigner, make peace with sb., grateful2. 复习linking verb+adj. 结构You look excited.I feel disappointed.It tastes so delicious.The man seems worried.It smells terrible.Did she sound upset?She was very sad and went mad.The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children.3. 能够谈论自己喜欢的电影和戏剧.二课文探究1.自己拼读新单词并识记(教师在前一天教好朗读)2.阅读1a,理解短文大意,完成下面的词组翻译 英汉互译1. come into being 2. be full of 3. become interested in 4. agree with 5. end with 6. 爱欢迎 7. 到达 8. 彼此和平相处 3.找出文中表达情感的系表结构的句子_ _4.找出文中不懂的句子和词组,并再次阅读1a,尝试自己解决疑难,并做好记录_ _5. 用英语说说京剧“生”、“旦”、“净”、“丑”分别代表什么角色6. 再次阅读1a,完成1b7. 朗读并背诵3a,3b,尽可能多地找出本话题中含有linking verb+adj 结构的句子及习惯用语,然后汇报三随堂练习1. Some f even speak Chinese better than some native Chinese speakers.2. -Who is the most important r in the movie?-Harry potter.3. The tang costume (唐装) shows eastern c .4. Dove () is a symbol of p .5. There are many wonderful g and fighting in Beijing opera. 综合检测一 用方框中的单词填空,注意适当形式Be; happy; hope; invite; exciting; wish; soon; upset; famous; cheerDear Bob, How are you these days? I felt because I lost my mp3 player last Friday. My father wanted to me up and took me to see a movie last Saturday. It was about Mei Lanfang , a actor of Beijing opera. After the movie, I felt happy again.To


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