



Module 6Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner.单词拼写1It is said that the war lasted for 10 years.2Every season there are many visitors in this city, especially in summer.3You are required to shorten the article within 160 words.4Mr. Smith asked us to finish our homework independently at weekend.5We think there are advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone.6In China, the percentage (百分比) of the people who carry a mobile phone is increasing.7The average (平均) time the teachers in countryside middle schools spend in teaching is more than 11 hours a day.8Dont hesitate (犹豫) to ask us for help.9Sandstorms are frequent (频繁的) in the spring of Beijing, which does great harm to the environment.10Id like to have a digital (数字的) camera.单句语法填空1He didnt speak for long, but he spoke very much to the point.2They want to shorten (short) the time it takes to make the car.3It happened frequently (frequent) in countries where sanitation (卫生设备) was poor.4Compared (compare) with other cities in China, in my view, Hangzhou is the most beautiful city.5What has been reported on TV does not quite agree with the fact.6Where are you, Mary?I am in the study, writing (write) to my penfriend in Beijing.7We agreed on making an early start.8His words dont agree with his action.完形填空Last summer, I travelled to Meixian County with my friends. It is a small county at the foot of Taibai Mount in Shanxi Province. We stayed there for one week and I _1_ my vacation because of the beautiful scenery at the top of the mountain.I will _2_ forget the day when we climbed the main peak. The _3_ in that area changes very quickly: it was sunny in the early morning when we set out, _4_ it began to rain heavily when we were only halfway up.Soon, we were all _5_ and some of us wanted to go home. They said, “There is nothing _6_ here. We came to see the scenery, _7_ the pouring rain!” However, the guide _8_, “Since we have got wet already, why not just go on with our journey?”So we carried on up the mountain and, _9_ we even noticed, the rain stopped and the sun was smiling again. When we reached the top of the peak, the view was unique(独特的)Up there, it was bright and clear. The sky was _10_ and the air was fresh. The gentle wind made us feel cool. All the clouds were just like waves in the ocean, _11_ and falling under our feet. We could only see the peaks of mountains, as if they were _12_ floating sparsely(稀疏的) in the ocean. It was a really magical experience.While we were enjoying the scene, the guide said _13_, “You see, I knew that there would be no rain above the clouds.”It is _14_. While it may rain below the clouds, the sun is still there above them.You will never see the sun _15_ you dont try your best to climb to the top of the mountain. If we had stopped and gone home when the rain was very heavy, we would never have seen the beautiful scenery _16_ the clouds. I think this is also true in _17_.As the song says, “You wont see the rainbow unless you have gone through the thunder and storm.” I think in the _18_, whenever I have any difficulties in my life, I will remember the _19_ from the top of Taibai Mount and the _20_ which touched my heart deeply: There is no rain above the clouds.1A. spent B. killedC. had D. enjoyed解析:D由下文beautiful scenery可以推断“我”的假期过得很愉快。2A. ever B. neverC. certainly D. perhaps解析:B通过下文知道作者的这次经历对他来说有很大的收获,因此印象深刻,永远不会忘记。3A. scenery B. cloudC. sky D. weather解析:D由下文所介绍的早晨天气晴朗,半路上则大雨倾盆,可以推断出天气变化无常。4A. so B. whileC. but D. instead解析:C上下文存在逻辑上的转折关系。5A. tired B. hungryC. angry D. wet解析:D被雨淋的结果当然是浑身湿透了。6A. necessary B. funC. important D. instructive解析:B联系下文“We came to see the scenery, _7_ (not) the pouring rain!”他们觉得在雨中淋着一点乐趣也没有。7A. not B. noC. never D. hardly解析:A有人坚持要回去的理由是“我们是来看风景的,不是来淋雨的”。8A. suggested B. orderedC. asked D. demanded解析:A联系后文可知,导游给我们提建议。9A. when B. beforeC. while D. then解析:B句意表示“我们还没来得及注意到”, before意为“没来得及”。10A. dark B. greenC. black D. blue解析:D下文的the air was fresh暗示出天气晴朗,而晴朗的天气里天空应该是蓝色的。11A. jumping B. droppingC. going D. rising解析:D与下文的falling形成对照,表示像海浪一样起伏的状态。12A. islands B. fishC. animals D. waves解析:A从后文的“floating sparsely in the ocean”我们看出,云层中的山脉像海洋中的岛屿。13A. excited B. proudlyC. angrily D. happily解析:B下文向导讲话内容表明他的预测正确,因此讲话时他自然而然带着自豪的口吻。14A. false B. a lieC. a guess D. true解析:D联系前文的“You see, I knew that there would be no rain above the clouds.”以及后文的“While it may rain below the clouds, the sun is still there above them.”我们可以得此答案。15A. when B. unlessC. if D. while解析:C联系前空,我们知道本空表示一种假设的情况。16A. over B. onC. above D. under解析:C登到山顶,我们看到的是云层上面的景色。17A. study B. restC. real world D. life解析:D作者由此事推出生活中也是如此。18A. past B. presentC. future D. life解析:C联系空后“whenever I have any difficulties in my life, I will remember .”此处表示将来的情况。19A. weather B. changeC. view D. time解析:C阅读全文可以知道,是山顶的奇特风光让我们难以忘怀。20A. word B. phraseC. speech D. sentence解析:D冒号后面是一个句子,因此本空用sentence。.短文改错假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。It happened on a Saturday morning that I was walking in the street. I ate up the banana and threw its peel on the corner of the road. Shortly after that I hear a scream behind. I looked back to see what had happened. A little girl about eight year old fell down and the banana peel was exactly under his left shoe. She stood up without a cry. Then she picked to the banana peel and ran toward the dustbin. At that moment, I realized my fault, and wanted to apologize her for that, but my vanity prevented me. The little girl had taught me a good lesson by her action. And now, after I do everything, Ill think carefully whether its right or wrong. Ill do my best to be in well habits and qualities.答案:It happened on a S


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