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农业保险保费财政补贴效率研究: 基于农户级微观数据的证据,张跃华 副教授 管理学博士、经济学博士后 浙江大学社会保障与风险管理系,目 录, 1,研究背景及意义,连续十年中央1号文件,根据财政部财金(2013)7号文件:加强保费补贴资金管理,提高财政资金使用效益。,十八大报告中提出:“必须以保障和改善民生为重点,解决好人民最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题,努力让人民过上更好生活。”,十八大,一号文件, 2,农业保险绩效 评价,1、政策性农业保险的理论和实证根据 (1)农业保险的作用?实证意义上 (2)粮食产量(牲畜产量)、农户生产方式、社会福利效应(稳定、食品安全等)度量 (3)农业保险与其他支农方式的比较 (4)道德风险(欺诈)度量 2、补贴资金的分配和使用 (1)补贴资金在保险公司、农户及其他机构的分配; (2)社会受益面及赔付率 (3)农业保险保险可持续性等问题,3,美国经验借鉴,Budget: crop insurance has become the most costly farm program (outside of food and nutritional assistance). In 2011, over 265 million acres were insured in the program, with a total liability estimated at $114 billion. Federal costs of the program in fiscal year (FY) 2011 are estimated to exceed $11 billion, and the Congressional Budget Office projects that 10-year outlays over FY 201322 will exceed $90 billion.,4,Questions What Market Failure? The Harm of Subsidies Potential distortions Efficient of Subsidy As Smith (2011) pointed out, over the 20052009 period, the combination of A&O subsidies and underwriting gains resulted in a return of $1.44 to the private insurance companies for each subsidy dollar returned to farmers (in terms of the excess of indemnities over farmerpaid premiums).,WHY DOWE SUBSIDIZE CROP INSURANCE?,What is the price elasticity of demand for crop insurance? Adverse selection and moral hazard are difficult to measure and may have changed over time. To what degree do farm decision-makers experience cognitive failure when assessing catastrophic price and yield risk? With the current premium subsidy structure, subsidy per dollar of insurance protection varies dramatically across different crops and regions. To what extent does this affect planting and resource allocation decisions? What alternative subsidy designs might be less distortionary?, 5,牲畜保险对农户生产行为的影响机制研究 以生猪保险和能繁母猪保险为例, 6,研究背景及意义我国养猪业概况,2009年我国出栏生猪64538.6 万头,猪肉4890.8 万吨 ,约占世界产量的一半。2010年我国出栏生猪66686.43万头,比2009年增长3.33%。, 7,拟解决的问题:生猪(能繁母猪)保险对农户的生产行为有哪些影响? (1)生猪产量、能繁母猪存栏量? (2)生猪(能繁母猪)疫苗变化? (3)生猪死亡率变化?,研究方法,实验经济学(自愿保险与强制保险) (1)自愿保险 浙江省德清县2009年-2010年600个养猪大户跟踪调查。 全样本(年出栏量100头以上的生猪) 跟踪调查(相同农户2009年和2010年生产行为) 面对面访谈及问卷调查 研究方法:结构方程(SCI);DiD(JRI),8,hog,9,swine, 10,survey, 11,调研情况,12,调查方法及数据调查流程,本次调查针对浙江省德清县和江山市生猪养殖户,并采用分层抽样方法进行。, 13,Insurance Impact on Vaccine Use,14,Insurance Impact on Mortality Rate,15,Insurance Impact on Production,16,Conclusion,Vaccine use for hogs increased significantly after the withdrawal of insurance, while it is not significant for swines. Access to insurance significantly increases the hog production, but not significant for the swine production. swine is like capital for farmers However, all the impacts of insurance is trivial in view of scale.,17,研究方法,实验经济学(自愿保险与强制保险) (1)强制保险(自然实验) 浙江省江山市2009年-2010年1350个养猪户跟踪调查。 分层随机抽样 2008-2009年能繁母猪保险强制保险,21%的农户不知道曾经购买了保险 面对面访谈及问卷调查 研究方法:自然实验,工具变量,DiD,18,19,结论 未发现能繁母猪保险对农户生产行为产生影响。,研究进一步拓展:食品安全, 20,食品安全,“抗生猪”,即指由于饲养者经常大规模使用抗生素,导致在猪肉中含有对抗生素具有耐药性的细菌。,迄今为止,中国约有50%的兽用抗生素被用于非治疗性目的(预防性治疗),这对我国生猪出口也造成了极大的影响,我国饲养量占世界的49% ,但因为药残及疫病问题,生猪及其产


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