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Unit 1 Trade Terms,objectives,1.To get a brief view of trade terms,3. To grasp the usages of new words,2. To be familiar with the mostly-used terms,Pre-reading questions:,1. What are the functions of trade terms? Other names: price terms/delivery terms Value: important ingredient Content: stand for 2. What do you know a bout the differences among these trade terms? A. What are E-term, F-terms. C-terms? B .The content,Guess:Be relevant to what?,Para. 1-para. 2,Para. 3-para. 4 (FOB),What is the content of FOB? What are the divisions of labor of the buyer and seller respectively?,Para. 4,Described the marketing manager as a “mixer of ingredients”,1. The concept of Marketing-popularized the term “marketing mix”; 2. 12 ingredients,Established the 4Ps model,James Culliton,Neil. H. Borden,E. Jerome McCarthy,杰罗姆麦卡锡(E. Jerome McCarthy),杰罗姆麦卡锡是密西根州立大学教授。1958年获明尼苏达大学博士学位。从教以来,发表论文多篇,并著有多本关于数据处理和市场营销方面的教科书。 麦卡锡教授曾与全美多位教授共同合作从事研究工作,多次在南美、非洲及印度等地出席国际会议。他还担任许多知名企业市场营销顾问,如DOW化学公司、3M公司等。 麦卡锡教授一直走在市场营销研究领域的前沿。他对其编著的营销教科书多次进行修订,以紧跟时代发展的步伐。,E.Jerome McCarthy主要贡献 二十世纪著名的营销学大师,美国密西根大学教授杰罗姆麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)于1960年在其第一版基础营销学中,第一次提出了著名的“4P”营销组合经典模型,即产品(Product)、价格(Price)、通路(Place)、促销(Promotion)。 4P理论的提出,是现代市场营销理论最具划时代意义的变革,从此,营销管理成为了公司管理的一个部分,涉及了远远比销售更广的领域。”今天,无论有多少新的营销名词,无论有多少关于4P过时的说法,4P都是营销管理理论的基石。,Another McCarthy,麦卡锡是共和党人,原在威斯康辛州担任律师,1942年任巡回法院法官,1946年被选为参议员,1952年连选连任。 他任职参议员期间,大肆渲染共产党侵入政府和舆论界,促使成立“非美调查委员会”(House Committee on Un-American Activities),在文艺界和政府部门煽动人们互相揭发,许多著名人士如演員查理卓别林和“原子弹之父”罗伯特奥本海默等都受到迫害,被指控为向苏联透露机密和为苏联充当间谍。,Therefore, pricing is strategic and tactical,Para. 6,The potential buyer is affected by: Absolute level of the price Its relationship to competitive prices,Para. 7,The overall level of pricing-long term Discounts & special offers-short terms,Para. 9 Channels of distribution,A channel of distribution is the complete sequence of marketing organizations involved in bringing a product form the producer to the consumer. A basic channel of distribution consists of the manufacturer, the wholesaler, the retailer, and the ultimate consumer.,Para. 9,The interrelations: Attributes: determine price, how promoted, how distributed Price: promotional vehicle, channels of distribution Promotion: involve the channels of distribution Place: constrained by product, price, promotional decisions,Additional material,The difference betw


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