



Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.1.定语从句:修饰某一个名词或者代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后,其中被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词。(1)关系代词(that、who、whom、which、whose)引导的定语从句:that在从句中作主语或宾语;作主语时,不可省略,作宾语时可省略指人,相当于who、whomThe man that/who teaches chemistry in a college is a professor.(指人,作主语)指物,相当于whichTomato is a useful vegetable that/which is good for health.(指物,在从句中作主语)who在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语可省略)指人Tha man (who/whom/that) I talked with is our teacher.(作宾语,可省略)whom在从句中作宾语(作宾语时可省略,但介词提前则不能省略)指人Tha man with whom I talked with is our teacher.(作宾语,介词提前,不能省略)which在从句中作宾语或主语(作宾语时可省略,但介词提前则不能省略)指物A plane is a machine that/ which can fly.(在从句中作主语)The room in which (where) I live in is big.(在从句中作宾语,但介词提前,不可省略)Whose可指人的,也可指物的,相当于名词所有格。在定语从句中用在名词前I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the world.(指人,用在名词name前)Mr. Green lives in a house whose roof is red.(指物,用在名词roof前) 格林先生住在一座红屋顶的房子里。【注意】当介词置于关系词前时,先行词是人,只能用whom,不能用who;先行词是物只能用which,不能用that。(2)who、that在很多情况下可省略,但在以下情况只能用who,而不能用that:.先行词是anyone、someone、those等表示人的不定代词。.在there be句型中,先行词指人。eg:There is a man who wants to see you.(3)which、that在很多情况下可省略,但在以下情况只能用that,而不能用which: 先行词为all、any、much、many、everything、anything、none、something等不定代词时。eg: Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop? 先行词被all、any、the only、the same、little、few、much等词修辞时。 eg: This is the same bike that I lost.这就是我丢的那辆自行车。 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰。eg: This is the first book that he has read. 先行词里同时含有人和物时,只能用that,而只能用that。 eg: I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.(4)关系副词(when,where、why),when作时间状语,where作地点状语,why作原因状语。关系副词when,where,why可以用适当的介词+ which来替代。(when=in/on/at+which, where= in/on/at+which, why= for+ which)eg:This is the room where (in which) I lived.= This is the room I lived in.习题:( )1.Is that man _ helped us a lot after the earthquake? A.which B.who C.whom( )2.John is the boy _ legs were badly hurt in the accident. A.whose B.that C.who D.which( )3.Have you read the book _ is about the moon? A.what B.it C./ D.which( )4.The basketball _ I bought yesterday cost me 80 yuan. A.that B.where C.who D.when( )5.The story _ I read the newspaper was about a common problem. A.whose B.who C.that D.where( )6.I never forget the day _ the great scientist came to our school. A.that B.which C.when D.where( )7.One of the most interesting places in Yangzhou_ are ofen visited by foreigners is the West Slender Lake. A.what B.who C.that D./( )8.The dictionary _ he paid 50 yuan is very useful. A.which B.for which C.on which D.about which2.I prefer music music that has great lyrics.我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。 prefer 动词,意为“更喜欢”,相当于“likebetter”,其过去式和过去分词都是preferred。eg:与猫相比,我更喜欢狗。_ prefer sth to sth./ prefer doing sth to doing sth.与(做)某事相比,更喜欢(做)某事。eg:我喜欢不行更甚于骑自行车。_ prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事 eg:我更喜欢在家里度过周末。_ prefer to do sth rather than do sth.= would rather do sth than do sth = would do sth rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 eg:我宁愿写而不愿读。_3.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.这些音乐让我想起了巴西舞曲。(1)remind意为“提醒;使记起”,remind sb of sth/sb. “使某人想起某事/某人.” eg:我一直保存着它,以此唤起我对你的记忆。_ (2)remind sb to do sth.提醒某人做某事 eg:请提醒我下车。_ (3)remind sb + that从句 eg:我提醒她必须在天黑之前回家。_ (4)Brazilian形容词,意为“巴西的;巴西人的”,还可以用作名词,意为“巴西人”。4.I listened to one called Heart String.我听了一首名叫心弦的CD.(1)one 此处用作代词。代指上文提到过的CD。 (2)called Heart Strings是过去分词短语,它在句中作代词one的后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,即that is called Heart Strings。过去分词短语常用作名词或代词的后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。called还相当于named/ with the name of. eg:你认识那个叫玛丽的女孩吗?_【后置定语】分为至少6种:现在分词,过去分词,动词不定式,介词短语,形容词及定语从句。过去分词做后置定语通常表被动(即先行词是动作的承受者),可以改写成定语从句,只需添加关系词+谓语动词。5.Amy King is one of the bestknown Chinese photographers in the world today,and some of her most famous photos are on display in the exhibition.艾米金是当今世界上最有名的摄影家之一,而且她最著名的而一些摄影作品会在这次展览中展出。(1)“one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数形式”意为“最之一”.eg:上海是中国最大的城市之一。_(2)bestknown是形容词最高级,意为“最有名的”,相当于most famous,其原级是wellknown。(3)on display意为“展览;展出”,相当于on show.6.I see the same things every day and they dont interest me as much.我每天都看到这些相同的东西,它们并没有引起我太大的兴趣。 (1)interest此处用作动词,意为“使感兴趣;引起兴趣”其主语多为物,可与be interested in互换。eg:你的故事引起了我的兴趣。_ (2) interest还可用作名词,表示“兴趣;爱好”,take an interest in = be interested in “对感兴趣”.7.Whatever you do, dont miss this exhibition.无论如何,都不要错过这个展览。 whatever连词,意为“无论什么;不管什么”,相当于on matter what.类似的词有whoever(无论谁),whenever(无论何时),wherever(无论何地),however(无论怎样) eg:无论你是谁,都不许走。_8. As the name suggests, the band has lots of energy.顾名思义, 这支乐队活力四射。suggest意为“暗示;表明;建议”,后接名词/代词/动词ing形式/that从句,不可接不定式。suggest sth to sb “向某人建议某事”。 eg:我建议去游览长城。_9.And I stay away from sugar,you do too,dont you?而且我不吃糖,你也是,不是吗? stay away from意为“与保持距离”,此处是“不吃(某类食品)”;stay away from sb/sth指“离开;不接近(某人/某物)。eg:叫他离我妹妹远一点。_10.Ive heard eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer.我听说吃这样的烧烤食品会增加得癌症的危险性。 (1)increase动词,意为“增加;增长”,后接名词或代词。 (2)risk名词,意为“危险;风险”,the risk of 意为“的风险”。练习题:一、选择题:( ) 1. Mother often tells me _ Ill do in the future, try my best to do it well. A. however B. whenever C. wherever D. whatever( ) 2. Sally prefers drawing _ playing the piano. A. at B. for C. at D. to ( ) 3. Some of her best loved photos are _ display in this exhibition. A. on B. in C. at D. about( ) 4.The old song _ the man of the days living in the country 30 years ago. A. told B. reminded C. caused D. offered( ) 5. I like food that _ soft and sweet. A. feels B. tastes C. sounds D. smells( ) 6. What do you _Toms new CD? Oh, I enjoy it very much. A. care about B. get along with C. think of D. deal with( )7.I have a _ holiday this year, and then I can go to Beijing to see you. A.threemonths B.threemonth C.three months D.three months( )8.You can get the _ news on the Internet. A.late B.later C.latest D.lately( )9.I suggested _ the meeting off. A.take B.put C.putting D.to put( )10.Never eat food overnight, _ it tasts _. A.if; good B.but; well C.even though; good D.even if; well( )11. “_ do you _the movie?” “I enjoy it a lot.” A.How; think of B.What; like about C.What; think of D.How; like about( )12. All the Chinese people _ the 29th Olympic Games to be successful.A. hope B. help C. expect D. decide ( )13. Most of the students in the class like the boy _ John from America.A. is named B. named C. names D. naming ( )14. Mother often tells me _ Ill do in the future, try my best to do it well. A. however B. whenever C. wherever D. whatever二、同义句转换:1.Mary found the key. I lost the key yesterday. Mary found


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