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课时跟踪练(七) Warm-up & Lesson 1Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Then read to someone else to see if they can find any errors (错误)2This is a summary (总结) of all our work over the last two months.3The hunt for her killer will continue, with police aided(帮助) by the army and air force.4It was very sad when husbands and wives quarrelled (吵架) with each other.5The hotel charged (收费) me $100 for a room for the night.6It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to rewards (奖赏)7I have consulted (查阅) a number of law books in our school library.8As a requirement, I have to charge the monthly fees (费用) to my credit card.9He needs a high income (收入) to support such a large family.10Under the professors guidance (指导), he got the degree of Bachelor of Arts.单句语法填空1It is you rather than Tom that are (be) to blame.2I often consult him about my research work.3The clubs director rewarded him with a free season ticket.4With the aid of a compass, the traveler can find his location.5How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?6I have no idea how to_solve (solve) the problem.7We were_stuck (stick) in a traffic jam for an hour, so Im late now.8I have some problems making (make) out his handwriting.选词填空rather than, take charge of, make sure, consult . about ., set an example, run across, have problems in, keep calm 1My fathers devotion to his work sets_an_example for everyone in his company.2It is said that Jack takes_charge_of the farm now, which is the biggest one in this country.3Children prefer to stay at home rather_than go out with you.4David had_problems_in looking after himself because he got his hand hurt.5Make_sure that you save your file after youve finished your keying in.6Whatever happens, the most important thing is to keep_calm.7When you walk through the forest, you may run_across snakes.8Everybody likes to consult him about their problems, large or small.串点成篇微表达我在学习英语语法方面有困难(have problems doing sth.)。因此,我经常咨询(consult)我们的英语老师这个问题。他说他能掌控(take charge of)这种情况。在他的指导下(under the guidance of),我每天用大约半小时来学习它(spend time doing sth.)。一天,我偶然遇到(run across)了一位朋友并告诉了她我的事情。她说是我们做的而不是(rather than)说的有意义。我确信(make sure)我很快就能在这方面取得大的进步。I_have_problems_learning_English_grammar._So_I_often_consult_our_English_teacher_about_it._He_said_he_had_the_ability_to_take_charge_of_the_situation._Under_the_guidance_of_him,_I_ spend_about_half_an_hour_every_day_learning_it._One_day,_I_ran_across_one_of_my_friends_and_told_her_my_thing._She_said_it_was_what_we_did_rather_than_what_we_said_that_made_sense._ I_make_sure_I_can_make_great_progress_in_it_soon.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Last December, Michael Fulmer came through the door of his home in Guthrie, Oklahoma.“Guess what!” he _1_ announced to his wife Kelsey. It was the end of a busy year in which the 23yearold had _2_ nearly a full season in the majors (棒球大联盟) for the Detroit Tigers and _3_ the Rookie (新人) of the Year award, so she waited to _4_ what was making him so happy.“I fixed a shower today by myself,” Fulmer said.“That was probably a 10,” Kelsey said, judging her husbands level of _5_. The Rookie of the Year announcement? “A seven,” she said.When he first _6_ to fill in for a friend by working for Cyrus Wright Plumbing in the fall of 2014, Fulmer saw an opportunity to keep _7_ in the winter. The job would also help out _8_, since his minor league (小职业球队联盟) salary was _9_. And it would give Fulmer a(n) _10_ kind of workout repairing water pipes, for example.On his first day, he thought, “What have I gotten myself _11_? And whats that smell?”But the more he spent _12_, the more interested he became. The young man who once had to have _13_ described to him by their location in the truck _14_ he didnt know their names was now _15_ about what would be needed for a given job. So he kept _16_ during the offseason, _17_ as his baseball salary increased.From October until early January, when he begins his preseason throwing program, Fulmer _18_ into his black Ford pickup at 7:15 am. three days a week and _19_ the 30minute trip. He goes to Yukon, Oklahoma, where he and his boss, Larry Wright, _20_ eight to 10 hours fixing leaks and doing other related jobs.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。棒球运动员Michael Fulmer休赛期间兼职做水管修理工,并从中找到快乐。1A.sadlyBproudlyCpatiently Dnervously解析:选B由下文中的“I fixed a shower today by myself, Fulmer said.”可知,Fulmer骄傲地(proudly)对妻子说自己当天的工作成果。2A.rested BplayedCpracticed Dtried解析:选B由上文中的“the end of a busy year”和下文中的“the Rookie of the Year award”可知,Fulmer几乎打(played)了一个赛季的比赛。3A.declared BrememberedCwon Dexpected解析:选C由下文中的“The Rookie of the Year announcement? A seven, she said.”可知,Fulmer赢得了(won)年度新人奖。4A.recognize BproveCsee Dexplain解析:选C由下文Fulmer所说的“I fixed a shower today”可知,妻子想看看(see)究竟是什么事情让这个棒球大联盟的年度新人奖获得者如此开心。5A.curiosity BintelligenceCability Dexcitement解析:选D由上文的“I fixed a shower today by myself, Fulmer said.”可知,丈夫很兴奋(excitement)。6A.failed BhesitatedChoped Dagreed解析:选D由下文中的“to fill in for a friend”可知,朋友不能上班,Fulmer同意(agreed)来替班。7A.comfortable BenergeticCbusy Dcalm解析:选C冬季没有比赛,做些修理工作是个让Fulmer保持忙碌(busy)的机会。8A.financially BimmediatelyCrepeatedly Dequally解析:选A由“The job would also help out”可知,Fulmer的工资低(low),干修理工作经济上(financially)也是补贴。9A.low BhighCenough Dreasonable解析:选A参见上解析。10A.strange BdifferentCeasy Dfunny解析:选BFulmer作为运动员要锻炼,现在做修理工作是一种不同(different)形式的锻炼。11A.into BoutCfrom Doff解析:选A由“whats that smell”可知,Fulmer抱怨自己所做的事情。get into sth.意为“从事某项事情”。12A.holding on Bshowing upClooking around Dhelping out解析:选DFulmer越帮忙(helping out),兴趣越浓厚。13A.goals BtoolsCreasons Dconcerns解析:选B过去Fulmer需要别人给他描述工具(tools)在卡车上的具体位置,因为(because)他不知道这些工具的名字。现在他已经很清楚(clear)做什么工作需要什么工具。14A.though BifCbecause Dso解析:选C参见上题解析。15A.clear BworriedCparticular Dscared解析:选A参见13题解析。16A.dressing up Bshowing offCgoing away Dcoming back解析:选D即使(even)薪酬提高了,Fulmer休赛期仍然回来(coming back)做修理工作。17A.just ByetCever Deven解析:选D参见上题解析。18A.climbs BlooksCfalls Dmarches解析:选A一周三天早上Fulmer要爬(climbs)进皮卡车,完成(makes)30分钟的车程。19A.plans BmakesCorganizes Dprepares解析:选B参见上题解析。20A.learn BcampCwork Dthink解析:选C由下文中的“fixing leaks and doing other related jobs”可知,Fulmer工作(work)8到10个小时。.短文改错Dear Jackie,The school holidays are drawing to near. I f


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