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technical 技术的 mechanical 机械的 co-axially 同轴心 module 机箱,模组 modular constructed 模块化设计 assembly 组件、装配,carcass 框架 carcular 循环的 engine 发动机 case/modules 机箱/模组 be comprised of 由组成 rotator 使旋转、轮流 rotation 旋转,rotor 转子 stator 定子 stator vanes 定子叶片 excite(o)r 励磁机 optimum 最佳的 grid 栅格、电网 synchronization 同步,frequency 频率 non- 非的 pre- 预先的、提前的 inter- 内部的、相互的 major 主要的 on 与相通 on site 在现场,gas turbine 燃气涡轮机 axis 轴 shaft 轴 module 机箱,模组 stage 分节,节 gearbox 齿轮箱,the low-pressure shaft (LP) the intermediate pressure shaft (IP) the high-pressure shaft compressor 压缩机 Rpm (revolution per minute),the grid synchronization frequency 热网同步频率 inter compressor duct(ICD) 压缩机内部通道 internal 内部的 external 外部的 ancillary 辅助的,combustion 燃烧 chamber 室,舱 combustor 燃烧室 fuel manifolds 燃料进出管 Engine Management System (EMS) 发动机管理系统,ignition 点火电门 igniter plug 点火开关 input 输入 output 输出 voltage 电压 generator 发电机,cable 电缆 via 通过 starer motor 启动马达 carry out 实现 manifold 复印本、管子 mix with 混合 standard 标准的,designat 标记 durability 经久、耐久力 alternatively 交替的 start up 启动 in sequence 依次 current 电流 percentage 百分比,an output shaft 输出轴 exhaust stack 废料堆 a waste heat recovery boiler 废热回收炉 the Package Control System (PCS) 机罩,annular duct casing 环形管箱 oil feed pipe 输油管 a scavenge pipe 废料管 lever 杠杆 ring 圆环 over- 过度的,hydraulic ram actuator 液压冲压开关 positional transducer 位置传感器 ram position 冲压位置 Variable Inlet Guide Vanes (VIGVs) 可调进气导叶,excitation system 励磁系统 excitation winding 励磁绕组 electronic 电子的 pipes 小管道 duct 管、输送管,seal ring 密封圈 oil distributor 分油器 oil filter 滤油器 curvic coupling 波形管 the LP bleed aperture doors 低压放气孔门,LP and IP electronics 低压和中压电子设备 Front bearing housing oil feed 前轴支架油料供给 Front bearing housing oil scavenge 前轴支架油料排放,Front bearing housing vent 前轴支架通风孔 LP thrust compensation air 低压推进补偿空气 IP thrust compensation air 高压推进补偿空气,variable stator vanes (VSVs) 变距定子叶片 inner and outer bushes 内部和外部的衬套 control rod 控制杆 bellcranks 钟形/报铃曲柄/曲轴,welded drum 熔接/焊接的 卷轴 conical drive shaft 锥形传动轴 hub 轮轴,轮彀 helical spline coupling 螺旋形楔管,Spring 弹簧 Plunger 活柱顶塞,柱塞 Strut 抗压构件,撑子 Bevel gear 斜齿轮 Oil/air seal 油/气封 lock washer 垫圈,皮圈,Ten struts, through which pass the internal gearbox service pipes, secondary air system bleeds and a radial drive shaft for the external gearbox, connect the hub to the outer case.,The inter-compressor case forms the transition between the IP and HP compressors and is a one piece structural casting which connects the IP compressor directly to the HP compressor inlet.,10根穿过内齿轮箱运行管的支柱,二次空气系统抽气和外部齿轮箱的径向驱动轴,将轮毂与外缸连接 。 中压压气机壳体形成了中压和高压压气机之间的过渡。它是一体的结构铸件,将中压压气机直接与高压压气机进口相连。,retaining nut 锁紧(固定)螺母 /riteini/ /nt/ air baffle plate 空气阻板/挡板 / bfl/ blow-off valve 排气阀 /v lv/ port 左侧 starboard 右侧,the air cooler 空气冷却机 bolt 螺栓 static stator 静态定子 /st tik/ thermal insulation strip 绝热片 /:ml/ /insjulein/ /strip/,abradable lining 磨损内衬/衬料 / breid bl/ /laini / support cone 圆锥形支架 /kun/ integral part 组成部分 /intigrl/ location bearing 定位轴 /lukein/,combustor pot 燃烧罐/瓶 compressor rotor drum 压缩机转轴 mini-disc 微型圆盘/片 roller bearing 滚轴 nozzle 喷嘴,管嘴 swirl /sw:l/ 涡流,漩流,the inner platform 内部平台 /pltfm/ flange 轮缘,凸缘,底盘 /flnd3/ exterior /ikstiri/ 外部的 interior /intiri/ 内部的 main body 主体,casing cover 机箱盖 discharge /dista:d3/ 排出,流出 colander /klnd / 滤锅,滤盆 dome /dum/ 圆顶 injector /ind3ekt/ 注射器 oil jet 油喷,primary /praimri/ 第一的,基本的,首要的,初级的 secondary /sekndri/ 第二位的,次要的,二级的 tertiary /t:ri/ 第三位的 emission /imi n/ 发射,发出 strainer /strein/ 滤网,滤器,retainer /ritein/ 固定器 fitment /fitmnt/ 装置,设备 interface /intfeis/ 界面,分界面 thermocouple 热力轴 /,mukaupl/ detector /ditekt/ 探查器,探测器,borescope 检查孔,观察孔 port 舱门,舷窗 bracket /brkit/ 托架,撑架 lubrication /,lu:brikein/ 润滑 starter 启动/引燃装置 clutch /klt/ 离合器,band /bnd/ 箍 clamp /klmp/ 夹板,铁箍 probe /prub/ 探针 manual /mnjul/ 手工的,手动的 blading /bleidi/ 叶片,桨叶 drive arm 驱动臂,attachment / ttmnt/ 固定,安装 joint 点,接点 power take off hub 动力启动轴 reduction gearbox 减速齿轮箱 /ridkn/,two-pole 两极 ventilator /ventileit/ 通风设备 filtration /filtrein/ 过滤 island /ailnd/ 独立的 parallel /prlel/ 平行的,同步的,rectifier /rektifai/ 整流器 shunt /nt/ 转轨,转移 transformer 变压器 permanent /p:mnnt/ 永久的,永恒的 magnet /mgnit/ 磁场,磁性,电磁,shield /i:ld/ 护板,挡板 instrumentation 仪器 /instrumentein/ terminal box 接线盒 /t:minl/ core 核,核心 rib /rib/ 肋材,骨架,outer skin 外壳,外罩 sheet steel 钢板 shell /el/ 外壳 mechanical /miknikl/ 机械的 short circuit 短路 /s:kit/ base plate 底座,机座,底盘,discharge nozzle 排气嘴 colander plate过滤挡板 fuel injector燃料喷嘴 low emission combustion低排放燃烧室 bearing retainer轴承座 air seal fitment气封装置 overheat detector过热探测器,borescope port 窥视孔 lubrication oil pump润滑油泵 Starter启动 assembly drive shaft Clutch离合 assembly drive shaft v band v型箍 speed probe测速探头 attachment joint安装点,self-ventilated air-cooled generator 自通风空气冷却发电机 air filtration system 空气过滤系统 island operation 独立操作系统 parallel operation 同步操作系统 Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) 永磁发电机,the cooling air intake /inteik/ 冷空气吸入 the hot air exhaust 热空气排出 installation /instlein/ 装置 hatch /ht/ 舱盖,开口 eddy /edi/ 涡流,漩流 alloyed /loid/ 合金,lamination /lminein/ 金属板 stator winding 定子线圈/绕组 /waindi / wound coil (迭层)线圈 /wu:nd/ /koil/ neutral /nju:trl/ 中线的,中性的 cubicle /kju:bikl/ 配电盘,glass-fabric /gla:sfbrik/ 玻璃纤维的 curing /kjuri/ 硫化,固化 aluminum alloy 铝合金 / lju:minm/,mica /maik / 云母 tape /teip/ 胶布,绝缘胶布 rated /reitid/ 额定的 conduct /kndkt/ 导电/热 resistance /rizistns/ 电阻,电阻器 arc /a:k/ 电弧 arcing /a:ki/ 电弧放电,temperature /temprt/ 温度 wedge /wed3/ 楔片,楔形物 impregnation resin 饱和树脂 /impregnein/ /rezin/ epoxy resin 环氧树脂 /epoksi/ vacuum /vkjum/ 真空 oven /vn/ 加热室,恒温箱,rotor winding 转子线圈/绕组 moisture /moist/ 湿度,潮气 shockproof /okpruf/ 耐(抗)震,耐电 pressing /presi/ 压,冲压 copper alloy 铜合金 /kop/ / loi/,silver alloy 银合金 /silv/ damper winding 阻尼线圈/绕组 /dmp/ field winding 磁场绕组 /fi:ld/ regulator /regjuleit/ 调节器,稳定器,rectifier /rektifai/ 整流器,检波器,矫正器 centrepiece /sentpi:s/ 十字头(轴、架) star-connected 星形接法,星形接线 three phase winding 三相线圈 /feiz/,centrifugal 离心的,离心力 /sentrifjugl/ bandage /bdeid3/ 箍,带 armature /a:mtju/ 电枢 silicon diode 硅(晶体)二级管 /silikn/ /daiud/ bridge circuit 桥(接电)路 bridge connection 桥接,heat sink /sik/ 散热片,散热器 reverse /riv:s/ 反的,相反的 current rating 电流负载 /krnt/ /reiti/ commutation 换向,整流,配电 /komjutein/ sleeve /sli:v/ 套(筒、管、环) RC (resistor capacity) 阻容,lifting lug /lg/ 吊耳 slip ring 滑环,集流圈 earth fault 接地故障 /:/ /fo:lt/ earth brush /br/ 接地刷 bus bar 母线 ground resistor 接地电阻器 /graund/ /rizist/,spool / spu:l/ 轴,线圈 idle /aidl/ 空载的,无功的 self-sustaining speed 自持速度 /selfssteini/ malfunction 故障,失灵 /mlfkn/ trip 跳闸,脱扣,断开装置 /trip/,Practice,What do they mean? 1. air filter installation 空气过滤系统 2. alloyed steel合金钢 3. ventilation duct通风管 4. the neutral side cubicle中性点侧配电盘,5. the high voltage insulation system高电压绝缘系统 6. glass-fabric backed mica paper tape玻璃纤维的云母纸介外皮 7. terminal voltage 终端电压 8. resistance type temperature detector 电阻型温度探测器 9. moisture resistant 抗湿 10. The automatic voltage regulator 自动稳压器,11. the exciter armature winding 励磁电枢绕组 12. AC voltage交流电压 13. DC voltage直流电压 14. reverse voltage反向电压 15. commutation voltage换向电压 16. high energy (HE)高能量 17. air guiding shield空气导流板,18. idle condition 空载状况 19. idle speed 空载速度 20. trip bus 跳闸母线 21. trip circuit 跳闸电压 22. starting system 启动系统 23. sleeve bearing 套筒轴 24. high conductivity copper alloy strip 高传导性铜合金片 25. axial ventilation fan 轴流风扇,synthetic 综合,合成 /sinetik/ swash 挡板,阻板,旋转斜盘 /swo/ displacement 排量,气缸工作 /displeismnt/ 量,排代 multi-cylinder 多气缸的 /mltisilind/ multi- 多的 ratchet /rtit/ 棘轮,棘齿,quill /kwil/ 套筒,主轴 hot oil tank /tk/ 热油箱/罐 converter 转换器,变压器 /knv:t/ priming pump 引液泵,启动注液泵 /praimi/ crank speed 曲轴速度 metering /mi:tri/ 测量,记录,调节,scheduling /skedju:li/ 调度,编制进度表,工序,安排 pick-up 传感器 coalescent /kulesnt/ 聚结,凝聚,结合 pneumatic /nju:mtik/ 气动的,气力(风力,压气,气压)的 actuated /ktjueitid/ 起动的,block valve 隔断阀 micron /maikron/ 微米 micra /maikr/ 复数 quick action valve 快动作阀,紧急阀 quick action triple valve 快动作三通阀 quick action chamber 局部减压室,solenoid valve 电磁阀 /sulinoid/ isolating /aisleiti/ 隔离的,绝缘的 the can type combustion chamber 听/罐式燃烧室 peak temperature 最高温度 torch /to:t/ 燃烧,the non return valve 止逆阀,单向阀 load /lud/ 负载,负荷 low load control 低负荷控制 shutdown 关机 mineral /minrl/ 矿物,矿物质 piston 活塞,瓣 reservoir /rezvwa:/ 储存箱/池,suction strainer 吸滤 /skn/ mist /mist/ 雾 eliminator /ilimineit/ 消除器 minimum /minimm/ 最小的,最低的,最小值 maximum /mksimm/ 最大的,最高的,最大值,spill valve 溢油阀 by-pass 旁路,支管,分流(器) vapour /veip/ 蒸汽,水蒸气 extraction /ikstrkn/ 抽出,排出,提炼 extractor /ikstrkt/ 提取机,分离机,脱水机,exchanger /iksteind3/ 交换器(机, 剂), 换(放, 散)热器 demister /dimist/ 去雾器,除雾器 de- 去、除 thermostatic control valve 恒温控制阀 thermo- 热力的 variable frequency pump 可变(调)频率泵,check valve 止回阀 duplex /dju:pleks/ 双的,双方的,双重的 upstream /pstri:m/ 向上游的,溯流的 downstream /daunstri:m/ 向下游的,顺流的 3 way valve 三通(路)阀,differential 微分的,微分 switch 开关,电闸,转换 the differential pressure switch 压差开关,压差传感器 the emergency lub oil pump /im:d3nsi/ 事故润滑油泵 battery /btri/ 电池 gravity /grviti/ 重力,gravity feed 重力自流进料 water flow control valve 水流控制阀 relief valve 安全阀 the oil returns temperature 回油温度 oil return hole 回油孔 self-acting control valve 自动控制阀,The supply of fuel to the gas turbine is regulated by a metering system mounted off the fuel supply system providing individual control of fuel valves, one to each of the fuel manifolds.,汽轮机燃料的供给由一个测量系统控制,这个测量系统安装在燃料供给系统中,对每个燃料阀门进行控制,每个阀门对应一根燃料管。,Once the ignition is accomplished, the central control valve opens and regulated by EMS for the turbine run up, speed control during synchronisation and low load control.,一旦点火成功,中央控制阀就会打开,发动机管理系统开始管理透平的运行,同步过程中的速度控制以及低负载控制。,The ignition valve closes after the ignition is successful. 在点火成功后,点火阀关闭。,Depending on the load demand, the primary control valve opens and provides fuel control as regulated by the EMS.,根据负载要求,一级控制阀打开,并按照EMS的指令提供燃料调节。,The secondary control valve opens and regulated by EMS to provide additional fuel to the system when operating in higher turbine load.,二级控制系统打开,在EMS的控制下,在高透平负荷时进行燃料补给。,For shutdown, all control valves and trip valve close, the block valves close, and the vent valves open. 关机时,所有控制阀门和速断阀以及隔断阀关闭,排气阀打开。,accumulator 收集/储蓄器 /kju:mjuleit/ oil accumulator 蓄油器 heat accumulator 蓄热器 compressor wash system 压缩机清洗系统 spray nozzle 喷雾嘴 /sprei/,duty /dju:ti/ 运行,工作状态 standby /stndbai/ 备用,辅助 plenum /pli:nm/ 进气增压 detergent /ditd3nt/ 洗涤剂,去污剂 demineralise /diminrlaiz/ 软化,除盐,脱矿质,consumable /knsju:mbl/ 消耗品,消耗物 soak wash 浸洗 /souk/ drain /drein/ 排水/气,排干 drainage /dreinid3/ 疏水 rinsing /rinsi/ 漂洗,漂清 erection /irekn/ 安装,装配,nominal /nominl/ 标定的,标称的 torque /to:k/ 转矩,扭矩 strop /strop/ 环索,滑车带 spreader /spred/ 分离器,分流索 beam /bi:m/ 梁,轴 shackle /kl/ 挂钩,卡子,铁扣,longitudinal /lond3itju:dinl/ 纵梁,经度的 spare /sp/ 备用的 blanking /blnki/ 遮没,断路,关闭 acoustic /ku:stik/ 声学的,声音的 weatherproof /wepru:f/ 抗风化的,不受天气影响的,volute /vlju:t/ 集气环,蜗壳,螺旋形 removal /rimu:vl/ 消除,移除 horizontal /horizontl/ 水平的,横的,卧式的 panel /pnl/ 面板,仪表板 dismantle /dismntl/ 拆卸,拆除 overhaul /ouvho:l/ 检修,检查,access /kses/ 接近,进入,通路 access door 便门,检修门 profile /prufail/ 轮廓,型材,纵断面 mineral wool 矿物棉,玻璃棉 /wu:l/ mat /mt/ 底板,吸盘,罩面 perforate /p:freit/ 穿孔,多孔冲裁,silencer /sailns/ 消音器 maintenance /meintnns/ 维修,检修,保养 routine /ru:ti:n/ 日常的,定期的,常规的 survey /svei/ 检修,检查,测量 lighting /laiti/ 照明 explosion /iksplou3n/ 爆炸,exit /eksit/ 出口,通道 emergency exit 紧急出口 prolong /prlo/ 延长,拖延 condensation /kondensein/ 冷凝,凝结 corrosion /kru3n/ 腐蚀,生锈 leakage /li:keid3/ 泄露,渗漏 indication /indikein/ 指示,显示,back-up 后背,后援,备份 back-up protection system 后备保险系统 concentration /konsentrein/ 集中,聚集 extinguishing /ikstigwiin/ 灭火的 monitoring /monitri/ 监视,监测,infrared /infrred/ 红外线的 flame /fleim/ 燃烧 standalone /stndlun/ 独立应用/操作 siren /sairn/ 警报,汽笛 transportable /trnspo:tbl/ 可移动的 mild /maild/ 温和的,软的,低碳的,mild steel 软钢,低碳钢 shutter /t/ 风门片,闸门 bag filter 滤袋 hood /hud/ 帽,罩,套 exhaust hood 废气罩 the drive end (DE) 传动端,汽端 the non-drive end (NDE) 非传动端,非汽端,Crank soak washing The off line wash program is the most effective method to restore the compressor to normal operating conditions. A program in the control system provides full automation of the following function:,曲柄浸透清洗。中译意:压气机离线清洗。 离线清洗程序对将压气机恢复到正常工况是非常有效的方法。 控制系统的程序提供以下功能的全自动化操作:,- The starter motor is engaged to drive the gas turbine up to crank speed. - Start the injection pump to deliver the fluid mixture to the spray nozzles via the off line washing solenoid valve.,- After 15 minutes of soaking/drain, the rinsing fluid is injected into the compressor. - After a further 15 minutes of draining, the gas turbine is dried out by running for 15 minutes at idling speed.,启动马达驱动燃气轮机至曲柄速度(Crank Speed ) 启动喷射泵将液体混合剂通过离线清洗电磁阀传送到喷嘴。 15分钟的浸透/疏水后,流动的清洁水被注入到压气机。 再过15分钟的疏水后,燃气轮机通过15分钟的空转进行干燥。,- fuel gas supply 燃料气供给 - compressed/instrument air supply 压缩空气/仪表气供应 compressor cleaning wash connection 压气机清洗接口,- compressor wash water drainage 压缩机清洗水排出 lube oil tank drainage 润滑油箱排出 - drainage tank outlet 油箱排出口 - spare connection 备用接口,microprocessor 微信息处理机 /maikrupruses/ switchgear 开关设备,控制和保护器,配电装置 local /lukl/ 本地的,局部的 I/O (input/output) 输入输出,进出,step-down 降压的,降低的 step-down transformer 降压变压器 incoming /inkmi/ 输入的,进入的 incoming circuit 输入电路,入中继电路,breaker /breik/ 断电器,断路器 utility /ju:tiliti/ 设施,设备 black start 黑启动 diesel /di:zl/ 柴油机,内燃机 configuration /knfigjurein/ 图形,结构,排列,配置,fire-fighting 防火的,消防的 relay /rilei/ 继电器 compact /kmpkt/ 紧密地,压塑的,小型的 indicator /indikeit/ 显示器,计量器 volt meter 电压表,ammeter /mit/ 安培计,电表 outgoing /autgoui/ 输出的 feeder 电源线,馈线,馈电板 fuse /fju:z/ 保险丝 contactor /kontkt/ 接触器,开关 charger /ta:d3/ 充电器,pulsewidth /plswid/ 脉冲宽度,脉冲持续时间 ferrite /ferait/ 铁氧体 ferrite core 铁氧体磁芯 galvanic /glvnik/ 电,电流 outage /autid3/ 停机,断电,boost charge 快速充电, /bu:st/ 升压充电,加强充电 trickle charge 涓流充电, /trikl/ 点滴式充电,浮充电 parameter /prmit/ 参数,系数 status /steits/ 情况,状态,recombination /ri:kombinein/ 复合,恢复,再化合,再结合 breakdown 分解,离解,溶解 spillage /spolid3/ 溢出 disruption /disrpn/ 爆炸 tray /trei/ 槽,盘,座 conduit /kondit/ 导管,导线管,管道,On the non-drive end, penetrations are provided for cables connecting to the on-skid control room. The holes are sealed with fireproof material after cabling is completed. 在非驱动端,为现场控制室电缆联接提供有穿孔。电缆联接完成后,所有的孔用防火材料密封。,The gas detection system is designed to continuously monitor the explosive level of the atmosphere within the enclosure. The detectors are strategically positioned in the ventilation airflow path to detect any fuel gas leakage.气体检测系统设计成可连续监测罩壳内空气的爆炸水平。探测器战略上放置在排风气流通道上以监测任何的气体燃料泄漏。,The detectors provide two levels of indications: warning and shutdown. The shutdown signal is directly hardwired to the backup protection system of the control system to ensure the unit is shutdown once the concentration of fuel gas in the enclosure reaches dangerous level.探测器提供两种指令:警告和停机。停机信号直接与控制系统的备用保护系统相联接,确保机组停机,一旦罩壳内的气体燃料的浓度达到危险水平。,The combustion air system provides filtered air to the gas turbine and the system consists of the following main components: 燃烧空气系统为气轮机提供过滤过的空气,系统包括以下主要部件: combustion air filter house (part of interface module模组分界面部分) 燃烧空气过滤箱,- 2 stage combustion air filters 2级燃烧空气过滤器 - combustion air silencer 燃烧空气消音器 combustion air ducting 燃烧空气管道 flexible connection to package 与机组的柔性联接,After the combustion air enters across the shutters, which prevent rainwater and larger foreign objects such as birds from entering into the air intake system, the air is cleaned by the 1st stage prefilters and the 2nd stage bag filters.在燃烧空气进入百叶窗后(百叶窗可以阻止雨水和大的外来物比如鸟进入吸气系统)空气被清洁,在第1级前置过滤器和第2级的袋式过滤器。,The clean air then flows through the silencer down the connecting duct to the gas turbine intake plenum and into the gas turbine compressor inlet module. 清洁的空气流经消音器经联接管道进入燃气轮机吸入增压室并进入压气机进口模块。,Combustion Air Duct 燃烧空气管道 The connecting air duct from the interface module to the inlet plenum is made of steel sheets with anti-corrosion painting.从模块分界面到入口增压模块的联接空气管道由涂有防腐漆的钢板制造。,The electrical auxiliary power is derived from the over all plant distribution system where the plant auxiliary power fed from the medium voltage through a step down transformer to the overall plant low voltage distribution system.辅助电源来自遍布全厂的分布式系统。在分布式系统内,工厂辅助电源从中压通过降压变压器送至遍布全厂低压分布式系统。,The incoming circuit breaker unit of the gas turbine generator low voltage switchgear is equipped with cable connecting terminals to accept this auxiliary power supply.燃气轮机发电机低压开关设备的输入电路开关由电缆联接端子装备,来接受这辅助电源供给。,Electrical power for a safe shutdown and cooling period is taken from the same source. 安全停机和冷却时期的电力取自同一电源。,The charger is primarily switched-mode power supply and works on the principle (原理) of pulse width modulation with a fixed frequency. 充电器主要是开关模式的电源,并以固定频率的脉冲宽度调制原理工作。,The rectified voltage is switched at a high frequency by transistors on the primary side of a transformer. This method allows the use of small ferrite core transformers for galvanic isolation.在变压器的初级,校正电压通过晶体管被转换在一个高频率。这个方式允许使用小铁素体铁芯变压器为了电的隔离。,The boost charge is carried out when the loads are disconnected and is operating at a slightly higher voltage level. The boost charge is only necessary in the initial charge of the batteries and during major maintenance outage if required.当负荷断开时,就开始进行快速充电,并以稍高的电压水平工作,快速充电只有在电池的初始充电时必需和在大修停机如果需要时才进行。,automatic control 自动控制 automatic voltage regulator (AVR)自动电压调整器 smooth /smu:/ 平稳,平滑 transition /trnsi3n/ 转变,(发动机推力)渐增 overflux 超通量,quadrature /kwodrt/ 求面积,求积分,正交,转向差 droop /dru:p/ 下垂,垂度,倾泻,固定偏差 droop control 有差调节 compounding /kompaundi/ 复励,复绕,混合,cross current 涡流,错流,交叉流 compression 压缩 forcing 输送,供给,加压力 power factor 功率因素 power factor lead 功率因素超前 cons


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