



Module 1Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner.单词拼写1Fever is a symptom (症状) of many illnesses.2The doctor wrote me a prescription (处方) for medicine for my cough.3Im overweight (太胖) and need to lose some weight.4Breathe (呼吸) deeply and you will feel less nervous.5The collar is too tight around my throat (喉咙).单句语法填空1People are concerned about the quality of the air they are breathing (breath)2This is the most awful (awfully) evening I can ever remember.3The story begins with the accidental death of a millionaire.4We all pay for our own mistakes in some way at some time.5She is off work because she has broken her arm.6They wont let him out of the hospital until his health has picked up.7Then he made a fire, ate something and lay down to sleep.8He wasnt serious about his work. As a result, he was fired.9Follow your teachers advice, or you will fail in the exam.10He was the first student to_get (get) to the top of the mountain.阅读理解Although most people know there are Seven Wonders in the ancient world, only few people can name them. This is because most of them are no longer there except the pyramids. However, there is a growing list of wonders of the world today. About nine years ago, UNESCOs World Cultural and Natural Heritage (things that have come down to us from the past) List had 411 places and 136 countries were responsible to protect them, and the list keeps on growing.Usually it is the task of a group of 21 experts to decide which places go on the list. The experts are chosen to work for six years. Their work is to examine and discuss the suggestions from different countries. They also manage the World Heritage Fund and have the right to decide what help to give to countries for protection work.Over the past centuries a lot of cultural or historic places have been destroyed by man or nature. Protecting our natural and cultural heritage is a long and difficult task. Earthquakes, floods, pollution, wars, or even tourism are some of the dangers that harm this heritage. When a historic place is in great danger, it is put on the World Heritage in Danger List and necessary things will be done to protect it. Places which are on the danger list include Historic Bridges of Indiana, St. Elizabeths Hospital, Rosenwald School in Southern US., etc.1The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World include _.AGolden Gate BridgeBSydney Opera HouseCEiffel Tower Dthe pyramids解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“This is because most of them are no longer there except the pyramids.”可得出答案。答案:D2According to the passage, _ may provide some money for protecting the cultural relics.AUNESCOBthe World Heritage FundCthe 21 expertsDsome countries解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“They also manage the World Heritage Fund and have the right to decide what help to give to countries for protection work.”得知,世界遗产基金有权决定向有关国家提供用于保护文化遗产工作的资金。答案:B3Why does the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List keep on growing?AThere are more cultural heritages beginning to appear.B. More countries begin to build cultural heritages.C. A lot of cultural or historic places have disappeared.D. More and more cultural heritages are in great danger.解析:推理判断题。由文中第三段“Over the past centuries a lot of cultural or historic places have been destroyed by man or nature. Protecting our natural and cultural heritage is a long and difficult task.”可推断,越来越多的文化遗产需要得到保护。答案:D4What would be the best title for this passage?ASeven Wonders of the Ancient WorldBExperts Play an Important RoleCThe Growing List of Wonders of the WorldDSome Historic Places in Danger解析:主旨大意题。第一段是本篇文章的主题段,二、三段都是围绕主题段展开的,所以选项C应为文章的最佳标题。答案:C.完形填空My dad also taught me, by example, that a healthy lifestyle is important. He was _1_ ever sick. I dont think my dad ever even had a cup of coffee. He seldom _2_ alcohol.He would say, “Bonnie, your _3_ is a reflection of your overall physical wellbeing. So _4_ you want to sing well, take better care of yourself.” If I became hoarse (嘶哑) or caught a cold, he didnt _5_ me directly, “Well, Bonnie, you know, if you get to sleep a little earlier, that would probably be a good _6_.” When I decided to get silent about 18 years ago, he told me, “See, Bonnie, its so great to see you in such strong voice _7_.”He just did not complain (抱怨), even when he was uncomfortable towards the end, _8_ the cancer that eventually _9_ his life. He simply made a _10_ to be positive.I am so glad that we had the _11_ to perform together. I was touched that he tried singing my music, _12_ the bluesy style didnt come _13_ to him. Then, when I had so much Grammy (格莱美奖) _14_ with my album Nick of Time in 1990, I _15_, hey, I had one of the greatest _16_ of all time in my family. I was very _17_ about doing The Boston Pops Show on TV with my dad. To _18_ me, he said, “Bonnie, a beautiful song is a beautiful song. Just _19_ it.” I looked in my dads _20_, and there we were singing the Irving Berlin song. Of all the duets (二重唱) Ive done, that one will always be a highlight.【文章大意】本文为记叙文。文章通过一对父女的故事告诉我们健康的生活方式的重要性。1A.possiblyBhardlyCnearly Dalmost解析:根据第一段的第一句话和最后一句话可知,作者父亲的生活方式是健康的,因此这里填hardly符合语境,即“他几乎从来不生病”。答案:B2A.avoided BbannedCserved Dtouched解析:avoid“避免”;ban“禁止”;serve“提供;服务”;touch“接触”。显然D项符合语境,即“他很少喝酒”。答案:D3A.voice BbeautyChabit Dhealth解析:根据后面句子中的“sing”可知,这里说的是嗓音。答案:A4A.whether BwhenCif Dthough解析:if引导条件状语从句,符合题意。句意:如果你想唱好歌,你就要更好地保护自己(的嗓子)。答案:C5A.punish BscoldCblame Dorder解析:blame表示“责备”。根据作者父亲说的话可知,他是在责备作者,但是他说得比较委婉。punish“惩罚”;order“命令”;scold“责骂,训斥”,语气太重,不符合语境。答案:C6A.idea BquestionCdecision Ddeed解析:idea表示“主意,想法”,即“你早点儿睡觉是个好主意”。其他几项不符合题意。答案:A7A.all in all Ball overCall the time Dall right解析:an in all“总之”;all over“彻底地,完全地”;all the time“一直”;all right“好,同意”。根据文章内容可知C项正确。答案:C8A.from BbyCin Dat解析:from表示原因。句意:他从来不抱怨,甚至在他因为癌症而不舒服时都是如此,直到最后癌症夺走了他的生命。答案:A9A.carried BtookCchanged Dlost解析:take ones life是固定短语,意为“夺去某人的生命”。答案:B10A.plan BlivingCchoice Dpromise解析:make a plan“制订计划”;make a living“谋生”;make a choice“作出选择”;make a promise“许诺”。根据上下文内容可知C项正确,即“他选择的是积极(乐观)的生活态度”。答案:C11A.time BluckCenergy Dchance解析:句意:我很高兴我们有机会同台演出。chance“机会”,符合语境。答案:D12A.if only Beven thoughCwhenever Dunless解析:even though“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,符合语境。答案:B13A.happily BfortunatelyCtruly Dnaturally解析:happily“高兴地”;fortunately“幸运地”;truly“真实地”;naturally“自然地”。根据文章内容知D项符合语境。答案:D14A.difficulty BsuccessCprocess Deffort解析:success表示“成功”,即取得了很大的成功。其他选项不符合题意。答案:B15A.said BguessedCmeant Drealised解析:realise表示“感觉到,意识到”。句意:当“我”获得成功的时候,“我”意识到家里有一位伟大的歌手(即父亲)。答案:D16A.dancers BeditorsClisteners Dsingers解析:“我”意识到自己家里有一位伟大的“歌手”,即父亲。dancer“舞蹈演员”;editor“编辑”;listener“听众”。答案:D17A.nervous BshyCscared Dupset解析:nervous表示“紧张的”。从后面作者父亲说的话可知,他在安慰知鼓励作者,因此本题选nervous。shy“害羞的”;scared“恐惧的”;upset“不高兴的”。答案:A18A.teach BtrainCcalm Dpraise解析:calm表示“使平静”,符合语境。答案:C19A.forget BbelieveCmake Dsee解析:父亲的意思是“你要相信这一点”,即让作者相信他前面说的话。答案:B20A.mind BthoughtCheart Deyes解析:根据“looked in”可知,只有D项符合题意,即望着父亲的眼睛(并从父亲的眼神中得到了鼓励)。答案:D.语法填空Fast food is becoming more and _1_ popular in China, especially among children and _2_ (teenager). There are several explanations for


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