



2013-2014学年度六年级第一学期英语知识竞赛题班级_ 姓名_ 评分_一、选择正确的答案,将序号填在题前的括号内。(20分) 1. I live on the _floor.A. forth B. five C. ninth 2. I am going to buy a pair of_A. boot B. shoe C. gloves 3.Thats a call for_A. he B. you C. his 4.In Hong Kong, drivers drive on the_ side of the road.A. right B. left C. middle 5.My school is_A. far from B. near C. next to 6.Turn right_ the library, then go_.A. of; straight B. at; straight C. in; straight 7.Tom is going to buy_ art books.A. a B. an C. some 8. Is that an _ car.A. Chinese B. Australia C. English 9.What does your sister do?A. She likes playing the violin. B. She is a singer. C. She can do the dishes. 10.Dont forget to turn _ the light before you go to bed. A. on B. around C. off二、按要求完成下面的句子。(15分)1. We must know the traffic rules.(使意思相同)We _ _ know the traffic rules.2. I ,Where ,is , not , it ,know, do. (连词成句)_3.This is a bus. ( 改为复数句 )_4.What is your best friends hobby? ( 按实际情况回答)_5.We are going to the bookstore at 3 oclock. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ going to the bookstore?三、选出并改正下列句子中划线部分的错误。(15分) 1.Now let me tell you how come. _ A B C D 2.I want to be a actor. _ A B C D 3.What will you do on weekend? _ A B C D 4.Tom and Amy often go to there by bike. _A B C D 5.The bird live in the tree. _A B C D四、翻译下列句子。(15分)1.迈克和汤姆如何去学校?_2.放学之后,你打算做什么?_3.长大我想当一位科学老师。_4.每星期四晚上,我哥哥都看电视。_5.我家离书店不远。_五、从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话,并将序号填在横线上。此题有两个多余(15分)A. Have you got any music? B. Oh, my goodness!C. What do you want? D. I am doing shopping.E. I am cooking. F. where are you going?G. Oh, thank you very much.Betty: What are you doing?Alice: _Betty: I have ever seen you cooking. What are you cooking now?Alice: Sausages and chicken._Betty: Sausages, please. _ Where are your CDs?Alice: In the cupboard. _Betty: The sausages are on fire!Alice: _Betty: Ha-ha六、阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将所选的序号写在题前的括号里。(20分)(一)“Isnt it lovely weather?” says Tom. “What shall we do?”“Do you want to go to the cinema?” asks Mike.“Thats a good idea!”The boys walk to the cinema. They get two tickets.The movies are very good. They see a cowboy movie and a movie about a dog. The boys have a good time. They like the cowboy movie. They see it again.The movie ends. The boys walk fast. A policeman comes over and asks them,“Are you Tom and Mike?”“Yes”, says Tom. “Your parents are looking for you and Im helping them. Do you know its eleven oclock now?”says the policeman.The policeman takes them home in the car. 1. The boys get two tickets for_. A. a football game B. a cowboy movie C. movies D. a movie about a dog 2. The two boys see _ that day. A. movie B. two movies C. three movies D. four movies 3. The boy s parents ask a policeman to help look for them because_.A.it is lunch time B.they are very oldC.its late and the boys are not at home D. the boys are ill 4. The boys go home very late because_.A.they talk to a policeman on their way home B.they look for their parentsC.they dont want to go home D.they dont know their parents are looking for them 5. Which sentence is not true(不正确的 about this story?_. A. The boys are happy B. The weather isnt lovely C. The boys go home by car D. Both A and B (二)People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much. They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes. One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walks very much. One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention (注意) to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he held my hat in his mouth. Suddenly, I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend. 1How many people are there in this story?AOne BTwo CThree DFour 2Jack_.Ais a close friend of mineBenjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoonChas many close friendsDenjoys talks in the room 3Jack was worried because_.Ahe wanted to eat somethingBit was Sunday afternoon againChe was not feeling wellDhe wanted his master (主人) to take him for a walk 4Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that_.AI should leave the house at onceBhe liked my hat very muchChe was hungry and he tried to eat itDhe wanted to have a rest 5Which of the following is true?_.AWhen Jack and I were tal


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