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S03E14 Scorpion1. You know this will flame out when you eventually snap like a rubber band.rubber band 橡皮筋 flame out 引擎熄火,这里指失败2. Thats a hell of shiner. 好个熊猫眼。 shiner指黑眼圈3. The waitress refused to give me two punches on my loyalty card.服务员不肯给我的积分卡上打两个积分。punch这里指积分4. Theyre not just gonna come barging in here. barge in 闯入5. Were a bit in the crosshairs. in the crosshairs处于危险中 crosshair 瞄准器6. The workers showed up and I bolted before they saw me. bolt(因受惊吓)突然快跑7. Its always good to have you there as a buffer. 总是你帮我们打圆场的。 buffer 缓冲器,减震带8. How about before you bench my team 在你让我的队员坐冷板凳之前9. Pinpoint the source of the problem 精确定位问题的源头10. This place was red-flagged weeks ago. 这里几周前就被标识为危险。 red flag 危险信号11. Or this guy wont be the only one looking for a new paycheck. 不然丢工作的可不只是他一人。 paycheck 薪水,这里引申为工作12. Since this is karst terrain underlaid by soluble limestone. karst terrain 卡斯特地形 soluble 可溶解的13. We could trigger cave-in. 可能会引发塌方 cave-in 坍塌14. I know you have a God complex, Walter. complex情结 Oedipus complex 恋母情结15. I dont have time to babysit that emotionally stunted genius. 我没时间给那个情障天才做保姆。 stunt 发育不良的,成长受障碍的16. Constantly looking over your shoulder isnt much of a life. 整天提心吊胆称不上生活。17. I was unintentionally insensitive. 我太粗线条了,不懂人情世故。18. Im gonna have to keep a low profile. keep a low profile 低调行事19. Beat it so they can talk alone. beat it 走开,闪人S03E15 Scorpion1. I spent weeks landing that contract. 那合约我花了几周才搞定的。land 这里动词,当“敲定”讲。类似于nail it 搞定(某件事)2. And Walt spent minutes dismantling it. dismantle 拆除,一般指dismantle machine or structure,这里引申成搞砸了,也可以说screw it 或blow it up。3. Saucy wench, aint she? 她真是泼辣,不是吗?wench旧时说法少女少妇的意思,saucy, rude or referring to sex in a way that is amusing but not offensive 粗鲁的,不雅的(saucy jokes 荤段子),这里Doc是在调侃Happy。4. Leave me out of it, Captain Schnook. schnook 笨蛋,容易上当受骗的人,骂人又有新词了。5. Walter, its great that you lined up another gig. Walter,你能找到另一份差事是好事。 gig这里指的是临时工作,这个单词还可以指现场演出比如演唱会等。6. Pirate culture fetishizes the thrill of the hunt and the procurement of treasure. 海盗文化就是追求寻宝的刺激和宝藏。 fetishize 盲目痴迷于 thrill 兴奋刺激 procurement 获得得到7. A contingency agreement? Youre not ambulance chasers. 条件合约?你们有不是拉不到生意?contingency 应变的,意外的,contingency plan相当于backup plan,contingency fund 备用金 ambulance chaser 怂恿索赔的律师,拼命拉官司的律师8. Lets shove off. shove off 开船离岸9. Im not gonna let these pathetic vessels kill me buzz. 我不会让这些破船扫了我的兴。 kill ones buzz 扫某人的兴 buzzkill 让人扫兴的人或事10. Uh, well, the odds were better than not.不怕一万就怕万一。 odds (某事发生的)概率,几率11. Zip it, Toby. Quit clowning around. Toby闭嘴,别胡闹了。zip 拉开拉上拉链, clown around 胡闹12. We could kick the bucket. 我们可能会翘辫子。 kick the bucket 挂掉,死掉 这是一种委婉语或俚语.其真正的来源迄今尚未有定论,在许多推论中,最靠谱的应该是这样的:中古时期执行绞刑时,死犯站在一个翻转的桶上面,脖子被套上套索,行刑者一脚把水桶踢走,受刑人就被绞死了。13. Make some kind of makeshift raft. 设计出某种临时救生筏makeshift 临时的,凑合的14. I dont like condescending Cabe. condescending 居高临下的,咄咄逼人的15. You are giving me the silent treatment. 你不理我了。16. You must have sun stroke. sun stroke 中暑17. You have completely cut me loose these past weeks. 你已经几周没有理我了。 cut sb loose 摆脱挣脱某人18. I did distance myself from you on purpose. 我故意疏远你的。19. No matter how you slice it, she absconded with me booty. 不管你怎么说,她确实带着我的钱跑了。abscond with sth 带着潜逃,booty 战利品,赃物20. And you, frankly, are such a tough nut to crack. a tough nut to crack 难对付的人,棘手的事情21. We can put any recent tension behind us. 我们就忘记最近的不愉快把。22. I can help you through any rough spots. 我可以帮你应付难堪的场面。 S03E16 Scorpion1. Youre ambushing him. 你这是攻其不备。ambush 埋伏,伏击2. The feds put you in a bad spot, huh? 联邦调查局可真为难你了。put sb in a bad spot 将某人置于艰难处境3. That would indicate which gal most piques your interest. pique ones interest 激发某人兴趣4. Only 2% of childhood sweethearts wind up together. 只有2%的青梅竹马最后走到一起。 wind up 以结束5. Time-sensitive is an understatement. 说时间紧迫太轻描淡写了。understatement 保守的陈述6. Agent Gallo, we need you to sit this one out. Gallo探员本次活动你就不能参与了。 sit sth out 不参与7. If fake credentials are spotted, this all falls apart. 如果发现了假证,整个计划就完了。 fall apart 泡汤,失败8. Being petty is no way to live a life. 要想生活过得去,就不能这么小气。9. Flight was bumpy. 一路颠簸。10. When I left you were kind of off. 我走的时候感觉你有点不在状态。 11. Im going to lockup. 我要被拘留了。 lockup 拘留所12. They took him as a potential infiltrator and picked him up. 只是把他当成潜在的渗入者抓起来。 13. You cant untoast brerad. 覆水难收。14. I suggest you regain your composure. 我建议你冷静下来。15. A stunning turn of ev


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