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更正 英语周报32期, A篇 4. A. Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风 B. Caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船 C. Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 D. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。,4.254.29 教学内容备注: 4.25星期一周练讲评(盐城二模) 4.26星期二语法专题 4.27星期三:(3+2练习)和错题集 4.28星期四:错题集/M7 U3.4 (3+2练习 4.29星期五 复习语法专题 英语周报发23期, 限时练随做随讲 望大家练习及时做完。,come off it住口;别吹牛了 听力常用短语come into the world 出世 come off it 吹牛皮 come on 别这样 . 别吹牛了come off it 别吹牛了come off ones high horse 不再骄傲自大 . 靠边儿去吧come off it靠边儿去吧(暗示不可能)come on加油,快点儿 . 别骄傲了Come off it 别骄傲了 Have a good mind to 考虑 Come off it !别装了 Come off it.算了吧 come off it shut up住口 Come off it, tell me the truth!别胡扯了 Come off it! Will the pig fly? Go and blow up a balloon.去去 I got tired of Marys boasting of her rich uncle, and told her to come off it. 我讨厌玛丽的一味吹嘘她那个阔叔叔,我叫她别胡扯了。 Come off it, tell the truth! 别装蒜了,老老实实讲吧! Come off it ! England dont have a chance of winning the match. 别胡扯了!英格兰没有希望赢得这场比赛 I think I fail the exam. Come off it! You said it at the third time. 我想我没通过考试。别说了!你第三次说起这件事了。 work makes the workman勤工出巧匠,9.2. 届时,在那时: He came at six, when the sun was setting. 他六点钟来的,那时太阳正落山。 3. 是的时候了: He came at a time when we needed help. 正在我们需要帮助的时候他来了 31.no such thing as没有像这样的事 38.A bad beginning makes a bad ending: 不善始者不善终 ;恶其始者必恶其终 work makes the workman勤工出巧匠 41.Would you like to accept the yellow card and go to window 10? 你可以拿着这个黄色的卡去10号窗口么 56. go back to the hotel返回旅馆 Youll go to the hotel in a spaceship. 你将乘坐宇宙飞船前往这个旅馆,1.CABBC BACBA ABCCA ABCCA 2.CCBAD CBADA CBACD 3.CBBCD AADBD ACBDC CDACB 4.阅读理解 (A)BDCA 56. P1L5 57. P2L3 58.P3 59.P9L1 (B) DAB 60 P2 61. P4L1 L5.6 62.P8.9.11 (C) DBCA 63.P1L1.2 64.P1L6 65.P6 66.P1L1 (D) CDCD,71 Birth L1 born 72. Family L2 73. Political 74. narrowly L7 narrow 75. term/ time L11 term 76. resigned L24 resign 77. environmental L10 78. landed L12 landing 79. achievements/ contributions L13 80. tense L14 tensions,When asked how they feel right now about happiness, only 6 percent of the students surveyed see themselves as happy. A very large percentage of them say they are not happy. When asked whether they feel happier than three years ago, about 36 percent of the students say they do, while nearly two-thirds of them say they feel the same. The research shows that as many as 39 percent of the students think studies affect their feeling of happiness and 27 percent of those questioned report they are suffering from psychological pressure to some extent. Those who say they have a sense of happiness from self-fulfillment account for only 22 percent. as for me,英语周报32 1.单选 CACBD AACAD 2.完型 ADCBD CABDA CCBBC DADAA 3.阅读BCDDC ADBDB ABCAD BCBCD,错题集3 -20 DAAAA BDDBC CDCCB BBACB -40 CDABD CAACB DACAB BAABB -60 ABCCB ACDDA CBACD ABADC A,lay off 美国英语(暂时)解雇,(辞退)工人;使下岗: Another 1,000 workers were laid off when the machinery plant was in difficulties. 这家机械厂陷入困境时,又解雇了1 000名工人。 2. 休息,休养;停止工作: The doctor advised the patient to lay off for a month after the operation. 医生建议病人在手术后休息一个月。 3. 停止批评(或嘲笑);停止打扰;不再打搅;使不再烦恼: She is in a mood.Lay off her,will you? 她心情不好,别再烦她了,行不行?,lay aside 把放在一边;把搁一搁: They laid aside their tools to have a rest. 他们放下工具休息了一下。 2. 积蓄;储蓄(以备将来之用);把(时间、金钱)留作别用亦作 lay apart: He laid aside 2 weeks for job-hunting. 他抽出2个星期寻找工作。 3. 丢弃,放弃;戒除(习惯等);除去: Its difficult for a chainsmoker to lay aside the habit of smoking. 让烟不离口的人戒烟很难。,英语周报31 ACBDB DBCAC CDBAB DCABC DBACD BAACD ABCDB CDBCA BDDCD BDBAB 23 26 33 5 8 20,在高三的后期,希望大家做到: 当你能梦的时候,就不要放弃梦。 有事者,事竟成;破釜沉舟,百二秦关终归楚; 苦心人,天不负;卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴,相信自己,4.184.22 教学内容备注: 1.每周老师自己整理错题集一百题左右,供自己班级使用,抽出一节课来做。 2.英语周报尽量做23期,课上抽出15分钟讲解。 3.每周上12个专题,提前进入二轮复习; 3+2 练习有选择的讲解,大家提前做完。 4.词汇练习(五), 不会单词学生先自己查字典, 然后对答案, 对部分题目加以点拨.,_the quality of schooling is high, parents are eager not only to send their Children to school but also to _them there. A where; keep B where; leave,A,DADA BAC CBAC CCAA 71.full P1L1 a full member 72.Benefits/ Advantages 73.practise P2L5 get enough practice 74. lifestyle P2L8 the local way of life 75, living / accommodation P2L4 cost of living 76. lack P3L3 have less time 77. expectations P3L5 expectations 78. Actions/ Measures 79. improving/ bettering P4L2 make better 80 family P4L4 family activities 限时81 AABBA BCBCD ADDBB 完形CBDAB ADCBD CABAD CDABB,81 AABBA BCBCD ADDBB,单词精练(5) BBDCC ABDCB DADDA BCABD CDACB BACDA BDCBC DACAB DCABD BACDC DBAAD BCBCA DCDAB DACBC ADBDC ABDAC BACDA CBDBC DACAB DCBAB ADCBA DBC 单词精练(6) CABDB CADDA BCABD,错题集 2 BBCCA BCDCC CDCAA DCAAC CBCBC BABCD CACCA BADCC ADCBA CCCCC CADBA AACAA ABAAA A 79. BDDBA DACCB ADAAD ADBAB CCDAA BCDDA BACDC,Cloze Test 36 B 84.8, 37 C 65.2, 38 D 78.3, 39 C 78.3, 40 A 39.1, 41 B 65.2, 42 D 41.3, 43 C 82.6, 44 A 58.7, 45 B 73.9, 46 A 91.3, 47 B 71.7, 48 D 82.6, 49 C 80.4, 50 D 87.0, 51 A 65.2, 52 C 71.7, 53 A 87.0, 54 B 87.0, 55 D 80.4,Reading Comprehension 56 C 69.6, 57 D 63.0, 58 D 73.9, 59 A 56.5 60 A 23.9, 61 D 73.9, 62 C 80.4, 63 C 84.8, 64 B 47.8, 65 B 73.9, 66 A 73.9 67 A 73.9, 68 D 54.3, 69 B 73.9, 70 D 71.7,56. What is directly related to global warming? A. Consumption of meat. B. Growth of cattle. C. Methane from ruminants. D. Processing of meat. P4. ruminants (反刍动物), particularly cows, give off a gas called methane, which is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than CO2.,57. Who holds a view opposite to the others in the passage? A. Rajendra Pachauri. B. John Torode. C. Robert Watson. D. Chris Lamb. P7 However, Chris Lamb, said the meat industry had been unfairly targeted and was working hard to find out which activities had the biggest environmental impact and reduce them.,59. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A. Less meat, slower global warming B. More animals, more greenhouse gas C. Less imported food, better our environment D. Greater diet change, smaller climate change P1“People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help deal with climate change,” the worlds leading authority on global warming has told The Observer.,60. Hotel Icaria Barcelona allows you easy access to the following EXCEPT _. the stadiums where you can have sports B. the seaside where you can relax yourself C. the places where you can take trains or buses D. the building where you can attend a religious service Hotel Icaria Barcelona is 330 yards from Barcelonas Nova Icaria Beach. It is located in the Olympic Port area, a 10-minute walk from Ciutadella Park and Barcelona Zoo. Ciutadella Metro Station is half a mile away, and is just 2 stops from Barcelona Cathedral (大教堂) and the historic Gothic Quarter.,64. Which is the most effective way to concentrate on your food when dining? (The purpose is to eat less and to be thin.) A. Viewing your food. B. Blindfolding your eyes. C. Playing computer games. D. Eating by oneself. they were blindfolded. Compared to a day when they could view what they were dining on, these people consumed only three quarters as many calories. Yet even hours afterward, they reported being no less full than on the day they had been able to see their plates.,68. Who saved JoJo out of the burning house? Bobby Qualls. B. Leonard Tubbs. C. Kimberly Bateman. D. Firefighters. P6 His coworkers had found JoJo hiding under a pile of clothes in a back bedroom,Task-based Reading Keys: 71. grown 72. changed / turned / made 73. invented 74. produced 75. encouragement 76. removed 77. diesel 78. less 79. cheaper 80. widely,Task-based Reading 73. It wasnt widely used long after it was (73) . (invented) Fueling diesel (柴油) engines with vegetable oil started with the inventor73 Rudolf Diesel. When Diesel showed his engine at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris, However, over the next 100 years, diesel fuel was made largely from petroleum (石油). ,71 P1L2 grow-grown 72 P2L3 made- inventorinvented 74 P3L4 made / turned/ changed 73 P2L1 productionproduced 75 P4L2 encouragedencouragement 76 P5L1 removingremoved 77 P7L1 biodiesel-diesel 78 P7L1 reduceless 79 P11L1 dropcheaper 80 P11L3 widespread-widely,78. It leads to a cleaner world with (78) CO2 . (less) reduced In addition, the use of biodiesel reduces CO2 in the earths atmosphere. 80. Clean fuel sources will be (80) used throughout the world. (widely)(adv.) clean fuel sources will continue to be widespread普遍的,广泛的;分布广的 (adj.) in the United States and even around the world. ,Writing 1这两幅照片想要告诉我们什么? (P1) 2你认为在学习和生活中有哪些心理问题? (P1) 3你觉得如何做才能解决这些心理问题? (P2) 注意: 1可参照图及文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象。 2词数150 左右。标题和开头已写好,不计入总词数。 3作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。,How to Be Mentally Healthy Many of us students now have some mental problems, which worry u


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