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英语I(1)13-18作业答案Unit 13Match the words and phrases.地址 address 教练员 trainer 瑜珈功 yoga令人厌倦的boring 机会 opportunity 健美操aerobics令人兴奋的exciting 选择 choose信用卡credit card 包括 includeComplete the sentences.1. Chris usually goes to the gym the weekend.frominat2. There a party Friday.isatwasinwaslast3. John worried his exam.isntinisntaboutdoesntabout4. was your day yesterday?WhatWhenHow5. Do you want come Monday to Friday only?toandtofromandfrom6. A: How do you feel now? B: and Id like a drink.TiredTiringFeeling7. A: What the trainer ? B: He was great.waslikesdoeslikewaslike8. does Bob go to the gym?WhatWhenWho9. The month after next. I two gym sessions.domakeplay10. any yoga classes in the evenings?Is thereAre thereHaveRead and choose the correct answers.Xiaoyan meets the trainer at the gym and discusses a fitness schedule.Trainer: Could you stand on the scales, Xiaoyan? Ok, thanks.Xiaoyan: Could you tell me about the gym machines?Trainer: Of course. Do you want to come to a gym class or exercise on you own?Xiaoyan: Which shall I do? I think Id like to exercise on my own.Trainer: Thats OK. Could you pass me the book, Please? What time would suit you? The best time is from 8 oclock to 10 oclock in the morning, because there arent any classes then.Xiaoyan: OK. Id like to come to the aerobics class on Saturday morning at 10.Trainer: OK. Could you write your name on this list?Xiaoyan: And Id like to register for Tai Chi on Mondays.Trainer: Oh yes, thats a mew class. Could you phone tomorrow for details about that?Xiaoyan: Id like to exercise today, if plssible. Could you show me round?Trainer: Of course.1. Xiaoyan doesnt know much about the gym.TrueFalse2. The trainer would like Xiaoyan to exercise on her own.TrueFalse3. There arent any classes from 8 oclock to 10 oclock in the morning.TrueFalse4. Xiaoyan doesnt want to have the aerobics class.True False5. There is a new Tai Chi class on Monday.TrueFalseListen and fill in the gaps.Xiaoyan talks to Mary about her fitness programme.Xiaoyan: Ive got my fitness programme from the gym for this month, Mary.Mary: Which class do you have tomorrow , Xiaoyan?Xiaoyan; Tomorrow-Tuesday-I havent got a class. I do gym .Mary: Who do you do gym with?Xiaoyan: Nobody, I do two gym sessions on my own a week.Mary: So, When are your classes?Xiaoyan: This month, I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays.Mary: And what do you do next month ?Xiaoyan: I do three gym sessions, but I dont do Tai Chi-the class is cancelled.Mary: Why?Xiaoyan: The trainer is on holiday. But it starts again the month after next. So, the month after next, I do two gym sessions again and I do Tai Chi.Mary: Well. Good luck! Enjoy yourself!Unit 14Fill in the gaps.1. relaxed 2. design 3. development 4. education5. discuss 6. appoint 7. pleasant 8. major9. client 10. experienceChoose the correct answers.1. A: Chris do web-design? B: No, she .Could, canCan, cantMay, do2. Frank French very well, but he web-design and website management.can speak not, can docannot speak, cancant speak, can do3. Rose is training.experienced atexperience ofexperienced4. Rose is Frank.relaxed less thana little relaxed thanmore relaxed than5. Rose is a little than Frank questions.faster, at answeringmore fast, at nasweringless fast, to answer6. Are boy students maths than girl students.more good atmore better atbetter at7. Dan is in website management than Pam.more interesteda bit interestedmuch interested8. A: she coming back on Thursday? B: No, She back on Wednesday.Is, is comingDoes, does comeIs, isnt9. A: she doing in the aftermoon? B: She is meeting software designers at 1:00 pm.WhatsWhysHows10. When are you London Paris?leave, go toleaving, forleaving from, toRead and choose the correct answers.Dear Mr Jones,Thank you for replying to our advertisement in the Financial Times(金融时报) for the position of Website Development Manager at ABHK Bank. I am pleased to invite you for interview. Your interview is on Friday 19th September at 10:00 am. Please arrive 15 minutes before this time and go to Reception on the ground floor. A member of the ICT department will, meet you at the lift on the fitth floor.We would like you to make a short presentation(10 minutes) of your web-designs and website management projects. We would also like you to present your ideas for a new website for ABHK Corporate Banking Customers in France. This part of the presentation is in French for all the candidates. Three members of the ICT Department will attend the interview. You can ask questions in the interview about all details relating to the position.After the interview there is a short meeting with the Human Resources Director(人力资源部主管) at 11:30 am. At this time you can ask questions related to the salary and contract.For your information there is a shortlist of four candidates, and we will make a decision before the 30th September.Thank you for your interest in the position. We look forward to meeting you on Friday.yours sincerely.David ManningSenior ICT Manager1. David Manning invites Mr Jones to come a job interview.and discuss candidates beforeforagain after2. The interview is .on Friday 19th September at 10 amon Friday 19th September at 9:45 amon 30th September3. Mr Jones needs to in French.make a 10-minute presentationpresent his ideas for a new websitespeak only4. members of the ICT Department will attend the interview and candidates are coming to the interview.Three,threeFour,threeThree,four5. Mr Jones can speak to about salary .and ABHK staff, before the interviewand ICT members, at the interviewthe Human Resources Director, after the interviewListen and choose the correct answers.1. can speak 3 foreign languages.TedAliFrank and Ali2. Ali do web-design manage websites.can, but she cantcant, but she cancan, and she can3. Frank can speak French.goodnoa little4. can do web-design.Only Frank and TedOnly Ali and RoseOnly Frank and Rose5. good at training.Frank isRose isTed and Ali areUnit 15Match the words.照例 as usual 加班 do overtime 有创造性的 creative发送 deliver 取决于 depend on 确认 confirmation订购 order 主厨 chef 棒极了的 fantastic至少 at least 折扣 discount 核对 checkChoose the correct answers.1. How beer there in the glass?muchismucharemanyare2. I have an English class a week.threethree timethree times3. Dan is it his girlfriend.buyingtobuyingforbuyingat4. I think there will 50 people at tomorrows party.bebeingare5. Carlos serve the drinks and take the orders.have tohashas to6. A: We dont have any cooking apples. B: Dont worry. Ill get you.somesome forsome to7. Hurry up. We do have time.notmanynotenoughnottoo many8. Ill give .the man the bookthe book the manthe book for the man9. Is Chris the cake the party?sendingatmakingforbuyingto10. A: Do you plan the menu? B: Yes. I .have to, havehave to, dohave, do itRead and choose the correct answers.I am Carlos. I am from America, but I love Italian food. I have to take the orders and serve the food. I have two free evenings a week. But I always have to work on Friday and Saturday evenings when the restaurant is busy. The wages are not good, but I am nice to customers so I get a lot of tips. I am permanent so I get holiday paythree weeks a year. I go back to America and I see my family. There I dont have to serve foodmy mother serves me!1. Carlos is a .big restaurant ownerchefwaiter2. Carlos loves food.ItalianBritishAmerican3. Carlos works .in the daytimein the eveningsat lunchtime4. The restaurant is usually busy .on Friday and Saturday afternoonson Friday and Saturday eveningsevery day5. Carlos gets .holiday payno tips from the customersgood wagesListen and choose the correct answers.1. Marco is from Italy.TrueFalse2. Marco doesnt have to manage the kitchen staff.TrueFalse3. Marco often works in the daytime.TrueFalse4. There is a staff meeting on Thursday morning.TrueFalse5. Marco hates his job.TrueFalseUnit 16Fill in the gaps.1. painful 2. backache 3. toothache 4. system5. medicine 6. examine 7. treatment 8. dosage9. allergy 10. surgeryChoose the correct answers.1. I am not feeling very well. I the doctor.need to seeshould to seewould to see2. Mary a terrible in her chest.is, painfulhas got, sorehas got, pain3. A: are you feeling? B: I am feeling really ill.WhichWhatHow4. You go to bed and sleep.needshouldwould5. A: you got a temperature? B: I think so.HaveDoWere6. A: Whats the problem, Mrs Hill? B: My chest .painfulhurtsbad7. A: B: Ive got a bad cough.Whats the matter with you?What is it like?How was your day yesterday?8. I think I have got .coldillflu9. Hes got .a bad coughcoughingache10. You go to bed and sleep. You go to work for five days.should, shouldshould, shouldntneed, shouldntRead and choose the correct answers.Consultation Report(诊断报告)Jim FieldProblem: depression(抑郁症)Symptoms(症状): cant sleep, very tired, a bad cough.Advice:He should take sleeping tablets because he needs to sleep regularly. He shouldnt drink alcohol or coffee in the evenings for two weeks. He shouldnt smoke. He needs to eat dinner earlier in the evening and he should eat less rich food. He needs to return on 10th March to go to the sleep clinic. He doesnt need to make an appointment for this clinic, but the nurses need to examine him when he is there.1. Jim Field cant sleep well.TrueFalse2. Jim Field has got a bad cold.TrueFalse3. Jim Field shouldnt smoke.TrueFalse4. Jim Fields shouldnt have dinner in the evening.TrueFalse5. Jim Fields needs to go to see the nurse on 10th March.TrueFalse6. Jim Field doesnt need to make another appointment.TrueFalseListen and choose the correct answers.1. John has got .a pain in the chesta pain in the backa pain in the head2. John work and do some exercises for his back.should, shouldshouldnt, shouldntshouldnt, should3. The woman has got .a headachebackachestomachache4. The doctor wants .to examine the womansend the woman to the nursethe woman to take some medicineUnit 17Fill in the gaps.1. minute 2. housewarming 3. musician 4. explain5. avoid 6. permission 7. situation 8. couple9. secret 10. topicComplete the sentences.1. we go to the supermarket on Friday afternoon?AreWhat aboutShall2. Im a list of things to buy.doingmakinghaving3. Tim says he make a cake for the party.to be going togoing to is going to4. A: ? B: Thats a good idea.When can you write the invitationsWhat do you think of the invitationsWhy dont we write the invitations now5. A: So Mary, you are engaged? What a surprise! B: Yes. We get married next year. I you more in a minute.are going to, tellare going to, will tellwill, tell6. I think Guangzhou is different my hometown.fromasthan7. prepare everything today?How aboutWhy dont weWhat about8. A: Do you think London is just busy as Shanghai? B: No, I think London is busy than Shanghai.the same, lessas, asas, less9. Why does he talk to all the time? Is he OK?himselfyourselfherself10. I think people in London are as people in Beijing.more friendlyless friendlyas friendlyRead and choose the correct answers.What should I do at a party in England?What do I do at the party? You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself. You should introduce yourself to new people in the group. You should avoid personal questions about family until you know them better. Good topics of conversation are films, books, television programmes, holidays, jobs, the town you are in ,etc. You should ask for permission to smokd, say “Is it alright if I smoke?” Or, better, you should go outside to smoke, Many people dont like the smell of smoke inside. You shouldnt drink too much! And never get drunk.What do I do when I leave? If you are not a close friend of the hosts, you shouldnt be the


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