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Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points 品句填词1One of the many _(优势) of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of the day.答案:advantages2At the age when most people _(退休), he is ready to face a new career.答案:retire3While walking on the streets, we can see all kinds of _(标语)答案:slogans4The skyscraper stood against a _(背景) of white clouds.答案:background5The new clerk _(表现) well and the manager was satisfied with him.答案:performed6The students are not _(保证) jobs when they graduate from college under the present economic situation.答案:guaranteed7He worked day and night to earn enough money to _(购买) a house.答案:purchase8White has always been a _(象征) of purity in Western countries.答案:symbol9Denver has a new airport as well as a new baseball _(体育场)答案:stadium10The money is to be used for one _(特定的)purpose: the building of the new theatre.答案:specific 单句改错1According to the American Constitution, the presidential election is held every four year._答案:yearyears2It is a chance that he will have this essay finished by tomorrow._答案:ItThere3Mr Green,together with his friends,are going to play basketball tomorrow._答案:areis4It was this morning when I came across my former teacher in the supermarket._答案:whenthat5Several companies are competing each other for the market._ 答案:在competing后加with/against 课文语法填空Li Ning, a famous gymnast, retired at the age of 26.Even though he had won 106 gold medals in major 1._(compete) across the world, he retired with a feeling that he had failed. It was this sense of feeling 2._ made him determined to succeed in his new life. A year after his retirement,he began to work as a businessman. He launched a new brand of sportswear,3._(compete) with global giants like Nike and Adidas. Li Ning chose his own name as the brand mark. His sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time. The number of young people with money to spend 4._(be) on the increase. Besides, his designs were attractive and his clothes were 5._(cheap) than his rivals,which guaranteed his success.6._ Li Nings goal when he retired was not to make money. His dream was 7._(open) a school for gymnasts,which 8._(realize) in 1991.He 9._(continue) to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions since then. If you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible,10._ Li Nings advertising slogan says.答案:1.peting4.was5cheaper6.But7.to open8.was realized9.has continued10.as 单句语法填空1(2016江苏卷)Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage _ the opportunity to join sports teams.答案:of2The operation was successfully _ (perform),but the patient suffered from shock.答案:performed3The reports show that the number of people who study Chinese has been _ the increase in the past five years.答案:on4Since her _(retire) from the company,she has done work for leftbehind children in the countryside.答案:retirement5We guarantee _(refund) your money if you are not delighted with your purchase.答案:to refund6Most equipment on the farm _(purchase) with the workers own earnings.答案:was purchased7Chances are _ China and Russia will make an agreement to build an oil pipeline this year.答案:that8(2016上海卷)But like so many other things, it is only too much stress _ does you harm. 答案:that9The basketball coach, as well as his team, _(interview) shortly after the match for their outstanding _(perform)答案:was interviewed;performance10(安徽卷)Its said that the power plant is now twice _ large as what it was.答案:as 阅读理解A(2019湖北宜昌八校高二期中)Glen Nevis is known as the“outdoor capital”of Scotland.Britains highest mountain, Ben Nevis, rises above the area, while the waters of the River Nevis flow through the rocky valley below.The wonderful scenery attracts walkers and climbers all through the seasons, though its cold in winter.During the summer months, one of the most exciting activities is the yearly Glen Nevis River Race, in which competitors race for three kilometres along the river, but not in a boat.Instead, each competitor uses a lilo, a plastic bed filled with air normally used for camping or floating in the sea, to race along the river.There are rocks, waterfalls and sections with scary names like Dead Dog Pool and the Leg Breaker for them to get through.Competitors set off at 30 second intervals(间隔) by jumping with their lilos from a tiny shelf on a rock into the fastflowing water 12 metres below.It can take anything from 20 minutes to over two hours to complete the course, depending on the level of the river and the abilities of the competitors.The only rules are that competitors must be at least 16 years old, and should provide their own crash helmet(防撞头盔), a rubber wet suit and a life jacket.Gloves and old trainers are suggested to protect against knocks.The most important qualification, however, is a sense of fun.The race is full of exciting moments, and the greatest of these is at the Lower Falls Leap, where terrified competitors have to jump over a tenmetre waterfall not far from the finish.More than 3, 000 athletes have taken part in the race during its 30year history.Their 30 entry fee helps to raise money for the mountain rescue team, whose members provide an essential service in the region for free.The prizes may not be fantastic, but everyone receives a certificate of completion and the winner gets the title River Race Champion and all who take part agree that it is worth it for the satisfying feeling of reaching the end safely.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了苏格兰的格伦尼维斯河比赛。1What do we know about the Glen Nevis River Race?AIt is usually held in winter.BIts winners receive grand prizes.CIt is interesting though quite difficult.DIts participants have to swim for 3km.C解析:推理判断题。由第二段中的“There are rocks,waterfalls.the Leg Breaker for them to get through.”以及第五段第一句话可知,格伦尼维斯河比赛难度很大,但也有趣。2According to the text, to complete the race,_Athe competitors abilities matterBthe quality of the lilos plays a key roleCthe level of the river does not matter muchDthe racers performance counts more than speedA解析:细节理解题。由第三段中最后一句可知,在比赛中,参赛者的能力起决定作用。3What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AThe rules of the competition.BThe requirements for competitors.CMethods of winning the competition.DWays to protect you against injuries.B解析:段落大意题。由该段中的“The only rules are.”和“The most important qualification.is.”可知,本段主要介绍了对参赛者的要求。4What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?AMost competitors give up halfway.BThe athletes have to pay for the rescue.CParticipants feel that finishing the race is worthwhile.DAbout 3,000 people participate in the race each year.C解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中的“all who take part agree that it is worth it for the satisfying feeling of reaching the end safely”可知,参赛者都认为,能够安全到达终点的满足感使得比赛时的付出非常值得。BTerry Evanshen was one of Canadian footballs greatest receivers.He played every down(进攻) as if it was his last.Though he had made great achievements,Terrys memories of his playing days have been completely lost.It was in the summer of 1988 after he retired from playing that his career in sales was taking off.One day in July, Terry, on his way home from work,had a terrible car accident.He was knocked unconscious,and within minutes he was rushed to the nearby hospital.Three weeks later,he woke up.However,it became obvious that Terrys injuries were far more serious than whatever damage had been done to his body.A lifetime of memories had been completely wiped clean.He had been all but reduced to the level of a baby; everything from his ability to talk and walk to his understanding of what it meant to be a husband and a father was all gone.At age 44,Terry Evanshen would be starting all over again.Luckily he had the support of his family,helped by small victories and a renewed bond between him and his three daughters like when they taught him how to play football again.In 1992, his recovery really began to pick up steam.It has taken years to rebuild his shattered(破碎的) life, but today, more than 20 years since his playing days, Terry is a popular public speaker.He tells his inspiring story of perseverance(坚持不懈) and courage.“Never forget, were all in this game of life together.We will get to the finish line, one day at a time, one moment at a time, but celebrate the journey.Seize today, because yesterday is gone and is never coming back.”As the subject of the most watched Canadian movie of 2005, The Man Who Lost Himself, Evanshen says his family has been his most important treasure.He refuses to be a victim,saying he is a survivor.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。加拿大橄榄球史上最伟大的接球手之一特里伊文森在遭遇车祸失去记忆后,在家人的支持和自己的努力下,重获新生。5After the car accident happened,what was the worst thing for Evanshen?AHe would never drive again.BHe couldnt stand up any more.CHe lost his memory and all his ability.DHe suffered a serious physical injury.C解析:细节理解题。Evanshen遭遇了可怕的车祸,三周后才醒过来。根据第三段第二、三句可知,车祸给特里造成的影响,远不止身体上的伤害。他失去了所有的记忆,甚至是倒退到了婴儿的认知水平。6According to the text,what was the secret of Evanshens success in career and life?AHis determination never to give up.BHis gift for learning new things.CHis good luck.DHis fans love.A解析:推理判断题。Evanshen曾经是加拿大橄榄球史上最伟大的接球手之一,之后不幸遭遇车祸,失去记忆和生活自理能力。在家人的帮助之下,他重获新生,成为一名励志演说家。由此可知,是Evanshen决不放弃的意志力使得他在事业和生活上取得了双重成功。7Whats the best title for the text?AA Great Football PlayerBWhats Persevering Person Like?CThe Man Who Lost HimselfDTerry Evanshens LifeC解析:标题归纳题。本文介绍的是一个橄榄球球星退役后遭遇失忆,之后他又凭借毅力获得成功的励志故事。选项C巧妙地借用了文中的电影名来概括该故事的核心内容,是标题的不二之选,而其余几项相比较而言,内容不够全面而且标题平淡,故选C项。 七选五Benefits of Summer Camps for KidsSummer camps are great for children of all ages.If you go to a summer camp as a child, you are likely to have good memories of things you did and people you met.With more and more children playing computer games, the importance of summer camps has never been greater. 1._ Getting in touch with nature is an exciting experience. 2._ They will enjoy the experiences of camping, hiking and exploring in forests, deserts or on the seashore.They can also enjoy the beauty of nature and learn about the importance of environmental protection.Activities at summer camps stress the importance of teamwork. 3._ Throughout life, people have to be part of a team in order to be successful.Summer camps teach kids how to be productive members of a team. 4._ Whether they are afraid of water, the dark or being away from home, they are encouraged to face them and deal with them in an environment surrounded by supportive people. 5._ It is also a valuable life lesson that will help them through adulthood.Summer camps are perfect ways for kids to have fun and develop themselves.So


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