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1compare (v.) 1)A and B|A with/to B 比较;对比 It is interesting to compare their situation and/with ours. 把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。 2)with/to sb/sth.与类似(或相似) This school compares with the best in the country. 这所学校可与全国最好的学校媲美。 3)A to B 表明与相似;将比作 A teachers work is often compared to a candle. 教师的工作常被比作蜡烛。,【知识拓展】 1)compare notes(with sb)(与)交换看法(或意见等) He is now comparing notes with his coworkers about the job. 他现在就工作问题与同事交换意见。 2)beyond/without/past compare 无与伦比;举世无双 She is lovely beyond compare. 她真是可爱得无与伦比。 3)compared to/with 与相比(在句中担任状语) Compared with/to our parents, we are indeed very fortunate. 与我们的父辈相比,我们确实很幸运。,【词语辨析】 compare, contrast 这两个动词均含“比较”之意。 1)compare侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。 Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. 将这个与那个比较一下,你就会知道哪个比较好了。 2)contrast指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。 Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises. 她的行动与她的诺言有天壤之别。,【知识运用】 (1)(2009重庆25) Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_with his old one. Acomparing Bcompares Cto compare Dcompared 答案:D 本题题意:与旧房子相比,迈克尔的新房子看起来就像是一座大宫殿。compared to/with表示“与相比”,在句中担任状语。,(2)(原创)When_prices, one has to take into consideration the quality of the goods. Acompared Bbeing compared Ccomparing Dhaving compared 答案:C 本题题意:衡量价格时,也应该考虑商品的质量问题。本题考查状语从句的省略,其完整形式为:When one compares prices,.,(3)(原创)_to other methods of training currently being used, taking courses over the Internet is costeffective and flexible. ACompare BWhen comparing CComparing DWhen compared 答案:D 本题题意:与目前使用的其它培训方法相比,通过互联网上课是既省钱又灵活。本题考查状语从句的省略,其完整形式为:When it is compared to to other methods of training currently being used,.,2range (n.) 1)C, usually sing.(of sth)一系列 There is a full range of activities for children. 这里有给孩子们提供的各种活动。 2)C, usually sing.(变动或浮动的)范围,界线,区域 Several cars are available within this price range. 在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。 3)C&U视觉(或听觉)范围 It came within my range of vision. 该物体进入了我的视野。,4)C&U 射程;射击距离 The gun has a range of five miles. 这炮的射程为五英里。 5)C 山脉 Im lucky enough to have a chance of admiring the view of the great mountain range of the Alps. 我非常幸运能有机会欣赏雄伟的阿尔卑斯山脉景色。,【知识拓展】 1)within/in range(of sth)在可及的范围内,在视觉(或听觉)范围内 He shouted angrily at anyone within range. 他看见谁,就对谁吼叫。 2)out of range(of sth)超出的范围;在视觉(或听觉)范围以外 The cat stayed well out of range of the children. 这只猫离孩子们远远的。,【知识运用】 (1)(2010湖北21)This restaurant has become popular for its wide_of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. Adivision Barea Crange Dcircle 答案:C 本题题意:这家餐厅越来越出名,因为它为各类人群提供了多元化的食物。a wide range of表示“各式各样的”。,(2)Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree? No, its out of_. Arange Breach Ccontrol Ddistance 答案:A 本题题意:“你能击中树梢上的那只鸟吗?”“击不中,它在射程之外”。out of range(of sth)表示“超出的范围;在视觉(或听觉)范围以外”。,(3)(原创)Input out of_. Please enter a number between 1% and 2%. Arange Breach Ccontrol Ddistance 答案:A 本题题意:输入超出了范围。请输入一个介于1%和2%之间的数字。out of range (of sth) 表示“超出的范围;在视觉(或听觉)范围以外”。,(4)(原创)Folk songs are unlimited in form and subject matter,_from very simple to relatively complex. Arange Branged


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