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必修1,Unit 2 English around the world,Part 1: 课文要点,.课文词汇填空 根据课文The Road to Modern English完成下列短文 At the end of the 16th century,English was only spoken by people from England. They were native speakers. Today,the largest number of people 1 _ (speak)English may be in China. A lot of Chinese people speak English 2 _ their foreign language. 3 _ English language 4 _ (change)quite a lot over the last four centuries. Old English sounded more 5_ less like German for it 6_ (base)on German,but 7 _ English sounds more like French than German 8 _ England was once ruled by the French.,speaking,as,The,has changed,or,was based,modern,because,Two people had great effects on the English changes. One was Shakespeare,who 9 _ (large)the English vocabulary; the other was Noah Webster,who wrote a dictionary 10 _ gave American English its own identity.,enlarged,that/which,.课文大意概括 阅读课文,试着用30来个单词概括课文大意或翻译下面短文。 这篇课文讲述了英语的发展史。 英语随着时间的流逝而发生了变化,全世界的人们都说英语。 The passages shows us _,The passages shows us a history of the development of English. English has changed over time and it is spoken all over the world.,Part 2 Language points,一.写出下列单词的变化形式 1统治 v_;统治者n._; 政府n._ 2流利的adj._;流利地adv._ ; 流利 n_ 3表达v._;词语,表达,表情n._;富有表情的,有表现力的adj._. 4富裕的adj._;使富裕,充实,改善 v_ 5频繁的,常见的adj._;频繁地,常见地adv._;频率n._,govern,governor,government,fluent,fluently,fluency,express,expression,expressive,rich,enrich,frequent,frequently,frequency,6逐渐的adj._;逐渐地adv._ 7办公室 n_;军官n._;官方的,正式的 adj._;政府官员n._,gradual,gradually,office,officer,official,official,二翻译词组 1在中担任角色,在中起作用_ 2充分利用_ 3因为,由于_ 4信不信由你_ 5走近,上来,被提出_ 6例如,像这种的_ 7以为基础_ 8与不同_ 9即使;尽管_ 10大量的,许多_,play a role/part in,make good/full use of,because of,believe it or not,come up,such as,be based on,be different from,even if/even though,a (large) number of,Important words and phrases,1. voyage n 航行,航海 辨析 voyage/journey/travel/trip _主要指水上或空中的旅行,是正式用语。 _多指有目的地的陆地长途旅行。 _意思广泛,可以指所有的旅行和游历,不分时间长短,不论远近,不强调用什么交通工具。 _常指时间较短,距离较近的旅行,,voyage,journey,travel,trip,1) We made a _to Australia. 2) Today is a good day for a _. 3) _is much cheaper than it used to be. 4) He is going to make a long _.,voyage,trip,Travel,journey,2. present adj. 出席,到场的(作表语或后置定语);现在的,目前的 vt. 赠予,颁发;提出, 呈递,呈现 n. 礼物 _ 目前,现在 出席会议 _ 把某物颁发给某人,at present,be present at the meeting,present sb. with sth.,/ present sth to sb.,the present situation 目前的情况,preznt,prizent,preznt,1) 会议有多少人出席? 2) 出席这次会议的大部分人是科学家。 3) 你现在的地址是什么? 4) 市长把银杯授予了获胜者。,How many people were present at the meeting?,Most of the people present at the conference were scientists .,What is your present address?,The mayor presented a silver cup to the winner.,= The mayor presented the winner with a silver cup.,3. because& because of 1) He failed the exam his laziness. 2) I did it they asked me to do it. 3) _ 约翰没有出席会议是因为他病了。 4) _ 他因你所说的话而生气.,because of,because,John didnt attend the meeting because of his illness.,He was angry because of what you said.,4. even ifeven though:即使,尽管, 后跟让步状语从句。 1) (即使我们学了冠词), we still find it difficult to use. 2) He likes to help us _. (即使他很忙).,Even if we have learned the articles,even if he is very busy,5. come up 说出下列句中come up的意思 1) A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station. 2) The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up. 3) Your question came up at the meeting. 熟记下列词组 _ 想出(计划,答案) come out _ come about 发生 偶然遇见 come over 过来 (克服X) come to共计,达到,(走近,上来),(升起),(被提出讨论),come up with,出来,开花,出版;结果是,come across,1) Would you to my flat for a visit? 2) They an old school friend in the street this morning. 3) She a new idea for increasing sales. 4) The magazine once a month. 5) Can you tell me how the accident ?,come up,came across,came up with,comes out,came about,6. such as 辨析:such as / for example / namely such as列举同类人或物中的几个例子,而不全部列出。 for example 只列出同类人或物中的一个例子。 That is to say (ie.) /namely也就是,也即(列出所有人或物)。,1)_ 我有很多爱好,比如运动,音乐还有画画 2) I visited several cities _ New York,Chicago and Boston. 3) He knows three foreign languages,_ English,French and Japanese. 4) In general, boys like football very much. Tom, , is a football fan.,I have many hobbies, such as sports, music, and painting.,such as,namely,for example,7. be based on _ 这个理论基于他十年的研究成果。,The theory was based on his ten yearsresearch.,8. than ever before 比以往更 1) 她工作比以前更努力了. 2) 经过他的努力学习,他的英语口语比以往更好了.,She worked harder than ever before.,After his hard work, his spoken English is better than ever before.,句型整理,1Actually all languages change and develop . (当不同文化互相交流渗透时) 2So . 到十七世纪, 莎士比亚能够运用大的词汇量.,when cultures meet and communicate with each other.,by the 1600s, Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.,3_ (世上)没有什么标准英语。 _ 天下没有免费的午餐。,There is no such thing as standard English.,There is no such thing as a free lunch.,4. 这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语. 1) 他今天没有来上学,这是因为他生病了. 2) 她开始努力学习了, 这是因为


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