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Is this your bag?,执教人:蔡赟霞,A riddle: 谜语:,My house is small, but there are many people. 小小房屋是我家,家小人多力量大。 Some can write, some can draw. Everyone is expert. 能写字来能画画,个个都是小专家。,New words,Happy pat(快乐拍拍拍),You must pat the right word when the teacher say the word as quickly as you can. 快速的拍老师所说的单词。 Who is quicker, who is the winner. 谁的速度快,谁胜利。,Show your stationery(闪电秀),The teacher will say the name of the stationeries. 老师将会说出文具的名字。 You must show the right stationery quickly by saying the word twice. 请迅速秀出你对应的文具,并读该单词两遍。,The crazy bomb(疯狂炸弹),Here is a bomb, he will with one of the word. 有一个单词将和炸弹在一起。 You must speak out the word the teacher pat except 读出老师所拍的单词,但是带炸弹的不能读。 the one with the bomb. Or the bomb will bomb in three seconds. 否则炸弹将爆炸。,Sentence pattern:,Is this your .?,Yes, it is.,/ No, it isnt.,Little detective,One student come to the front and close his eyes. 一名学生到前台闭上眼睛。 Then the teacher will steal someones stationery. 老师将会“偷”走以为同学的一样文具。 He must find the owner of the stationery according to the voice. 他必须根据我们的声音找到文具的主人。 If he is near the owner, well say “Is this your ” loudly. 如果他走进主人,我们就大声读句子, If he is far from , well say it lowly. 如果他离主人远,我们就小声读句子。,Find the owner(物归原主),Four students one group. One students close his eyes. 四位同学一组。一个人闭上眼睛。 The others put their stationeries on his desk. 其他人把他们的文具放在他的桌子上。 After a while, he can open his eyes and get the stationeries back to their owners. 过一会,这位同学睁开眼睛,把桌子上的文具物归原主。,The text.,2,3,1,2,3,1,Is this your book ? Yes , it is . Is that your pencil-box ? Yes , it is . Whats in it ? Its a ruler . Its a pencil and its a pen. Its a book , its a ruler . Its a pencil and its a pen .,Learn and sing,Is this your book ? Yes , it is . Is that your pencil-box ? Yes , it is . Whats in it ? Its a ruler . Its a pencil and its a pen. Its a book , its a ruler . Its a pencil and its a pen .,Learn and


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