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.外研社初一上册期末复习1 什么情况下字母要大写?2.英语中元音字母是哪几个?3.元音因素有哪些?4、清辅音有哪些? 5be的用法是什么? 6、主格 形代 名代 宾格 反身代词7主格、形代、宾格、名代、反身代词的用法分别是什么?8、Julia Roberts中姓是什么?9、特殊疑问句的构成有哪两种?举列说明。 10、什么样的句子是一般疑问句? 11、a和an的区别是什么?12、名词单数变复数的规则是什么?有哪些不规则的?13、以this或者that引导的文句指物回答用什么代替?14、以those或者these引导的文句回答用什么代替?15对可数名词的量提问用什么?16、表达某处有某物用哪个句型?这个句型的主语必须是什么词性?它的谓语动词必须是什么?它的谓语动词的单复数由什么来决定?17对颜色提问用什么?18、什么样的句子是否定句?19、什么叫祈使句?它有什么特点?20、对地点提问用什么?21、限定词有哪些?它是怎样用的?22、动名词/现在分词的构成是什么?它什么情况下用?23、回答一般疑问句要用什么来代替名词?24Can的用法是什么?25、do有哪两种用法26、什么叫动词三单?它是怎样构成的?27、一个句子中至少必须有哪两个成分?分别由什么来充当?29、not可以和哪些缩写?30、be可以和哪些缩写?31、对天气提问有哪两种?短语:1、 起立 2、 坐下 3、 用英语4、 多少 5、 什么颜色 6、 在椅子上7、 在床下 8、 在你桌子上面的书包里 9、 听音乐10 电脑游戏 11踢足球 12看电视13喜欢做某事 14开小汽车 15弹钢琴16 骑自行车 17 讲英语 18 写汉语19在春季 20在北京 21 这个用英语怎么说22你怎样拼读“green” 23我的外套在哪里? 24你最喜爱的食品是什么?25你喜欢看电视吗? 26北京的天气怎样? 27你会讲英语吗?不,我不会。外研社初一上册期末复习-单词复习2008-07-08 22:40:51| 分类: 外研新标准英语 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 .1. 怎么样? 2. 非洲( 的)3. 再一次 4. 总是5. 美洲 6. 动物7. 任何一个 8. 北极9. 美术 10. 亚洲11. 问 12. 在、13. 姨 14. 澳大利亚15. 竹子 16. 篮球17. 牛肉 18. 在、后面19. 生日 20. 黑板21. 盒子 22. 休息23. 早饭 24. 建筑物25. 骆驼 26. 能够27. 糖果 28. 卡片29. 胡萝卜 30. 光盘31. 检查 32. 化学33. 鸡肉 34. 巧克力35. 选择 36. 电影院37. 城市 38. 班级39. 点击 40. 关闭 41. 衣服(总称) 42. 可口可乐七年级英语试题(外研版)笔试部分(80分) 一.找出下列不同类的单词,把番号写在括号里。 1)( )A、book B、notebook C、hardbook D、red 2)( )A、pen B、pencil C、eraser D、game 3)( )A、basketball B、football C、sock D、volleyball 4)( )A、baseball B、documentary C、comedy D、thriller 5)( )A、run B、door C、play D、go 二.单项选择。 1)-Hello! My name David. A、am B、is C、are D、si 2)-Mom, is my friend,Jim. A、she B、he C、this D、it 3)-Nice to meet you,Jim. -Nice to meet you, . A、also B、too C、of D、for 4)-_there any pencils in the table ? A、Is B、Are C、Do D、Does 5)-When is your birthday? -My birthday is _. A、in 1991 B、on Monday C、March 6th D、twelve 6)-Where _ you _ from? A、are,come B、are,coming C、do,come D、do,coming 7)-They come from _. They speak _. A、Brazil,English B、England,English C、France,Portnguese D、Canada,Japanese 8)-How much _the black pants? A、are B、is C、do D、does 9)-Can her aunt play the guitar? -No, she _. A、can B、cant C、doesnt D、is 10)-September is the _of the year. A、nine B、nineth C、 ninth D、nineteen 三.连词成句. 1、sweater,not,this,my mothers,is 2、want,she,does,dance,to _? 3、a lot,Chinese history,learn,can,I,about _. 4、your,subject,what,favorite,is _? 5、go to bed,usually,time,does,she,what _? 四. 改错. 1、( )His new movies is Mr Bean. A B C D 2、( )Look to Toms and Mikes desk. A B C D 3、( )“Whos the man” Miss wang ask me. A B C D 4、( )This is my friend. He is 12 year old. A B C D 5、( )Were in the some class . We are classmate. A B C D 五. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、How much _ ( be ) these things? 2、He can _ ( do ) Chinese Kung Fu. 3、I like this movie. The movie is very _ ( interest). 4、My sister _ ( not like )tennis. 5、Can you help kids with _ (swim)? 6、His brother enjoys _ (watch) TV. 7、She (get) up at six oclock. 8、Look! They _ (play) football. 9、He never speaks to others first. So people think he is _ (friend). 10、She _ (not do) her homework on Sundays. 11、We _ (study) for exams last Sunday. 12、What a _ (well) boy! 13、Thank you for _ (tell) me an interesting story. 14、_ (my) dont like police officers. 15、There are many_ (woman) in the shop. 六、按要求改写句子. 1、 These are buses(改单数) _ _ _ _. 2、He is an English teacher(改一般疑问句) _ he an English teacher? 3、Those are apples(对划线部分提问) _ _ those? 4、My ruler is under the desk(对划线部分提问) _ _ your ruler? 5、Her name is Amy. (对划线部分提问) _ _ her name? 6、That is his dictionary. (变否定句) That _ his dictionary. 7、Is this boy your brother? (做肯定回答) _, _ _. 8、Are those her books? (做否定回答) _, _ _. 9、This is my watch. (改为复数) These _ our _. 10、I have a good friend.(改为复数) 七、对话排序. (A) (B) A、Fine, thank you. Whats this? A、Nice to meet you, Tony. B、What color is it? B、Whats your telephone number? C、Hello, Linda. How are you? C、Its 86345701. D、Its a sofa. D、Hello. My name is Leo. E、Look, its red. E、Nice to meet you, Leo. Im TonyMy name is Han Mei. Im in Class Three, Grade One. Look at this. Its a photo. They are my friends Liu Ying and Diana. Liu Ying is a Chinese girl. Her English name is Eve. This is her pen. Its black. And her pencil is red. Diana is English. This is her eraser. Its white. Her pencil is blue. I like my friends. ( ) 1. Liu Ying and Diana _. A. is Han Meis friends. B. are Han Meis friend C. are Han Meis friends ( ) 2. Diana is _. A. a Chinese girl B. an English girl C. an English boy ( ) 3. Liu Yings pen is _. A. black B. red C. blue ( ) 4. What color is Dianas pen? A. Its white. B. Its red. C. We dont know. ( )5. Liu Yings English name is _. A. Diana B. Eve C. Han Mei 九、书面表达. 你是电影俱乐部(Movie Club)的一名会员。你们经常组织看不同类型的影片。请较全面地介绍你们的俱乐部成员及开展的活动。 内容要点: 1)你的姓名、年龄、生日及各自的特长(例如:会跳舞等等)。 2)近期活动安排(时间、日期),电影类型及你对这些电影的简单评论。 3)不少于10句话。 _七年级英语试题答案 一、1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 二、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 三、1.This sweater is not my mothers. 2.Does she want to dance? 3.I can learn a lot about Chinese history. 4.What is your favorite subject? 5.What time does she usually go to bed? 四、1.B movie 2.A at 3.C asks 4.D years 5.C the same 五、1.are 2.do 3.interesting 4.doesnt like 5.swimming 6.watches 7.gets 8.play 9.friendly 10.doesnt do 11.studies 12.good 13.tell 14.I 15.women 六、1.This is a bus. 2.Is 3.What are 4.Where is 5.What is 6.isnt 7.Yes,it is 8.No,it isnt 9.are watches 10.we good friend 七、1.CADBE 2.DEABC 八、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 九、 Our Movie Club My name is David Green. I am twelve years old. My birthday is February 6th. I can play football and swim well. I like seeing movies very much. I am in a movie club. In


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