



高考英语语法备考-形容词与副词 概说:形容词用来修饰或说明名词或代词,表示其属性或特征。副词修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、全句,在句中作状语、表语和宾语补足语。(一) 形容词与副词的用法 1) Look! The car is _. It runs very _. (quick) 2) She can play the piano _. And shes a _ girl. (beautiful) 3) He is a _ boy. He always listens to the teacher _.(careful) 4) _, he was not badly hurt in the accident. (lucky) 5) Hes a _ player. He can play basketball very _. (good)(二)、形容词和副词的比较等级构成:原级比较级最高级原级比较级最高级thickcleverthinheavyhotmanyeasymuchbiglargeearlyfastgoodwonderfulbadlyfriendlylittlenarrowfartiredkindexpensivefinecurious(三)考点分析考点一 考查形容词,副词的比较级,最高级及前面的修饰语1 原级,比较级,最高级的选用及应用范围 John plays football as _as ,if not better than, David. (good) The piano in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as _ (good). Its generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science. She is _. (和我同样高的一个女孩) It is believed that _ you work,_ result you will get.(越努力,结果越好) Which is _ country, Canada or Australia?(较大的那个) If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was _ choice.(较好的) 2 形容词,副词的原级,比较级和最高级前的程度状语 I quite like it. They are quite different / wrong. quite possible My hometown is much changed. _to ones surprise(很让某人惊讶的是) 3. 熟记固定搭配 be well known 著名 be _ worth doing 很值得做 be sound / fast asleep 熟睡 wide awake / open 完全醒着/ 完全睁开 dead drunken 烂醉 _ alike / alone 十分相象 / 孤独 4. so / that much 那样多how much/many (多少,多么多) Dont worry. We have _ much time left. He is_ anxious that he cant do anything.(so, such) I cant go _ far. (那么远) 5. so/such as, so/such that He is such a kind-hearted man _ everyone likes. He is such a kind-hearted man _ everyone likes him.考点二 形容词和副词的比较等级用法:1) as + 原级 + as (表示双方相等)not as/ so + 原级 +as (表示双方不相等,等于less + 原级+than)例如:Xiao Wang is as tall as Xiao Lin. Mr. Sun speaks English _ you.(与你一样流利) This room is three times _that one.(是那间的三倍大) 注意:如果出现名词,通常将名词置于比较结构中间。例如: I have as many books as Tom. I cant drink _this.(我不能喝这么甜的咖啡) You are as good a student as she. He is _as Tom.(他是像汤姆一样诚实的一个男孩) 2)比较级 比较级的修饰语常见的有: rather, much, a great deal, still, even, far, any, a lot, a little, a lot, a bit, three times ( )1).Bill earns _ more than his father. A. rather B. many C. quite D. fairly( )2).If there were no examinations, we should have _ at school. (94) A. the happiest time B. a more happier time C. much happiest time D. a much happier timethe+比较级, the+比较级 越就越 比较级+and+比较级 越来越 the+比较级+of the two +名词 表”两个中较的那一个” _ the two boys is my brother.(较高的那个) 用介词by表增减相差的程度 She is three inches taller than me.= She is taller than me _.( ) - How did you find your visit to the museum?- I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected. A. far more interesting B. even much interesting C. so more interesting D. a lot much interesting( )I wonder why _ the worse I seem to feel. A. when I take more fruit B. when I take more medicine C. the more medicine I take D. more medicine taken( )She is _ than her sister. A. two inches tall B. two inches taller C. tall two inches D. taller two inches3)_.(我们栽的树越多, 环境就越好) 4) Our country is getting _.(越来越强大)5) I was late _. (我迟到了三分钟) 6)Which is _ country, Canada or China? (small)3) 最高级表示“最高程度”的形容词(如:excellent,extreme,perfect,favorite etc.)没有最高级,也不能用比较级。有的形容词和副词根本没有比较级和最高级,这主要是由其意义决定的。如:wrong, right, true, false, empty, full, wooden, here, where, now等。否定词+比较级=最高级( )- What do you think of the film?- I have never seen a _ one. A best B worst C good D worse考点三 1)- Is there anything new in the newspaper? No, _. (没什么新内容)2) I have _ to tell you.(一些重要的事情)3) We have no _ for you.(可用的房间)4) People in the village, _ men and women are fond of sing and dancing.(老的,少的)考点四 有些形容词做表语,通常不用人做主语,像:possible, impossible, probable, necessary, convenient, inconvenient (F) If you are convenient, please write to me.(T)_, please write to me. (F) Hes possible to come today. (T) _. 附 复合形容词的构成方法常见的有如下几种: 1)形容词 + 名词 +ed kind-hearted 好心的 _白头发的2) 形容词 + 形容词 .red-hot 炽热的 _深蓝的 3) 形容词 + 现在分词 _长相一般的 sweet-smelling好闻的4) 副词 + 现在分词 .hard-working 勤劳的 _快速变化的5) 副词 + 过去分词 .hard-won得来不易的 _新建的6)名词 + 形容词 _终生的 world-famous 世界著名的 7)名词 + 现在分词 _爱好和平的 kite-flying放风筝的8)名词 + 过去分词 _白雪覆盖的 hand-made手工的9)数词 + 名词 + ed four-storeyed四层楼的 _三条腿的10)数词 + 名词 two- hour两小时的 _五分钟的11)数词 + 名词 +形容词 three-year-old三岁的 _四英尺长的考点五 关于倍数表示法的句型,中学阶段常用的有:(1) 倍数 + as + 原级+ as e.g Asia is four times as large as Europe.(2) 倍数 + 比较级 + than. e.g Your school is twice bigger than ours.(3) 倍数 + the size/ height/ length/ width/ etc. + of这条河是那条河的四倍长 _ _ _( ).1)Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a week. A. two times than B. twice as much as C. as much twice as D. as much twice as( ) 2) At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _ Britain. A. three times larger of B. larger three times than C. three times the size of D. three times as larger as高考真题( )1- Excuse me, is this Mr. Browns office? - Im sorry, but Mr Brown _ works here.He left about three weeks ago. A.not now B.no more C.not still D.no longer( ) 2.The piano in the other shop will be _ ,but _. A.cheaper; not as better B.more cheap; not as better C.cheaper;not as good D.more cheap;not as good( ) 3.- How did you find your visit to the museum? - I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was _ than I expected. (91) A.far more interesting B.even much interesting C.so more interesting D.a lot much interesting( )4.These oranges taste _ . A.good B.well C.to be good D.to be well( )5.Which is _ country,Canada or Australia? (92) A.a large B.larger C.a larger D.the larger( )6.- Would like some wine? -Yes, just _. A.little B.very little C.a little D.little bit( )7.She doesnt speak _ her friend,but her written work is excellent. A.as well as B.so often as C.so much as D.as good as( )8.John plays football _,if not better than,David. (94) A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as( )9.If there were no examination, we should have _ at school. A. the happiest time B. a more happier time C. much happiest time D. a much happier time( )10.Wait till you are more _.Its better to be sure than sorry. A.inspired B.satisfied C.calm D.certain( )11.Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _ known for his plays. A. the best B. more C. better D. the most( )12.If I had _,Id visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places. A.a long enough holiday B.an enough long holiday C.a holiday enough long D.a long holiday enough( )13._ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. A.Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C.Students brave enough D.Students brave enough( )14.Its always difficult being in a foreign country,_ if you dont speak the language. A.extremely B.naturally C.basiclly D.especially( )15.Many people have helped with canned food,however ,the food bank needs _ for the poor. A.more B.much C.many D.most( )16.It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science . A an art much as B much an art as C.as an art much as D.as much an art as ( )17.- Im very _with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. -Mm, it does have a _ smell. A. pleasant, pleas


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