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课时跟踪练(十) Lesson 4一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1The students in our class are hardworking and dynamic (充满活力的)2The number of people in the village has decreased (减少) from 150 to 100.3Quite a few schoolmates_envied_ (羡慕) and admired her for her good look and intelligence.4Please dont bother (费心) to come to the door with me.5Sometimes his classmates try to make fun of him, but he doesnt respond (作出反应)6There is no comfort (舒适) in the trains during the Spring Festival.7Miniblogs are flexible (灵活的) and easy to use.8The bus is designed to operate (运转) in all weather conditions.9The children panicked (恐慌,惊惶) when they realized they were lost.10The ABC bank has many branches (分行) all over the country.单句改错1There is some doubt if books will be needed in the future. ifwhether2Im writing in response for your letter of September 6. forto3The small child begged not to be operated, but the doctor persuaded him to obey. operated后加on4Since then, the number of people taking driving lessons has decreased to 20%.toby5In case of I forget, please remind me about it.去掉of6I had to run fast to keep up to him. up后的towith7I dont want to bother Mom of my problems at the moment.ofwith/about8It is not I but Tom that are to blame for the car accident. areis.选词填空in demand, work out, above all, take a deep breath, respond to, in case, keep up with, leave behind1You can quickly respond_to customers demands for new and updated product information.2I would like to rent a house clean, comfortable and above_all in a quiet place.3Take a taxi in_case you are late for the meeting.4Most people cannot keep_up_with the development of technology.5In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left_behind.6We have good firms whose products are in_demand around the world.7She opened the window to take_a_deep_breath of the fresh air.8The student decided to work_out the difficult problem by himself.课文语法填空Survival of the FittestNow, the speed of change is becoming 1.increasingly (increasing) fast. What should we do 2.to_keep (keep) up with it? Lets take a deep breath and try to sense the good things the future offers.The job areas will be most affected by technological change. Jobs in farming and heavy industry are decreasing 3.while the service industry and the media are booming. 4.Without doubt, the number of jobs in IT will multiply. There are also many other important changes 5.taking (take) place. The job is getting more 6.and more flexible. 7.In the same way, companies will change to be 8.more_dynamic (dynamic). Good communication skills will be 9.extremely (extreme) important. New technology is the driving force, so dont get 10.left (leave) behind.串点成篇微表达你应该努力学习,以免(in case)跟不上(keep up with)我们班里的其他同学。首先(above all),你应该尽快制定(work out)一个学习计划。其次,毫无疑问(there is no doubt that)你应该坚持这个计划。此外,独立(on ones own)完成作业也是很重要的。这样,你就不会被落在后面(leave behind)了。You_should_study_hard,_in_case_you_cant_keep_up_with_the_other_students_in_our_class._Above_all,_you_should_work_out_a_plan_for_study_as_soon_as_possible._Secondly,_there_is_no_doubt_that_you_should_stick_to_it._In_addition,_doing_your_homework_on_your_own_is_also_of_great_importance.In_this_way,_you_will_not_get_left_behind.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空This is a real story about an old man in China. Sixtythreeyearold Zhuang Guorong is a _1_ rural (乡村的) primary school art teacher, who has had a life of _2_ for more than 40 years.Every year, the strong, youngerthanhisactualage pensioner (领养老金者) goes to “the farmers home” of Chenyang Community to paint or _3_ other villagers how to _4_.“The farmers home”, a public building, _5_ the venue (聚集地点) for a branch of the Sheyang Farmers Painting Institute.The institute is a government _6_ cultural organization in Sheyang County, in the north of Jiangsu Province, east China.Zhuang works at the _7_ part time, and each year he _8_ up to ten paintings, which are then _9_ by the local government.He _10_ around 5,000 yuan thats about 740 US dollars a year by doing this _11_.As well as earning himself some money, Zhuang says the job gives him an opportunity to _12_ his views of life to his fellow countrymen, _13_ the elderly.“This painting is about a nursing home. We now live in a(n) _14_ society. We can no longer _15_ the traditional way of taking care of our elderly just with our children doing it. _16_, professional nursing homes are _17_ for elderly peoples welfare.”“In this painting, I described a _18_ of young people celebrating the birthday of a senior citizen. The _19_ I want to convey is that life in ones later years can still be happy. And all of my paintings are like this one based on our _20_ lives.”语篇解读:本文是记叙文。63岁的老人退休后在政府资助的“农民之家”教村民作画,他的画作内容反映了中国老龄化社会的养老场景,传达了老人也可以快乐生活的思想。1A.smartBfamousCstrict Dretired解析:选D由上文中的“Sixtythreeyearold”和下文中的pensioner可知,庄国荣是一位“退休的(retired)”小学美术老师。2A.painting BwritingCfarming Ddesigning解析:选A由上文中的“art teacher”以及下文的描述可知,庄国荣的“绘画(painting)”生涯超过40年。3A.ask BteachCexamine Danswer解析:选B由文中的描述可知,庄国荣去陈洋社区的“农民之家”作画或“教(teach)”其他村民如何“画画(draw)”。4A.exercise BcommunicateClearn Ddraw解析:选D参见上题解析。5A.belongs to Blooks likeCserves as Dstands for解析:选C由上下文的描述可知,“农民之家”“充当(serves as)”射阳农民绘画机构的一个分支点。6A.decorated BsupportedCcontrolled Dreported解析:选B该机构是由政府“支持(supported)”的文化组织。7A.school BofficeCvillage Dinstitute解析:选D由上文中的“Sheyang Farmers Painting Institute”和“The institute is a government . cultural organization”可知,庄国荣在该“机构(institute)”兼职。8A.creates BcollectsCcopies Dexhibits解析:选A由该空后的“ten paintings”可知,他每年“创作(creates)”的画作多达十幅。9A.published Bput upCbought Dhanded in解析:选C由下文中的“5,000 yuan”可知,这些画作被当地政府“购买(bought)”了。10A.charges BmakesCspends Ddonates解析:选B由文中的“5,000 yuan, about 740 US dollars”以及下文中的“earning himself some money”可知,他做这份“工作(work)”每年能“挣(makes)”大概五千元。11A.test BtalkingCwork Dresearch解析:选C参见上题解析。12A.give BofferCsend Dexpress解析:选D由文中的“his views of life to his fellow countrymen”可知,不仅能挣钱,这份工作还给了庄国荣一次机会向他的老乡们“表达(express)”他对生活的看法,“尤其是(especially)”告诉老人们该如何生活。13A.especially BsimilarlyCequally Dgenerally解析:选A参见上题解析。14A.free BopenCageing Dtechnological解析:选C由下文中的“taking care of our elderly”可知,我们生活在一个“老龄化的(ageing)”社会。15A.ask for Brely onCthink of Dturn down解析:选B我们不能只“依靠(rely on)”传统的方法来照顾老人,只依靠孩子们来赡养老人。16A.However BInsteadCBesides DTherefore解析:选D上下文之间表示因果关系,故用“因此(Therefore)”。17A.important BpracticalCdifficult Dunusual解析:选A由文中的描述可知,专业的养老院对于改善老人的福利是“很重要的(important)”。18A.dream BstoryCscene Dphoto解析:选C由下文中的“young people celebrating the birthday of a senior citizen”可知,这是庄国荣描绘的一幅“场景(scene)”。19A.example BmessageCexperience Dtopic解析:选B由下文中的“want to convey is that life in ones later years can still be happy”可知,庄国荣想要传递的“信息(message)”是“老年生活依然可以是快乐的”。20A.real BdifferentCnormal Dsad解析:选A由文中的描述可知,庄国荣的画作都是基于“真实的(real)”生活而创作的。.语法填空I work in a big factory in a town _1_ is quite far from my home. One day, after a whole _2_ (day) work, I went back home by bus. That day was _3_ long, hard one for me as the stress from work weighed heavily on my mind.A girl, who I didnt know, sat next to me. She asked me some questions _4_ (casual) and we had a short conversation. I thought to myself that she was just a _5_ (strange) to me and didnt take much interest.After a while, she suddenly handed me some chocolate and said that it was her birthday. I immediately responded with a smile and my heart felt free of the stress


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