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Identify potential collaborators with significant citation records. Integrate searching, writing, and bibliography creation into one streamlined process.,WHY CHOOSE SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED?,Comprehensive and Relevant Coverage: Every journal included in Science Citation Index ExpandedTM has met the high standards of an objective evaluation process that eliminates clutter and excess and delivers data that is accurate, meaningful and timely. Cited Reference Searching: Track prior research and monitor current developments, see who is citing your work, measure the influence of colleagues work, and follow the path of todays hottest ideas. 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U-shaped metallic strips and a inverted-L strips are selected to be integrated parasitically on PIFA structure, fabricating the proposed antenna with frequency band ranged from 1920MHz to 2170MHz for the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), from 2400MHz to 2485MHz for Bluetooth and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) 2.4GHz band, and from 5725MHz to 5850MHz for WLAN 5.8GHz band. Based on the antenna structure, parasitic strips and antenna dimension along with their effects on antenna band configuration are analyzed. .,Example of Abstract,Abstract: In this paper, we have studied planar monopole antenna with single and double step notches. On this basis, we propose an ultra-wideband antenna named planar monopole antenna with double step notches and a U-shape slot on metallic ground. The characteristic of the U-shape slot is analyzed, noticing that it is an effective method to facilitate the ultra-wide band achievement. Given return loss less than -10dB, the proposed antenna is bandwidth up to 10.41GHz, covering IEEE802.16a spectrum with range from 2GHz to 11GHz. In addition, we have illustrated radiation patterns, verifying pseudo omni-direction in the far fields over UWB band of interest.,Writing an introduction,Material and Method,Result,How to write a discussion,Discussion contents,How to write conclusion,Conclusion Example,Conclusion: parasitic metallic strips are effective methods to enhance frequency band for PIFA that is verified by the design and the implementation of a triple band structure in this paper. Through adding parasitic U-shaped metallic strips, the bandwidth of a PIFA can be changed and extended to the range of desire; Through adding parasitic inverted-L strip in a defined area, new resonate frequency can be achieved, and then the whole antenna can be reconfigured that is with triple band application. The regulation about all the process of the change of the band with the change of the geometry of the parasitic metallic strips are illustrated in this paper, which, on one hand, come up with an antenna solution for multiple band mobile terminal application, the other hand, bring about a reference on how to using parasitic metallic strip or slot on IC package to design and implement IC integrated multiple band antenna on system on chip (SoC) or on system in package (SiP).,Conclusion example,A planar monopole antenna with double step notches and a U-shaped slot on metallic ground is designed and developed in this paper. It is concluded that a planar monopole antenna with single step notches is narrow in band; this band can be expanded by adding notches to form planar monopole antenna with double step notches. The band can be further improved by adding a U-shape slot on metallic ground plane. The proposed UWB antenna is this paper is a planar monopole antenna with double step notches and a U-shape slot on metallic ground with bandwidth range from 2GHz to 12.41GHz. Further study around this antenna will focus on the analysis of such features as phase response, polarization and radiation efficiency.,Acknowledgement,Reference,Main complaints of editors,Main complaints of editor (2),Language issue,形态学 显微镜方法,Language issue,Language issue,因为锯末衍生物具有非常好的自粘性能, 所以压铸成为一定形状和大小的材料。 尽管泄露可以有效地让更小的粒子从血管空间流向缝隙空间 是这种情况, 静脉用药将导致乳胶具有较高的静脉用药存留密度,却与结果相悖。更合理的解释为平均直径为46nm的SLN在进入肿瘤时的情况与平均直径的乳胶情况有非常大的不同,也就是说, 让乳胶如SLN自如地进出肿瘤血管是不可能,这是由于肿瘤血管缝隙很小。,What is scientific English,Patents,Hereby: as result of this 特此 由此 Herein: in this 其中 在此 Hitherto: up to this time 迄今 至今 Thereafter: after that 此后 其后 Therefore: for that objects 为此 因此 Therein: in that 其中 在那里 Thereupon: as a result of that 因此 Thereof: of which 所谈的事 关于他 Hereinabove: in a proceeding part 在上文 Hereinafter: below or in this document 在下文,1, Please translate the paper contents into Chinese (20 minutes),The PlayStation Portable (officially abbreviated PSP) is a handheld console manufactured and marketed by Sony. Development of the console was announced during E3 2003,and it was unveiled on May 11, 2004 at a Sony press conference before E3 2004.The PlayStation Portable is the first handheld video game console to use an optical disc format, Universal Media Disc (UMD), as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen, robust multi-media capabiliti


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