



课时训练Section Task & Project一、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式1.Were you frightened at the sound of the fire alarm?No.Everyone stayed calm and o the police.答案:obeyed2.Li Ning,her most o relative of all,is also well-known abroad for his excellent performance in gymnastics.答案:outstanding3.The society today offers the young generation more chances to show off their t and skills.答案:talent4.They are both (不确定) about what to do.答案:uncertain5.(金色的) monkeys are in danger of dying out in our country.答案:Golden6.Not only did they bring snacks and drinks,but they also brought cards for e when they had a picnic in the forest.答案:entertainment7.Difficulties and h have brought out the best character of the young geologist.答案:hardships8.I havent read all of her books,but judging from the one I have read I think she has a (生动的)imagination.答案:vivid9.Most experts (预言)that all these efforts will lead to a strong and powerful China,a country that can surprise the whole world.答案:predict10.The m to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to swimming.答案:motivation11.He a me in finishing my housework this afternoon.答案:assisted12.You should (分配) the same amount of time to each question.答案:allocate13.Did you remember to give Jenny the money?Yes,the i I saw her,Im sure.答案:instant14.Credit cards give their owners (自动的)credit in stores,restaurants,and hotels,at home,and even abroad,and they make many banking services available as well.答案:automatic二、用所给短语的适当形式填空believe inahead ofbe tired ofin a rushat that pointlook back onfeel caught betweenassist.with1.We the same breakfast every morning.答案:are tired of2.Hes giving a series of concerts in London his international tour.答案:ahead of3.I further study and looking for a job.答案:feel caught between4.I had to do my homework because I was late.答案:in a rush5.It was impossible to give a definite answer.答案:at that point6. yourself,or youll never succeed.答案:Believe in7.They asked us to their plan.答案:assist them with8.When I my own career,I can find plenty of reasons for discouragement.答案:look back on三、单项选择1.He asked us to him carrying through his plan.A.assist;toB.assist;byC.assist;ofD.assist;in解析:本题考查assist 的用法。句意为:“他要我们帮助他开展他的计划。” assist sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事。答案:D2.You see the lightning it happens,and then you hear the thunder.A.the instantB.for an instantC.on the instantD.in an instant解析:句意为:“闪电一出现你就看得见,然后你才会听到雷声。”此处the instant=as soon as,引导时间状语从句。其他选项无此用法。答案:A3.It isnt quite that he will be present at the meeting.A.sureB.rightC.exactD.certain解析:考查形容词的用法。 I am sure that+从句。He is sure to come.=He is certain to come.但在it作形式主语,that引导主语从句时,主句中表语只能用certain,不能用sure。答案:D4.The guard at the gate insisted that everybody the rules.A.obeysB.obeyC.will obeyD.would obey解析:本题考查动词的时态。句意为:“看门人坚持每一个人都应该遵守规章制度。”insist表“坚持认为”时,后面的从句应用虚拟语气,故选B项。答案:B5.The examinations are around the corner.Some football fans in our class are persuaded to football to focus on their studies.A.quit to playB.stop to playC.quit playingD.to be quitted playing解析:句意为:“考试就在眼前,一些我们班的足球迷被说服放弃踢球而集中精力学习。”quit doing“停止/放弃做”,符合题意。答案:C6.According to the regulation,you can only borrow a of ten books from the library.A.minimumB.majorityC.mainD.maximum解析:句意为:“根据规定,你最多能在图书馆借10本书。”maximum最大极限,最多的,符合句意。minimum“最小极限,最少的”;majority“大多数”;main“主要的”,均不符合句意。答案:D7.Some biologists and psychologists think the brains of children under two are not enough to form permanent memories.A.agedB.matureC.adultD.growing解析:句意为:“一些生物学家和心理学家认为小于两岁的儿童的大脑还不够成熟,不能形成永久记忆。”mature“成熟的”,与语境相符。aged“年老的”;adult“成年的”;growing“不断成长的”,均与语境不符。答案:B8. that Mary was able to set up new branches elsewhere.A.So successful her business wasB.So successful was her businessC.So her business was successfulD.So was her successful business解析:本题考查倒装句的用法。so+adj.放在句首的时候,后面用部分倒装,故选B项。答案:B9.Reading this instructive book,.A.tears came to his eyesB.his eyes were filled with tearsC.he burst into tearsD.his hands were shaking解析:本题考查非谓语动词。根据现在分词reading,可知主句的主语是人,故选C项。答案:C10.In fact, is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.A.thisB.thatC.itD.there解析:本题考查句型It is a hard job for sb.to do sth.。故选C项。答案:C11.What about the package of food?Youd better it at the service counter before entering the bookstore.A.allocateB.purchaseC.depositD.postpone解析:句意为:“食品包怎么办?进入书店之前你最好把它寄存在服务台。”deposit“寄存”;allocate“分配”;purchase“购买”;postpone“推迟”。答案:C12.Im not surprised that he became a writer.Even as a child he had a imagination.A.clearB.cautiousC.funnyD.vivid解析:句意为:“他成为一名作家,我不感到奇怪。甚至当他是个孩子时,他就有丰富的想象力。”vivid“生动的,鲜明的,丰富的”,与语境相符。clear“清晰的”;cautious“谨慎的”;funny“滑稽的”,均与语境不符。答案:D13.What a boy! He could speak five languages at the age ten.He must have a for language.A.presentB.tryC.senseD.talent解析:have a talent for language“在语言方面有天资”。答案:D14.Can I borrow your car this Sunday?.I wont use it anyhow.A.Sure,go aheadB.Yes,indeedC.Sorry,I dont knowD.Dont mention it解析:根据答语后半句句意“我(周日)不用车”,可知选A项。go ahead“吃吧,做吧,说吧,干吧”。答案:A15.If you happen to get lost in the wild,youd better stay you are and wait for help.A.whyB.whereC.whoD.what解析:本题考查地点状语从句。where引导的地点状语表明主句动作发生的地点,即:你最好待在你现在所在的地方。故选B项。答案:B四、书面表达你校下周将邀请残疾青年尹小星来作演讲,请你按照以下提示写一篇英语短文,在英语课上向同学们宣读。尹小星1970年出生于江苏徐州一个偏远的农村。8个月时因病失去行走的能力,只能依靠膝盖着地慢慢挪动。但他身残志坚,性格乐观,勇于挑战自己。他用轮椅和双手攀爬过唐古拉山,穿越过塔克拉玛干大沙漠他创造了许多奇迹。他的故事感动和激励了无数的中国人。注意:1.发言稿包括以上所有信息,要有适当发挥。2.词数:不少于120。发言稿的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。3.参考词汇:唐古拉山 Tang-ku-la Mountains;塔克拉玛干大沙漠 Takla Makan DesertHello,my classmates,Im so glad to tell you something about Yin Xiaoxing.Thank you for listening.参考范文:Hello,my classmates,Im so glad to tell you something about Yin Xiaoxing.Yin Xiaoxing was born in a remote village in Xuzhou,Jiangsu Province in 1970.Unfortunately,he got a severe illness when he was simply eight months


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