



Unit 3Traditional skills课题内容Unit 3Traditional skills Listening and Speaking (听说课)学习目标1认读和理解单词 description, tool, scissors, pattern, character, health, luck以及短语paper cutting等;认识单词wedding2听懂图片描述,圈出并改正图片中的错误,同时,巩固记录关键信息的技能3掌握描述人物外貌的方法。学习重点巩固记录关键信息的技能;口头介绍一项中国传统技能学习难点了解剪纸这项传统技能,并思考如何保护传统技艺学法指导合作探究法、质疑法一、预习案1. 阅读教材P38、P42和P43 ,,查字典或小组讨论写出下列单词和短语的汉语意思:description_ common sense _build _ slim _ blond _middle-aged _ paper cutting _ tool _ scissors _ pattern _character _ health _ healthy _ luck _lucky _ unlucky _wedding _2. 读教材P38页Top tip 内容,了解听前预测技巧。3. 读教材P41页,归纳描述人外貌涉及的几个方面,并了解相关词汇。_ _ _ _列出我的疑惑 二、探究案1、预习反馈:2、出示学习目标:3、探究点一:Listening(1) 听录音,完成A,学会改错。(2)听录音,完成B。 (3)听录音,核对答案。跟读录音,模仿语音语调,然后用完整的句子表述图片修改前后的区别。如:The picture shows In fact, it should be The paper cutting artists in the picture ,but he is /should be 探究点二: Speak up1. 学生观察P42图片,讨论回答下面问题Do you know anything about paper cutting?How much do you know about this traditional skill?2. 学生根据教材上的问题及提示词,进行口头问答和讨论,进一步了解剪纸这项传统技能。探究点三:Talk time1. 了解并熟悉描述人外貌常用的词汇,通常分为四个方面,age ,build, height, hair,face,head.(1) 描述年龄常用词汇:young, middle-aged, old(2) 描述身材时常用词汇:fat, plump, heavy, big, slim, thin (3) 描述身高时常用词汇:tall , of average height, above average height, below average height, short(4) 描述脸和头时常用词汇:wear glasses, have a beard, black/blond/brown/curly/straight/long/short hair 2. 口头用陈述句描述A中四个人物形象。3. 完成书上练习A1和A2.4. 每个学生准备至少三句话描述一个同班同学,并做口头汇报,让同学猜出他描述的对象。我的知识网络图三、训练案 A.基础题 阅读理解Paper cutting is a traditional art in China. It has a long history. The kind of art went after the invention of paper in the Han Dynasty. It became one of the main forms of arts,and was popular with the people of the time.Most of the paper cutting artists are women. The themes(主题) of their works usually include everything in peoples everyday life. The main tool for paper cutting is scissors .Once they are owned by a master of paper cutting,they will do so well that they become sosupernaturaland their paper cuttings are beyond imagination of a common pair of scissors.Arts come from life and serve life. Paper cutting is very popular in the countryside. They are often found in wedding ceremonies(结婚典礼) or festivals in China. And people like to decorate their windows and doors with colorful paper cuttings of different shapes and sizes whether they are birds,animals or flowers.() 1.What was popular with people in the Han Dynasty?APaper. BPaper cutting. CDifferent forms of arts.() 2.What is the theme of paper cutting?ABirds. BAnimals. CEveryday life.() 3.Where is paper cutting popular now?AIn foreign countries. BIn the countryside. CIn cities.() 4.Whats the meaning of the underlined word?A不自然的 B超级的 C不可思议的() 5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe only tool for paper cutting is scissors.BPeople first invented paper,and then they learned paper cutting.CPeople only decorate their houses with paper cutting during festivals.B提高题 阅读回答问题 Today, we are going to make Chinese kung fu tea. When we use the words “kung fu”, we are not talking about fighting. Instead, “kung fu” means “work” or “skill”. Kung fu tea takes work and skill to make. It is not as simple as just putting tea in a teapot with some hot water. First, we put hot water into the teapot. Then we empty the teapot. This is important, for we want to warm the teapot before we make our tea. Next, we put tea leaves into the teapot and put hot water into the teapot again. Then we pour the hot water into the tea cups. This washes the tea leaves, and warms the tea cups. Finally, we put the hot water into the teapot the third time, and wait. At the same time, the hot water is emptied from the tea cups. Then we pour the tea into them.Everyone then picks up their tea cups, and enjoys the lovely smell of the tea before drinking it.1. What does “kung fu” in “kung fu tea” mean in English?_2. Why do we first put hot water into the teapot?_3. Why do we put ho


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